Happy Early Halloween, Miraculers! I'm sure you've heard this one before: Marinette is the youngest princess in a kingdom where her wicked sisters, Chloé and Lila, are jealous of how Marinette attracts more attention than the two of them combined. Thus, they try to get rid of her.

After she suffers some pain caused by her sisters, she meets Adrien, the two of them fall in love, happily ever after... Well, here's my take on it, but I'm twisting it around so that way it's not Adrien Marinette meets... That's right, this is the classic fairytale setup with Lukanette! And a few more spooky surprises, too, courtesy of Halloween coming up.

Now, I should warn you ahead of time that supernatural isn't really my genre, so this story is only going up on a trial basis. If I don't do as good as you hope, PLEASE don't hold it against me. I'm a little out of my depth here.

Legend has it that in the vast border forest between the kingdoms of Fortune and Lumiére hides a ferocious creature that only comes out at night. If one is unlucky enough to encounter it and anger the being, they would arguably never get away without a scratch. But there were also some people who saw the creature and claim that it would sing or make music soothing enough to lull trespassers into sleep and then the beast would kick them out of the woods. And all these people who were unharmed lived to tell the tale, and even then their memory would be so fuzzy that they could not accurately describe the being.

But we're in the wrong setting here. Let me start over and tell you where this story really begins.

Once upon a time, in a prosperous and lovely kingdom known as Fortune, there was a king and queen. King Tom, a large man with a mustache and sideburns in brown with green eyes, was married to the beautiful Sabine, a petite woman with grey eyes and dark black hair, who loved her husband very much.

The royals were blessed with three daughters.

The eldest, Chloé, was a girl with icy blue eyes and hair like the sun, who wore yellow and a lot of makeup and fancy jewelry just to show off and get attention. She was cordial enough around her parents, but behind closed doors, she was one of the nastiest girls one could meet. Spoiled rotten, unreasonable, superficial - name a negative trait, and she was likely to have it.

Then there was the middle daughter, Sabrina. She was a redhead with green eyes and glasses, who wore mainly purple and green. Often times, she was a sidekick or servant to Chloé, despite being a princess herself. There were times where Sabrina could be just as bad and cruel as Chloé, but when she was left to her own devices, she was nice enough to others.

Finally, the youngest was Marinette. When she was born, her parents swore that the gods blessed the little girl to truly be the most beautiful creature in the world. Marinette had blue eyes much like Chloé, but hers were a warm blue that could be compared to the sky on a clear spring day. She had her mother's hair, and perfectly milky skin.

Unlike her sisters, Marinette was by far the sweetest and kindest girl one could ever know. Not to mention she was a lot more self-sufficient and had all the makings of a queen. She would take on a lot of chores and tasks that were usually left to maids and butlers, and even help out in the kitchen, too. She was skilled in sewing and baking, was amazing at quick and creative thinking, and other tasks and skills that Chloé and Sabrina would not bother to even learn.

And not only that, but Marinette thought about the people that her family ruled over, and she always considered what it truly meant to be a leader. So, whenever she had a chance, she would dress in commoner clothing and go out into the village undercover to see what she could do to help out or improve the lives of the citizens. Jobs she did in the marketplace included distributing some of her handmade clothes to the poorer folks who needed them more than she did. She helped farmers harvest their crops and sell them, would often donate a lot of her jewelry pieces to churches, and so much more.

As Marinette grew up, she matured into a young woman who was more than fit to become queen. Before she even hit twelves years of age, the kingdom all wanted her to be her parents' successor, while they all but forgot about Chloé and Sabrina. Marinette was named Crown Princess by her 21st birthday...

Yeah, if only the story were that cut and dry. Then there wouldn't even be a story to tell! Now that that spiel's over, let's get started on the actual turn of events that happened prior to Marinette's coronation. So, let's start at when she was about sixteen and... Bingo! ROLL THE TAPE!

A cool breeze blows through the sky as it carries leaves kissed by the gold of the mid-morning sun, hugged by the red of the apples of the trees, and dusted with brown of the soil of the farmland in Fortune.

As the leaves blew through the town, it was clear that harvest time was upon the kingdom. Pumpkins had been picked and placed on the doorsteps of the villagers, there were barrels of apples and pears being sold by farmers, vendors carried turnips, potatoes, squashes of many varieties, and the occasional brussels sprout.

