"Alright. Time we investigated these attacks in EDEN." Axl said.
"Yeah, and we'll have to go into Cyberspace and investigate." Ace said. "Is everyone ready?"
"Hold up, hold up, hold up!" Hope said as his group entered. "You're not seriously gonna go it alone, are you?"
"Actually, we were hoping you might come. Since David is helping Sachiko right now, it'll be just us and our groups." Ace said. "Let's go then."
As the group entered EDEN, Anna used her Laptop to help Navigate.
"I'm going through the scanners on EDEN, locating any trouble." Anna said before getting a signal. "Got something!"
(Cue: Mega Man X8: Hunter Base-Going to the Front)
"All units, report in! Got a 10-22 in EDEN. there's this… Huge, pink ball thing bouncing around and causing destruction in the area."
"Spirit Force and Shining Hope Squad, investigate and provide backup." Anna said.
"Gotcha. X, Zero, Axl, you take the lead on this." Hope said.
"Roger." X said.
(Music Change: Megaman X8: Boss Intro)
Rock music played as a large pink ball robot appeared as it waved its arms.
"I'm not sure what's going on. But the unknown hostile seems to be attacking with...bouncy balls. Just in case, use extreme caution." Anna said.
"Bouncy Balls?" Ace asked.
"That doesn't seem like a weapon a normal attacker would use." Hope said.
"In any case let's check it out." X said.
(Cue: Megaman 11- Bounce Man Stage)
They appeared in a section of EDEN where it had been completely reprogrammed to look like an indoor athletic center with bouncy balls on the walls.
"Someone's been busy redecorating…" Zephyr said.
"Yeah, let's see what we can-WAAAAAHHHH!" Mari said before she fell onto a few bouncy balls and bounced around the place.
"Mari, are you alright?!" Al asked.
"Just...Peachy….Thank….You." Mari said each time she bounced into the air.
"Well, when in Rome…" Hope said bouncing on the floating balls. "Whoo! Hey, this is kinda fun!"
"Let's bounce!" Ace said bouncing as well. "Hey! I think we can use these to help us reach the ladders if we time it right!"
"It's all in the rhythm!" Ibuki said bouncing.
"Boing! Boing! Boing." Al said in three different tones of voice.
"Bannana!" Hiyoko said.
Eventually, the groups bounced their way through the stage and saw some of the EDEN data was being stolen by Mechaniloids and other robots.
"Wait a second… those are Mechaniloids! How could any hacker get his hands on those?" Hope asked.
"Someone probably more than a hacker." Ace said as they soon approached a large door and entered it.
"Everyone, can you hear me?" Anna asked. "The enemy is capable of scattering itself when struck by a piercing attack, so watch out when it does."
"This is getting weirder by the minute…" Hope said as they entered a sky room as no one was there.
"Oh boy, new playmates!" a cheery voice said as bouncing all around them was a large pink robot with spherical hands attached to bungee-like hands and stubby legs. "I can't believe you guys finally came to play with Boucneman! So you're the heroes that the masters keep talking about!"
"What the… is that a Maverick?" Zero asked.
"Maverick? What's a Maverick? I'm a Robot Master." Bounceman said.
"A Robot Master? So that means… no, I can't jump to conclusions yet." Hope said. "Why are you attacking EDEN?"
"Attacking? I'm just having fun. And getting these shiny bits for the masters too." Bounceman said holding up a cluster of data bits that had a dark blue color and there was a moon like symbol in the center of them. "Pretty, huh?"
Ace held his Digivice up to the cluster as it went off. "No doubt about it, that's some of Tsuki's Data he's got."
X activated his buster. "You're going to hand over those data bits, or else!"
"Rude! Why don't we play a bit? You win, these data bits are yours. But I don't think you're gonna win my game." Bounce man said hopping.
"Fine, you wanna play? Let's play!" Axl said.
Warning! Warning! Warning!
