1100's team is getting along and becoming comfortable with one another

But there are some boundaries to break and some to leave alone.

Trust is quite a mercenary.


"Stop that."

What? I just thinking-"

"No, you cannot use another weapon other than a dagger, 4989."

1100 lets out sigh. The energetic boy was now giving him the puppy dog eyes. In his hands was a stick from a nearby tree branch with the Myelocyte's starter knife taped to the front. They were outside during a combat lesson today and he finds 4989 taking out a weapon bigger than his hand. The alarm in his head took a slight shift when he saw the stick.

Sometimes ago, he doesn't remember when exactly, but his youngest student starting using other weapons. Weapons made from just about anything. From spears to axes made from cardboard and things he usually he found on the ground.

Today, it was spears.

While he applauds 4989's creativity, proper White blood cells only use daggers.

And it's getting a bit tiring hearing the other mentors tell him why a Myelocyte is out a control with literal sticks and stones in combat.

"It can be an awesome weapon! Those germs won't know what'll hit 'em!" 4989 ran his hand excitedly along his craftsmanship.

Oh dear.

"We tried telling him. But he makes them in his free time." 2001 says with a tone laced with an annoyed dislike for the bizarre creation. Behind him with his arms crossed in line with the rest of his team was their tilted and amused faces. Except for 1146, who was simply frowning.

He politely raised his hand.

"Yes, 1146?"

"How come we only use daggers?" He asked.

"Yeah! Why can't we use other cool ones?" 4989 cut in, his hand still clutching his spear like project. 2001 was creeping up behind him and snatched his makeshift weapon away. 4989 glared and tried to reach as 2001 hovered it in the air.

How come? The question never really surfaced in his mind before. White blood cells always use hand held daggers. That's their hostility towards the germs. Of course, other weapons would be ideal…..

But 1100 supposes the immune system wouldn't be any different if they used the same weapons.

"Every immune cell is very different, even if we are related, we all have our own methods on taking down bacteria. It shouldn't matter how, as we all have the same job in the end."

The shine in 4989'S eyes glinted at the statement which could mean he really can use other weapons...

"Ah but," 1100 looks at each and everyone, especially 4989, "Does a White Blood cell really need other weapons other than a dagger? Are you all saying we are not strong with that alone?"

"No, of course not." 2001 shouted with confidence.

"A knife is all we need." 1146 nods.

"Yeah!" 2626 and 2048 exclaim.

1100 turns to 4989 letting out grumbled sigh. "I guess…." He admits with little defeat, but 1100 can see the glint in his eyes as only he knows is going to come back anytime soon.

As he's wondering how to motivate him to only use blades, 2001, who took 4989 makeshift spear, wears a sweet yet not so sincere smile as he raises his leg and breaks spear in half. 4989 freezes before he screams for his lost possession.


The rest of the morning is 1100 prying 4989 off of 2001.

Later that day there was more combat training for Myelocytes in the Bone Marrow courtyard. All of them were taking turns with their starter knives slicing threw the air and trying to score a hit on their opponents. Since his total number of student equaled an odd number, one of them had to sit out and wait. But 1110 suggested that waiting time could be use to learn from the movements or to help cheer and give advice to either side of the fight.

At the moment, 2001 was held at the sideline. He was watching both fights with his fierce eyes. 1100 noticed that his eyes were trained on 4989 the most.

Since 4989 just joined the ranks, he needed to be on par with the group in battle stances.

However, up against 1146, he was proving difficult to even touch him.

Which was reasonable. 4989's footing was out of place, his swings were unsteady, and his defense was wide open. He knew 1146 is quite aware, so the older Myelocyte doesn't act brash to end him right there.

No. His team have become a bit protective over the youngest.

1100 hears 2001 shouting at 4989. "Keep your arm steady, don't go in too quickly!"

1146, ever the generous boy, doesn't take advantage of 4989 looking somewhere other than his opponent. He too, wants to help him get better.

"I got it! Just give me a second." He shouted, coming at 1146 with unbalanced blows from all over. 1146 frowned as he effortlessly dodged.

2001 throws his hands in the air in an exasperated sigh. 1100 can hear him grumble that he doesn't listen at all.

Alright. Let's change plans.

1100 claps, every movement around stops and heads turn his way.

"Let's switch, 2001 against 1146, and 2626 against 2048. 4989, on the sidelines."

4989 groaned, "Aww, but why?"