Fallen leaves were scattered everywhere and the air was getting crisp and cool. Just the perfect day in early October.

"Morning, Ladybug!" "Hi, Ladybug!" "Morning!"

One girl was walking the village streets. She was wearing a red dress that had black spots all over it and her hair was tied back in pigtails. She was also wearing a red bandanna on her head.

"Morning, everyone." She said as she waved to passersby.

Whenever the princess was in the village, she would dress in red and black as opposed to her usual pink and she would go by the name Ladybug instead. It helped that she was usually not allowed out in public without escorts.

Marinette was enjoying the nice autumn breezes and the villagers' company. It certainly was a nice change from constantly putting on airs in the stifling halls of her castle. Sure, her parents were warm and loving, but she always knew that her sisters were... less than thrilled to be her family.

"Morning, Ladybug." Someone said.

He was a short boy with red hair that covered one of his blue eyes, and he was staring at her with an affectionate blush on his face. He was carrying a set of brushes and paints.

"Oh, morning, Nathaniel," Marinette said, smiling back at the boy. "How's Marc doing?"

Marc was another friend of theirs. A boy with black hair, green eyes, and an overall effeminate appearance. He was an excellent creative story writer, and combined with Nathaniel's artistic talents, the two of them started collaborating on books with each other. It was Marinette who encouraged them to work together, too.

"He's doing fine," Nathaniel replied. "He should be hiding out somewhere working on his next story. We're getting started on our next book."

"That's great," Marinette said. "I hope to see your next piece when it's done."

"Believe me," Nathaniel said, blushing deeper. "You'll be the first person to read it once we're done."

"Thanks, Nathaniel!" Marinette said with a smile. "I'm going to go visit Mylene and Ivan and see how they're doing."

Marinette kept walking along, leaving a swooning Nathaniel in her wake. Within a few minutes, the disguised princess made it to the blacksmith's, where Ivan was. He was a very tall, overweight bow with freckles and short brown hair that had a blonde tuft to it. He was hammering a hot metal piece on his anvil.

"Ivan!" Marinette said, waving to him.

"Morning, Ladybug," Ivan said as he waved the girl over. "How are you today?"

"I'm fine," Marinette said. "How's Mylene? I'm sure that she'll probably want to spend a bunch of time with you before your wedding."

Ivan had recently gotten engaged to Mylene, a girl who was shorter than him. She had golden eyes, golden hair with strands in green, blue, and magenta and held back by a bandana. She was also a little on the thick side, but that just made her more adorable.

"Oh yeah," He siad, blushing and rubbing his head. "She's helping her father out with a performance, but she should be around soon. I'll let her know you came by."

"Thank you, Ivan," Marinette said. "I'll see you later."

Marinette kept going around the village, talking to the citizens and asking them about their day and engaging them in conversations. Every now and then, they would spill praises or complaints about the state of affairs in the village. If Marinette saw that there was a problem that affected a lot of different people, such as surplus supplies that was not getting sold to the public or a shortage of something, Marinette would mentally note that and bring up these issues with her parents at court meetings, without hinting at her escapades of course.

Marinette came upon a fabric stall and saw some beautiful autumn-colored fabrics that she wanted to utilize in her designs. Since it was a relatively cheap fabric, Marinette thought that if she bought some and started making clothes, she could give back to the villagers by giving the clothes to the children.

"Wow! These fabrics are beautiful. The golds, reds, oranges, and browns are amazing!" Marinette said as she spoke to the stall owner.

"Thank you, Ladybug," Caline Bustier, the vendor said. "Would you like some?"

Marinette took out a small purse that she kept on hand. Whenever she would go out, she would always keep a bare minimum of money on her. Enough to pay for what she would want without arousing suspicion.

"I'd love some!" Marinette said, exchanging some of the coins she had on her for an assortment of the fabrics Caline had. "Thank you, Ms. Bustier."

"Any time Ladybug." Caline said as she waved Marinette off.

By dusk, Marinette had made it back to the castle and had run through the gardens. She saw a makeshift rope ladder that was hanging outside a window, and started to climb up it.

In her chambers, a girl round her age with dark skin, hazel eyes, glasses, and dark red hair wearing an orange dress was pacing around. It was Alya Césaire, Marinette's lady-in-waiting and best friend.

"Come on, girl, hurry up," Alya said, worried. "Your parents are going to come and check on you any minute!"

