Hello again everyone! I know that I haven't updated yesterday and that is due to two things. First, I have a midterm that I must really study for later this week. And second, I was having a bit of trouble finding out how to introduce a few... characters into this along with the build-up for a certain event within the chapter after this one.. Keep in mind, that those characters, I don't own them in any way, shape, or form. Don't flame me for this. Anyways, Enjoy!

Chapter 6

An Angry Brother

Jane Potter was not having a good day. She was expecting a nice evening of watching the Champions Selection going on. She saw Cedric Diggory being chosen to represent Hogwarts which is going bring Hufflepuff House some glory from the Champions Selection alone. She once faced off against him as a fellow Seeker in Quidditch matches in Inter-House matches. She thought in the future, when the three Tasks occur, she would be one of many to watch but the Goblet mysteriously spat out a fourth piece of parchment and on it was her name.

Jane was in shock as she slowly went down the stairs towards the Trophy room where Fleur, Krum, and Cedric are at as they wait for the staff to come down and give them the rundown for the tournament. Her thoughts were going through her friends and family and how they must feel. She could imagine how a majority of the school will be against her especially Hufflepuff House.

She entered into the Trophy room where there are all sorts of knick-knacks and trophies all over the room. She could see the three older students walking up to her as they saw her.

"What's going on? Do they need us back?" Fleur asks

Before Jane could even respond, a lot of yelling can be heard but she heard a certain voice that the other three fear a lot.

Harry Potter's angry voice.

"THIS IS COMPLETE BULLSHIT DUMBLEDORE! MY SISTER IS IN A DEADLY TOURNAMENT! OF COURSE I AM ANGRY!" Harry was completely livid at the current situation as many try to calm him down. It was a good thing Maiya and Irisviel took Ilya and Sigma back to their quarters for bed. They didn't need to hear his angry rant.

"W-What's going on?" Cedric asked the adults, his voice indicating his fear after hearing Harry.

"It's a wondrous event! For the first time in Triwizard history, Jane Potter is the fourth Champion!" Ludo Bagman said with a stupid smile as the entire room temperature went down. Harry immediately punches Bagman right in the face, which is powerful enough to break his jaw, and send him flying into a glass case of trophies and with some fractures in his ribs.

"I DO NOT WANT ANY OF YOUR SHIT BAGMAN! THIS IS A SERIOUS MATTER AND I BLOODY EXPECT YOU TO BE SERIOUS!" He then looked at Jane and hugged her. "Jane… Are you okay? What happened?" He asked as his tone is laced with great worry for his sister causing people to sigh in relief as the pressuring atmosphere disappeared.

Dumbledore tried to intervene, but James and Sirius pushes him back as it may end up causing Harry to get angry again and no one ever wants to experience that again. Jane explained it to everyone and Harry processed it all.

"Dumbledore… The parchment paper?" Harry demanded Dumbledore.

"Now Mr. Potter I don't think…" Dumbledore tries to protest but Harry grabs him by the beard and pulls him close to his face, which is filled with anger.

"My sister is in a deadly tournament. If I find out that you are concealing evidence of a conspiracy against her, I will be sure that you are ousted from your position as Headmaster before the year is done!" Harry said.

Dumbledore reluctantly gave Harry the parchment paper and began to examine it. "Is this your handwriting?" Harry asks Jane as she took a look at it and she nods. "There's only one thing I can think of." He said.

"What do you mean?" Maxime asks. She truly doesn't want to believe that Jane intentionally entered but she wants to bring victory to Beauxbatons and the same goes for Karkaroff.

"This parchment is merely a piece ripped from the corner of a roll, usually where students would write their names at for written assignments. It can only mean that a staff member put her name in the Goblet." Harry said as many gasped.

"Harry, my boy, I do not appreciate you trying to blame my staff of this" Dumbledore said in a fake disappointment tone.

"I am not accusing Minerva or Filius or anyone else. If you would just let me finish old man…" He said as the old goat glared at him. "As I was saying, based on the piece of parchment, it can only be a teacher. However, I was getting reports regularly from the Aurors and Maiya during on our security shifts. And based on those reports, there were no signs of anyone sneaking in. But… As we know, most of the ones on duty were not teachers. There leaves two suspects" Harry said as he approaches Alastor Moody and stares at him.

"But wait… how come the Goblet of Fire spat out four names? I thought that it would be three normally?" Cedric asks.

"It's quite easy! The Goblet of Fire is an exceptionally powerful magical object. Only an exceptionally powerful Confundus Charm can only have hoodwinked it! Abilities beyond the power of an average fourth year!" Alastor said immediately.