"We take turns, it wouldn't be unfair to let someone stand for too long." He explained.

"You'll come back soon." 1146 gives him a small smile.

"Yeah, don't cry about it." 2048 teases.

"If you want to lose that badly….." 2626 starts but 1100 gives him a side glance.

"C'mon, all of you line up." 1100 heads over the 4989 as the four boys break into teams and take their stance. The youngest Myelocytes sits on the ground with his knees meeting the tip of his chin as he stares with his large innocent eyes.

"Hey scamp," he teases smiling at the boy's curious raised eyebrow, "Let's pay attention to the team's here, okay?"

4989 nods and eyes the teams, more specifically, 1146's and 2001's fluid and planned movements. "Look at the way 1146 goes at 2001." He holds his finger to glide and follow along with 1146's movement's. "The way he holds back with enough time to defend against his opponent, and come in with the most effective move set."

He's aware his words make 4989 confused.

"So, 1146 is gonna win? Is he the strongest?"

1100 chuckles as he pokes 4989's forehead. While the oldest was one of the top fighters, it wasn't relevant to this lesson. "Its not about strength. It's about patience and timing. Learning about your opponent most of all."

Confusion still is written all over 4989's face.

Hmm. Then lets try this, he thinks. "Do you think all germs are weak?"

4989 blinks. "Uhh...Yeah!"

"Why?" He challenges him. Or more so his mindset.

"Because we can kill them! Because no matter what we can take them all down!"

His lips curve upwards in a slight smirk. Yes, all germs were destructible in the hands of the White blood cells. It was an optimistic and reasonable approach to the thought. His student really had knack for seeing the creative and positivity in things. But ultimately, he needs to see the reality of the situation.

White blood cells were strong and immune.

But death is death. And every pathogen is different.

And if not careful of what they are,

They have the advantage in killing you first.

But death right now is too much for his students. 1100 has always been a soft caring man. He decides, maybe just this once to bring the topic of death of fellow comrades and massacre of infected cells for another time.

When their much older.

Getting back at the topic in hand glancing at 4989's awaiting eyes, "Sometimes Germs can do things we can't do. That we can't stop." The flicker of fear mix with curiosity passes through the boy's eyes. "But," He stops momentarily to look at his other students; 2001 dodging and keeping up with 1146's momentum while 2626 is blocking and countering 2048's attacks head on with sheer determination.

"We can always be well prepared with knowledge of the enemy before hand. That's how we win. Not by strength alone, but by learning."

1100 unconsciously looks forward with fond smile, unaware of his youngest student gazing at him in admiration.

"Hey mentor."

He turns to face the Myelocyte standing next him.

"Yes?" he's slowly coming back to reality.

4989 gives him beaming smile, his eyes dead set serious. "Let me fight."

"Uh, actually I think we're almost done here. Everyone's had a turn already-"

4989 grabs him by his small hands and shakes him like a rattle. "Pleeeeeeease!"

"Okay, okay, okay. Just one more round."

1100 sighs and amusingly watches him go up to 2001 and ask for a duel. The rest of the group crowds around yelling and cheering for both sides. While the stronger opponent is obvious, his heart warms in proud glory as 4989 tries to follow 2001's movement's and get at least one hit in.

It happens in a flash, 2001's lips curve.

"Ugh I hate this!" 4989's says as he stuffs his mouth with dead flesh of slain bacteria.

"Stop whining. It's not that bad if you get used to it." 2048 was getting tired of him complaining as they ate. Granted, it was only the second time for him eating dead pathogen, but it obviously wasn't quiet with him around. 2048 silently hoped they could get it over without any distractions.

Even if the vile yet satisfying aftertaste was complicated to go through.

"It's not that bad." 1146 was almost finished with his share. "Just focus on getting done."

4989 groaned in frustration but complied and picked up slab piece and ripped it with his teeth. He turned over to 2626, the second youngest in the group who was silently cutting up pieces of his pathogen share with his starter knife while having a piece held in his mouth.

"You like this stuff?"

The hidden eyed boy shrugged.

4989 suspiciously tilted his head. 2626 was the most mysterious member out of the bunch. The only sign of emotion would come from his mouth, and when frowned, one could only speculate if he was serious or angry.

But without the eyes of emotion, one could only be left guessing.

With the sheer obliviousness of privacy and subject, 4989 asked; "Why do you hide your eyes, 2626?"

