He missed her.

Elijah Mikaelson sighed heavily as he set his silver-tipped pen down on the mahogany desk.

I will keep on missing her for the rest of my life.

Niklaus of all people told him that HE was being overdramatic, a walking talking bleeding heart. Talk about the kettle...

Cease now.

He wasn't one for much internal yammering. He did not have the voices that plagued his brother, tormented him to madness. No, he was still, placid, serene...

Empty. There was a hole in his heart where she was supposed to live. Hayley Marshall was meant to live forever and yet, she had not. None of their efforts had saved her...

No. That is not true. They had saved Hope and Hope was her legacy. Hayley lived on through Hope and would continue to live through her descendants. But that didn't make the pain any less real.

He raised a hand, rubbing his eyes. Even though he didn't need sleep, he wanted it...

Everyone needs sleep. Only someone who was delusional said they didn't need to rest. And that was not him. He had not been himself since she died, was murdered right in front of him... or was it in front of Klaus? No he had been there, watched the horrible scene unfold.


His hand reached for the pen, he wasn't sure why. He wasn't sure what he needed to be writing at... Midnight.

The witching hour. He had many associates who were witches. Freya was a witch... still was... and Hope...

"Excuse me?" A small quiet voice said, breaking into his thoughts. The voice sounded like silver, tinkling silver and glass.

He looked up to see a nymph... or what looked like a nymph standing in the doorway. Her hair was ashes and silver in the light from the overhead lamp. His office, which had seemed so dark and close before became illuminated.

"May I help you?" he asked, clearing his throat, collecting his thoughts. He thought his last meeting was with Sebastian, a fellow vampire that troubled him for some inexplicable reason.

"I'm looking for my cat," she said.


"Luna," She said.

"Luna is your cat," he began.

"No. I'm Luna," she said, giggling. "Luna Lovegood and my cat is named Percival, Percy for short, or Perch."

"If you don't see it, it's okay to say you didn't," she said and he gave a start, realizing that he was not dealing with an ordinary supernatural creature. She was no run of the mill creature.

"You're a witch," he said as his eyes traveled to the clock which now read 11:26 at night.

"And you need to go home," Luna said, her face falling and becoming rather solemn. "You no nothing good happens after

midnight, usually she said," winking at him. She was rather sly.

I miss Hayley.

"She isn't gone you know," Luna said, her voice tinkling in his ear. "No one ever really leaves. You just have to know where to look.

"Where is she then?" he asked, an edge entering his voice.

"We're working on it,"


"The witches and wizards. We're looking for Hayley. Don't you worry. It shouldn't be long now."

"You speak in riddles."

"Hmmm, I don't think so. I think I'm one of the most honest people you'll ever meet. Or maybe I'm not... Oh well," she said, giving a little shrug. "Go home. Get some sleep. We'll be seeing you Mr. Mikaelson."

And with that, she turned and floated out of the room. Elijah blinked, wondering what had just transpired and what she had even been wearing because it seemed as if she had been a floating face, someone who wasn't even there. He blinked again and the memory faded even more until he began to wonder if she had even been there to begin with.

She was here.

Not just the girl who called herself Luna, no he felt Hayley's presence in the room. Her emerald green eyes were watching him. He could smell her hair, the smell of the forest, the smell of her blood, the wolf and the vampire.

Go home.

He looked down, realizing he was holding the silver-tipped pen in his hand, except it wasn't a pen it was a...


What was he going to do with a wand? Weren't wands archaic? Witches didn't need wands, did they?

Focus. She told you to go home. There is a reason why she did that.

He let out another sigh, knowing he didn't need to breathe but liking the feeling anyway. He still had lungs. He tucked the wand carefully into the pocket of his gray suit, moved away from the desk, walked out the office door and locked the door behind him.