Author's Note:

After months of working diligently on my original fiction and resisting the siren song of fan fiction, I can resist no longer, and have just posted the first chapter of a sequel to Past Imperfect, called, perhaps predictably, Present Imperfect. In her first year at Hogwarts, Becky Snape thinks to have a bit of fun with her mum's Time Turner and inadvertently creates a dystopian alternate timeline.

Apparently the premise is similar to Cursed Child, which I have not read, and don't plan to until after I've finished the story, so as not to be influenced. The canon characters in Present Imperfect belong only to J.K. Rowling, but the plot is entirely original, as are the next generation characters, Becky Snape and Gus Longbottom.

Reviewers of Past Imperfect seem to have been particularly affected by Original Timeline Draco, as was I while writing him. This Draco will be back to wreak havoc with our heartstrings all over again in the sequel.


I wrote first one sequel, Present Imperfect, and then another, Future Imperfect. The trilogy is now complete. Present Imperfect is a little dark and angsty, but Future Imperfect is basically a romantic comedy. I think I managed to make amends to poor Draco in the third installment, so I feel a little less guilty about the things I put him through before.

Neither of the sequels have anywhere near the reviews or favorite ratings of the first story, which my beta readers turtlewexler and Fragilereality tell me is because readers don't generally like stories about the next generation as well as they do the original canon characters. Even if they're not as popular, I thoroughly enjoyed writing both sequels, and will miss Becky Snape as much as I will Severus, Hermione, Draco, and Lucius.