There was a knock on the window. Alya ran over to it and opened it up, and Marinette climbed in, but not without flailing and falling flat on her face.

"There you are, girl!" Alya said as she helped the princess up. "You were really cutting it close today."

"I know," Marinette said as she dusted herself off. She then began to change into one of her nicer pink gowns. "But if mom and dad knew what I was up to, who knows what they would think?"

"Knowing them, they'd probably praise you for trying to help out in the villages," Alya said. "I see you brought more fabric. More materials for your projects to help the village kids?"

"Yep," Marinette said as she hid her purchase under her bed. "Thought I'd start making clothes for the little ones in town. I can't imagine how hard it must be not to have warm clothes in the wintertime."

"You're such a generous girl," Alya said. "Just like your parents."

Alya and Marinette had been friends since they were toddlers. Alya's parents were workers in the castle; her mother, Marlena, was the head chef of the castle, while Otis, her father, was in charge of the menagerie animals. Alya's older sister Nora was strong enough to be the captain of the royal guards, and would often challenge her workers to fights to challenge herself and help them improve, too. Alya also had two younger twin sisters, too.

Once Marinette got into a pink gown and put on a tiara, she went to wash up just in case any dirt had gotten on her.

"Hurry up, Marinette," Alya said. "Dinner's going to begin at any moment."

Marinette was ready for the meal as soon as she put her shoes on and left her chambers to go to the dining room. Alya was following behind.

Tom and Sabine were waiting with Sabrina and Chloé at the big table, where a lavish meal was spread out. The elder two girls were beginning to eat while the parents were waiting for Marinette.

"Girls, stop. Wait for your sister." Tom said.

"Ugh, fine," Chloé said, putting her fork down. "The pheasant's too dry for me anyway."

Sabrina made no comment as she gently put her fork down.

"Where could Marinette be?" Sabine asked.

"Mom, dad," Marinette said as she walked in and took her seat. "I'm sorry I'm late."

"Perfect timing, Marinette," Tom said. "Now, let us feast!"

Marinette patted the chair next to her and Alya sat down.

"Ugh, why is the help sitting with us? Marinette, if you identify with commoners so much, why don't you go eat in the servants' quarters with Alya and the rest of her family?" Chloé complained.

"Hey!" Marinette said, standing up. "We as members of the royal family owe a duty to our subjects to treat them with the same kindness and respect we would treat each other. Need I remind you that it's thanks to Alya's mother that we can eat like this?"

"Well, she did overcook the pheasant," Chloé said with a smirk. "We should fire her and kick out the entire family."

"We will do no such thing, Chloé," Tom bellowed, causing her to go silent. "Marlena and her family have loyally worked for us for many years. I love taking time to go into the kitchen and making bread with her from time to time myself. It will do you some good to learn some humility."

Chloé slumped into her seat and continued to eat the poultry.

"So, autumn is upon us," Sabine said. "It's certainly a beautiful season. I hear the harvest has been exceptional this year."

"Indeed," Marinette said. "Though I am concerned how everyone will survive the winter. The harvest may have been fruitful, but will it be enough for everyone to sustain themselves? Maybe we should consider opening up our food reserves for those who couldn't reap any of the benefits this year."

"That's an excellent idea, Marinette," Tom said. "I wouldn't expect anything less from you. Always thinking of others instead of yourself."

Marinette smiled and continued to eat.

"There's no way I'm going to let some filthy peasants touch the food we royals are entitled to!" Chloé said.

"Neither will I." Sabrina quietly agreed.

"Mind your tongues, both of you," Tom said. "It wouldn't hurt to take a few leaves out of your sister's book."

Chloé and Sabrina merely glared at Marinette as she and Alya kept talking animatedly with each other.

After the meal was over, Marinette had pulled her parents aside to talk to them about something she had heard from the villagers earlier that day.

"So, what's the matter, Marinette?" Sabine asked.

"I think that the maybe we need to improve the sheep farming," Marinette suggested. "I've heard that the sheep farmers are going through a bit of a rough patch right now because the grasses are starting to die off due to the cold. So I was thinking that if would could find a way to raise more sheep in the spring and summer months, the more meat people will have to eat in the winter, and not only that, but there will be more wool available for everyone to make clothes they need for the wintertime."

"That sounds like a wonderful plan, Marinette," Tom said. "Did you hear that from your usual escapades to the village?"

"Yes, I- HUH?!" Marinette shouted, surprised. "How did...?"

