1110's job is like the brother of the macrophage's to the young Red Blood cells. He takes care and trains the next generation of white blood cells, turning children into natural bloodthirsty fighters.

But over the years, he can't really distinguish a line between mentor and father anymore.

Enjoy baby wbc squad.

When 1110 was first asked if he wanted to train the young myelocytes of the next generation, he would have gave it some thought, or politely refused.

Not many White blood cells take the job.

And the most important factor was never patrolling to kill bacteria. The one reason they were made for.

And yet, here was 1110, flipping over the papers of his clipboard in search of his newest team.

His last team just graduated, becoming Band cells and transferring to the hands-on course with the White Blood cells on duty. The course was rougher than the ones for myelocytes, the Band cells would work side by side with the adults to kill bacteria, only they had to be supervised.

1110 supposed it was also made to stimulate the killing savagery instincts.

Learning what bacteria do is one course. But furiously hating their existence had to implanted into the core of their brains.

It was quite necessary for the role.

And yet, even with all roles he could follow, he chose to be the caretaker for the early borns.

It was actually the nice Macrophage at the bone marrow he visited a while back that suggested he would be a good caretaker.

He was having a stroll on that day. Coming back from work after being asked about the mentorship when he's pulled to side by a young macrophage, asking if they can have him dress up as a bacteria for a school activity lesson. The kind macrophage held her hands together and apologized after coming to a last second decision.

Out of his kindest for all cells, he couldn't refuse.

He had seen the little red blood cells for the first time. The adorable children eyed him with wonder as the starting Macrophage introduced him to the class. It was a wonder for him as well, he had only seen the platelets repeatedly on duty.

It was fascination he'd never experience. After all, the older Red blood cells were….a bit wary of him.

And yet, 1110 would always try to engage to be a gentle person. It was quite difficult being drenched in blood though.

So after putting on a germ costume that goes over an entire arm with its horrible face, he yelled like the bacteria he would be chasing to their deaths. The children ran screaming for mercy as they hid. He felt a bit giddy and evil scaring and corning these poor children to the plastic cupboard walls, but at the same time he was marveled by how well they listened to their mentors instruction. To run away and hide from bacteria like they were told to do.

After a little lecture from the macrophage, they all saw him a bit frightening, so he crouched down and put his best smile on display. Some giggled while others crowded around him as he picked one of them up the air and playfully bounced the child as they laughed in glee.

At that moment, the children's warmth became special to him. Seeing young cells laugh and play before they work into the real world was something precious to him.

A cell should never lose who they are, but they should never forget the time of innocence have left.

The young Macrophage had told him he was really fit for the caretaker role.

And here he was, in the bone marrow school waiting on instruction to receive his new team, ultimately taking her advice.

"1110!" A voice belonging to friend of his makes his way towards him. "Waiting on the new batch of runts, I see."

"1033? Your assigned a new team as well?" His colleague back in his younger days had decided to become a mentor. 1033 was more loud and headstrong, yet his care for others was admirable. Towards the children, he became more of an overprotective parent, even if he keeps denying it. He's still not sure why 1033 decided to take the job in the first place, but knowing someone in the department sure helps him relax.

"Well," the white blood cell with the short ponytail crosses his arms, "The body is still developing, so the system has to have a bundle of white blood cells ready at standby."

"I see…" 1110's recent team was only held for some time until they moved to the higher course. There wasn't much to teach them as they were transferred quickly. "So what's happening to the new Myelocytes?"

"There rearranging the whole thing. We'll get a mix of older and early born myelocyte for each team."

"Really?...That explains this." 1110 held up his clipboard, flipping through the papers of his next team. "My new team is scattered in numbers, and according to this I'll be receiving an extra over after some time."

"They're mixed?"

"Yes, but 3 are almost in the same timeframe." He reads the list from oldest to youngest, "U-1146, U-2001, U-2048, U-2626, and the one coming much later is U-4989."

