A/N: Ocean: gaeyufgaedjchbskjSxjksXKJSukhfsdkhfdaadlj n I LOVE KURT!
Wanderer: Ocean has just been introduced to the X-Men member Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler.
Ocean: sabcajcnakjcnsacsnsl/mcsklslkc HE AMAZING AND GERMAN LIKE ME!
Wanderer: I think she likes him.
Ocean: *Begins constructing shrine*
Wanderer: . . . Like I said before, I think she likes him.
With Team Kurenai:
"Kurenai-Sensei, why… why are you staring off into space? And… and you haven't told us where we are going." Hinata shyly asked.
Kurenai was pulled out of her inner thought bubble and looked down at her student with a smile.
"That's true, I haven't told you three where we are going have I?" She smiled.
"We are having a group training session with Teams Kakashi, Guy, and Asuma. Though when I spoke to Kakashi and Asuma they seemed concerned about something. . . Guy was just being Guy, just a bit more hyper."
"Maybe Kakashi just ate something funny." Kiba suggested.
"No that can't be it . . . maybe it's just my imagination." Kurenai replied reassuringly.
"Sensei, you don't usually get wrong intuitions. . . so what is really going on?" Shino asked.
Kurenai hung her head.
"I don't know myself to be quite honest, but the others definitely do."
"Well something's fishy. . . but it can't be anything bad!" Kiba replied.
Hinata giggled at Kiba acting nervous.
"It's so unlike you to be nervous Kiba-kun!' Hinata said through laughter.
"HEY it's not funny Hinata!"
Hinata continued to giggle.
"I'm sorry Kiba-kun, but seeing you like this. . ." Hinata replied still laughing and holding back tears.
Team Kurenai made its way to the training field.
Hinata spotted Team Guy and Neji and ran over to greet her cousin.
"Neji-nisan!" Hinata yelled excitedly.
Neji had been sitting on the ground, facing someone Hinata didn't recognise. As soon as Hinata greeted Neji, the little figure bolted upright and ran to Hinata.
"MOMMY!" Himawari excitedly yelled out, barreling into Hinata and knocking her to the ground.
Hinata felt startled for a second and saw a head of dark blue hair. . . cornflower blue eyes. . . and two whisker marks hugging her tightly.
"Hhhhhuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhh?" Hinata squeaked out.
Neji stood up from his spot and smiled seeing Himawari hugging her mother.
"Neji-niisan, do you know what's going on?" Hinata asked confused.
"Quite frankly not in the slightest, but I do know that we have apparent visitors from the future. This one, Himawari is your daughter."
Hinata looked down at the girl and noticed the resemblance to herself, but turned bright red the minute she saw the whisker marks,
"I love you Mommy!" Himawari buried her face in Hinata's shirt.
"Mommy." Hinata whispered to herself, a sense of happiness welling up inside her. Hinata wrapped her arms around Himawari and hugged her back, immediately feeling a need to protect this girl with her life. Neji smiled at the scene in front of him. In the meanwhile Shino, Kiba, and Kurenai arrived.
Himawari smiled at her mother happily and looked around her noticing the rest of Hinata's teammates.
"Shino-sensei, I'm sorry I wasn't in school, and didn't do the homework. Please forgive me!" Himawari yelled out tears beginning to form in her eyes.
Boruto's head shot up from where he was lying on the ground, panting, after getting decked by Sarada. "HIMAWARI'S CRYING!" He yelled, bolting upright and running towards the direction his big-brother sensor pointed him towards.
"MY DAUGHTER IS CRYING!" Naruto yelled, racing after his son.
Sarada face-palmed. Sasuke and Sakura just stared blankly. Mitsuki and Log smiled. Saimara took notes on the behavior of everyone. Inojin facepalmed at the notes. Saimara warned him about concussions. Thus a vicious cycle began.
Naruto spotted Hinata sitting on the ground and ran over to her, grabbing her face in his hands.
Hinata immediately flushed bright red and fainted from the close contact.
Boruto got on the ground with Himawari and listened to her crying apologies about homework. It was easy to figure out what was going on.
"Shino-sensei? Can Himawari have an extension on the homework? She really wants to do a good job, and it's not her fault she can't do it here."
Shino looked at bit confused but decided it was best to provide an answer.
"Uh, yes. Alright, I will grant you an extension." Himawari's face lit up with a smile.
"Thank you Shino-sensei! I'll do a good job! I promise!"
Neji watched and couldn't help but smile, then he glared at Naruto.
"If you put Hinata-sama down, and stop shaking her like a bag, she will wake up."
Naruto stopped shaking Hinata, confused. "NEJI, ARE YOU SURE? I THINK MY WIFE NEEDS A DOCTOR!"
Neji sighed. "Yes, I'm sure. Now PUT MY COUSIN DOWN!"
While this was going on, Akamaru had ventured over to the other time travelers, with Kiba following. It so happened that this was the Ino-Shika-Cho group, both generations. Saimara saw the dog and smiled an eerie smile.
"Well hello there dog. Do you have a dick?"Akamaru gave Saimara a very confused glance. Saimara in turn picked Akamaru up and held the dog upside down.
"I see. So it seems you are a dickless dog."
"THAT IS BECAUSE AKAMARU IS A FEMALE DOG!" (a/n: Akamaru is actually male, but for the sake of Saimara, the dog is female(creative license))
"I apologize for picking you up, female dog." Saimara put Akamaru down.
Inojin facepalmed.
"Inojin, we have talked about concussions."
"Shikadai please let me out of my misery." Inojin moaned.
Chocho shouted. "Mara, you're bleeding!" She pointed at where blood was seeping through Saimara's shirt.
"Looks like my injury opened up again. I sure hope it doesn't ruin my tattoo."
Inojin stared at his sister. "Two things. One; when did you get hurt. Two; since when do you have a tattoo!?"
"I just got back from an ANBU mission. The team medic took care of it though. And I want my parents to see it first, so you're not seeing the tattoo yet."
"Very well." Saimara replied. "As temporary sensei of Ino-Shika-Cho, I leave Shikadai in charge as he is a chunin. Carry on with training, I will be back."
Saimara walked off in the direction of Konoha Ninja Hospital.
Meanwhile the current generation of Ino-Shika-Cho, (minus Shikamaru: he was watching clouds) gaped at Shikadai, who was plucking grass on the ground in his pj's.
"YOU'RE CHUNIN?!" They gaped.
"What a drag. Apparently so."
"BOTH SHIKA'S ARE CHUNIN!" Ino cried out in confusion, agony, and disbelief.
A/N: We're back from the dead and finished with high school! No more classes, no more books, no more teacher's dirty looks! Yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaasssssssssssssssssssssssssssss. . . . sorry that's all folks.