Note: people this my fan-fic if you don't like Yugi and Tea together don't read this fic. And don't HATE!!! This is my first time ~.~

"The greatest healing therapy is friendship and love."
~ By Hubert Humprey~

Chapter: 1 Cheer Blossoms Promise

It was a calm warm spring day in Domino City. In a park somewhere in the city among the cherry trees on a bench sits a young boy with spiky black reddish hair and gold streaks on his hair. Wearing a blue school uniform with a black shirt under his uniform jacket.

"Humm… Where is Tea?" he wonders to himself as he puts an arm on the table and rest his head on his hand.

"Hey Yugi." Says a warm cheerful and sweet female voice.

As Yugi looks up and sees a short brown haired girl with blue eyes. Wearing a white shirt with a yellow collar and a short skirt. With Long white socks smiling at him.

He smiles and blushes at her.

"Hey Tea."

"Sorry I'm late." Smiles as she fixed her black skirt as she sits across from Yugi.

Yugi looks at her round pretty face and says to himself

"Wow she's so cute... I hope she would go out with me."

"So what do you want to talk about?" asked Tea as she combs a hand through a strand of brown hair.

"Well I was wondering if you would..." looks down on at the table blushing lightly on his cheek. Then looks back at Tea's blue eyes and swallows hard.

"Come on Yugi you can say It." he says to himself.

He looks around trying to find a way to avoid Tea's eyes. He looks into the distance and sees a beautiful tall sakura tree.

"Umm… would you like to walk with me?" As he gets up from the bench.

Tea looks up at him surprisingly. "Um… sure."

As they walked Tea looks at Yugi's face, and wonders.

"I wonder why he looks so nervous." She turns her head and looks on into the distance.

As the continued on their walk Yugi looks at Tea's calm features.

"What if she doesn't like me?" He thinks to himself, as he looks into the sky sadly "She possibly loves Yami instead of me."

He closes his eyes lightly and sees Yami. He looks at the spirit and asked "Yami what do you think of Tea?"

Yami looks at him with a little surprise "Well she's a very sweet girl, and I appreciate her strong support, and friendship."

"I know that but… the question is do you love her?"

Yami looks at Yugi trying to figure out why he's asking these questions.

"I love her..."he says as he sees the hurt in Yugi's face he realized why he's asking these questions

"But only as a good friend."

"Oh..." Yugi looks at Yami with a sense of relive.

"Why do you ask Yugi?"

"Well I ask because I wanted to tell Tea how I feel..." Yugi says embracing.

Yami looks at Yugi understandingly "Tea is your best friend and I'm pretty sure she loves you too."

"You really think so?"

"Yes. Of coarse..." Yami nods

"But I don't know how to say it to her." He looks down on sadly.

Yami puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Yugi, Tea is your best friend she would understand if you tell her."

Yugi smiles at Yami "Thanks..."

He opens his eyes and stops under the sakura tree. He stops and looks at Tea

"Tea there something I must tell you…"

The cherry blossoms fell around them as they looked at each other. Tea looks at Yugi softly and replies gently, "Yes Yugi?"

Song in the background:(Breathe by: Faith Hill)

I can feel the magic floating in the air…

Yugi looks at Tea and swallows hard as he tries to gather his strength. "Umm... would you..."

Being with you gets me that way
I watch the sunlight dance across your face and I've
Never been this swept away….

As he looks into her Delicate blue eyes he feels a strange warmth inside he never felt before.

In a way I know my heart is waking up
As all the walls come tumbling down
I'm closer than I've ever felt before …
Tea looks back at him with delicate warm smile and replies softly "Yes?"

And I know
And you know
There's no need for words right now…

As he prepares to finish his sentence a harsh cold wind blows between him and Tea. He shivers lightly and feels a cold chill go down his back. "Something is not right…" he thinks to himself.

"Wow that breeze came out of no where..." Tea says as she wraps her arms across her chest trying to keep warm. As the wind blew little cherry blossoms through her short dark brown hair and face.

Yugi looks up into the blue sky and senses a dark mysterious presence. Yugi frowns slightly "Something doesn't feel right."

Tea gives him a concerned look and asks "What is it?"

Yugi closes his eyes lightly answering "I feel like something dark is watching us."

Tea looks around and cautiously speaks "I guess we should get out of here."

He nods lightly "yeah let's go."

As they walked off in a distance tree stands a wild white haired boy with blue jeans and white shirt with green strips. Grins evilly and softly laughs and whispers " Smart move Yugi... But not smart enough..."

The boy laughs psychotically as a gold ring that hangs on a chain around his neck shines brightly

"Your millennium puzzle shall be mine."

-To be Continued-