"That's quite a range. Especially to the younger one."

He agreed. His last team were much older than his new team, except for one of them.

"That older one…., shouldn't this one already a Band cell?" His companion peered down at the papers.

1110 had seen the list many times. His batch of Myelocytes were old enough yet too young for the stage. The body truly was slowing down. And right at it's beginning, the system was pressuring for more fighters.

But it seems some have been held back for some reason…

"Well, no doubt some are already mature like you, huh?" His colleague grinned. "Guess you won't have too much trouble."

He smile, eyeing the names of the new faces he'll be see everyday from now on. "I hope so."

He stood besides the other four mentors in front of 25 new Myelocytes awaiting to be grouped in one of the five teams. 1110 looks around to all the white hair children staring at the adult with curiosity and awe.

He had no way of knowing who was who. They were going to role call from each of their lists to identify each child to the teams. After each team has been identified, they were to leave immediately and head to the training ground for a proper introduction to the course.

1110 stood on the last end line besides the mentors. He would call for his team in the very end. But at that point, whoever was left was automatically with him.

1033 next to him held his clipboard next to him. He would call in fourth for his team. "Seems like I mostly have U-1500 to U-3800..", he mumbled.

That was quite good range, he thought. 1110 didn't think anyone else had anyone much younger Myelocytes coming in. For now, Myelocytes born in the U-3000 were the early borns at the moment.

Until a few weeks from now.

The mentor in the first of the line started the address the crowd. The opening ceremony started.

"Attention!" The crowd of white hair heads jolted in his direction, "I am U-1009. And next to me are the mentors that will training you before you all become Band cells. Each of you will be stationed to one of the five divisions…"

The First mentor goes on about the training and what their expected to go through to become white blood Cells. 1110 pays attention to eyes of the Myelocytes. Some are paying attention while some are drifting off into space. Some are taller than others and some are look as young as if they had barely learned to run.

He eyes one of the boys in the back whose looking at the ground. The moment he looks up, their eyes meet. The shy boy immediately looks away.

He throws him an apologetic smile. 1110 didn't mean to scare him.

At the moment, his colleague, 1009, starts his list, mentioning to the crowd that if there name is called, they step out of the circle and behind him.

One, two, three, and once you know it, one team is already heading out. As the second division mentor calls his lists, 1033 whispers to him, "Hey, that kid has no eyes."

1110 throws him a puzzled look when he searches through the crowd to see what he means. A boy stands in the middle with his bangs covering both of his eyes.

Huh….He's never seen that hairstyle before.

"He's not going to be able to see if he gets out there." 1033 points out.

"I think it's fine. He came here perfectly fine, after all." The children came escorted by the Macrophages. They didn't hold their hands but each and every one of them walked inside the bone marrow with ease.

1033 mumbled in doubt but shook it off. He was waiting for the third division mentor to finish, readying his lists. The group of boys grew shorter and shorter. The shy boy from earlier hasn't left and neither has the boy with no eyes.

His eyes catch another as he was surveying whoever was left again. A boy with one eye in public view while the other was hidden under his hair, almost like the other boy. His gaze is stoic, only for sometime does he hold his stare until he looks away.

It seems many of the boy were in a way mature, he can tell just by the gaze. But nevertheless, introverted towards others. If he wants a good team, he's going to have to manage their sociability a bit.

Or at least make them feel comfortable with one another.

Trust and companionship was important.

Soon, 1033 is reading his list. The shy boy from earlier cuts through the crowd and head over to his colleague. Looking at him more closely, his hair was wildly curly and his bangs were steered to the right. 1110 thought it was good thing, the boy could learn loosen up once he was with 1033.

Four more boys follow him, and it's easy to see who left. 4 boys, including the stoic and hidden eyes, with another boy with narrow eyes and another with no bangs at all.

He smiles to his remaining mentees. 1033 pats him in the back. "All yours partner."