"You seem to have given this a fair bit of though, Mad-Eye?" Karkaroff said as he brought his face close to Alastor as if challenging him.

"It was once my job to think as Dark Wizards do Karkaroff. Perhaps you remember?" Alastor said.

"Or perhaps… You are a Dark Wizard yourself?" Harry said causing everyone to look at him.

"Harry… Please, are you accusing Alastor of putting Jane's name in the Goblet?" Dumbledore asks. James and Lily and Sirius had their wands at the ready in case if things did get ugly. They stood in front of Jane just in case if Harry is correct and Alastor is the culprit.

"What do you mean, boy?" Alastor challenged Harry as he simply looks at him but a small bead of sweat can be seen going down his head.

"It's quite easy Alastor… If that's your real name… I distinctly remember Jane once telling me about how you were teaching the fourth years about the Unforgiveables and even casting them in front of them. I once met Alastor when I was younger. He is a paranoid man and would do anything to ensure that everyone is prepared. But I don't think he would go as far as scarring children with curses that are extremely dangerous. Then there is the fact that as soon as the Goblet spat out Jane's name, I don't recall you examining the Goblet, you just went down following me and everyone else. A Confundus Charm is a pretty good assessment, I will admit. But…" He then held a familiar looking flask in his hands causing Alastor(?) to look in his pockets to realize that it's gone. "This isn't FireWhiskey."

Harry tossed it to Lily who took a whiff of it being good at Potions and her eyes widened. "Polyjuice…" Lily said, and everyone had their wands aiming at Alastor who looked to be cornered.

"Well… It would seem that you are cornered. Any last words… Death Eater?" He said as Alastor(?) was extremely angry towards Harry and aimed his wand

"AVADA-!" BANG! "Gah!" Everyone was shocked to hear that the imposter was about to hit Harry with the Killing Curse, however, Maiya was seen at the bottom of the staircase with her gun out. Her shot had hit the imposter by his wand hand. Harry kicked the wand away and then used Reinforcement on his knee as he kneed the imposter into the stomach, doubling him over. The imposter then began to vomit the contents of his stomach up along with any Polyjuice that may be in his stomach if he had been drinking some recently.

Everyone watched in disgust as the imposter's face began to melt and contort in many ways. The effects of the Polyjuice fading as the artificial eye was dropped due to the change and the artificial leg was also dropped as the original person didn't need one. When the transformation ended, the imposter's looks have changed completely.

Instead of Alastor Moody, it was "Bartemius Crouch Jr." Harry said and everyone had a shocked look on their faces especially Karkaroff. Harry remembered that Karkaroff was once a Death Eater. He was arrested and placed into Azkaban, but got out after he gave names of Death Eaters within the Ministry. One of those names was Barty Crouch Jr. Barty Crouch Sr. was also in shock as he just kept silent.

"Maiya… The Veritaserum" Harry said as he forced the Death Eater's mouth opened wide as Maiya administered the truth serum and forced him to swallow it. Harry began his interrogation.

"Is your name Barty Crouch Jr.?" "Yes"

"Where is the real Alastor Moody?" "In the trunk… in the office" Harry gestured for Sirius to go get the real Moody with his leg and eye.

"How are you still alive? Official reports say that you died in Azkaban 13 years ago" "My mother… My mother's last wish… My father… Senior… He broke me out and hidden me in Crouch Manor. The body that found was my mother's" As soon as he said that, James has his wand pointed at Barty Crouch Senior.

"Why did you put Jane Potter's name in the Goblet?" "My Master… Lord Voldemort. He ordered me to." Harry's face contorted in anger. As he punched the Death Eater in the face, knocking him out.

Harry looked at Maiya. "Maiya, make sure that he is clean… We can't take any chances" He orders his partner as she began to examine the Death Eater. She found a cyanide pill hidden in a hollowed tooth and removed it in case he tries to commit suicide.

The adults began to discuss about what to do now. James had Barty Crouch senior under arrest for the breakout of a Death Eater thought dead. Lily was hugging onto Jane who just wants to get out of this. However, since the Goblet of Fire has already chosen the Champions, a magical binding contract was applied to all four Champions. If they refuse to participate, they would lose their Magic, and very likely, their lives.

Needless to say, Harry is pissed off at this and left the Trophy Room in a fit of anger. Maiya was left directing traffic in ensuring that both Crouches are under detainment until they are ready to be taken to the Ministry and await trial.

Lily and Jane followed Harry all the way back to his quarters. As they got to the door, Harry then hugs Jane in a tight embrace.

"I'm sorry Jane… I couldn't protect you from this." Harry said with tears coming out of his eyes. Jane never thought that he would ever see her brother like this. It seems that he doesn't take failure well when it comes to his family.

