A/N: Sorry that my FMA fanfics didn't feel like an FMA world, its just that I wanted to experiment with AUs and such that they went the way of Sonic and Saints Row, by shoehorning in stuff that doesn't belong or shifts far from the roots of Fullmetal Alchemist. I have added aliens, spaceships, time machines, and other bullshit that cannot exist in FMA's universe, so I will apologize for it by going back to the roots of Fullmetal Alchemist, with Fullmetal Mania.
After Father was defeated, the colonies were still up for debate on whether to be removed or absorbed into the neighboring countries. Roy was at the table where Father once sat, as he was in a meeting with Riza, Alex, Olivier, Miles, Izumi, Ed, Al, Ling, the Drachman Colonel General Anton Brockovich, who was Roy's equivalent in Drachma, and looked like Roy except he had more feminine hair, and had a grey USSR-like uniform with a purple belt, black gloves and black boots, Colonel Pamela Jaguar, who was Roy's equivalent in Creta, who had short hair round like a ball, sunglasses, and the green Creta Military uniform, an olive green jacket and button shirt, dark red scarf, olive green pants, brown boots, and brown gloves, Roy's equivalent in Aerugo, Antonio Andretti, who had the red Aerugo trench coat, and brown messy hair and a Spanish-style mustache.
"Fuhrer Mustang." Anton said. "Amestris is no more, so we on behalf of our countries, ask that you remove the colonies and absorb them into their neighboring countries."
"ABSOLUTELY NOT!" Olivier interjected. "The day Briggs is absorbed into Drachma is the day I die, so I will not allow that!"
"She has a point." Alex added. "I agree with my sister on many things, despite our sibling rivalry, but we put aside our sibling rivalry for the issue that there are still Amestrians living in the colonies."
"I shall decide to make the colonies become independent nations, which are Briggs, Ishval, Liore, Aren in the south, and Milos in the west." Mustang said.
"So Briggs is not part of Amestris anymore?" Olivier questioned, pounding her fist on the table. "You betrayed your own people, making new nations out of Amestris territory!"
"Olivier, calm down." Mustang replied.
"I will not calm down, this is war!" Olivier replied. "I will gather up Briggs forces and invade the entirety of Amestris if I have to!"
Central City Downtown District
Olivier stood in the Central streets, with 40 Briggs soldiers with riot shields and guns, and 10 Briggs tanks, and the new invention called the plane, as there were five Briggs planes in the air.
Mustang had 40 Central soldiers with riot shields and guns, and 10 Central tanks, and five Central planes in the air.
"Ready men, FIRE!" Olivier said as her men charged at the Central soldiers, as they charged at the Briggs men. Lots of blood was shed, as tanks destroyed other tanks, planes blew up, planes crashed into buildings, and tanks blew up and destroyed parts of buildings.
"ENOUGH!" Edward shouted, as he was about to use alchemy to stop them, but he realized he didn't have his powers.
"Fuhrer, throw me a Philosopher's Stone." Ed told Mustang, as he threw Ed a red stone, and Mustang used the stone to get Ed his portal back.
"Ok where was I?" Ed asked to himself. "Oh yea, ENOUGH!" Ed used his alchemy to create fists punching both Roy and Olivier into the air, and both falling on the ground, with their eyes white circles with black rims and a purple hue on their foreheads.
Ed was panting and breathing, as he was mad that the friendship from the Promise Day was gone.
"Look at yourselves!" Ed announced. "We fought long and hard to restore freedom to Amestris, and now you start picking fights? Grow up, both of you!"
"He has a point." Olivier replied. "Perhaps I suggest we should combine the nations together to create a new nation."
"You mean like a melting pot?" Mustang asked.
"Exactly." Ed replied. "But you need a name for it."
"I want the name to mean something, and calling it Edwardia would sound too much like a monarchy and less like a republic." Roy replied, as Alphonse walked by.
"We will call it Alphonia!" Ed suggested to Roy and Oliver. "Liv, throw me your jacket!" Ed took off his jacket, and he transmuted it into a red flag with his Flamel emblem on it, being the flag of the new republic.
There was a meeting in East Command, where Ed, wearing a red suit and black tie, and Al, wearing a black suit and gold tie, led the meeting, as everyone at the meeting in Central was there.
"All right!" Ed announced. "I have declared the United Colonies Charter a go. All in favor raise your hands!"
Everyone raised their hands.
"Perfect." Ed said. "The United Colonies of Alphonia is now a nation. My equivalent in Xing, Elvis Elric, who was a Drachman who fled to Xing, Al, me, Pamela Jaguar, Anton, and Antonio will be the council of Alphonia, because Al is the namesake of the country, and there are five council members, one from each nation. Olivier will be in charge of the military along with Alex, as the Briggs Bears, East Lions, West Eagles, and Aren Dragons will be the four branches of the military. Long live our republic of Alphonia, founded on democratic principles, and honesty, equality, and liberty."
Everyone clapped.