He addresses to his papers on the clipboard. "Alright. Even if it's quite obvious, I do want to double check." He warmly chuckles. Accidents do happen sometimes.

"U-1146." A hand raises in the air, and it's the boy with one eye. The stoic gaze again.

He was the oldest.

He nods, "U-2001." A boy steps forward, eyeing him with his bold eyes to signal his approach. Another boy who seems strictly silent.

The motivation to make this a good team was only firing him up more.

"U-2048." The boy with narrow eyes lightly raises his hand. There not strict or stoic. More of a curious glint with a hint of an attitude. Over the time he's been training, reading Myelocytes became sort of habit. And for a good reason. 1110 was almost always right about what kind of attitudes or personality children had.

Mentoring has done that to him.

And, if he was truly correct, that meant 2048 wouldn't have a problem getting along with the others.

He let his smile take control again. "Last but not least," looking over at the boy with large bangs, "U-2626." The no eyes boy smiled immediately. A mischievous and giddy persona he could see behind that smile.

He's got quite a team.

"My name is U-1110. I will be your mentor in training you all to become proper White blood cells in the future. Let's all get along, okay?" The boys nod, and head off to follow him into the training courtyard.

The day went rather smoothly.

He learned a lot from his newfound team. Especially in teamwork and communication.

They had a Ropes course ready for Myelocytes, ones involving practice laps and problem solving techniques when faced against the other teams in competing in a competition.

1146 immediately took lead when solving a problem, the others listening to his suggestion. 2001 made sure everything was possible and assigned everyone to their roles they were more comfortable with. 2048 as was the assisted in helping first, alongside 1146 who would also tackle the problem first without hesitation. 2626 didn't talk much, but he made many hand gestures and was the riskiest of the group, tripping over the ropes course and running into problems without looking ahead of his step. But because of his actions, the others learned and created solutions to avoid countering the problem he had.

A good work ethic they had. And with only knowing each other in a few minutes had really surprised him.

Right now, they were all in their bunk beds, getting some shut eye for tomorrow's lesson plan.

He was patrolling around the area for a while before he heads to bed.

His group was split.

2001 and 1146 were quite and intelligent workers. 2048 and 2626 were risk-takers and vibrant. But they both held a hesitant aura to themselves.


Their loyalty to the project was impressive. But trust in another was only beginning. It felt like something was missing. Something to unite them as a compatible team. Something that could give them more trust than time.

1110's mind kept wandering throughout the night.

The next couple of days are the defense lessons. Learning how to fight off bacteria but learning the basic fighting stances and techniques.

The young boys are equipped with wooden knifes. Full of loose weight yet can still pressure against pain for only a few seconds. 1110 had to demonstrate a few fighting stances and action swings in order to show his team how White blood cells fight in the human body.

1110 dodges a punch from 1033, his demonstration partner, with his team on the far side, watching the fight for note taking.

His partner leans back and comes at him at full force, 1110 prepares his knife and draw against the blade coming down to stab him, two knifes colliding in the glint of metal. He kept striking the other, throwing every punch and countering every kick that came his way. 1033 was grinning, "I haven't fought you in a while, have I?"

He smiles, "Not since we graduated." Twisting to the side to deliver a kick to his head. Knowing 1033, he'd slyly move back to grab his foot from reaching his face.

The moment he feels his foot stop in midair, following the momentum he used swinging his leg, his upper body arched, one hand on the ground as he twist his body to swing his other leg for another blow. 1033 raises his elbow to block the kick before coming close to his chin, steps back and lets go of his other foot. Swiftly coming on his feet, 1110 backs away. He breathes a bit, eyeing his partner to see if he was okay.

"You sure know how to put on a show, 1110." 1033 grins.

1110 started and nervously chuckles. "Well, I thought it was a good defense tactic."

Now realizing the situation, maybe its too difficult for a Myelocyte to do. He felt the rush of the fight get to him.