Jane hugged him back. "Hey Harry… It's okay… I am here… Don't worry… We can get through this somehow… I'll survive… somehow…" She said trying to comfort her older brother. The brother she had waited so long to see again.

Lily joins in on the hug as she comforts her son. In a way, she knew what Harry is feeling. It's the same feeling that she and James had experienced when their son left with Zelretch to get away from the Wizarding World in Britain. The feeling that they had failed their family.

November 1st, 2014

The next day, news of the circumstances behind the controversial topic of the Girl-Who-Lived being selected as an impossible Fourth Champion has reached the ears of the entire student populace. There were a few details that were left out such as the fact that Voldemort was behind it all because if that got out, the students would be in a panic. All they knew is that it was a Death Eater, thought to be dead, getting revenge on Jane Potter for defeating his fallen master. At least that is what the rumor mill has come up with.

Anyway, the details for the First Task was given by Bagman. People were wondering what happened to him as he was wearing bandages on his face and has this look of pain on his face when he tries walking. It wasn't too much of a surprise when it was revealed that Harry punched Bagman in the jaw when he made a comment that was completely inappropriate at the situation at hand. The First task was on November 21 later in the month while the Weighing of the Wands take place on November 13 where the Champions gather for pictures together.

Jane's friends were very worried as they haven't seen Jane since she was chosen as a Champion. She didn't even come back to Gryffindor tower yet. Professor Lily Potter announced that she used the Floo to go home, wanting to recover from the ordeal. Ron and Draco attempted to launch a smear campaign against Jane for cheating despite the news that was given in the morning.

Meanwhile, Maiya was at the tower keeping guard of Senior and Junior while writing a letter to the ICW on Harry's behalf and inform them of the situation. Very likely, they would take action. She yawned as she took a sip of her morning coffee, but instead of the hot drink, it was cold. She took a look at it and saw the coffee turn ice solid and a layer of frost covers the surface of the mug.

Maiya lets out her breath and saw her own breath and the air was getting chilly, like the cold depths of Helheim within Norse mythology. Her senses were on high alert as her guns were out.

"D-Dementors…" She heard Senior say from his cell.

"That fool of a Minister… He is going to ensure this never comes out. Just like my Master expects him to do." Junior was laughing maniacally.

That is when Maiya saw a cloaked figure rising up from below and was approaching her. She began to shoot at it but it would seem her bullets are not effective as it made a dive bomb towards her and took a taste of her soul. Horrible memories of Maiya's past. Seeing the light fade from her victims as they die. The other children who died refusing to listen to the adults. When she got raped. It is making her break down from the inside as she collapses onto the floor.

"Hem hem…" Maiya could hear a scratchy voice as she looked up at what looked to be a cross between a woman and a toad. This hybrid is wearing all pink, not very subtle. Walking up next to the toad woman was Cornelius Fudge, the Minister.

"Dolores… Can't we simply Obliviate her? If she is found dead…"

"No Minister. Knowing Potter, he would know immediately that she was Obliviated. All we have to do is make it look like that she was killed by Crouch Jr. and Crouch Sr. will simply testify that when we bribe him with a lighter sentence." The toad said.

Maiya was seriously hating that voice so much. It makes her ears hurt a lot. She can't let them get away with this! She reaches for the gun that was near her hand and then made a random shot at them which hits the toad woman across her forehead, drawing blood. It didn't kill her but she was extremely angry.

"Crucio!" She yells out and Maiya felt every part of her body writhe in pain like a million needles are sticking into her. She yelled in pain while the toad woman was enjoying it. The Dementor came back and began to make Maiya feel her memories coming back.

Fudge tries to stop the toad woman from doing this any further but she kept going, wanting to make the non-magical in front of her suffer from drawing blood to her.

"EXPECTO PATRONUM!" A familiar voice is heard and then a glowing white corporeal Lion and a Snake of the same characteristic attacked the Dementor before they looked to be viciously ripping it apart and killing it. They turned their attention to Fudge and the toad woman who looked in fear at the Patronus that killed a Dementor. They then felt someone behind them as they backed up and bumped someone. Once they turned around, it was Harry Potter, looking extremely pissed off with Amelia Bones, Mad-Eye Moody, James Potter, Sirius Black, Nymphadora "Don't call me that" Tonks, and Shacklebolt behind him. The two knew that they were both screwed.

Later that day

Hogwarts Great Hall

Dinner was among them as everyone was eating their dinner on this fine Sunday evening. No one has seen hide nor hair of Professor Harry Potter all day. The calm atmosphere of the Great Hall turned into great chaos once an urgent Evening Edition of the Daily Prophet was delivered to everyone

Minister and Madame Undersecretary Arrested!

