Thanks to gaara king of the sand for the help.

Late at night Christa sat before the fireplace, flipping idly through a book. She couldn't focus on reading, she was lost in her own thoughts. They had been in Wellington for a good two weeks and Christa still couldn't help but feel a bit anxious about being there.

Sure, Christa was more than grateful to have finally found this place. Wellington had everything they needed. Strong walls, walls that would take a great amount of effort to get pass, a hospital, a school. They didn't have to worry about food or weapons. It was the perfect place for the kids to grow up.

Christa was also glad to get Clementine away from the stress of their old group. The poor kid needed a lot of healing and Wellington could be her new start.

As much as she hated to admit it, Christa had grown to like Wellington. When they had first arrived at the town, they were told that they weren't accepting newcomers. However, when Christa informed them of their situation, told them about the kids, Edith did her best to convince the leaders to let the group in.

The agreement had been to only take the children, but Clementine had thrown a fit at the mere thought. The girl became so hysterical that Edith begged the leaders to change their minds.

At first the leaders were reluctant. They brought the children in, the babies crying, Sarah in a panic, and Clementine fighting. After seeing how inconsolable Clementine was, they gave in and allowed the adults to enter.

They had to be check over for bites and inform the doctors of any illness. The doctors spend a good amount of time checking over the babies and Clementine.

After that, the group was given the decision to stick together or split up into two different homes. Christa figured that it would be best to split up, in order for everyone to have their own space. Fortunately, they managed to get two houses side by side. And decided to just leave the doors unlocked so the older kids could stay at whichever house they pleased.

But Christa was apprehensive, groups were hard to trust. Christa always had a hard time trusting people, which is why she made sure little Clementine stayed wary of strangers. She wanted the girl to be a survivor and that meant she had to be smart. She couldn't be the innocent kid that she used her to be.

By no means was Christa expecting the kids to settle in fast, especially not after the traumatic event they had faced, but she was hoping things would be better.

Sarah had been distant since before they arrived. Becca was doing her own thing. And Christa could never tell what Clementine was thinking.

Fortunately, they had a psychiatrist who had been speaking with Clementine and Sarah, and someone else to help with Clementine's physical therapy.

The girls were slowly, but surely making progress.

Christa closed her book and laid it down. She sat for a few moments to gather herself before heading to the nursery to check on the twins. She was surprised when she noticed Clementine sitting in the rocking chair, clutching her teddy bear in her arms. The candle on the small nightstand casting a dim light over the room.

Christa raised a brow, "Clem, what are you doing in here?"

Clementine took a moment to answer. "...Thinking... I wanted to see the twins..."

"Well... They're sleep, like you should be..." Christa said. You should be in bed, Clem."

"I can't sleep." Clementine said.

"Why not, Clem?" Christa asked.

The child shrugged. "My mind keeps spinning. And the thoughts won't stop."

"What kind of thoughts?"

"Bad ones..." Clementine answered. "I'm... scared."

Christa sighed and asked, "What are you scared of?"

"People with guns... People who like to hurt other people... And... And..." Clementine replied.

"And what?"

"People like Carver..." Clementine said.

Christa frowned and walked over to the child, kneeling to her level. "Hey, no one's going to hurt you. I won't let that happen."

"You don't have to let it happen... Sometimes bad things happen, and we can't stop it..." Clementine said.

"...How'd you get in here? Where's your chair?" Christa asked.

"I didn't use it... I walked." Clementine shrugged.

"Walked?" Christa raised a brow.

"With the wall." Clementine said. "I don't need the chair... I don't like it."

"It's to help you get around…" Christa replied.

"I hate it..." Clementine said. "I don't want it."

"I know you don't..." Christa sighed. "We'll talk to the doctors about an alternative."

"What's that?"

"Something else you can use, instead of the wheelchair." Clementine said.

"Like what?"

"Maybe a… walking stick." Christa said.