He couldn't help it, 1110 was no longer patrolling and now lives to train and become better since fighting antigen is his secondary job.

"So that's the basics of countering a germ. Remember, throw punches and kicks first. The other has to block…" 1033 is talking to his team, as 1110 turns to his.

His team is frozen, staring at him in wonder and amazement. He blinks.

"Mentor! How did you do that?!" Exclaimed 2626

"Was it a double kick? It was defense move, right?" 2048 excitedly questioned.

"That was defense….but also offensive…." Observed 2001.

"Are we allowed to try it?" 1146 raises his hand to politely catch his attention.

Oh boy. Maybe he shouldn't have went all out….

He clears his throat. "I believe you all heard the other mentor tell his team the basics. Only punches, stabs, and kicks, alright? I don't want you to try anything to extreme for now."

His boys looked down and groaned. 1110 claps his hands, "C'mon on now, we need to practice first, that's the important part. We'll start off into teams, two against two. Them switch partners, okay?"

They all nod. "Alright, 1146 and 2001, your partners, 2626 and 2048, your partners, ready your starter knives and begin!"

Immediately 1146 and 2001 shared some distance between one another and took their stance. They were both cautious and took swings when there was an opening. 1146 took more chances. But 2001 was immediately quick to block his attacks.

Two very cautious fighters. 1146 was more bolder in going in. 2001 was quicker on defense.

He takes a look on the other side, 2048 is watching his step as 2626 is aiming at every second. It's more chaotic then the other two. However, much more progressive. 2048 is attacking when 2626 is letting him and 2626 takes a break to counter against 2048's attacks. He's smiling while dodging, so he believes it's why 2048 looks like he's putting extra force into his strikes, really wanting to hurt him.

And it's time to stop. "Switch!" He orders, before anything gets out of hand with those two…

"I can go." 1146 offers himself up to head over to the other side.

"Okay." 2001 nods.

"I'm gonna go." 2048 says, walking away from 2626's giggling. The narrow eyed boy is clearly annoyed at the youngest.

Oh boy.

This was going to be quite an evening.

1146 stands in front of 2626. 2001 takes his stance against 2048 as he does the same.

"Begin!" 1110 yells.

Hopefully everyone is able to still learn in this round.

He takes a good look at 2001 dodging 2048's attacks. As 2001 swings, 2048 tries to catch his plastic knife, and brings him close to knock him with a punch. Both boys are hit simultaneously in the stomach and chest. They stagger back, 1110 heading over to make sure there okay.

But before he says anything, they immediately go at again.

Huh. It's looks like they're alright.

It was common to get right back up after a hit. He unconsciously smiles.

They were learning! The warm satisfactory inside of him boiled and nested right in his heart.

A small crash catches his attention. He snaps at the other two boys, 2626 was on the ground, clutching his arm as 1146 hesitantly steps forward, looking at him for help.

1110 heads over quickly next to 2626, whose raised his head to let him know he's there.

"Hold on," 1110 raises his arm to see any injury. A simply light bruise forms. Nothing that's too alarming.

"I'm okay! But I'm not done fighting yet!" 2626 gives him a cheeky grin, his teeth showing.

"Well…., if you really want to," he looks back at 1146, whose watching over them, "It would be alright with you?"

1146 quickly nods. "I didn't mean to hit too hard…." He mumbles, glancing to the side to hide his face. He comes over in front of his fighting partner, extending a helping hand.

1110 smiles and back away, the situation is fully resolved and by the hands of his mentees no less.

Before he even looks away, 2626 takes 1146's hand, like he's supposed to,

And pulls him down to square him in the face.

The two boys are wrestling on the ground as 1110 tries to pry them apart.

2001 and 2048 just shrug at the scene.

It's been two weeks of training the Myelocytes. While there is still more work to be done, each member is now able to throw a good punch and kicks within defense techniques. Not only that, his team was now more open with one another.