Charges of Attempted Manslaughter with Dementor!

In this urgent evening edition of the Daily Prophet, we bring to you a shocking revelation

As the title of this article indicates, earlier today, without the knowledge of the staff or Aurors, Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and Madame Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge has snuck in to Hogwarts with a Dementor of all things.

What is the purpose you may ask?

Well, during an interrogation with the use of Veritaserum, it was revealed that both perpetrators were intending on murdering both Maiya Hisau, partner to the new Potions Professor at Hogwarts, Harry Potter, and Barty Crouch Jr., a Death Eater who was thought to have died in Azkaban Prison over 13 years ago. More details on Barty Crouch Jr. will be provided in a later edition. Minister Fudge and Madame Umbridge were intending to have Barty Crouch Sr., who was arrested, testify that his Death Eater son had escaped his cage and kill Ms. Hisau.

Ms. Hisau was suffering the effects of the Dementor and attempted to fight back, resulting in Madam Umbridge getting wounded in this altercation. She retaliated with the Unforgiveable Cruciatus Curse on Ms. Hisau along with sending the Dementor to make the torture even worse.

Fortunately, Mr. Harry Potter managed to save Ms. Hisau, who was taken in by Madam Pomfrey in order to recover. And Madam Pomfrey said that Ms. Hisau will require a few weeks of rest in order to recover. We, of the Daily Prophet, wish Ms. Hisau a speedy recovery.

As for Madame Umbridge and Minister Fudge, they were both arrested by order of DMLE Head Amelia Bones and Interim Head Auror James Potter.

"I just can't believe that Minister Fudge would do something like this. When I asked him during his interrogation, he said that he wants to be seen "doing something" as he would put it. I can tell you this, it was an asinine reason to go up against proper protocol. I will ensure that these two perpetrators are given justice along with Crouch Jr. and Sr." Said Amelia Bones giving her statement.

In regards to why they would target Ms. Hisau, Auror James Potter states "It could be many things. First of all, she was simply there at the wrong place at the wrong time. They probably just want to get a witness out of the way. It could be that she will come forward with the truth. I don't usually say this as I don't have much evidence but I knew that Dolores Umbridge has a hatred towards those who are not Pureblood. I just couldn't imagine what she would've done to my granddaughter Illyasviel if she ever gets her grubby hands on her." James Potter said with emotion in his eyes. Provided below is a picture of the James, Lily, and Jane Potter along with Harry Potter and his wife and daughter Irisviel von Einzbern and Illyasviel von Einzbern.

An investigation is currently underway looking into the offices of Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge. More details will be provided at a future edition of the Daily Prophet.

As for Harry Potter, who stopped the two, did not give us a statement regarding the event in question, too worried about his partner.

What does this mean for the Minister and Madame Undersecretary? Will they sacked and sent to Azkaban for attempted manslaughter? How will the ICW react? Why didn't the Headmaster do anything about it? Shouldn't he have sensed them coming with the Dementor?

Everyone's eyes were all widened at what the Prophet has just described. And it all took place right near where they are.

Meanwhile, in the Hospital Wing, Maiya was sleeping peacefully on her bed. Madam Pomfrey just finished the treatment on her almost an hour ago and is currently out of danger. Harry was keeping sitting next to the bed with Sigma who was holding her hand very tightly, scared to death after hearing about what happened. Irisviel and Illya are also present worried for Harry's partner's safety.

"Harry… What are you going to do now? With the Minister and his Undersecretary under arrest for what they did to Maiya, what will happen now?" Irisviel asks as she read the Daily Prophet.

"Most likely, the ICW will be pushing for the Minister to not only be sacked, but to have him arrested and sent to an ICW-established prison along with that toad woman of his. In the process, a new Minister must be taken into consideration, or at least an interim one until a new one can be established. In all honest, I am hoping that Madame Bones will take up the position. So far, she has been the most impartial authority figure."

"And what about Jane? She can't simply get out of this tournament or else she will lose her magic and die."

"I do have an idea on the matter. I may need to run it by the ICW. Meanwhile, I will need permission to allow more people on Hogwarts for the duration of the tournament. We can only hope for now Iri." He said with a sad voice. But then Irisviel hugs Harry's head to her chest.

"Don't be sad Harry. I know that you will help Jane get through this. I know… because I know you. You will do anything to help her and I know you can succeed in doing so. You are my husband" Irisviel said causing Harry to cry a little bit.