Clementine frowned. "I do all the exercises they tell me. I move the pedals on the bike, but the bike doesn't go anywhere. I practice walking the steps, but they won't let me do it by myself... I just want to walk like I used to…"

"You will. You just need more time. Clem, you had two kids just months ago. Your body's still recovering." Christa said.

Clementine kept quiet.

"Come on, let's get you back in bed." Christa spoke up.

"Okay... I want to walk." Clementine said.

"Alright, Clem."

Christa offered the girl her hand and helped her to her feet. She allowed the girl to walk without any assistance. The girl used the wall to keep her balance. Christa stayed close, ready to help if the girl asked. Eventually, they got to the girl's room. Christa waited patiently for the girl to climb into bed before pulling the blanket over her.

"Christa…" Clementine called.

"Yeah, Clem?"

"Do you think Luke and the others will ever find us…?" Clementine asked.

"Clem… I…I don't know if they made it…" Christa said.

"But… But…."

"But what?" Christa asked.

"Why didn't we stay to help? Why didn't we go back?" Clementine questioned.

"It was too dangerous, Clem." Christa said. "We been over this…"

"But we could've waited for them at Parker's Run." Clementine said.

"We couldn't do that. It was too cold out there. Especially for AJ and the twins." Christa said. "Besides, staying in one spot is too dangerous…"

"Then why are we staying here?" Clementine asked. "Are we going to leave soon?"

Christa took a seat on the foot of the bed. "No… We're going to stay as long as we can…"

"But you said-"

Christa interrupted her. "This is different, Clementine."


"It's safe here." Christa said.

"It was safe at the other town." Clementine said.

"Clem, that place wasn't safe." Christa disagreed.

"It was, before we got attacked." Clementine replied.

"Okay, you're right. Maybe it was safe for a while, but I can't say I'm sad that we're not there anymore. That group was making far too many mistakes…" Christa said.

"Everyone makes mistakes…" Clementine replied.

Christa sighed. "They were just dysfunctional. And the way they acted was in no means helping you."

"I liked them…" Clementine said. "Well… Luke and Vince. They were nice… And…. And I thought Luke was the twins' daddy…"

"Clementine, look… The twins are your kids." Christa said.

"But they need a daddy!" Clementine exclaimed.

Christa shook her head. "No… They don't, Clem. They have you, their mommy."

"But… But I don't know how to be a mommy…" Clementine frowned.

"I think you're doing a good job so far. And Kenny, Sarita, and I are around to help you…" Christa said.

Clementine bit her lip. "What if they hate me when they're older?"

Christa frowned at that. "Why would you ever think they'd hate you?"

"Be-Because I couldn't make sure they had a good daddy…" Clementine said.

"They won't hate you, Clem. You've done nothing wrong. They'll forever be grateful to have you…" Christa told the child.

"You think so?"

"I know so." Christa said as she tucked a stray curl behind the child's ear. Noting the child felt warm, she said. "You got another fever…" Stress fevers were almost a normal thing when it came to Clementine, ever since the night she had the twins, but lately Christa was worried as the girl seemed to be getting them more and more often.

"Do I?" Clementine asked in a whisper.

"Yes. You need some rest. No more bad thoughts, okay." She knew thinking negative before bed usually resulted in Clementine have a nightmare.

"Okay…" Clementine said. "Can you stay until I fall asleep."

"Sure, I will." Christa said.

"Thank you." Clementine said.

As the days went on things seemed to be gradually getting better. Sarah had started speaking again, though she had convinced herself that her father would come back…

Kenny had started working as a guard in town.

And much to Sarita's delight, some of the doctors had offered to make her an artificial arm.

Things were pretty calm. Though, they were mostly inside because of heavy snowfall, they quickly became accustomed to the town. Christa was just glad they had found the place when they did, she would have hated to have the kids stuck in the snow.

Things were going well, until Christa noticed that Aleena was constantly having trouble breathing. She spoke to the doctor about any remedies.