Just a little.

It seemed like 1146 and 2001 still kept themselves. But 2626 and 2048 would always converse and play with one another. The two would invite the others and they would play as children normally would, laughing and yelling around the fields outside the bone marrow schools.

But towards training, they would act as their professional selves. Of course, it was expected, but 1110 would have like it more if they were much looser around the class. He knows the boys wouldn't act out of line towards the course, but he suppose they could smile or act friendly towards one another during class. Without disturbing the course, of course.

So today, he gets the test that out.

Today was a basic drill of the usual norms of being a White blood cell.

Eating bacteria.

The revolting yet necessary role they have to do daily to get rid of its terrible flesh from the body. Myelocytes can't stand it at first, but they have digest it at any early age to understand how important feasting and getting rid of antigen does for the body.

He had told his team to wait at the training grounds outside the bone marrow while he brought the "surprise lesson" out.

He dragged the "surprise" by one of its dead arms, its corpse clung behind his back. He walked out into the yard, where his team spots him, seeing their expression turn from calm to a realization of anger.

"It's a germ!"

"Let's kill it!"


1110 blinks. Wait-

The boys are running in his direction with their starter knife yelling at it's demise. He puts up hand to signal them to stop. "Hold on- all of you wait-"

2626 tugs the germs arms and stabs it with his knife. "Take that!"

2001 hits the legs of the dead antigen in mad fury. "Die germ!"

"Boys please, stop, I have to-"

He feels another tug, 2048 yells at his right, pulling at one of the legs. "You'll never take our mentor away!"

…Oh. They think he's in trouble.

He would chuckle if his boys didn't actually think he was in mercy of an antigen.

But the thought was adorable.

Suddenly, 2626 reaches his back and begins hitting he antigens chest, the other boys climb higher and oh dear, it's getting troubling. 1146, who he didn't see before, begins pulling while they try to conquer dead germ on his back.

1110 thinks its time for a wake-up call.

He shakes the antigen and the kids behind him and shifts back, throwing all 4 boys back tumbling to the ground, covered beneath the antigen corpse.

They're screaming of confused fury.

"It's on us! We gotta kill it!"

I can't see it! Die you germ!"

"Don't let it get away. We have to save mentor!"

1110 sighed as he watched the futile bumps under the antigen's flesh increase by the rage of their fury. Hands on his hips and shaking his head, he wonders if the boys will find out the obvious.

After a few moments, the bumps stop, he continues to stand there until he hears 2626, "Guys….I think we killed it already."

1110 barks out a laugh. He hears the boys shuffle and exclaim at his voice. He hoists the germ up and smiles down at his shocked students.

"Boys." With an amused yet warning tone, "As much as I appreciate being rescued and thought of after going against an antigen, I did tell you all to stop, didn't I?" He raise an eyebrow to his students.

They all looked down, feeling guilty about not paying much attention to their mentor.

But 1110 preferred to have his team in spirits. "But, I will say it was admirable to see you all take on this antigen without hesitating. Just like proper White blood cells."

He sees the light shine in their eyes. He smiles.

"Now back to the lesson. You all have to digest at least one third of the antigens flesh."

1110 is still amused as their expression take a dramatic shift from what they just heard.

"Hey! Get back here!" 2048 yells as he tries to chase 2626 into the field. The boys were in the middle of playing tag. 1146 was running from the other two and 2001 was just surveying his colleagues. A few minutes ago, 1146 tripped, only because 2626 pushed him to hard. He could sense a sort of protective aura around 2001. He was making sure his teammates were okay. Even if that meant he would stay behind and just watch.

1110 was about to go over to tell him to join, until he hears someone running to him. He turns back to sees 1033 making his way over to him. The shy curly haired boy from the sorting ceremony is on his trail.

"Hey!" He waves at him. He's got a grin on, clapping his back as he comes close, "You got a special delivery at the office." He whispered.