Potter Mansion

Jane Potter puts down her copy of the Daily Prophet on the dinner table. The House Elves especially Dobby were nice enough to cook her dinner. She needed this to get her mind off of the tournament for a while. She is especially pissed that her brother's partner was attacked of all things and it was all by that idiot Minister and his toad of an Undersecretary. In fact, they were just trying to cover up Voldemort's return! It pisses her off to no end!

She ate her dinner in peace and alone, occasionally calling for the House Elves to giving her more water. She sighed and went up to the sink in the kitchen and began to wash the plates. While she does that, she began to reflect her life from the very beginning.

As far back as she could remember, she would remember walking with her parents in Diagon Alley at the age of three and lots of strangers would come up to her and shake her hand. She was so confused at the time, not knowing the meaning behind these gestures. It was only a few years later when she was 6 when she fully understood the meaning of it. She defeated a very powerful and influential Dark Lord at 3 months old. When her parents told her that, she could see that they were trying to hold back tears for some reason. When she was seven, she was going through her parent's stuff to find a photograph of her parents and an 11 year old boy. She could see in the photo that this was taken about weeks before she was born if the heavily pregnant Lily was any indication. Damned Voldemort! If only he stayed dead! If it weren't for him… Her anger was getting the better of her.

As her thoughts wandered to her brother, she accidentally cut herself on her hand. She winced as blood was flowing profusely from the back of her right hand. A small pop can be heard from next to her and she saw the House Elf Dobby there. During Jane's second year, she met Dobby a number of times and he was trying to 'save' her from a great terror. She understood at the end of her second year what that terror was, which was the Basilisk in the Chamber of Secrets and the Cursed Diary of a younger Voldemort. She managed to safe Dobby by having Lucius Malfoy unknowingly give Dobby her sock and thus freeing him. It was a funny memory as she took Dobby in to the Potter family shortly after.

"Great Mistress Janey Potter. Is yous okay?" Dobby asks as he began to wipe away the blood off of Jane's hand.

"I'm all right. I just cut myself with some stupid glass" Jane said as obviously it was still stinging her hand. She waited until Dobby was done wipe it all way. But strangely, Dobby has been wiping for about 3 minutes already. Usually it would be done in under a minute. "Uh… Dobby? What's taking so long?"

"Dobby is sorry Mistress! Dobby can't seem to wipe blood away!" Jane raises an eyebrow and lifted her hand up to take a look. On her hand was not blood but some kind of red tattoo or markings on her hand. The markings she could make out to be some kind of dragon of sorts. She make out a head on the far left of the markings and its wing next to the head. Jane couldn't help but wonder what the hell this is. And why does it sting her hand so much?

She tried everything to take it off, every spell she knew, every known Mundane cleaning method, but nothing seems to work. She looked to Dobby. "Dobby, swear to me that you will not speak of this to my parents or brother no matter what." She told the house elf and he only nods frantically seeing how serious Jane is. She then went to the bathroom and applied some bandages on her right hand, covering her right hand before putting on fingerless gloves on both hands just in case. Whatever this is, could not be good. Why does the world hate her so much? Or better yet… Why does the world love to screw with her so much?

Harry was starting to write a letter regarding a request and was hoping that it can get through. The next few days will be interesting.

November 7, 2014

Cornelius Fudge and Dolores Umbridge Convicted for Attempted Murder

Crouch Sr. and Jr. Convicted!

You-Know-Who Returns?

It is with great disappointment to hear that former Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge and former Undersecretary Dolores Umbridge are convicted for the Attempted Murder of Maiya Hisau and Death Eater Barty Crouch Jr.

Further investigations have been made and it has been shown that Dolores Umbridge was in possession of a Dark Artifact known as a Blood Quill. For those who doesn't know what one of these artifacts does, it causes whoever writes with it to painfully be written on the writer's hand. There was evidence of multiple people being forced to use it as a disciplinary measure before Umbridge Obliviates them.

As for Bartemius Crouch Sr., the former head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation was charged with aiding and abetting with a known Death Eater, more specifically, his son, Barty Jr. It has been revealed that Crouch Sr. snuck his son out of Azkaban 13 years ago as a dying wish from his wife.

Barty Crouch Jr. is now arrested for sabotage of an international tournament along with the attempted murder via the use of an Unforgiveable. It turns out that he had used a Polyjuice Potion in order to disguise himself as the DADA professor, retired Auror Alastor Moody. Mr. Moody has recovered from his imprisonment at the hands of Crouch Jr. and is currently resuming his classes as normal.

All four individuals are now being sent to a prison to the neutral lands of Switzerland where the International Confederation of Wizards will finish up processing them.

