Chapter 1: Rebirth of the Dragon
"Oi, there's no need to make things difficult. Just lay out all you have, and we'll be on our way. You'll never see us again… maybe, hehe."
"The only thing you'll be getting is a beat down from me."
"Oh, tough guy, huh? Let's just see how long you can keep this whole act of your tog-"
One clean punch to the face, and the thug was out cold.
"Hey! You're going to pay for that old timer!" The second thug yelled out, running in for a punch on their would-be victim. However, the man dodged behind him last minute, grabbed him by the shoulder and hair and guided him headfirst into the wall of the alley they were in. Blood splattered from the wound as the thug fell to the ground, unconscious. The man turned to the last thug, who was now quite terrified seeing his two pals be taken out so easily.
"Well?" The man asked the trembling thug. Said thug gulped as he let out a yell, charging in a last ditched effort to avenge his friends. The man, however, dodged again, proceeding to sweep the thugs legs out from underneath him. He let out a grunt as he fell on his back painfully, before feeling all the air being knocked out of his lungs as the man sent a swift kick to his side, sending him flying out of the alley, garnishing gasps from nearby bystanders as he came to a painful stop on the concrete.
Seeing that his work here was done, the man stepped out from the alley, ignoring the concerned and terrified stares he got as he emerged from the darkness. Once back out in the daylight, he reached into the pocket of his grey suit, pulling out a pack of cigarettes. He pulled one out and stuck the box back into his pocket, from there, he retrieved a small lighter and used to it light his cigarette. Once satisfied with his now lit cigarette, he blew out a puff of smoke before walking away from the scene of the laid out criminals. Just in time too, as he could here the wails of police sirens off in the distance.
'I need to try and find out what's going on. Something about a portal dropping me off here from what I heard since waking up on the streets. It sounds impossible, but from what I'm seeing with the kind of people living here, it doesn't seem too far fetched.' The man thought to himself as he walked off, no set destination in mind. He just hoped he could run into someone that could help him get an idea as to where he was.
. . . . .
"Man, what a workout today." Kaminari stated, plopping down onto the couch in the main room of the dorms as he stretched out his arms and legs.
"Yeah, but I'd say we're all making good progress at least!" Ashido happily replied, sitting on the couch opposite of the orange haired teen. "How are your super moves coming along you guys?" The pink alien girl asked her fellow students.
"Eh, coming along pretty slowly if you ask me." Kirishima responded, rubbing the back of his head. "Though, at least it seems to be coming along faster than Bakugo here." He playfully taunted his short tempered friend, garnishing the typical reaction.
"Shut it! I'm working on something, alright?!" The blonde yelled out, gaining a chuckle from the red head boy.
"What about you, Tsuyu? How's your super move coming along?" Uraraka asked her frog like friend.
"Pretty well actually." Asui responded, putting a finger to her chin. "I'm working on trying to blend in with my environment, ribbit."
"Wow, that's awesome!" The taller girl responded.
"What about you?"
"Me, well, I'm still working on not getting sick. I can't do much if I'm getting dizzy from being in zero gravity." She shyly responded. "What about you, Deku?" She turned to her other friend, only to see Midoriya murmuring to himself and writing things down into his notebook, too distracted to have heard her. Uraraka sweatdropped at the sight, all too used to it by this point. 'There he goes again.'
"Woah, hey guys, come look at this." Kaminari called out to his fellow classmates, even managing to snap Midoriya out of his concentration with a jerk of his head. The teen set his phone on a stand on the coffee table and turned up the volume for everyone to here.
"A news report?" Yaoyorozu observed as she joined the others to see what Kaminari wanted everyone to see.
"We are here live at the aftermath of what appears to be yet another attempted shakedown by a group of smalltime villains, making this the third attempted mugging in the last five hours where the villains had all been defeated." The newswoman reported.
"Three back to back failed muggings?" Sato repeated, mostly to himself.
"We have heard from witnesses that the villains were not stopped by any known hero, but instead by a mysterious man. Some have even pointed out that it could have been the same man which had appeared out of a portal hours earlier." The woman went on.
"Hey, I heard about that this morning." Kirishima stated, gaining everyone's attention. "A man fell out of a purple portal. No one has been able to recognize who he is."
