I own Jasmine Queen and nothing else. Also while this story does not take place in the normal arrowverse, it is not in the Stories Redone Universe either. On this earth, Laurel did not die, though she did have to take some time away from the field to recover and Dinah was still recruited though she had the codename Silver Wolf, as was Rene and Curtis, Team Arrow never broke up and Roy's name has been cleared and he and Thea got married and so did Oliver and Laurel. Now with the story.

Laurel Lance was currently had just returned to her apartment after work to find that someone had already entered it.

"Who's there?" Laurel asked as she saw the fridge in her kitchen was open.

"Seriously, all you have is non alcoholic beer?" Jasmine Queen asked as Laurel relaxed at the sight of her daughter.

"Jasmine, when did you get back in town?" Laurel asked, since her daughter had been traveling the world for the past 5 years.

"This morning, I tried calling you to let you know, but you never picked up. Still trying to save the world?" Jasmine asked.

"If I don't, who will?" Laurel asked, though she had a feeling she knew where this conversation was headed.

"We both know who. Any luck getting dad out of prison?" Jasmine asked.

"No, five years and still nothing. Believe me every chance I get I'm still trying to find a way to prove his innocence." Laurel said.

"Not everything." Jasmine said.

"No, I left that life behind." Laurel said.

"And the people of this city have suffered because of it mom. You all abandoned the city." Jasmine argued.

"Says the woman who's spent the past 5 years out of contact with her family. Did it ever occur to you that I was worried about you." Laurel said and Jasmine took a deep breath.

"I didn't come here to fight." Jasmine said.

"Then why are you here?" Laurel asked.

"To tell you what I've been up to while I was gone." Jasmine said.

"Let me guess, you were following in your father's footsteps?" Laurel asked.

"Yeah, someone needs to protect this city like he did and since you won't." Jasmine said.

"Jasmine, I promised your father I'd keep you safe. Being a vigilante does not qualify as safe." Laurel said.

"Mom, dad did more than just protect the people in the glades, he gave them hope. Something that doesn't exist there anymore. They need something to believe in." Jasmine said.

"You really want to do this don't you?" Laurel asked.

"You and dad taught me to stand up for others, even at my own risk. You put your lives on the line every night. How can you expect me to do any less?" Jasmine asked and Laurel smiled at her.

"I can't. You remind me so much of your father Jasmine. I felt like I was just talking to him right now." Laurel said.

"So you'll support me?" Jasmine asked.

"Sweetheart, I will always be in your corner. But I'm not getting back in the game, I think I'm a bit too old for that." Laurel said.

"I understand." Jasmine assured her and Laurel smiled.

"You'll need a suit." Laurel said.

"I actually came from Central City. Cisco made me a new suit." Jasmine said.

"You'll also need a base, since all of your father's are destroyed by now." Laurel said.

"I'll figure it out. But mom, I'm not just going to help this city. I'm going to find the person who framed dad and bring them to justice." Jasmine said.

"I hope you do. I've missed your father, seeing him without the bulletproof glass." Laurel said.

"I'll bring him home to you." Jasmine said as she placed her hand on her mother's shoulder.

"It's good to have you back Jasmine. Now, go save the city." Laurel said and Jasmine smiled at her as she hugged her mom before leaving.

Jasmine approached the building she'd bought 5 years ago using money her grandfather Robert had left her. Jasmine was planning to turn it into a teen club, similar to Verdant, only with no booze, no age limit, give the kids and teens in the Glades somewhere safe to go after school. But it was a cover for what was underneath.

Jasmine entered the room that would be her office.

"Well Cisco, you've had 5 years to put this together, let's see what you put together." Jasmine said as she reached under her desk and pressed a hidden button on it, causing the wall to slide away, revealing a hidden elevator.

"He's still got it." Jasmine said as she walked into the elevator and pressed the button that closed the doors and took her down to her new lair.

"This is awesome." Jasmine said when the doors opened, revealing her brand new lair. It was designed similarly to her father's old bunker, but with several new features, including having a small lounge area in the corner.

Jasmine then walked over to the main computer hub to see a golden ring on the console. This ring had an arrow insignia on it and she smiled as she saw the note from Cisco.

For easy storage and transport. The note read.

"You really are a genius Cisco." Jasmine said as she slid the ring on and walked over to the closed suit pod in the back of the room, placed her ring into the locking mechanism and turned it, causing the pod to open to reveal a new green suit. It actually resembled her father's green arrow gear, only this was designed for a woman her age and build.

"Time to get to work." Jasmine said as she removed the suit from it's mannequin and after putting it on, she strapped on her gauntlets, put on her quiver, grabbed her bow, slid on her mask and finally, she pulled up her hood. The same hood her father had worn.

The Green Arrow had returned.