The doctor did an observation of the child's respiratory rate. He inspected the baby's chest and listened to her breathing with a stethoscope. And after a few days of assessing the baby, he determined that the infant may have some kind of lung issue.

"What are our options?" Christa asked the doctor.

The doctor spoke up, "Right now, we'd like to keep her at the hospital for a few days so-"

"No!" Clementine cut in.

Christa looked the girl with a frown. "Clem-"

"They're not taking her!" Clementine exclaimed.

"We just want to run some test on her, so we can properly diagnose her." The doctor said.

"No... I don't want you to take her." Clementine said.

The doctor and Christa exchanged looks. "I'll talk to her..."

The doctor gave a nod.

Once the doctor had left Christa sighed. "Clem… Listen to me…."

"He's not taking my baby…" Clementine said.

"I know you're nervous… But it's only going to be for a few days…" Christa said. "So they can make sure she's healthy… I'll go with her…"

"And what will I do…?" Clementine asked.

"I want you and Crystal to stay with Kenny and Sarita. They'll look after you..." Christa said.

"What about Promise?"

"Him too." Christa said.

"...Okay." The child agreed.

"That's my girl. I need you to be brave for Aleena..." Christa said.

Clementine nodded. "I will..."

"Good." Christa said.



"Everything's gonna be okay, right?" Clementine asked.

Christa nodded. "Everything will be fine. I promise..."

"Someone's tired." Kenny said as he noticed little Clementine fast asleep on the couch the next day.

"She has a fever." Christa informed.

"Again?" Sarita asked.

"Yeah. The doctor dropped by and checked in on her and the twins," Christa explained.

"What did he say about her fevers?" Kenny asked.

"Same thing Carlos had been saying, the fevers are stress induced." Christa said.

"Poor kid." Kenny said.

"She'll be fine with some rest…" Christa said. "She's had her medicine…."

"Well, how are the twins…?" Sarita asked.

"Fast asleep, right now." Christa said.

"You look like something's bothering you…" Sarita noted.

Christa sighed. "I was hoping you two could keep an eye on Clementine and Crystal for me for a few days."

"A few days?" Kenny asked. "Where are you going?"

"The hospital." Christa answered.

"Is everything okay?" Sarita asked.

"I don't know yet… Aleena's been having trouble breathing, which is nothing new, but they want to run some test on her…" Christa replied.

"Guess that's what has Clem so stressed." Kenny sighed.

"Yeah. She's scared out of her mind…." Christa said. "I'm worried too…"

"I'm sure she'll be okay…" Sarita said.

"I hope so…" Christa said.

"We'll look after them for you. It's no problem." Kenny said.

"I appreciate it." Christa replied.

The first two days Christa and Aleena were away, Clementine's nerves were all over the place. Sarah and Becca did their best to keep the girl focused on other things, but it proved to be difficult.

The little girl had clear separation anxiety. She began clinging to Crystal like she was a lifeline, couldn't be away from her for more than a few minutes.

Kenny and Sarita were concerned for the young girl. She was so nervous she wasn't eating much or getting much sleep. And the girl was getting constant stress fevers.

Clementine didn't move an inch when Kenny stepped into the nursery. She didn't speak a word or look to him.

"How you doing, Clem?" Kenny asked.

There was no response from the child. She just sat in the rocking chair, while her daughter slept peacefully in her crib.

Kenny sighed, the girl's face was a bit flushed, he decided to check her for a fever.

Clementine finally glanced up from the rocking chair as she felt a hand touch her forehead.

"You got a fever, darlin'…" Kenny said. "You feeling okay?"

Clementine simply shrugged.

"Can you take your medicine for me?"

Clementine kept quiet for a moment before asking in a small voice. "...When's Aleena coming home?"

"Soon, darlin'..." Kenny said.

"I miss her." Clementine muttered.

"I know you do..." Kenny replied.

"Kenny…" Clementine's voice was quiet as she spoke, "Am I a bad mom?"

"Why would you think that?" Kenny asked.