2626 freezes in the spotlight, the others stop their feasting, looking at the hidden eyed boy.

2048 took a minute to agree. "Yeah….How come we don't see them?" He looked at him suspiciously. The thought of hiding a part of yourself seemed a bit…too untrustworthy.

And they were a team. It throws them off balance between them if one of them was hiding something about themselves.

"I like my hair this way." Hands flew up to protect his hair covered eyes in a bashful attempt. A strong silence washed over them until 2001 barked at them to get back to eating.

"We have to be done when Mentor gets back, remember?" 2001, with two pieces of pathogen fleshed devoured in a minute, was finished. 1146 was about ready as finish second, with 2048 close at hand to be third. In fourth the place would go to 2626, as 4989 still kept glancing at the eyes he couldn't see under those bangs…..

It wasn't long that 1100 was heading back to his team after they cleaned up the pathogen corpse. He had a small chat with 1030 and other mentors except for one of the them about supervising a field day or having the Myelocytes see what the White Blood Cells do when in combat.A sort of job shadowing at an early age.

This has been done countless time before, but he's always worried that the students would be in radar to immediate danger once they step foot outside the bone marrow walls.

1030 proceeded to tease him and call him a worried old man.

He sighed. His students came into view once he stepped foot into the courtyard. They had all managed on finishing their own share of pathogen he assigned to each of them. Though that may be far from the truth. He felt lips curve at the memory of 1146 accidently saying he ate 4989's share so he didn't have to suffer, the mortified expression he had when he apologize simply for trying to help made him give the boys an extra ounce onto their plates.

Hopefully, they've learned to take it like the young men they are.

"All done, I assume?" He checks for any pieces left.

None. Even the youngest have their rows cleaned out. If he had to guess by the body language of patiently waiting for his return, 2001 and 1146 just have finished first.

Before he announces the agenda for today, 2626's has his hand clutching to his bangs in a shyly manner.

"Everything alright, 2626?"

His fourth youngest student silently nodded. 1100 arched his eyebrow. It was 2626 that was a mystery to see through. He couldn't see the depth of his eyes or the way they shifted along with the smile. He had a good hint of everyone's personalities and expressions, but 2626 was an enigma to still solve.

To the normal view, 2626 was another mischievous boy who loves to be entertained. Playing with 4989 and annoying 2048 and 2001 is what he did best. He was serious in his fighting and knew he was overestimating himself in combat.

1100 could read his body language.

But behind those eyes, he didn't know what really lies underneath. As a mentor, he should know everything about his students.

But he is a man that will respect the up most privacy, regardless of what cell they are.

The watchful eyes of his students except 2626, are waiting for him to address anything regarding 2626. Before he opens his mouth, the glimmer in 4989's eyes concern his gravely. 2001 is also looking at his direction.

"We have a little field trip happening in the evening today."

"Huh? Really?!" 4989 jumps up with newly found energy at the word trip.

"Where are we going?" 1146 asks.

"Are we going to see the other cells?" 2048 excitedly was hoping to get to see the cells at work. But his student also has a strange glimmer in his eyes at the words cells.

He is now terribly and mentally nervous for a reason that has yet to hit him.

2001 simply stays silent from the rest. And 2626 looks the other way, readjusting his bangs to no one's discretion.

It was simple. They would make round trip through the upper veins of the body and back. Only seeing the White blood cells and Macrophages at work. His students would stick close by at all times. They were all allowed to wonder a bit, but not completely out of sight.

They were making their way outside the bone marrow area and into the short roads that would enter the larger passageways.

Behind him, alongside 1030, his team followed suit right alongside 1030's team. Everyone mostly kept to themselves, except for a few from 1030's team were chatting alongside 4989 and 2048. They were the most social in combination with other cells. Then there was some of other teams that were closed off, hands and eyes simply straight laced. 2001 and 1146 were the same. And then there was the one short boy with unruly hair who was looking at the ground than walking.

"Woah! Those buildings look huge!"

"That's where the normal cells live."

"Who are they?"

Someone from 1030's team voiced out as a nearby female red blood cell came into view. She was going to make a turn until her eyes caught sight of the Myelocytes behind them. She squealed on how adorable they are.

1100 covered his mouth, trying to hold it in but he breaks chuckling as 1030 loses it.

"Isn't that ironic? Guess they like us more if we were cute, huh?" 1030 chuckles.

"We're all children before we grow into our roles." He said, "Though it would be nice to be treated like that." He joked.

