Sparky- Hey guys. I'm finally back with a new story

Yugi- And I'm here joining her along with my lovers in this story

Atemu/Yami- Hello

Yugi's patience were going thin. Today has been the worst day ever. First he woke up late since his alarm clock failed to awaken him, next he gets beat up on his way to school, after that he forgot to get his cooking recipe fixed for his cooking class.

All day has been hard for Yugi and he was just ready to go to sleep. Yugi doesn't have many friends. He really only has one but he rarely hangs out with him since they both have big school schedules.

It was raining at the moment and Yugi was wearing his gray sweatshirt to try and keep himself warm. He was knocked from his thoughts when he heard a whimper and a growl coming from an alleyway he was walking up to.

Walking slowly Yugi looks into the alleyway and frown on what he sees. There were two men and two badly wounded dog. They were both different type of dogs. One of them were a black German Shepherd and the other one was a Golden Receiver. The men were trying to kick the dogs but the Golden Receiver would just growl at them.

Yugi had enough. He knew how bullies worked and he didn't like animal abusers. "Hey!" Yugi yelled and the men stopped trying to attack the dogs and turn to him. Yugi silently gulped. These men were extremely taller than him. "Leave them alone." Yugi said as he tried to glare at the men but his friend told me his glare looked more like a pout. "Mind your own business kid." The first man said. "Then just leave them alone."

Yugi countered and the boys stayed quiet.

Finally the man who spoke walked up to Yugi. Yugi lifted his chin to try and make himself look taller. The man raised a fist and Yugi flitched and got ready for the hit.

When one didn't come Yugi opened one of his eyes and the man smiled before slapping Yugi across the face with all his strength, making Yugi hit the ground. Yugi groaned as the man taunted him. "Got nothin to say now? What a loser." The man nodded to his friend to follow him.

Yugi whimpered before he slowly got up and wiped some blood off his chin. He sighed as he felt a bruise forming on his cheek. He heard a whimper and Yugi lifted his head to see the two dogs panting from pain and exhaustion. Yugi sighed and knew his heart wasn't going to let him leave the dogs here but Ra he was in so much pain. Getting up Yugi slowly and carefully made his way to the dogs.

When he got close enough the Receiver started to growl at him but Yugi just smiled at him with a weak smile for he too was in a lot of pain. "Shh. I just want to help you both. I promise." yugi spoke softly as he slowly rose his hand to the dog's snot so he could sniff him. The Receiver immediately bites Yugi's hand and the Shepherd growls as well. Yugi bot his lip so he didn't cry out in pain.

The rain was not helping the wounds and now the new one from the Receiver. Giving the Receiver a struggling smile the Receiver releases Yugi's hand and sniffs him. When finished he slowly licks Yugi's wound and then Yugi slowly moves his hand to the other dog who also sniffs then licks his wound as well.

"Come here. I'll take you somewhere safe." Yugi says as he helps the dogs stand. He slowly tries to pick up the German Shepherd and was glad his grandfather made him pick up heavy boxes at the gameshop or else he wouldn't be able to stand up with the dog in his arms.

"Let's go." Yugi whispered and walked slowly to his home with the Receiver behind him ready to attack if anything happens to the Shepherd.

Sparky- Okay some news here. My updates will be at my best I'm going through a lot of stress at the moment and I'm trying to work on a story that I have been working on before this. Wish me luck and I will reply to your comments.