Meanwhile, an interim Minister of Magic has been decided and DMLE Head Amelia Bones will take over the position until the Triwizard Tournament is over.

However, what nerves us at the Daily Prophet is what Barty Crouch Jr. spoke of when he said that his Master ordered him to.

Is You-Know-Who back? Nothing has been confirmed yet, but Amelia Bones has stated that an investigation is underway.

We have managed to get a hold of Harry Potter and he gave us his statement regarding the current situation.

"I am glad that these four have been given the full extent of justice. I believe for now, we are going to see if we can prevent any more surprises for the rest of the school year. The Triwizard Tournament was meant to be an event of creating cooperation between different countries like the ICW has intended for. I was recently invited by the ICW to attend a meeting in regards to a proposal that I have put forward for security measures. And then there is the situation with my sister, I have spoken with the ICW along with Headmasters Karkaroff and Headmistress Maxime, and they all agreed to let me train Ms. Jane Potter."

That is what the latest edition of the Daily Prophet states. Many in the Great Hall are whispering among themselves about the possibilities of Voldemort actually returning. Some were wondering about these people that Harry may be bringing in. Perhaps once they arrive at the time of the Weighing of the Wands, they will finally see what kind of background Harry has. And then there was the training that Jane was being given. Dumbledore obviously didn't like that but couldn't do anything about it since the ICW will most likely see it as sabotage.

Room of Requirement

Jane finally recovered from her own slump and was mentally healthy after spending time with her family and friends. When Harry told her that he was going to train her for the upcoming Triwizard tournament, she couldn't help but be excited to be personally trained by her older brother. Jane was brought up to a secret location known as the Room of Requirement. This is a place that Sirius once mentioned to her while growing up and is used to hide. Not even Dumbledore, as Headmaster, can't find them.

Harry was alone with Jane as Iri and Ilya were in Hogsmeade for the day with Maiya and Sigma. Maiya was allowed to get out of bed but was required to take it easy with her body and eat chocolate often, which is okay with her.

Harry couldn't help but think that there is something off about Jane. He could feel the atmosphere around his little sister change a bit, like something intense is there. He took notice of the gloves on her hands but decides to leave it alone for now and focus on the tournament.

"Now Jane… As you know, you are at a complete disadvantage due to your age. Cedric is a sixth year while Krum and Fleur are seventh years, meaning that all three of them are more experienced than you are. I cannot tell you about the three Tasks as it is against the rules. But I will teach you just enough in order for you to survive. The First Task requires you to face a threat head-on. However, I don't want you to face this threat guns blazing. I need you to focus on using your own strengths." Harry said.

"My strengths? Well… I am pretty decent with a broom, I mean, Sirius gave me a Firebolt for my birthday this past summer. It is a great broom and all." Jane fumbled as she subconsciously adjusts her right glove, something that Harry is noticing.

"Decent? Doesn't really sound like what Dad told me. Don't be shy, at least brag a little bit about your flying skills." He said as he simply ruffles her hair a bit.

Jane simply pouts at her older brother's antics. She knew that he is just abusing his rights as an overprotective older brother. "Harry~" She whined.

"I know, I know… Anyways, the location of the First Task is in an arena that is currently being built for the task. The terrain is a rocky one so you can utilize the cover there. Meanwhile, I took a peek at the designs and you can use your broom to fly out if needed."

"But… we aren't allowed to bring a broom into any of the tasks."

"But you are allowed a wand… Which is why I will be teaching you the Summoning Charm. It's meant to be a spell that you will be learning later in DADA but I guess in a situation like this, you will be needing something like this. This will be the first spell you will learn."

"But… I thought I would be able to know some of the moves that you know Harry." Jane asks wanting to know more about what it is like to be Harry.

"Jane… You don't understand… The skills and magic I know are different. Mom and Dad has already told you that. I was born with Magic Circuits, the power of a Magus. And I know that you don't have any of those circuits in you so it won't be possible." Harry tries to explain to Jane.

Jane can only sigh. It was worth a shot anyway. But she will take what she can get in order to survive this tournament. She will ask her brother about more training later.

Throughout the afternoon, Jane practiced the Summoning Charm over and over again until she managed to get a good grasp of it. Harry smiled at the amount of progress that Jane is making so he left her with studying the next spell on the agenda, which is a Shield Charm.


The ICW is meeting again only 2 days after their final decisions of putting the 4 perpetrators into an ICW established prison. It was a room with seats shaping up to be in a circle and they are all in an elevated position. Standing below and in the middle of the room is none other than their hired mercenary for the Triwizard Tournament, Harry Potter. The delegates for each country were discussing about a proposal that Harry has put forward for security measures. Each delegate was given a folder with about 5 individual profiles.

