A/N: So this takes place after Aerith summoned Holy to help Clarissa defeat Jenova. It's always nice to see a little Zerith. They are adorable together. Please enjoy and let me know what you think!

Blooming in the Slums

Zack knew that he really liked Aerith and he was sure she knew it, but for some reason he still felt like there was a distance between them. It wasn't that they didn't enjoy their time together, even when others joined them, but somehow, he felt like she was keeping him at arm's length. He wasn't worried about it too much as he didn't want to push her or anything, but sometimes he wondered why, especially on days like today. He and Cloud were there to visit her, but she was completely distracted.

He thought about trying to pull her out of her slump and suggested taking a walk, but she was adamant about staying. He could tell that when Cloud suggested they stay and enjoy the flowers, she was grateful. He decided to stick around and make the most of the visit anyway. He tried his best to make her smile, but even when she did, it seemed off. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up a little. She had acted a little bit like this before the one time she had freaked out about Clarissa too. He really hoped he was wrong though. Especially as it had turned out that she had been right. Clarissa had been injured, badly enough to really worry the rest of the Firsts.

He wasn't sure what connection they shared, but it was obvious they had one. At least they had each other though. The two women were some of the best people he knew besides Angeal and his parents. It still made him shake his head when he thought of Clarissa settling for Genesis of all people, but he guessed when it came to matters of the heart, you never could tell. That's what Angeal told him anyway.

He was jerked from his thoughts when he saw Aerith run to the center of her flower bed. Normally she would have never been so rough with them, but she hardly seemed to be paying attention to what she was doing. When she dropped to her knees and bowed her head, he felt his heart rate spike. Whatever was going on, this was what he had been feeling all day, he just knew it.

He was only frozen for a moment. He instantly went to her side and knelt beside her. He was shocked to see her start to glow slightly, but she looked to be concentrating so deeply that he didn't want to disturb her. He knew Cloud was hovering close by too, but he was more worried about the girl in front of him. He barely motioned for his friend to come and sit next to them while they waited for Aerith to finish whatever she was doing.

It went on for nearly fifteen minutes. She hadn't even flinched when it started raining. He had expected her to be surprised, but she hadn't moved. He was surprised though, as the rain was warm and reminded him of home. It was January still, so warm rain was weird.

He pushed those thoughts back though as she finally started to stir. When she looked over to him, her eyes were haunted, but she looked satisfied. She reached a hand out to him with a small smile but stumbled when she tried to stand. He was instantly by her side and helped her over to a pew, so she could sit. She held onto his hand while she tried to get herself back under control. No one had said anything yet.

When she looked up again, her gaze was apologetic. "I didn't mean to scare you, but… something happened."

Zack nodded his understanding. "I don't understand what's going on, but I'm here for you."

Her smile widened at the fact that, even though he was curious and didn't hide it, he still didn't ask for an explanation. She had already decided it was time to share with him, and this made her realize the decision was passed due. "Thank you for being here Zack. I do want to talk to you but maybe later." She did like Cloud too, but the conversation she wanted to have with Zack would be personal. She didn't want the boy to feel left out while he was visiting.

To both their surprise, he spoke up softly. "I can come back later. Why don't the two of you stay and talk. I'm just glad to see you're okay."

Aerith's face fell a little. She hadn't wanted him to feel like he was imposing. "I didn't mean for that to sound like I didn't want you here. You know you are welcome anytime!"

He smiled and shook his head at her. "I know you didn't. Don't worry about me. I can tell Zack is about ready to vibrate right off the edge of that pew. Take your time. I know the way back." He didn't wait for either of them to respond before he headed toward the door. He gave them a smile and a wave as he closed them behind himself.

Once he was gone, silence fell over the two of them for several moments. Finally, they both tried to break it at the same time. That caused them both to laugh, but Aerith was the first to recover. "I'm really glad you were here. I know that had to have been weird, but there is something I have been thinking about telling you for a while now."

She paused and bit the corner of her lip. He instantly spoke up. "You know you don't have to tell me anything if you don't want to. I really like you just the way you are."

She smiled and put her hand over one of his. "Thank you. I want to tell you though. Don't feel like you are pressuring me. You aren't." She paused and threaded their fingers together before she continued. "Do you know what a Cetra is?"

He looked confused at her question. "Uh, I'm not sure. I think I've heard the word before, but I don't really know."

She nodded. "How about the Ancients. Do you know anything about them?"

She wasn't certain it was possible, but his look became even more confused. "Their knowledge is what is trapped in materia, right? In my training with Genesis he told me that they were a race of people that lived thousands of years ago and helped the planet. Even though they are gone, their knowledge can be used with materia, right?"

She smiled at him softly. "Yes, that's right, but not everything. Not all of the Cetra, the Ancients, disappeared. My mother was the last surviving Cetra, so that makes me half-Cetra."

She gave him a moment to absorb that information. He was wearing a look of wonder. "Wow! I bet there are a lot of people that would like to get to know you!" Her face fell a little at his words and he nearly smacked himself. He spoke up quickly though. "Forget I said that. I suppose there has to be a reason you have kept it secret and I'm honored that you decided to share it with me. Don't you worry that you made a bad decision. You will always be safe with me."

Her smile became radiant at his reassurance. "I know I will be. I trust you, and I'm really glad I got the chance to know you. It's nice not having to keep it from you anymore."

He wanted to give her a hug so bad, but he settled for squeezing her hand softly. At that point something occurred to him. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?" He waited for her to nod her consent before he continued. "I don't know if you can tell me what that was all about, but was it something to do with Clarissa? I have thought for awhile that the two of you share something special, but after the last time… is she okay?"

At his question, Aerith finally lost her smile, although she tried to reassure him with a squeeze of her fingers. "She will be fine. You were right that we have a connection. We can both hear the voice of the planet. Please don't talk to anyone about it though. At least not anyone except for Genesis and the other Firsts. They already know. We are safer now that Hojo is no longer at Shinra, but we can't be sure someone else might not take up where he left off. The more people that know, the more we are in danger."

His face became determined. "I have already said I won't let anything happen to you, and I'll stick by that. Clarissa is my friend too and, despite how much I don't understand it, I know Genesis would never let anything happen to her. You guys are safe, I promise!"

She finally regained her smile. "You know, I think I can really believe that for the first time… in a long time. Thanks Zack."

The two of them continued to sit there for a while longer just chatting. He had more questions than she knew what to do with, but she was glad she finally had someone she could share with. Not that she couldn't with her mother, but this was something entirely new, and special. It was quite a while later when he finally realized how late it was and insisted on taking her home. Once he dropped her off, he never lost his smile as he headed back up to headquarters.