Special delivery? What did he mean-



"The other boy is already here?" He whispered back.

"Yep, I'll take care of your team once you get back."

1110 nods. He looks back at his team staring at him, noticing that he was about to take off. "I'll be right back! Mentor 1033 will watch over you." He ran inside the bone marrow school, looking back to catch a glimpse of 1033 teasing them about a "new addition" as the shy boy from his team is confronted by 1146….

A lone boy sits on a chair swinging his legs back and forth. He keeps listening to a lot of adults talk about a lot stuff he doesn't understand. The newborn Myelocyte swings his head as if a melody entrances his mind.

He's really bored.

He inwardly groans. He wants to do something right now!

He checks the hallways and then back at the door where all the adults are in talking out who knows what.

The coast was clear! The unruly white hair boy takes off in the hall and sprints towards an exit. Somewhere to where he doesn't have to sit all day would just be fine with him.

1110 makes it to the office where the senior white blood cells and macrophages are all huddled around discussing terms as they turn to his arrival.


He tips his hat, "Macrophage. Nice to see you."

"4989's outside waiting for you."

The name, which he kept remembered until the day the boy would arrive.

He waits as the White blood cell senior leaves through another door to fetch his other student. He kept thinking about how to greet him and try to ease any an alarm he might have about meeting the team, until the White blood cell senior comes back empty handed…..

The bored boy travels out to a big courtyard. Admiring all of its glory, he runs into it, his hands out reached to enjoy the air. He keeps running blindly until he smacks into someone and tumbles down on top of them.

He groaned and clutches his head. "Ow…"

The body beneath him gets up and pushes him away, but helps him stand while clutching him. "Watch where your going!" The boy in front of him scolded.

"It's not my fault!" He defended.

"Yes it was. Your eyes were closed." The older boy points out.

The shorter boy pouts, tears in eyes brimming as he looks down. It really was his fault.

"Hey now, already being mean to each other is a big no-no." An older adult comes into his view, carrying a small boy whose hiding his face from everyone. Three other boys circle around him, tilting their heads at the newcomer.

"You….," the adult holding the boy in his hands looks at him clearly, "You we're not here before…"

The older man crunches down to his level, still cradling the scared boyin his hold. "What's your name?" His tone was more hushed and composed. A soft expression replaced his harden features.

"U-4989!" Suddenly the kid had brighten up in having the delight to say his name.

The older man with the short ponytail blinks a couple of times, dawning the face of realization of who the boy was. And raised an eyebrow after realizing why the said boy was put here in the training grounds. "You ran away, didn't you?"

Hearing the accusation, the curly haired boy pouted. "I got bored! I hate doing nothing." The boy defended himself.

1033 thinned his mouth and raised an eyebrow above his lidded eyes. Unamused, he raised his other hand, while still clutching to his introverted student, to give the new Myelocyte a light chop on his head.

He can tell the kid was a troublemaker.

The boy wince and exaggerate the pain. He was a kid after all. The two Myelocytes from his friend's team chuckles at the smaller kid's punishment.

Not only did he do that for running from the adults….

But his poor 1110 must be having a heart attack right now.

"Alright." He says standing up, "let's have all of you go back to recess." He looks at the new boy and gestures for the rest of kids to come close. "Let him play, okay?"

1110's students nod and 3437 squirms in his arms.

1110 dashes to the courtyard.

All of the other seniors can't find the boy in the building. Not even macrophage saw him walk by.

But she suggested he may have gone outside, a option that has likely happened.

He runs to the nearest exit and burst through the doors-

There's a group of children hat he knows is part of his team. 1033 had his youngest member in his arms and there's 4-

No, 5 boys on the field, with the exception of 2001 watching the scene. 1146 was right behind 2626, and 2048 was running from a boy who was chasing after him.

All of his students were playing tag.

All of his students.