"Because I had my babies…. premature..." Clementine said.

"Oh, Clem... That's not your fault. Don't ever think that." Kenny said.

"Then who's fault is it?" Clementine asked.

Kenny thought about saying it was Troy's and Tavia's fault, but he knew the girl didn't remember them, and there was no point in bringing them up the child who was already hurting. "Clem, you're small... You're a little kid. It's surprising that you even managed to carry them as long as you did without having a miscarriage."

Clementine furrowed her brows. "What's a miscarriage?"

"It's... when the baby dies during the pregnancy..." Kenny answered.

Clementine gasped at that. "I... I'm glad that didn't happen."

"I know, darlin'." Kenny said.


"Yes, Clem?

"Is Aleena gonna be okay?" Clementine asked.

"I'm sure she will. She's a fighter, like her mama." Kenny said.

Clementine felt a tiny smile cross her lips, "Yeah, you're right."

"Of course I am." Kenny said. "Can you take your medicine now?"


On the third day, Kenny had spoken to Edith while on guard duty about letting Clementine have a walkie-talkie to speak with Christa and check in on her daughter.

Edith figured it was smart and managed to pass the idea, along with a spare radio, over to Christa.

When Kenny returned home and offered Clementine to hold on to his radio, the child looked at him like he had just kicked a puppy.

"Everything okay, darlin'?" Kenny asked.

"I… I don't want it." Clementine stammered, terrible memories resurfacing.

"Why not, Clem?" Kenny asked. "You used to love your walkie-talkie. You took that thing everywhere."

"Used to…" The girl said.


"It ruined lives! It got people killed! I got people killed…" Clementine's voice cracked as she fought back tears.

Kenny frowned, feeling his heart clench at her words. "Clementine…"

"I killed Lee." Clementine said.

"That's not true." Kenny said.

"Yes it is!" Clementine said, shoulders shaking. "It's my fault."

Kenny pulled the child into an embrace, feeling tears wet his shirt.

"He's dead because of me…" Clementine said through her tears.

"Clem, what happened wasn't your fault." Kenny tried to sooth the child.

The child sobbed her little heart out in his arms, repeating over and over how things were her fault.

Kenny did his best to sooth her, telling her it wasn't her fault. He felt horrible for even showing her the radio now. "Hon, everyone made a choice. We wanted you to be safe. Don't blame yourself…" Kenny said as he hugged the girl closer, rubbing circles on her back.

When the girl finally calmed down, Kenny sighed. "I didn't mean to upset you, Clem…"

"You didn't…"

"I did… But listen… I just wanted to help…" Kenny said. He carried the child over to the couch and sat her down before taking a seat beside her. "I know you've been missing Leena,"

"I want to see her." Clementine said.

"I know you do, Clem." Kenny said.

"I want to see her today."

"Tell you what, I'll take you to see her tomorrow." Kenny offered.

Clementine's eyes widened. "Really?"

"Really. But for now, maybe you could use the radio to talk to Christa and-"

"N-No!" Clementine flinched away. "I don't want to touch it…"


"Someone will die if I do…" Clementine claimed.

Kenny shook his head. "No one's gonna die, hon."

"How do you know?" Clementine asked.

"I just do…" Kenny said.

"Bad stuff always happens around me. Because I'm naughty! I'm a naughty whore!" Clementine said.

"No, no, no! Don't say stuff like that. You're not naughty. And you're certainly NOT a whore." Kenny said.

Clementine stayed silent as she still refused to touch the radio.

Kenny sighed. "What if I hold it for you?"


Kenny started to press the button, but Clementine stopped him, causing him to raise a brow.

"Wait…" Clementine said.

"What's wrong?"

"I… I'm nervous." The child admits.


"What if…something bad happened?" Clementine muttered.

"Bad like what?"

Clementine shrugged. "I don't know… What if something's wrong with my baby?"

"Everything's gonna to be okay. I promise…"


Kenny hit the button on the radio and spoke, "Christa, you there?"