"One of the guards reported that he found a rope ladder hanging out your bedroom window," Sabine explained. "And some of the maids have noticed scraps of lower-quality fabric in your room. And whenever we have meetings in court, you always tell us about things that only people in the village would know about."

Marinette sighed in defeat, realizing that she had been busted by her parents.

"But you always come back unharmed and you always go out to help people, just by talking to them and being their friend or making and giving away clothes to help the less fortunate," Tom said. "Not only that, but because of your comments, whenever we make new decisions for the realm, they are always met with praises by the representatives and the public."

"So... I'm not in trouble?" Marinette asked.

"Not at all, Marinette," Sabine said, placing her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "You're doing an excellent job. In fact, we want you to keep it up."

"Yep," Tom said. "With that kind of devotion to our citizens' well-being, you're more than qualified to become the future queen."

Marinette blushed and hugged her parents, happy that they were proud of her.

"Maybe we should start inviting suitors for Marinette to the castle?" Sabine suggested. "I'm sure there will be plenty of noble men who would want our youngest's hand in marriage."

"Yes," Tom said. "Let's get started. We'll hold our first ball, invite every noble and royal boy in her peer group, and she's sure to catch a husband in no time!"

Marinette was a bit anxious about meeting suitors. She was only sixteen. She had time.

Hiding behind another corridor, Chloé and Sabrina had overheard the whole thing.

"Ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!" Chloé said, frustrated. "How can they choose her to become queen?! I'm the eldest! That means that I automatically become Crown Princess and later Queen! Not only that, but I'm more beautiful, more poised, and more perfect! She's just a klutz who's going around gallivanting with lowlifes, yet they want her to be queen?!"

"W-Well, Chloé, she's actively trying to help the people," Sabrina said. "So..."

"Are you saying you're fine with that little tramp taking my birthright away from me?!" Chloé snarled.

"N-No! You're definitely more qualified to be queen!" Sabrina said, backpedalling and trying to please Chloé.

"Then you'll help me get rid of her," Chloé said. "And once that little pest is out of our hair, the throne is mine for the taking! Every suitor will be bowing before me, not Marinette! Because Marinette will be dead."

"Are you crazy?!" Sabrina said. "If anyone finds out...!"

"We'll just make sure no one does. Besides, whoever said I was going to get my perfect hands dirty doing away with family? We'll just set her up to die." Chloé said as she started to walk away and inform Sabrina of her plans.

The girls had come up with one of most heinous schemes imaginable: they would trick Marinette into going into the border woods at night. Since the forest was so huge, it would be easy for Marinette to get lost. In addition, Chloé and Sabrina were hoping that the legends of a monster in the woods were true and that the beast would be heartless enough to kill their sister. This way it would be easy for the blame to be put on the beast, not them, and Marinette would be dead. Two birds with one stone, Sabrina said.

Though the redhead was not at all looking forward to hurting Marinette, it was either that or suffer at the hands of her older sister.

The next few days, the girls would plot and scheme on how they would trick Marinette into going into the woods.

"We could lie to Marinette and tell her that Alya went in to see if the beast is real." Sabrina suggested.

"Great!" Chloé said. "Glad I thought of it."

Sabrina pouted because it was her idea. But then they started to figure out exactly how they would keep Alya occupied long enough to get Marinette to leave.

"Alright, know the plan?" Chloé said.

"Right." Sabrina said as she went to go and find Alya.

The lady-in-waiting was babysitting the twins while her parents were busy. Sabrina soon came in and said, "Alya, a word, please?"

Alya looked up to the redheaded princess, and suspiciously asked, "What do you want, Sabrina?"

"Well, I um... I was thinking... Is Marinette busy right now?" Sabrina asked.

"She should be in her room..." Alya said, not telling Sabrina about her mistress's adventures out in the village.

"Great! I was thinking, since Marinette's holing up in her chambers as usual, why don't you and I go into the village and get pampered? I'm sure Marinette doesn't do that for you very often." Sabrina said.

Alya, still sensing something was wrong, said, "No thanks. Marinette and I don't really do that together. She says I don't need it because I'm pretty enough as it is. She told me that I can be easily mistaken for a princess myself."

"Well, in that case..." Sabrina said, pulling out a list of considerable, courtesy of Chloé. "You would still need to go into the village anyway. Chloé's usual staff are occupied, so she needs someone to do her shopping."