"I take it that these people are suitable for the tasks at Hogwarts, Mr. Potter?" One delegate asks.

"Of course sir, they are only the best I know of. I have spoken with each of them prior to today and they wholeheartedly agree. I am just waiting for you to give me the green light." Harry responds

"I see… Very well… I think we can all say that we must take no chances in this matter. The thought of the Dark Lord Voldemort returning, concerns all of us. Even if Crouch Jr.'s words are mere ramblings, we mustn't take it lightly. Mr. Potter, we approve of your proposals in bringing these individuals in for the Triwizard Tournament's security.

With the approval, Harry left the meeting room with a smile on his face. Perhaps now, it's time to bring some old friends in to the party.

November 13, 2014

The Weighing of the Wands is today, that meant that all Champions will gather together to take photos together while having an expert wandmaker to ensure that all four of their wands are in tip-top shape. This past week, Jane has been learning spell after spell from Harry while juggling her classes such as Potions and Arithmancy. She had been told by Harry that he would be one of the judges for the First and Second Tasks as a representative of the ICW due to Crouch Sr.'s incarceration. So far, Madame Maxime, Karkaroff, Dumbledore, Madame Bones, and Harry will be the five judges for these tasks.

Present in the room are the judges minus Harry, the Champions, Aurors Black, Longbottom, and Potter, Maiya, Garrick Ollivander the wandmaker, and Rita Skeeter with her cameraman Bozo.

Ever since Rita Skeeter wrote that sham of an article back in early September, she had been taking a lot of fire from her boss when they were forced to write an apology to the public. If she wants to keep her job, she must state only the facts which is a pain for her. The Champions took pictures of each other with different poses. Begrudgingly, Jane had no choice but to take a picture with Dumbledore. At least it was only one picture.

Anyways, Mr. Ollivander is about to make his assessments with each Champion's wand. "Excellent," the wandmaker stood behind the table, eyes unblinking as he stared at his audience, "Now who will be the first?"

"I will." Viktor Krum said in a heavy accent as he rose from his seat and stalked towards the front of the room. He presented his wand to the old wizard who took it gingerly from the Durmstrang champion's hand.

A look of recognition can be seen in the wandmaker's eyes "Ahhh. A Gregorovitch creations, I see. Ten and a quarter inch. Hornbeam wood with a dragon heartstring for a core. Very rigid, as is his style. Thicker than the norm as well. But that is to be expected. Gregorovitch crafts his wands to be sturdier when used. More reliable in a way, though it lacks the elegance and finesse I am used to." Ollivander shifted his grip so that he held the wand by its haft. He flicked it once and a loud booming sound, like that of a cannon, erupted from the tip. Everyone blinked at the display and then looked back, to the back of the room, where a circular scorch mark had been burned into the wall. The wandmaker smiled.

"A very eager wand, you have here, Mr. Krum. Good for dueling. Used offensively and it will have few others in its league."

"Thank you," Viktor said, and took the offered wand back. He made his way back to row of seats and sat down without a second look towards his fellow champions.

"Next?" Ollivander gestured.

Cedric Diggory rose unsteadily and walked for the table. The Hufflepuff smiled shakily as he presented his wand to the wizened man.

"Very good, Mr. Diggory," Ollivander commented and ran a finger across the wand's gleaming surface, "Do you polish your wand frequently?"

"Every other day," Cedric smiled again, with more confidence this time.

"Excellent. One should always polish his or her wand at every opportunity," at the wandmaker's words, Sirius adopted a sheepish look and hid his own wand in the sleeve of his robe, "It is the very basics of wandcare, and polishing it at least once a week will prolong your wand's lifetime."

"Thank you, sir," the Hogwarts champion beamed.

"Hmm. This one is one of mine. Twelve and a quarter inch. Ash wood and a string of hair from the tail of a unicorn. Ah yes. I remember this wand well. You were just starting Hogwarts when Amos brought you into my shop. It took us a few tries to find one just right for you. The wand chooses the wizard after all." Ollivander dipped the wand in a vertical, cutting motion, and the bright, golden hue of a perfectly casted Protego appeared, shining a shimmering light that danced towards the corners of the room.

"Unicorns are a compassionate species," the old man remarked, "And thus, this wand is kindly in nature. It excels at defensive spells and all sorts of charms. Powerful in its own way, but highly dependent on how the owner chooses to use it. I hope, Mr. Diggory, you are never in a situation where you have to betray your wand's true nature."

Cedric nodded in acceptance. "Thank you, sir," he said and walked back towards his seat.