Their behavior towards the bacteria didn't sit well with the Red Blood cells. The local non immune cells didn't try to understand their roles nor take in who they were on the inside. The prejudice was a norm to go through.

More red blood cells crossed their path, some whispering with the same prejudice he's heard over time about himself and the students, and some at least hopeful simply because their were little kids.

"Hey, there's Macrophage." He waves over to the female powerhouse as she sweetly smiles in there direction. They come to a halt when she greets them.

"Oh my, I didn't suspected you all out here so soon.", She looked over the Myelocytes with an adoring expression, "And you two have been doing such a good job grooming them!" 1030 grins and he smiles back in a nod. She smiles again, this time at the kids. Some of them tilt their heads in curiosity or simply stare.

2048 was smiling back with a pink tint in his cheeks.

The wink he gave her made him sweat a bit.

"Well, if your looking for the Neutrophils, they are on your left towards the liver. A few germs came through so please very careful."

"Don't worry, we've got it covered." 1030 reassured.

"Everything will be fine. Thank you, Macrophage."

As soon as they managed to walk a good distance after saying goodbye, his team felt oddly silent. With a quick glance at his side-almost all members of his team were running back to where Macrophage and her other female friends were happily chatting and cooing an enlighten 2048 with an adoring smile.

2626 asked him what's wrong before he turned around to see his friends left him.

"Excuse me."

Excuse his anger and embarrassment at the moment if you will.

"Oh White blood cell, is this charming little Myelocyte yours?"

"Charming" is what he'll want to be once they get back.

"Yes, but I believe I must take him now." He feels a vein twitch from the side of his head. Keep your smile 1100. Keep your smile...

The women awed in disappointment, wishing to spend more time with his flirtatious cute student. His other students had tried pulling him away, but earlier the female cells were cooing the rest of his team.

4989 would bashfully grin alongside 2626 as they were huddled around them. They were busy telling them jokes or anything that had interested their little minds.

Of course, 4989 rambles about his amazing weapons.

1146 blinked at their approach, turning away to shy at their adoring gazes. As kind and stoic as he was, being called cute shook him a bit. His eyes never left the ground. He felt a little bad for him.

And his second eldest kept far, far away from the where the macrophages couldn't touch him. 2001 did not like being touched in any way intimate.

He sighed. Being huddled around by mother figures was not part of the field trip for god's sake.

Needless to say, when he said it was time to go, 2001 and 1146 immediately took shift leading the way, much to his amusement. 4989 and 2626 waved goodbye at the Macrophages, and he patiently stood waiting for 2048…..,

Who decided to kiss Miss Macrophage's hand and stare at her with those charming eyes of his.


Not today, 2048.

1100 marched up and drags him away before he does any further damage to embarrass him.

4989 saw the White blood cells at work killing those awful germs with their cool daggers. He doesn't listen to Mentor say what kind of bacteria they are, what their names are, and what they do. He's too busy looking at how the grown ups slaughter without a second thought.

They were so cool!

He wanted to be as good once he was a White blood cell.

His eyes flicker to his teammates next to him eyeing all of the white blood cells below them. Mentor took them up above roof of a building not just to see the white blood cells below but to also learn how roads come and go when stuff happens.

2626 was titling his head to the side while watching the superiors.

Could he really see?

The question hasn't left him until this morning. And he needed a way to work out his plan without Mentor noticing…..

1146 was eyeing the white blood cells from the roof,

But he mostly looking at certain kid his age.

The shy boy from the team whose Mentor was friends with his. The other team decided to observe the superiors on ground level.

1146 was silent himself at times, but the boy hadn't talked at all to him like last time. He had hope to say hello today when they were next to him in line with his other teammates, but the unruly haired boy was busy looking at the ground. He thought it was rude to bother him.

But there was something about him he didn't understand.

Something told him something was wrong. An instinct he couldn't quite piece together why.

He blinks as he sees the boy move away from his own team and leaning near his Mentor's leg…

Is he trying to hide?

He shook his head. Maybe he was just scared? He didn't have a reason to hide from his own team, he thinks. Mentors are supposed to bring them together. 1146 wanted to make friends but he wasn't sure how….

Before he looks away, mentor's friends pats the scared kid's head, a tint of black flashes in his locks.

It's been peaceful so far.

1100 enjoyed answering questions from his students about the work White blood cells encounter and the what ifs, if there's any. How to approach certain ones and what to do if the other cells of the immune system join you.