"Ugh, fine," Alya said, snatching the paper. "Might as well give blondie what she wants if it will shut her up for a while. I'll go change clothes."

As soon as Alya left, Sabrina smirked. Everything was going according to plan. That list was comprised of items that were nearly impossible to find. And even if Alya did get them, she would not make it back before dark.

Alya soon left the castle to do the errands. Meanwhile, she had missed that Marinette had snuck back into her room with more sewing materials for clothes.

"Alya?" Marinette asked as she entered the room and put the fabrics, threads, and buttons down. "Alya, are you here?"

No answer. So, instead of worrying about her best friend, Marinette just got back to sewing. Marinette knew that Alya could take care of herself, so she was not concerned about her. Marinette kept making shirts, dresses, pants, hats, etc. with all of the fabric that she had on hand. She soon had a considerable pile of finished products on her bed, and it had already gotten dark.

She looked out the window and saw that it was dark, and she grew worried. She asked aloud, "Alya, where are you...?"

She considered all the possibilities. It was possible that Alya had been asked to babysit the twins, which happened often enough that it would be reasonable to assume that immediately. Alya also had other duties in the castle besides waiting on her. Then there was the idea that Alya would take lessons from Nora and the guard, and maybe she lost track of time. All of these were possible, she kept telling herself.

Once it was about eight at night, Marinette decided to go and look for Alya instead of waiting around. Just as she stood up, there was a knock at her door, and Marinette dashed over to the door, hoping it was her lady-in-waiting.

"Alya?!" Marinette asked, throwing open the door, only to reveal that Chloé was standing there instead. "Chloé? What's the matter?"

"Can't I come to talk to my sister?" Chloé asked as she came into the room.

Marinette sensed something was off about this, but decided to ignore it and said, "Listen, Chloé, I have to find Alya. Do you have any idea where she could be?"

"Oh, Alya?" Chloé asked, her back still turned to her sister. She was giving an evil smile while trying to sound worried. "You mean she didn't tell you?"

"What do you mean?" Marinette asked.

"She... Sh-She..." Chloé began, using a fake voice that sounded like it was breaking. "She went into the border woods."

"The border woods?!" Marinette asked. "This late at night?! Why?!"

"You know she's always one for gossip and stories," Chloé said. "So, she went into the woods earlier this afternoon to see if she could see if the legends are true."

"You mean the legend of the nighttime beast?!" Marinette asked, freaking out.

"Yes. She hasn't come back from her excursion yet," Chloé said, turning around and showing a fake frown. "If the legend's true, then maybe..."

"No! There's no way that monster could have killed her! Alya's a bit reckless, yes, but not like that! She would know to stay on the path at least!" Marinette began, trying to rationalize the situation. "And maybe she was smart enough not to get it mad, and then it just sang and she fell asleep before getting kicked out like some people have reported?!"

"Who knows? Should we get the guard to go out and look for her?" Chloé suggested.

"No!" Marinette said. She was still in her commoner disguise, so she had an idea. "I'll go and look for her myself!"

"Are you sure? You said it yourself, it isn't safe to go out there." Chloé asked.

"I wouldn't abandon my best friend! I'm going! If anyone asks, tell them where I've gone, but insist that no guards come with me! I don't want to gamble on the legends being real and scaring it." Marinette said as she put on some shoes, packed a lamp, some food, and a few other supplies.

"Be careful." Chloé said, still being fake.

"I will," Marinette said as she climbed out the window and down her ladder. "I'll bring Alya back before long! I promise!"

Once she was down on the ground, she immediately ran out of the gates and into the border woods until she was out of sight. Chloé sneered and dropped the ladder so Marinette could not get back in even if she did get out of the woods alive.

"Good riddance." Chloé said before shutting the window and leaving, cackling in triumph.

Marinette was running through the woods, shouting for her best friend. She had her lamp lit up and she was running down the path of the border woods.

The main reason they even had a path in the woods to begin with was because legendary monster aside, it was an important route for travel and trade, and it was the shortest way between Fortune and Lumiére kingdoms, especially compared to going the long way around. Not only that, there had yet to be any reports of an attack from the beast on the path. It was either one of those creatures that liked staying away from people on instinct, or it was smart enough not to leave itself open to attack by scared humans. Marinette had a suspicion it was a combination of both.

