Felt like writing this. It's been a while and we all can use an The O.C. fanfic every now and then.

Seth was in the kitchen grabbing breakfast, when his father – Sandy – came through the patio doors.

"Morning Father."

"Good morning, have you seen Ryan? I was on my way to wake him, but he wasn't in the pool house." Sandy replied as he went over to the counter to schmear a bagel.

Seth nodded, "No haven't seen him, but he was probably up early. He has a soccer game this afternoon and the coach scheduled extra training."

At that Sandy halted in his schmearing, "That's this afternoon?" he asked shocked.

"Yeah, mom even put it on the calendar dad." Seth said as he pointed towards the family calendar on the fridge.

"Shoot." Sandy replied as he glanced at his watch. "I have to go to work. I promise I'll try and make it to the game."

Seth shook his head, "It's not me you have to promise that too." Earning himself a glare from Sandy, which Seth simply shrugged away.

When Seth arrived at school, he saw Ryan walking from the changing rooms; his hair still slightly wet from – hopefully – the shower.

"Hey Ryan!" Seth called out for his attention. Ryan looked up from his book and nodded at him before moving towards his brother.

"How was practice?" Seth asked, pure out of interest for Ryan – not because of the sport.

Ryan shrugged, "Rough. If coach wants us to do good at the game, he should've gone over tactics instead of us running ourselves ragged for 2 hours."

And if Seth didn't know any better, he would've said Ryan was whining. But been to a couple of trainings; waiting for Ryan to finish so that they could both drive home and man Coach Hess was brutal.

"Sucks man. You have to win this one, right? For the finals?"

Ryan nodded and at that moment they were joined by Luke, "Need to win this, the opposing team are shitheads. They play brutal, one of their players is already suspended due to unnecessary use of attack on the field."

"See, that's why I don't do sports."

"We know Cohen, you'd break. At least your brother knows what he's doing." Luke replied before waving them off and heading towards his class.

At the brother comment, Seth and Ryan shared a look and the tiniest amount of acknowledgement that people did see them as brothers now; and they were just fine with that.

At 4 p.m. Kirsten was entering the school grounds. She'd been to a few of Ryan's soccer games before, as encouragement- but this time Ryan had practically – of course without any of the actual words – asked her and Sandy to come watch. That was a huge step forward, within their relationship and it made Kirsten and Sandy very happy that Ryan was finally accepting his place within the Cohen household. Of course, a few months prior – Sandy and Kirsten had given Ryan the ultimate gift a foster child could hope for. A legal adoption. So as of May 2012; Ryan James Atwood, became Ryan James Cohen- Atwood. He still went by Atwood but knowing on paper he was a Cohen had been a huge difference.

See spotted Seth on the docks and went over to join him. "Hey Seth, where is your father?"

Seth winced. "What?" Kirsten asked curious now.

"I think he kind of forgot? I had to remind him of the game this morning and he went off in a hurry towards his work."

"Damn it." Kirsten cursed earning herself a wide-eyed glance from Seth. "Don't say it. Your father is supposed to be here. Ryan asked us to come."

Seth raised his eyebrows at his mother. "You know what I mean, he provided enough information to let us know what-where and when. That's practically asking. I'm going to call your father- save me a seat."

Sandy's voicemail:

"Sandford Cohen, why are you not at your son's soccer game? He asked us- Sandy! ASKED! He never asks for anything… please be here. Even if it's just for the last part of the game."

Sandy groaned, he knew, HE KNEW! He was trying his hardest to get rid of this client to go. But the client wasn't having it. Taking a deep breathe, unfortunately, work came first- because this deal couldn't go south.

That was it for the first chapter/prologue!