He smiled at 2001 and 1146 genuine interest for knowledge and safety. They also knew that they spoke for the whole team at times. 2048 was mostly interested in the battle tactics, and 2626 mostly wanted to learn more about the other immune system and where they lie with the others in sociability and accessibility to enter the battlefield. The second youngest had told him who are the back up in case the macrophages and white bloods are down.

"Well, perhaps the late ones to arrive at the scene are Killer T cells."

"Huh? But they always say how great they are." 2626 tilted his head at the new information. They had come across the boastful cells colliding with the white blood cells in battle. The arrival was very late and untimely. But nevertheless, they still arrived in time to at least help.

"So they like to brag?"

"They still do there job, 2626." He said sternly.

Looking around to see if anyone was nearby, he pressed his finger against his small smirk, "But we're still advantageous to our timely manner."

2626 grinned. As the first responders of an incident, 1100 felt the need to have pride in arriving early. The pride of slaughtering to take home the glory primarily belonged to them. A few other questions were raised as he answered them to the best of his ability. Time went by and it was expected of them to head back to the safety of the Bone Marrow.

Arriving at the Bone Marrow's courtyard, Mentor had left them for an hour of play before he came back for another lesson for them. 1146 and 2001 began chatting, 1146 looked a bit unsure, but 4989 couldn't tell. 2048 wanted to nap, resting against the ground after walking a lot. 1146 and 2001 were also sitting on the ground. He's tired too.

But this was the perfect time to execute his plan.

"Hey, 2626!"

2626 was holding onto his starter knife and spinning it in the air.

4989 needed some action.

"Let's race!"

The other boy tipped his head and grinned. "Your on."

"Stay in the courtyard!" 2001 yelled.

"Yeah, no pushing, I'll be watching!" 2048 hollered.

"Have fun." 1146 threw them wave.

4989 and 2626 took their sprinting stance, no doubt that they knew where to run and come back. But 4989 had other ideas. At the last minute, he whispered to 2626 in a hurry.

And they were off.

Both of them dashed to the field, and at the last second, when nearing the doors inside the school, they sprinted into the Bone Marrow school building. They ran through the halls and passed the doors of the classroom before any mentor came out to see whose making the ruckus inside the building. With a stroke of luck, they ran like two troublemakers across the school with no obstacle in their way.

Except for a small detour 4989 has planned.

At an intersection, 4989 took the right and 2626 took the left. The goal was to meet at the end of the school through like a maze and never taking the same road alongside each other. If they were split up, it'd be a lot more interesting to find the finish line.

It was also enough time to get his set up ready. Running across a couple of doors, he went inside a supply closet to get what he needed. A bucket of water was waiting idly for his plan to begin. He carried it as he ran across the halls in a straight line and looked to see if 2626 might have passed him

Everything was going perfect!

He told 2626 to take zig zag like directions inside school, never going down a long hall so they wouldn't see each other, and come back to the beginning of where they left off, the same entrance they had used to entered the school.

He carried the bucket of water and went into a small hallway and pulled a stool over at the corner. Carefully, with shaky limbs holding the bucket, he manages to stand on the stool. Holding the bucket for dear life, waiting for 2626 to arrive…

Then he hears it. Rapid footsteps drawing near…

4989 grins for the scene he longed to see in his head. A chance to see 2626's eyes! He shifts his weight on the bucket, positioning it to be ready to launch-

The footsteps grow more audible to his ears and he can't help but to smile in glee.

Right there!

He gives it to 2626, letting the water splash his face.

2626 tumbles back. The slippery water on the floor makes him lose his balance. 4989 jumps off and hurries over to 2626 whose still in shock and in confusion. On the ground, 4989 moved 2626 and pushed his bangs aaside-

2626 slapped his hand away and turned away.

"Let me see your eyes!"


They wrestled on the floor both trying to break the others defensive. 2626 bangs move, already soaked, he sees the hue of his eyeball-

Until 2626 pushed and kicks him off of him.

4989's back landed on the ground with a thud. It stung. But he immediately pushed his pain aside to get up and see what 2626 is hiding-,

Until he freezes at the sight.

2626 was rubbing his eyes, his bangs were pushed aside. But he still couldn't see his eyes. His friend let out a whimper. Water was on his face but….

Some streaks on his cheek didn't go away.