"Alya! Alya! Answer if you can hear me!" Marinette screamed, trying to find Alya. "This is insane... What was she thinking, coming out here?"

Out of breath, Marinette started to slow her pace and kept shouting for Alya. She was getting tired, and she took out her water container and took a sip from it before putting it away.

Marinette started looking around at her surroundings. She could only see about four feet in front of her face, and everything around her looked identical. Trees after trees, some of them with all of their leaves on, some of them completely bare. Not only that, but the sky was covered in clouds, but the full moon was bright out.

She saw that there was a patch of grass that looked like it had been trampled down, and just recently too. Marinette looked ahead and saw that it was dark and heavily wooded. Just the place where someone as curious as Alya would want to go.

"I can't believe I'm doing this..." Marinette whispered to herself as she took a chance and strayed off the path and into the trees.

As soon as she got off the path, she saw that it was pretty steep. But Marinette had to press on to find her best friend. She would find a way out later.

One step, and true to form, Marinette's clumsiness had to kick in at the worst time. She tripped on a rock and then she started tumbling and rolling down a hill, screaming in pain with each time something on her body hit the ground, including her head.

As she continued her fall, her right ankle hit a large boulder and she screamed at the top of her lungs in the most pain she had ever felt. Once she reached the bottom of the hill, she stopped, landing on her stomach. She tried to collect herself and she just barely managed to stand.

She noticed that it was now pitch black and she could just barely see in front of her face. Marinette turned to her right and saw that her lamp had broken and landed in the stream nearby.

"Great! Now I'm on my own!" Marinette complained as she pushed on.

She continued limping, shouting for Alya to answer her.

Marinette going on for what seemed like hours. She tried her best to keep going, but the pain in her ankle was getting to her. Marinette soon saw a large bare tree in a clearing, and since she was so tired, she sat under it to get some rest.

She kept looking around, not sure where she was. Everything was starting to look the same, the temperature was dropping, and she had lost her source of light. She would have to hope that the legendary monster would not find her, or that it would spare her or even "kick her out" without hurting her like he did to some trespassers. That would at least get her on the path back home by the next morning.

Marinette was worried sick about Alya, but no matter how long she looked, Marinette could not find her redheaded best friend. She started to shiver from the cold and she was about to cry, scared and confused, not sure where she was, worried about her friend, everything.

There was the sound of a wolf howling in the distance. Marinette froze, afraid. She knew wolves were more likely to avoid humans instead of attack them, so as long as she stayed put, she would likely be okay.

Just as she was relaxing, though, she heard rustling in the bushes and snapping branches.

"Alya?!" Marinette asked, hopeful that she found her lady-in-waiting.

But silence followed. Marinette sighed, thinking it was probably just a forest animal.

Between the howling wolves, the eerie forest, the hooting owls, and just being all alone, Marinette was scared. She was on the verge of tears, and she was so tired. She took out her knapsack and extracted a large blanket that she had packed. If she was going to be stuck all night in pain, she might as well try to stay warm.

She had no fuel to make a fire, so she had to make do with what she had.

She gently laid her head on the root of the tree, and tried her best to get to sleep.

But she was still on edge, so once she heard more rustling, she tensed up and whimpered.

In the bushes, a pair of glowing eyes was observing her. Whatever was in the foliage could tell that Marinette was scared to death, and she was hurt, too. It could sense that Marinette meant no harm, and just wound up here by complete accident.

So, out of concern for the girl, the creature began to sing a soft, sweet melody to try and calm her down.

Marinette tried to cover her ears and tune out the music, but it was just so pleasant that she could not help but drift off to sleep. Her eyes closed and she started to relax, feeling safe and comfortable.

The mist in the woods grew thicker and thicker as it surrounded Marinette and she was soon obscured from view. Once the mist faded away, the princess was gone, blanket and all...

And that's it for chapter one! Coming up in Chapter 2, Marinette officially meets Luka and the two of them start bonding with each other.

Remember, this story is being posted on a trial basis, so if it isn't as well-received as I would like, then it's going to be deleted. Please leave a comment! I'd like to see at least five.

As a bit of trivia, when I decided to name the kingdoms, "Fortune" translates to luck while "Lumiére" means light (and yes, it's the same word as the name of the character Lumiére from "Beauty and the Beast"). This was deliberate because Marinette holds the Miraculous of good luck and creation while Luka's name translates to "light" as opposed to Adrien's name meaning "the dark one."