He was so sure the boy that he hadn't seen before that was running around laughing and yelling to get the rest of his boys was the official other member.


1110 is walking towards the group, 1033 waving him over as 2001 takes notice and announces his arrival to the rest of the team.

"Hey! Mentor's back!"

1146 and 2048 slow down from running, their head turning in his direction. 2048 is still running from 4989 until he stops as he takes notice of his teacher coming by. 4989 creeps towards him and sprints to catch the other boy off guard-

Until he trips over a rock and falls face down.

The alarm in his head goes off as his legs accelerate to get to the poor Myelocyte on the ground. 1033 turns his head slowly as if he heard a strange sound behind him and started when he saw a Myelocyte down.

He and 1033 rush over to help, but it's his team that make before they do. 2001 and 1146 hoist the boy carefully on his knees. 2626 and 2048 dust off the dirt on his clothes and hair.

The both of them stop in their tracks.

"Are you okay?" asked 1146.

"Yeah! Didn't you see the rock there?" 2626 playfully scolds him.

"Your hair is full of dirt. Don't move." 2048 keeps dusting the young boy's hair.

"Next time, be very careful, okay?" 2001 gently warns his new team member.

4989 just blinks. His hands rub his teary eyes.

"Teacher! We need some napkins!" His team of Myelocytes call him over. 1033 gives him a knowing smile and heads off with his own student still in his arms. He had forgotten to ask how his student was, deciding to find out in a later time. He walks towards his team and suddenly has an idea.

Water sprinkles down at the Myelocytes as they winced at the neutral temperature water drenching their bodies. 1110 had realized all the boys were covered on dirt, besides from 4989, from playing in the field. 2001 hardly had any dust, yet he complied to the same treatment alike his fellow team members from feeling left out.

"This is normally how we wash ourselves," the main instructor explained, "Usually, from the blood of the bacteria we kill, but White blood cells must always wash up if they get dirty." Adding the fact that they should prioritize the uniforms at all costs right below killing germs.

While being sprinkled with water, hardly any of the students moved. 1146 and 2001 kept their eyes closed as water slipped through their skin and rid of all the dirt of their clothes. 2626 and 4849 were splashing water at each other, both staying in the same spot. Hardly taking notice of the water splashing their head and down their backs. 2048 kept soothing his hair so that it didn't lose its form.

Soon, 1110 gave the hose a twist on its top corner, stopping the flow of water coming out.

"White blood cells can heat up just fine on their own, especially when the body gets cold, we're able to move to still destroy bacteria." Dropping the hose, the mentor gave them a warm smile. "That being said, I'm going to get some towels since your all not fully developed. I'll be back, play nice."

Just as 1110 heads off, 4989 immediately turns to his older teammates. Shaking his hair to get rid of any droplets, 2626 and 2048 put their hands in the air to stop the incoming rain.

"Don't do that!" 2048 scolded him as 2626 grinned at the boy shaking like an animal.

2001 and 1146 calmly watch the scene.

"Hey," Addressing the others with a brilliant idea, "Let's have a water fight!"

1146 tilts his head at the suggestion. 2001 narrows his eyes. "That's not a good idea, mentor will be back soon."

"Huh?" 2048 couldn't process what he just said. But 2626 grins. "Your on."

1110 was humming a tune while carrying the towels when he sees his team, or 4989 in particular spray everyone in the face with the hose he used earlier. 2048 was shielding himself with his hands, not that it helped much, and somehow 2626 took a second hose from nowhere and started battling with 4989. 1146 and 2001 tried to take the hose away but they slipped in water.

The whole scene was a chaotic mess.

4989 gave every one no mercy with the hose.

His lips twitch in a forceful smile. It's time to end this charade.

"4989, put down the hose please-"

A fountain of water splashes his face as the disintegrated substance drops around his shirt.

Thankfully, his eyes were closed at the time. He runs a hand to wipe away the substance.

