Author's Note: Hi guys!

Welcome to my story!

Okay so first, a couple of disclaimers!

I am just a fan who wanted some more Venom in her life so BAM! this fic here was born :D

This is my first time writing for MCU and I gotta say it is QUITE intimidating. Please be gentle! I haven't read any comics (YET!) and am just going based on what I know from shows, movies, and some light research. So I'll just be winging it and going with the flow. I'm writing this because I came out totally obsessed with all things Venom and Symbrock after watching the movie and I dunno, this just sounds like so much fun!

And hey, if you guys are having fun with me, then that's just MARVELOUS!

Rating MAY change to MATURE for graphic depictions of violence and POSSIBLE smut, but I haven't decided on anything concrete as of yet so... we shall see! ;)

Now, onwards with the story!

We begin our tale right where it left off after the end credit scene in Venom (2018)...

Chapter One

"There's going to be carnage."

Cletus Kasady's disquieting threat looms over Eddie's thoughts like a dark cloud, ominous and foreboding.

Worried, Eddie? Venom's voice intrudes upon his musings.

"Maybe," Eddie admits softly before adding more loudly, "I don't know." He shrugs his shoulders as he continues his cautious steps, hoping the action will somehow shake off all feelings of uneasiness and trepidation.

"What?" the guard escorting him out of the maximum-security prison asks.

"What what?" inquires a bewildered Eddie.

"You said you don't know," clarifies the gargantuan guard. "What don't you know?"

"Uh, nothing," Eddie clears his throat and scratches his ear, giving a dismissive shake of his head. Instead of leaving it at that, Eddie is unable to stop himself, adding, "I wasn't talking to you."

The guard stops walking, and shoots Eddie a confused glare. "Who were you talking to?" The tall, brawny man takes a quick look around, and Eddie does the same, visually confirming there is no one but the two of them in the long, narrow hallway.

Eddie feels Venom grin widely.

Tell him, Venom persuades, his tone mischievous. Better yet, let us show him.

"N-no—" Eddie begins to reply to Venom but he pauses, swiftly turning to address the scowling guard instead, "—body. I'm not talkin' to nobody. Just me. Myself." He flashes the guard a wry smile as he senses a deep chuckle reverberate within.

"Hmph," he scoffs, turning back to resume his walk toward the exit with Eddie following suit. "Whatever."

God! Can you please just behave for like, two seconds? Eddie admonishes.

Only two seconds? the symbiote jests back. Then yes.

Eddie rolls his eyes. Once again he's acutely aware of slight internal vibrations, and the rumble of Venom's laughter is oddly comforting. The perturbation that settled after he finished interviewing deranged serial killer Kasady fades, and the corners of his mouth turn upwards.

Feel better, Eddie?

Yes, he confirms just as they finally reach the exit.

Good, Venom warbles. Because we have to go now.

His face falls, and the content smile he was wearing melts into a concerned frown. "What?"

Good-bye, Eddie.

"Have a good day, sir," the guard bids as Eddie exits the prison, and not only does he feel Venom willingly detach himself from his body with a violent rip, but he whirls around in time to see his black, amorphous form slither back inside the supermax penitentiary.

The guard is distracted, and fortunately did not witness the sudden severance. The act of separating physically pains Eddie and he gasps, choking back a guttural scream. He can still see Venom moving fluidly further and further away from him. He disappears as he rounds the corner, and the sight intensifies his agony. Eddie clutches his chest. His first instinct is to chase after him, despite his discomfort.

"Wait!" he somehow manages to yell, breaking into a run.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" the guard shouts, grabbing hold of Eddie's arm before he was beyond his grasp. "Where do you think you're going, buddy?" He moves to place his massive frame in front of Eddie.

"I need to go back," Eddie sputters out, his mind and heart rate racing wildly. What the hell was that? Why did he leave? Where did he go? "I-I-I… left something important b—" Is he coming back?!

"Oh no, Brock, I ain't falling for that," the guard's voice is firm, his body language unyielding.

"Excuse me?"

"Your reputation precedes you, Brock," the guard does not budge an inch as Eddie tries with all his might to push past him. "You're a troublemaker. Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do. You just want more time with loony Carrot Top."

