Shota noted that Izuku was sort of dragging her feet as she got ready to leave campus with him for the day. Mostly because the girl was likely fretting over what was going to happen or be said between Bakugo and Toshinori. Not that he could totally blame her. One wrong word or action could send Toshi over the deep end.

And then he would wind up having to clean up each and every mess left behind.

Especially if the man was dumb enough to lash out while close to Izuku.

"I'm done getting ready Awizawa-sensei." Izuku's voice said somewhere close to him, jolting him out of his troubled thoughts so that he could look at the girl. And man was he surprised when he did. Izuku normally looked pretty cute, even if she had just rolled out of bed and had bed head hair.

But now- now she was...teenage girl cute in her white calf length sundress with loose, elbow length sleeves and mint and emerald embroidery along with little pastel pink and yellow thread flowers. Her long blackish-green hair had been brushed and painstakingly pulled up into pigtails. She didn't bother with wearing much in the way of makeup- to be perfectly honest, he would have preferred it if she wore none at all.

Shota was at that peculiar age where he could appreciate a female's beauty more if they didn't wear any makeup whatsoever.

But he understood that Izuku was at that weird age where she was still trying to find what works for her. She wasn't wearing any foundation that he could tell. But she was wearing a little bit of blush, a soft pink from the looks of it, to add some color to her already pale cheeks and some lip gloss and that was it.

All in all, he approved of her appearance and made sure to let her know it by letting out a choked sounding, "Wow," Before tacking on, "You look really cute kid. Now grab a light coat just in case you get chilly later on and we'll head out."

"O-Oh, okay." Izuku said awkwardly as she wandered away from him to do as he had bid her. Once that was done the two of them headed out of the dorm, not noticing that Shoto, Iida, and a few others of Izuku's class were watching them from a short distance away.

"Hey did you just see-" Iida asked as he quickly looked towards Shoto. The red and white haired teen nodded his head slowly as he tried to wrap his head around what he'd just seen. There was no question that the dark haired girl in the sun dress was Izuku.

She simply had far too many physical characteristics similar to his young friend.

"Was that Izuku?" Someone else asked.

"I wonder what she's doing with Aizawa-sensei." Froppy said curiously as she tilted her head to the side in an inquisitive manner.

"I don't know," Shoto said as he cracked his knuckles and eyed the two figures as they disappeared through the front gate of the school. "But I intend to find out. Who wants to come with me?"

Iida's hand automatically went up.

Shota sat across from Izuku at a small café that was some ways down the street from the school, near the mall where he intended to take Izuku shopping for baby stuff after they ate breakfast. Izuku was in the midst of ordering her meal, something disgusting and weird thanks entirely to her food cravings, no doubt.

Meanwhile he kept his eyes on his menu, and tried to both tune her order out- there was no point in him eating if she grossed him out with her order before hand- and tried to stay focused on keeping her adequately distracted from the lack of Toshinori's presence.

Finally she was done with her order and handed her menu off to the server who scampered off to get her her drink.

No doubt hoping to sort of escape the crazy pregnant girl while he could when Shota decided on what he was going to get and then slowly closed his menu and then set it aside on the table when he felt Izuku's small hand nudge his own and froze for a second as the thought, Dear god she wants to hold my hand, flit through his alarmed mind before he heard Izuku say softly,

"Here," And looked down at her hand and was so, so relieved to see that she was just trying to hand him some money. Blinking at the small wad of bills that she held, he then looked up at her face as she said, "I know that it isn't much but..."

Waving her hand and the money away he said, "Keep it. You might find something at the mall that you can't live without."


"No arguments kid." Shota said as the server finally came back as she was putting the money away, and set her drink down before then turning to him and taking out his little note pad and asking Shota what he wanted. The classic American breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and a biscuit and gravy on the side.

His favorite.

Toshinori had introduced him to the classic American breakfast back when the café had opened up when they were in their twenties and it had been Shota's favorite ever since. There was hardly a week that went by that he didn't eat it at least three or so days a week.

The server scampered off again to get him his drink, leaving him and Izuku to sit awkwardly in silence for a little bit as they both tried to think of something to say or converse about. Finally Shota managed to ask her what sort of baby items she wanted to get. Which seemed to perk the kid up some as she thought for a moment before listing, a bed, some toys, books, and clothing.

She muttered something about not knowing how she would fit anything else beyond that in her dorm room. And it was on the tip of Shota's tongue to tell her that the school had had pregnant students before, it simply hadn't happened much before because most girls had the common sense to be on birth control and take morning after pills.

However he stopped himself from saying this just in time, seeing as Izuku's circumstances were a great deal different from those girls. But he digressed.

He would have to tell her at some point that she would be moving into the same building that the teachers lived in since it was also the same one that held the dorm rooms for the pregnant teens. Though right now, Izuku would be the only expectant mother there since everyone else had either found the rigors of motherhood and hero school too difficult and either dropped out or flat out quit to raise their children.

Finally deciding on a safer route, he said softly. "Don't worry about the rest of the stuff kid. If you need it, we'll find a way to get it for you."