"A purple portal? Could he be with the League of Villains then?!" Mineta exclaimed, recalling that one villain that could summon purple portals.
"No, that can't be right." Midoriya interjected. "If he was, then why would he only be fighting these smalltime villains? Though this is assuming that those are the only people he has fought. It doesn't seem like he has done any big villainous acts, or we would have heard about them then." He pointed out.
"I've just received word that we have a picture of the man responsible." The report continued. "Here it is, this is the man thought to be involved." A picture then took place of the women. In the picture was a man in a grey suit and pants, he also had black hair, and appeared to be holding a cigarette. That was all that could be gathered about him though, as he had his back to the camera.
"A suit?" Ashido questioned.
"Kind of reminds me of an old school yakuza." Kirishima said. The picture then faded away and was replaced by the woman again who stated that she was with a witness that could help to describe the man in the photo, an older looking man it seemed.
"Sir, could you describe what this man looked like?"
"Yeah, um, well he had a suit with a red shirt underneath. I'd say he looked to be about, maybe six feet tall, maybe in his late 20's I'd say."
"What about his face?"
"Oh, he had a very stern scowl, kinda scary actually, not someone I'd ever want to mess with."
"What about a quirk? Did he have one from what you could tell?"
"Uh, I'm not too sure on that there. If I had to guess though, maybe a strength enhancing quirk? Or maybe even one having to do with stamina. He didn't seem to have a hard time dealing with the villains."
"Hm…" Midoriya was lost in thought, thinking about this mysterious man. Just who could he be, and what were his intentions?
. . . . .
The man had stopped to see the news report on him on the large screen on the side of a building. Some people seem to have taken notice of him and were talking amongst themselves, some were even pulling out their phones, presumably to contact the police.
'I guess this was bound to happen.' The man thought, ignoring the people and continuing on. 'Seems like the people here aren't as comfortable with the occasional street fight as the people back home.' He took glances at his surroundings, trying to get an idea of where he was. 'This place looks like Japan, granted, no place I've been to. But many of the people here don't seem to be fully human, if even human at all.'
"I said no!" A woman suddenly cried out, gaining the mans attention. Down the street, he saw a woman getting harassed by a drunkard.
"C'mon babe. It can just be one night, that's all. I bet you're REAL fun." The misogynistic man prodded, getting closer, clearly ignoring the woman's distress.
"For the last time, I said no!" She yelled, raising her hand and giving the prick a firm slap to the face, who stumbled back in surprise.
"Oh, a bitch, huh? I'll teach you for disrespecting me!" He said as he recollected himself, raising his fist in an attempt to punch the woman. His first never connected though as it was caught by the suit wearing man. Catching both the woman and pig by surprise.
"Hey," The main started, slowly putting strain on the pricks arm to get him to stand down. "She obviously wants nothing to do with you, so back off before a slap won't be the worst thing you'll be receiving today." The man threw the drunk man back, causing him to nearly trip over himself.
"Who are you supposed to be? Her knight in shining armor?" The drunk questioned, straitening himself out. "If so, then I'll lay you out before I deal with her!" At the point, the suit wearing man had already cracked his knuckles and gotten into a fighting stance. The drunk transformed his arms into thin, sword like appendages, causing the man to raise an eyebrow, but at this point, it wasn't too new to him. The drunk lunged forward, trying to skewer the man with his blade arm. He missed as the man easily dodged out of the way. The man then countered by grabbing the drunks arm by the non-bladed part with his left hand and pulled him forward into his other hands fist. The drunk cried out as he fell backwards onto the street. The man walked over to him, knowing that wasn't enough to keep him down.
His judgment proved true as the drunk picked himself off the ground, glaring death at the man slowly approaching him. Once he was back on his feet, he ran forward again, this time, however, he was stopped when the man grabbed him by his shirt. The suit wearing man than moved his hand to grab the mans face, proceeding to push him back to the ground by his head. As the drunk landed hard, the man lifted his leg and slammed the heel of his shoe into the drunk's head, causing some blood to fly out as he finally knocked the man unconscious. Proud of his handiwork, he removed his foot from the drunkard's head and headed back toward the woman, who was a little more than afraid at this point.