(Cue- Vs 8Boss- Megaman X8)
"I bet you can't bounce like this!" Bounceman said as he bounced around in a diagonal pattern before stopping as he stretched one of his arms to try and punch the groups.
"Whoa!" Hope said as he nearly got hit. "This guy's not like any of the Robot Masters I met before, this one's really packing a punch, literally!"
"I got em! Charge Shot!" X said as he fired a charge shot at Bounceman, only for something unexpected to happen.
"Again, AGAIN!" Bounceman said recoiling back from the blast and bouncing all over the stage.
"What the?" Zero said.
"Anna, what's going on? This thing took a Charge Shot to the face and it suddenly picked up momentum!" Axl said.
"Well since his body structure is spherical, he can easily recover from a charge shot like that." Anna said.
"He did take damage though." Zero said. "If shooting him only makes him go faster, I'll try cutting him!"
Zero drew his saber. "This should do it. Youdantsu!" He called out as he dealt a powerful thrust, only for Bounceman to scatter into bouncy balls of different sizes.
"BA-BOING!" He called out.
"Look out!" Ichiro called as they evaded the ball attacks as Bounceman reassembled himself after awhile.
"Shoop!" he said.
"Now's our chance to attack!" X said. "Let's try this! Nova Strike!" He said as he jumped into the air and launched towards Bounceman like a comet.
Bounceman took damage while absorbing the attack and bounced off the walls. He then tucked his arms and legs into his body and suddenly glowed blue.
"Woo! Speed Gear!" Bounceman said.
"Speed Gear?" Ace asked.
Bounceman then started bouncing all over the place at a higher velocity, knocking around the groups with incredible speed.
"This isn't good, he's bouncing all over us!" Gemini said.
"Anybody got a way to stop him?" Hope asked.
"I do!" Al said. "Slowga!" She called out as a glyph of a slow-moving clock appeared around Bounceman slowing him down.
"Huh? What gives?" Bounceman asked.
"He's vulnerable! X, Zero, Axl, light him up!" Hope said.
"Alright, time for a link attack!" X said as Bounceman was trapped in a digital dimension of some kind as X, Zero, and Axl appeared in the center.
"Here we go!" X said.
"Let's do it!" Zero said.
"Let's work together!" Axl said.
X fired a charged buster laser while Zero slashed through Bounceman and Axl unloaded a barrage of bullets onto him before stopping as they warped away as Bounceman sparked a bit.
"Aww…. playtimes over!" Bounceman cried before exploding into pink lights in six directions.
"Ace quick, load Tsuki's data into your digivice, before it disappears!" Mari said.
"Right!" Ace said as he ran over and held his digivice out as the data cluster slowly went into it.
"Dianamon's data at...25%" The Digivice said.
Not only did Bounce Man drop the data, but a blue gear also clanked to the ground along with a large metal chip descending.
"Hey, that must be that Speed Gear thing." Hagakure said picking it up. "Mari, this looks like something you could analyze." She said throwing it to her.
"Alright, I'll check it out when we get back." Mari said.
"Looks like that Robot Master also dropped his Special Weapon." Zero said.
X's armor turned a light pink before he fired off a multitude of bouncy balls before they exploded.
"Hmm. Not bad." X smiled. "It's no Maverick Special Weapon, but it'll do. Bounce Ball, scanned and acquired."
Axl also scanned Bounce Man's data. "Alright! I got his data!" He said before transforming into Bounce Man and reverting back.
"Aren't you gonna scan the weapon, Zero?" Gemini asked.
"Hmm." Zero scanned Bounce Man's data as well as his saber turned Purple. "Tenkuuha, acquired."
"Isn't that the technique you learned from Slash Beast? Why would Bounce Man have it?" X asked.
"No idea." Zero said.
"We should head back to the Agency until another attack in EDEN shows its face." Sakura suggested.
"Good idea." Ichiro said. "But I have a feeling that the rest of these new Robot Masters will be just as strong, or maybe even stronger. Everyone, we must be vigilant and prepared."
"Yeah." Ace said.