There always seemed to be something about her eyes.

They looked dull upon first glance, jet black against her porcelain skin. He can remember when he first saw her and the expression she wore that day. Serious, calculating, analyzing the events unfolding before them. She had impressed him that day. Her knowledge surprised the dual quirk user for he didn't quite know that someone could truly be that smart. She was, however.

It was some time before he began to notice the changes in her eyes. Perhaps it was right before the exam that he became aware of how unusual they truly were. She was down that day, as she had been since the sports festival. Funny, her eyes had never seemed so lifeless before that point in time. Discussions where she could give facts and debate normally eased some of the lackluster from her eyes yet it never truly ceased.

Then, she got asked to tutor and it was almost as if a switch was turned on.

They came to life in that moment. Inkwells dancing with reflections of the overhead lights, excitement pooling in the darkest depths of her eyes. A faint flush had appeared on her face once she began rambling about the various types of teas she could provide and he was a little enamored. The dusting of pale pink against her milky skin combined with that look in her eye was certainly more than enough to pique his interest.

They were different in battle, however. Their final exam was a success (mostly due to her brains with a bit of help from his brawns) and he had gotten another glimpse at the various layers in the intensity her eyes possessed. Intense was a word he would use to describe Bakugou or Iida, but never Momo Yaoyorozu. After that day he could see it in her eyes. Just like that first day, she wore the same calculating expression across her pretty face. Her eyes merely brought the entire look to life. They devoured the light around them with the sheer intensity of her concentration. Her eyebrows had furrowed in focus on her creations and he could see the gears turning in her head. One look at her, then, and he knew she was an unstoppable force of strategy and execution.

Nothing beat the lights in her eyes, however.

A crowd of people surrounded them and yet, he was fixated on her. Yaoyorozu stood at his side, those ink pools focused on the giant screen above. All Might was fighting and he knew he should be watching, should be concerned for their teacher's wellbeing. He wasn't, however. Not in that moment. Not when all the bright lights seemed to come into existence in her eyes. They were galaxies, the various colors melding into one brilliant nebula. He was left wondering just how people could prefer blue or green when eyes like hers existed.

Perhaps that was why he couldn't move away from her now, even when he was clearly invading her personal space.

She stared at him, chest heaving beneath him in a feeble attempt to catch her breath. They had been sparring since the fight between All Might and All for One. She was, after all, a master in bojutsu and he needed to stop relying on the brute force of his quirks. He wanted to learn from her and that mind of hers.

"Todoroki..?" She murmured. His eyes flickered toward her lips for a moment and as he subconsciously darted his tongue across his lips, his focus returned to her eyes. The expression she wore… Damn it. His composure faltered slightly, small fissures coming to the surface from just one look at her wide eyes and rosy cheeks. Her breath fanned across his face and in the back of his mind he was aware of the subtle inch his head had just moved. He was getting closer it seemed and oh he knew he should stop. He just simply didn't want to.

His gaze dropped from her eyes to her lips as she opened them to speak, the words dying in her throat before they even hit the small space between them.

"I," she attempted. He took note of the slight tremor in her voice, the barely noticeable shiver that gently rolled over her body below him. Yet, Shouto Todoroki couldn't bring himself to move. His face inched closer to her own and despite watching her eyes dart between his own and his lips, he couldn't stop. The need to feel her lips on his was overpowering, what with the killer combination of those wide shadowy eyes and her plump lips. He closed the distance with ease and yet, as his lips were mere inches from her own and as her eyes fluttered closed in anticipation, he stopped.

"Sorry," he breathed.

At the sound of his voice, she blinked as confusion settled across her features. He noticed a flicker of disappointment pool in her eyes before it was blinked away into the ever growing depth of ink. She caught him off guard, then, words spilling from her lips before she could stop them.

"Shut up and do it."

Her hoarse voice startled him, wide eyes staring down at her own. Uncertainty settled between them as she immediately looked away. The dusting of pink across her cheeks grew darker in response and a small smirk took over his lips. This girl never ceased to surprise him.

Shouto closed the distance with ease, then, more than happy to oblige per her request. His lips pressed against her own, gentle and a bit unsure. Truthfully he wasn't sure what the hell he was even doing. He didn't know if he would be good at this but her eyes drew him in. They were alluring like sirens in the deep depths of the oceans but he would gladly let them drown him.

He pulled away a second later, uncertain if he should continue or not. His eyes took in her face, her lips not moving and her pretty eyes still closed. She stayed like that for a few moments and he wasn't sure if he had messed it up after that. Once her eyes opened, however, he was met with a tender look and a soft smile. He matched her smile with one of his own as he finally began to move off of her, offering an outstretched hand.

"Next time are you gonna say please?" He snickered, earning an eye roll and a soft shove from Yaoyorozu once she was on her feet. Their training continued after yet it felt different. The awkward tension that he feared was nowhere to be found, instead replaced with flirting and a few gentle kisses.

He couldn't resist that sultry look in her dark eyes, after all.

notes hi yes it me~ finally managed to get some writing done so here's a new drabble for you guys! i hope you enjoy. hopefully it's not too bad, i think i'm a little rusty ^~^; anyway, i tried to work on descriptions a little so there's a bit of a focus on yaomomo's eyes in this one but hopefully it's a tasteful focus and not super obnoxious~ i hope to have more updates for this series as well as let it burn soon but life can be a bit hectic so i'll try to update as soon as i can. thank you so much for reading, enjoy