Fleur Delacour stood up regally and made her way up front. Ollivander delicately picked the wand up from the quarter-Veela's palm and held it closely to his face.

"The maker of this wand escapes me," he admitted after a while, "Custom made, I presume?"

"Oui," the girl replied, "It was made for me when I was little."

"I see. Nine and a half inches. Rosewood, I believe. And the core is…" the wandmaker's eyes flickered briefly, "… a strand of Veela hair?"

"Oui," Fleur said again, "One of my grandmother's." This made Jane think back to when Harry told her about Fleur. About how she is a part-Veela, a known humanoid species that mostly consist of females that has this natural charm called Allure and how it can affect most males. It's a good thing it doesn't affect Harry at all.

"Irregular, but useable," Ollivander tapped the wand against the table and in response a bouquet of roses sprang from the wooden surface. Two more taps, and the entire table was covered with the crimson flowers.

"I do," Fleur smiled "Thank you." She received her want back

"Next?" Ollivander called and Jane walked up nervously in front of everyone as she handed her wand to Ollivander.

"Ah… Jane Potter, The Girl-Who-Lived. 11 inches, Wood of a Holly tree, and core is a Phoenix feather. Very flexible. And very well taken care of."

As soon as it was taken care of, Harry entered the room and Madame Bones was there to greet him. "I take it that the additions have arrived?"

Harry only nods at this. Dumbledore, in all his wisdom, spoke up stupidly. "Additions? Whatever that may be, I did not hear about this." Dumbledore said with a fake disappointment face that no one even believes in.

"Don't give me that Dumbledore, you know that the ICW has given me powers to the security of the Triwizard tournament. As such, I proposed to the ICW five individuals of exceptional skill and style to be added into the security team. Just like me, they will be stationed only in Hogwarts for the duration of the tournament." Harry said in a matter-of-fact tone which made the old goat fuming on the inside. "Anyway, I should start introducing them now." One by one, each came in as everyone took in the sight of the five individuals that Harry chose.

The first is a young woman in her later twenties to early thirties with long black hair that reaches down to her knees and red eyes. She wears a dark sleeveless mini dress with a white collar and a red tie; she wears a red belt that has a red side skirt cover. She wears it with long black socks and black shoes. She also wears red gauntlets and black gloves. Over all that is a long dark coat in battle. Attached to her hip is a sheathed Katana. Everyone saw these faded red markings on her face. "My name is Akame, no last name. Assassin." She introduced herself without any hint of emotion but seems to be smiling at Harry as he nods. Some were a bit nerved that this woman is an assassin and she had stated this without a tone of emotion. A professional.

The next man is someone that everyone could tell from the smell that he is emitting is a drinker. He has graying black, spiky hair, dull red eyes, and slight stubble along his jawline. With a red, tattered cloak, he wears a gray dress shirt with a long tail, black dress pants, and black dress shoes. He also wears a ring on his right index finger, two other rings on his right ring finger, and a necklace with a crooked cross-shaped pendant. "Qrow Branwen, Hunter" He then reached for an inside pocket and pulled out a flask and began to drink it.

The next is a petite-framed man around Harry's age with blue hair and azure eyes. His hair short with bangs a little bit over his eyes. He is actually quite short for an adult at about 163 centimeters. He looked a little annoyed and embarrassed when Harry was obviously trying to stifle his laughter. In fact, he looks a little androgynous in appearance. He looks like a teacher with a button-up shirt, a blue tie, and a waistcoat with black slacks. "Nagisa Shiota, teacher, assassin"

The fourth is a young woman about twenty years old. She is wearing all black with red highlights. Her face shows that she is of Asian descent despite the hood on her outfit shrouding some of her face. She has a sword in its sheathe strapped to her back. "Shao Jun… Assassin" She said in a Chinese accent.

The final one is, surprisingly, a teenager also of Asian descent. She is a petite young girl with short brown hair that she keeps back with a hair clip. She wears an open white and blue jacket, that is ankle-length and splits into two ends past her thighs. She also wears a white blouse underneath and a pair of orange pumpkin shorts, as well as black knee-high socks and tall brown boots. A blue band is wrapped twice around her wrists and around her neck is a wood carving attached to a black band necklace. "Yo Kasukabe. Problem child" She said as she was playing with a cat that is with her.

Many were just staring at each individual with wary expressions. Despite the looks of Nagisa and Yo, they both emit some kind of aura that basically spells danger all over it.

Harry merely smiles at the expressions most in the room are thinking. For now, he is just glad that he got some of his own friends into Hogwarts with the approval of the ICW. Once again… Hogwarts is going to be seeing another bit of change.