But his smile was gone.

He opened his narrow eyes at his team. They were all staring at him with frozen silence.

"He started it!" 2626 pointed a finger at the culprit. 4989 froze like a deer in headlights.

"He helped!...and they let us do it!" Pointing at 2626, and the rest of them. His team was taken back but kept quiet as they were too busy staring at his face. They all kept pointing at the other, the hose still retaliating water.

1110 lets his stare reign for a while, having even 1146 and 2001 alerted and on edge, until he shuts his eyes gently and lets out a sigh.

Opening them once more, he walked towards the hose and shut it off. His team eyeing him warily for his next action.

1110 heads over to 4989 and kneels down to his level. The boy is wide eyed, extremely nervous that he's holding his breath in front of him. He stares at him for a while and lifts up a hand. 4989 shuts his eyes and turns his head away, awaiting whatever he's going to do.

But it stays silent for a while. 4989 slowly turns his head, one eye cracking open-

1110 sends a flick of pain to his forehead with his fingers.

"Ow!" The boy winces as his hands rub the spot on his forehead.

"4989." At his voice, the boy perks up. "You may have fun whenever you want," The boy blinks and lightens up at the fact, "But, you have to listen to me, okay?" 1110 made sure his tone was authorized yet as gentle as possible.

"Okay…" The defeated tone of the boy makes him feel guilty, but that goes away when the light and warmth in 4989's eyes comes back. "Next time, I'll aim better!"

….He had a feeling it wouldn't go so swell next time. But 1110 chuckles. He can hope it will.

"And you all," addressing the team, giving 2626 the look because he helped as well, the boy was nervously grinning, "If someone's out of line, it's all of your jobs to make sure everyone stays back on track."

The four of them look to the ground and apologize for letting things happen.

"You're all a team." Looking at each and every one of them.

"Your not going to be working cells separately. Your going to be proper white blood cells together."

The faces of his boys turn to each other and nodded. Realizing that they would be seeing each other from now, they'd have to look out for each other. "Right!" They chorused.

His lips twitch upward. "Good. With that being said, I don't believe we've properly introduced 4989 to the team yet, haven't we?" 2001 started, clapping twice, and soon everyone followed. 1146 smiled and 2626 cheers loud for their new team member. 2048 scoops up a handful of water from the ground and sprinkles it above 4989 like confetti. 4989 jumps up and down in glee, his hands outstretched, giggling at the attention. 1110 claps and proceeds to wrap everyone in towels.


I introduced 1110 in my last fic, Love on Wires, and decided he needs some serious spotlight.

Also, thank you again to the reader on that review section for the correct number for WBC teacher.

This is my take on the WBC squad on growing up and caring for another due to a mentor who treated the team as a family. A bond of brothers between them. While still making sure they're disciplined. How white blood cells are raised won't be based off the manga. I'm going to try some new things. But, if anyone wants to help out, pointing things out that are helpful from the manga(i have not read, yet), I'm all ears.

I am weak for parental relationships.(I'm pretty sure it shows…XD) 1110 is father material I'd like to expand on.

This will probably be in three parts. Plus an extra involving the episode where baby red blood cell meets 1146. Only in 1110's perspective.

I created two white blood cells that aren't from the manga. 1030 and 3437. 1030 is a friend I wanted to make for 1110 to talk about their experiences with another and for 1110 to relax with when he's not teaching. I'm not going to make too many mentors, but 1030 will be refereed to as the other mentor on screen when available.

And 3437 is my creation. He'll be mentioned a few times just as a student in another team. He's a lil shy white blood cell whose too introverted to talk to anyone. I may include some parental moments with him and 1030 if anyone's interested.

It wasn't shown, more vaguely implied, but 1146 tried to talk to 3437….and the poor boy was too scared to answer back and ran to his mentor for help.

I hope those two are interesting characters. Even if there not the main dish of this fic.

Thanks for reading!