Last chapter of Jasmine's Crusade, I'll start working on the sequel as soon as I can.

"Come on Ollie." Laurel said, practically dragging her husband down the hall until they arrived at her, or rather their loft, Jasmine close behind them.

"What's the rush?" Oliver asked, though he had an idea as Laurel opened the door and as he expected, John, Lyla, Felicity, Thea, Roy, Curtis, Rene, Dinah, Zoe, JJ, William, Ryan, Sara and Ava were all standing there, all of them shouting "Welcome home."

Oliver smiled as his friends and family surrounded him, starting with hugging William.

"Welcome home dad." William said as he hugged him.

"Thank you son." Oliver said as he moved on, Jasmine smiling as she watched her dad look happier than he had in a long time.

After the cake had been cut and champagne had been handed out, Oliver decided to call a toast.

"First of all, I'd like to thank you guys for doing this. It has been a long time since I've been able to genuinely smile. And aside from my wife who has been very supportive ever since my arrest, raising our daughter alone, sticking by my side throughout all of this," Oliver said, smiling at Laurel, who smiled back at him, "there is one other person I feel I need to thank for this. My daughter." Oliver said and Jasmine smiled at him.

"Jasmine, you went above and beyond anything I ever expected from you and you've made it clear that the legacy is in good hands. That is why I've decided to officially retire as the Green Arrow." Oliver said, much to their surprise.

"You serious." John asked.

"Completely. My days of fighting are over, I'm actually hoping to live a peaceful life now. But Jasmine, you've proven you deserve to wear that hood. That is why I'm officially passing on the torch to you." Oliver said and Jasmine was stunned by that.

"The whole reason I became the Green Arrow was to get you out of prison. I don't know what I'm going to do now." Jasmine said.

"Protect the city. And I know that you can be a better hero then I ever was." Oliver said, bringing tears to his daughter's eyes.

"I'll make you proud dad." Jasmine said and Oliver smiled.

"I know you will. But I would like to teach you a thing or two." Oliver said.

"I've always wanted that." Jasmine assured him and Oliver smiled as he hugged her.

"Jasmine, can I talk to you for a second?" William asked his little sister, who nodded.

"What's up?" Jasmine asked.

"I just thought you should know that Felicity and I were talking about me moving back to Star City to work for Smoak Tech's home base." William said.

"Really that's great. I've missed you Will. Even before I left." Jasmine said, since after Oliver had been arrested, William had really stepped up in the father role to her.

"Well, her working on your team had kind of put her behind at Smoak Tech, so I was hoping I could take her place on the team." William asked and Jasmine nearly squealed.

"Yes. Of course you can. You'll need a code name though." Jasmine said.

"What else is new." William asked and Jasmine rolled her eyes and despite the fact that she finally had her family back, she couldn't help but worry a bit. Grant Wilson was still out there somewhere. Question was, when would she have to face him again.

Unknown location outside Star City

Grant Wilson was currently recuperating under the care of a doctor, a bandage covering what remained of his eye.

"You sure you don't want me to give you a cybernetic eye?' the doctor asked.

"No, I rather like this look on me. Besides, I don't need an eye. What I need is my strength. Is it ready?" Grant asked.

"I think I've managed to recreate the serum, but I can't tell for sure without testing it. It could end up killing you." the doctor warned.

"Or it could make me stronger than I ever dreamed. Do it. Now." Grant said and the doctor gulped nervously before poking the syringe into Grant's arm and injecting him with the drug.

For a second Grant began to seize and pulse heavily, but once it past, he grinned.

"The mirakuru worked doc. I feel stronger than ever." Grant said as he rose off the table before looking at a picture of his greatest enemy.

"Enjoy the time you have left Jasmine Queen. While you still can." Grant said, already beginning to plan his return to Star City.

I'm so glad you all liked this story and I will be posting the sequel soon, since there is still so much more for Jasmine and her team to accomplish.