"What? No, no! I really did leave something important back there and I need to go get it!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes!" Eddie booms, exasperated.

"What did you leave?" the guard asks, his brown unbelieving eyes narrowing into slits.

"My, uh… my—" Think fast, Eddie. Think fast! "My notes!"

"What about that notepad that's sticking out of your back pocket?" the muscular man points out.


He releases a resigned breath. "Listen, I just need five minutes," Eddie pleads. "Please?"

The prison guard takes a few seconds to ponder his request. Eddie sees the exact moment in which he reaches a decision, and a surge of hope balloons inside him.

"No," the guard states firmly, and Eddie doesn't have time to process his answer before he's brusquely shoved back. "Have a nice day, Brock," the guard waves him off before closing the door shut.

Eddie loses his balance, falling back on his ass against the hard concrete pavement.

"Oof!" he groaned as his pain wells up. "Yeah, that's gonna leave a mark."

The pain is tolerable, though, and Eddie is able to sit up, then slowly, gingerly, rises to his feet. As he hobbles down the street, making his way toward his Scrambler Café Racer motorcycle, he begins to feel a hollow, dull ache intensify with each step.

At first he refuses to acknowledge it, denying its existence, but as he winces and groans trying to mount his bike, he knows he can't any longer.

He feels… empty.

So utterly and profoundly bare.


But most of all, Eddie feels lonely.

He is alone.

And he is miserable, feeling like he is trapped inside an abysmal void.

Eddie is no stranger to depression, having hit rock bottom before, but this… this feels so much worse.

It is both a freezing cold and an unbearable heat.

It feels desolate and bleak, the light of hope eluding him.

It feels unnatural.

There is a longing, a yearning within him. There is a gaping hole that needs to be filled desperately.


He knows why he feels this way, and he knows what will make it go away—this intense and terrible ache—but he hesitates to fully acknowledge it, especially to himself.

He revs up his bike, the engine sputtering loudly to life, but he can't bring himself to leave. He stays rooted in place, his bike reverberating beneath him. The vibrations make him reminisce, thinking back fondly on the annoying parasite that took up residence inside his body.

The extraterrestrial being could have chosen any one of the seven billion people that inhabit the Earth to be his host, but had for some inexplicable reason chosen him.

"You are mine."

Eddie remembers with vivid detail when Venom uttered those words to him, and he warms at the memory. His lips stretch into a lopsided grin, recalling Venom's answer when he asked what made him change his mind about humans. What made him want to betray his race and save the world instead.

"You did."

The words shake him to his core even now, perhaps more so than they did back then.

But if what he told Eddie was really true, then why did he up and leave him so abruptly like that? No warning. No explanation. Just "Goodbye, Eddie?"

"What the actual fuck?" Eddie curses aloud and groans, not wishing to dwell on why it elicited such a strong reaction from him. Why this… hurts him so much, physically and not-so-physically. Instead he revs his engine anew, vowing not to look back and muttering, "Good riddance," underneath his breath. He's better off without Venom anyway.

He feels his body shudder a bit more robustly then, but Eddie doesn't think much on it, blaming the stronger vibrations on the trembling bike beneath him.

He places his hand on the throttle when suddenly he startles.

"Hi, Eddie."

"Holy sh—" Could it be?

"You should wear a helmet, Eddie," the symbiote advises as he finishes seeping his entire form inside his host, their union seamless and natural. All at once Eddie no longer feels any acute pain, only immense relief… and contentment. "Motorcycles are dangerous."

"Why wear a helmet when I've got you?" Eddie quips with a smug smile. Before Venom could respond to that, he continues, asking, "What the hell was that all about?"

Did you miss us? Venom asks, avoiding his question.

"Not one bit," Eddie replies, suppressing a chuckle as he rode his motorcycle away from the prison.

We did not miss you either, Venom hisses back, but his tone sounds more irritated than spiteful.

"Seriously, what was that back there?" Eddie redirects. "What did you do?"

Venom falters, remaining mum for a long time. Eddie is about to prod him further when he finally answers, and his piercing blue eyes go wide.

"You did what?!"

Author's Note: Follows and faves are amazing, and while reviews are never expected, they are GREATLY APPRECIATED so please show some love if you're liking what you read so far and want MORE ;)

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