"You alright?" The man asked.
"Y-yes, thank you. I should be going now." She said hurriedly, before running off. The man let out a small huff as she walked away, and he was about to continue on himself until he heard a voice behind him.
"Bro!" The man turned around, seeing four other men surround the fallen drunk. "Bro, what happened to you man?! You!" The largest of the men turned towards the suit wearing man. "Did you do this?"
"What if I did?" The man said confidently, feeling another fight coming on.
"Well we have a saying. Mess with one of us, you mess with all of us!" The large one stated.
"Hmph, I think you'll need more men if you want to take me down."
"Cocky, huh? Let's teach this asshole a lesson boys!" The man sighed.
"Some things just don't change." He said as he got into a fighting stance, reading to defend himself once more.
. . . . .
"Why must we be the ones looking for this random guy? I was hoping to enjoy my day off." Yu Takeyama said dejectedly, walking down the sidewalk with Shinji Nishiya and Death Arms.
"Don't complain, this is just part of what it means to be a hero. We get stuck with the 'boring' jobs sometimes." Nishiya stated.
"Look, the faster we find this guy, the sooner you can get back to your bed and chips." Death Arms teased.
"H-hey, that's not all I do!" Takeyama retorted. "But aside from that, this guy could be anywhere! It's not like we exactly have a trail to follow."
"Yaaahh!" Suddenly, a man yelled out as he was flung near the trio before coming to a painful stop on the street, blacking out.
"… I think we found our trail." Death Arms stated after a pause. The three looked forward to the see the man they were tasked with finding currently fending for himself against a small gang, which he was doing a good job at. The largest member of the group slowly rose to his feet, panting slightly as he glared at the man before him.
"Not going to stay down so easily?" The suit wearing man questioned. Deciding to end this quickly, he yelled out and brought a fist to the ground. The man was then coated in a dark blue aura, swirling around him like a mystical flame. The large thug seemed to back away for a moment seeing this. The man then wasted no time, he charged at the thug before delivering a quick jab to the face, stunning him. He then grabbed the thug by the hair and brought his face down into his knee. He didn't stop there though, he continued to do so, over and over again, the sound of splattering blood filled the air with each hit.
Takeyama flinched with each hit, while Nishiya and Death Arms simply stood and watched with wide eyes. Finally, after fifteen consecutive hits to the face, the man pushed the thug back, who was clearly on his last bits of consciousness. With one finally kick to the head, the man finally laid the thug out for good. Just as quickly as it appeared, the blue aura surrounding the man faded away. The three stood there in shock, they knew the man was tough from what they heard, but not THIS tough, he didn't even look like he broke a sweat!
Death arms was the first to break out of his stupor.
"Sir!" He called out, getting the man's attention. "We heroes have been tasked with taking you into questioning. We asked that you do not resist and come without struggle." He stated, now awaiting to see how the man would respond.
"Is that so? Fine. If anything, maybe you can help me figure out what's going on." The man said, that last bit mostly to himself, though loud enough for Death Arms to hear, who raised an eyebrow. Death Arms was a little shocked to see the man be so cooperative, but he most certainly wouldn't complain. He walked over to the man, pulling out a set of handcuffs.
"Just some precautions, mister…" He lead the man on as he cuffed his wrists.
"Kiryu. Kazuma Kiryu." Kiryu stated his name, gaining a nod from Death Arms.
"Mt. Lady, Woods, mind calling the police to round up these villains?" He called out to his two companions. With that done, Kiryu joined the three heroes as they headed to the police station where they would question, and in turn, he would hopefully learn a thing or two about his predicament.
This is my first written story in quite some time, so I apologize if I'm a but rusty at it. ^^'
So just a few things to note,
One, this is my first time writing these characters, so please let me know if I get anything wring about them, it'd be very much appreciated.
And two, there will be a slight supernatural element to the Yakuza part of this story, which is just mainly the 'style aura'. It will be physically there to be seen by the characters in this story, just a little thing I thought I'd clarify right off the bat.
Other than that though, I hope you all enjoy, and leave any feedback on how I can improve anything in this story! Thank you!