He feels his heart turn as if someone pulling it. "Hey, are you crying-"

"N-no! I'm not!" 2626 harshly turned away from him. His hands still on his eyes.

4989 saw the water on the ground it made him dwell in a bad feeling. He didn't know what it was but he didn't feel good. At all.

"….I only wanted to see your eyes." He mumbled.

2626 still had his back to him. He stubbornly refused to look at him. The sharp pain in his chest made him feel worse.

"They weren't that bad…" He looks at the ground. 4989 didn't mean to cause him harm-well, not too much harm! He thought 2626 would laugh and frankly, give in after the whole thing.

Now he just feels bad.

"What the hell is this mess?"

Both boys turned to find a mentor standing above them with his arms crossed.

It was their mentors friend. Or the ponytail white blood cell.

Uh oh.

"You again." He eyes 4989 in amusement, "Still being a troublemaker, huh?"

He chuckles before his shoulders tense.

"You really like making 1100 lose his brain cells, don't you?"

"I wouldn't think anything of it, 1146."

"You're sure?"

1146 hasn't expected that. Usually 2001 would give him some insightful answers.

But it looks like he was brushing off what he saw today.

"I think….there's something strange with that kid."

2001 hums in question. He couldn't give him a clear answer.

"Why don't you let Mentor know? Maybe he can tell you what's going on."

2001 gave him a side glance. And quickly looked away. His younger teammate started getting up from the ground after sitting for too long.

"If something's wrong, Mentor would tell us. It's nothing to think on, 1146."

1146 took his advice to heart.

But something in him wanted to disagree.

Before he can say anything, 2048, who was done napping, yelled, "They're back! And….,"

2048 behind them held back a chuckle.

"They got into trouble!"

Immediately, he, 2048 and 2001 jumped up to be greeted by a mentor of another division, one they recognize as their mentor's friend, carrying their other two teammates like sheep under his arms.

2001 groaned. "…I can't believe them."

1146 simply stares at his two younger teammates who looked like they went through some river and tried to fight each other in it. He can tell from 2001's scowl that he too was thinking what Mentor would say about this.

It wasn't long till he arrived at the scene. 1100 was enjoying a cup of green tea to refresh himself.

And 1030 had intercom him that his students were fighting and water was involved.

He's rushing to the scene, quickly reminding himself to lock the doors of the school before he leaves. He makes that mental note in all of the chaotic worry. He cut his break short by running towards the marrow(and he was not far) like a mad man.

Dear god his students! They-

No- 4989 has done something.

His instincts are screaming. He loves the childish boy to death but he knows.

He just knows.

Should he find it funny or unnerving on how his instincts are not leading to anything other than one name?

When he finally gets to the courtyard, 1030 stands among his team. They were in a silent huddle. 4989 and 2626 had towels draped around them and were not looking at each other.

What in the world had happened?


"It's alright," With a wave his partner tries to reassure him, "no wounds or blood. But this guy," his eyes giving away the perpetrator(who he already knew), "decided to prank 'no eyes' with water." 1030 points 2626 who had smaller towel on his head. As he got closer, 2048 was the one holding a bundles towel or different sizes of the group. 2001 had his arms crossed and 1146 was simply staring at the scene before him.

1100 had his hands on hips. "Thank you for the supervision. You can be dismissed."

With a nod, 1030 began to walk away from his direction.

His foot was taking it's time from a long stride. He leaned in. His whisper struck him in cold confusion. He stood there dazed and in between curiosity and bewilderment of what he just told him.

"I'll catch ya later."

His mouth gaps like a fish out of water before he pulls himself together. 1030 was gone and he would have find out what he meant by that.

But now, his team needed him.

He stares at the group waiting for him to speak. The air is tense and shame is hung on their silence.

1100 is no dictator. But he's glad they know where they stand.

"Alright," He sighed, "What happened?"

No one moves. The older kids turn to the youngest draped in towels. 2626 and 4989 burn holes into the ground. No one moves to even eye him.

"I have said this before, I will not allow this kind behavior among you all. Bring a team means you work with one another, not against each other. And must you laugh and train together,"

"You must also take punishments together."

Though his eyes are trained on only the duo of the spotlight, 2048 flinches as 1146 nervously looks away. It's only 2001 that stays still like a proper solider. But he knows that besides obedience he instilled fear into them.

Can't have white blood cells to act out of line.

He crossed his arms. "Well?"