A few seconds of silence passed.

Kenny watched Clementine's expression. The child looked nervous.

Finally, a response came crackling over the handheld device. "Kenny? Yeah, I'm here."

Kenny looked to Clementine, waiting to see if she would say something.

The girl's face was filled with anxiety and she looked as if she was torn between speaking and staying quiet.

"I got Clem here with me." Kenny said into the radio.

"Hey, Clementine. How are you doing?" Christa voice replied after a couple seconds.

Kenny hit the button and urged Clementine to respond.

The child did. "O-Okay... How's Aleena?" Clementine waited for the response, biting at her lower lip.

"She just finished off a bottle. So she's a happy camper right now." Christa said.

Clementine sighed in relief. A moment later, little coos were heard over the walkie-talkie causing Clementine to smile.

Kenny passed the radio to the girl, who hesitantly accepted.

"I want to see her. When are you coming back...?" Clementine asked into the walkie-talkie.

The radio crackled a bit as Christa answered, "Hopefully in a day or two. How's Crystal?"

"She's sleeping." Clementine replied.

"That's good. You're behaving yourself, right."

"Of course she is. She wants to stop by tomorrow." Kenny answered before Clementine could speak a word.

There was a silence, longer than before. "Umm... I don't know if that's a good idea..."

Clementine felt her heart drop. "Why not?"

"Well... things are really busy lately, but don't worry. We'll be home soon." Christa said.

"...I miss you both..." Clementine said.

"We miss you too." There's another pause before Christa's voice come through again. "I'm going to get Aleena to sleep. Call me tomorrow."

"...Okay..." Clementine said.

Another few seconds drifted by before Christa said, "I'll give her lots of hugs and kisses for you."

"Thanks Christa..." Clementine said before placing the radio down.

"Feel better?"

"No... Can you still take me to see her?" Clementine asked.

"Sure I will, Clem." Kenny said.


"Why don't you try to get some rest?" Kenny suggested. "It's getting late."

"Okay... But..." Clementine trailed off, looking to the walkie-talkie.

"It's all yours, Clem. You can hang onto that until Christa and Aleena come home." Kenny said.

"Thank you..."

The next morning, the doctor had perform a standard check of Aleena's oxygen level. The baby had a small nasal cannula under her nose, in order to help her to receive direct oxygen from a nearby oxygen tank. Christa was worried about maneuvering it around once they got back home.

After the doctor had finished the check up, he left the room.

Christa bottle fed the infant, though Aleena wasn't too fond of the formula. She hadn't been eating much.

When a knock came at the door Christa sighed, expecting to see another doctor. She was surprised when Kenny stepped in, pushing Clementine in her wheelchair.

"What are you two doing here?" Christa looked surprise to see them.

"Clem finished therapy early, so we figured we'd come by to see you." Kenny said. "How's the baby?"

"She's been pretty active lately. She rolled over a couple times. Think she's gonna start sitting up on her own soon." Christa said.

"Can I hold her?" Clementine asked. "Please?"

"Sure you can." Christa stood and hand the baby to the little girl.

"Why's this tube in her nose?" Clementine asked.

"It's to help her breathe..." Christa said.

"What's wrong with her?" Kenny asked.

"I don't know yet..." Christa replied.

Kenny raised a brow. "What did the doctors say?"

"They don't know yet either..." Christa replied.

Clementine started to speak, but before she could get a word out another knock came at the door.

"Come in." Christa called.

The door opened to reveal a doctor. "Looks like we got a full house today."

"Yeah, we do." Christa said.

"Well, I'm got some news..." The doctor said.

"What is it?" Christa asked, trying to keep her voice calm.

"Perhaps the child shouldn't be present..." The doctor asked, motioning to Clementine.

"It's her baby... She should be here..."

The doctor gave a surprise look at the before saying. "…Okay…"

Clementine felt her heart start to pound as she wondered what he would say next.