4989 slowly lifts his head. "It's my fault...I'm sorry."

He wants to smile. 1100 already feels proud that 4989 was ready to explain himself on the spot, but he can't be happy yet….

But 2626 next to him looks a bit shaken. He wonders what happen….

With his head hung low in shame, 4989 continues, "….I wanted to prank 2626….But I didn't mean to hurt him!"

2626 slowly lifts up his head after 4989 raised his voice. The others continues to stay still.

"I understand, 4989. But you went too far. I wish to know why."

"….I..I just wanted to-"

"Get me back after I tripped him."

2626's strangely calm voice reaches him and 4989 turns to him with his eyes too wide and his jaw too loose. He raises an eyebrow. It was so sudden for him to say that. The others tilts their heads in confusion. Only 2001 narrows his eyes as 2048 rolls them. 1146 remains stoic as usual.

"You tripped him, 2626?"

He nods. "Yep. It's because 4989 was annoying me."

4989 literally almost screams.

1100 almost wants to scream himself. He doesn't know where this is going but 2626 had a small endearing smile. There was no shame in his words. It's almost if….

2001 sighs. 2048 shakes his head while 4989 is still looking at 2626 with way too many surprised expressions. He keeps jumping and mumbling things he can't hear to 2626 until he places his hand on his mouth. 4989 's eyes are wide.

"See, mentor, he can't stop." 2626 smiles.

He strangely stares at the two of them. 4989 was like a shocked deer in headlights and 2626 was too calm.

Not good.

"Well then…Seems like you have to apologize too, then."

And he did just that. 2626 nods at 4989, and he, in all of his excitement that lives in with him, nods quickly. They both share big mischievous grins. 2001 and 2048 look bored but are relived that it's over.

He feels the corner of his mouth curve.

He'll let em' have it for now.

"Now, for punishment…"

Ah, those shocked faces is something he'll never get tired of.

"You made them run laps around the entire school and still have them eat bacteria? You psycho!" 1030 laughs as he slaps the man on the shoulder.

1100 remains passive, but he lets his lips slip into small smile. "A lesson without pain is meaningless my friend."

Both men were passing by and killing time after roaming on a stroll around the Bone Marrow. It was almost the end of the day, 1030 had asked him to hang out. After handing out punishment to the boys, he let them rest on the ground, soon losing consciousness after tiring themselves. They slept soundlessly in his arms as he carried them to their rooms. Something 1030 kept teasing him as a big softie in the end.

"So….did they tell the truth?"

"Not entirely. By the account of your end I can assume it had something to do with 2626's appearance. However…I believe things turned out okay in the end."

4989 was a wild card. Happy as he was in most cases, his imaginary mind was a risky tool. And sometimes that would make the perfect ally. Imaginative and strong. But such risk is also the perfect setback for disaster. But the boy has a good heart. He's glad 4989 had made his way into the other four. Especially 2626.

...But not as a partner in crime of mischief like he's imagined.

1030 nudged him. "A handful?"

"An understatement of the hour."

They both share a chuckle. The joyful melody brings him a memory when they were younger, laughing in their training as they shared their ups and downs from their journey. He appreciated the fact that his partner was still around to go through with the trials of raising white blood cells. Of course, assuming they were easy to handle just by looking at the macrophage's work with the young cells was preposterous to even think about now. He feels very concerned for some of the macrophage's roles. How on earth did they cope with the naughty and disobedient children?

They carried on about the past before 1100 looks up to the sky.

"What did you mean back there?"

1030 doesn't immediately respond, he takes a look at the sky with him and inhales.

"This body is malfunctioning at it's very beginning. I'm not sure what's going on." 1030 keeps staring at sky like there's a hidden message waiting to be appear.

He's puzzled, "What does that have to do with keeping an eye out for U-1146?"

His friend doesn't flinch or turn his way. But his head tilts low to piece his words his words together. His eyes are unreadable.

"Just keep them close to you at all times."

"I am." He pauses, eye narrowing at his partner seeming quiet and hidden. Something he has never been. His strange body language was setting an impending alarm that he could not push away. "Is there something you're not telling me?"

His usually joyous and layed-back friend stared at him with the lines on his mouth acting grim.

"The entirety of the second team has gone missing….and may as well be presumably gone."

Rant note: I had this done last year and it was sadly forgotten.

But no more.

Thank the heavens for season 2! I may or may have not needed that extra drive. I am hella excited for this show coming back.