After what felt like years, the last custody case was over, letting Dominic free of his parents.

John smiled, packing the last of his things into his new suitcase as he took one last look around the room. He could hear Allison, Kaylie, and Claire squealing over something one of them had found in their drawer that the others thought was cute. He rolled his eyes, looking down as his alarm went off. "Finally." He pulled the prescription bottle that held his seizure medication from his backpack, dumping the last pill into his palm. "So long." He popped the pill into his mouth, taking a swig from the water bottle beside his bed.

"John!" Clarissa called up the stairs in her typical motherly tone. "Give me a hand?"

He zipped his bag closed, before taking off for Claire's parent's room. "Yeah?" He chuckled at the sight of Clarissa and her twenty plus bags of luggage. "Holy shit." He smirked, taking in the frazzled looking mother. "How much shit do you have?"

She gave a mock glare. "Just help me take it to the bus." She picked up a couple of the bags, starting for the stairs. "I can't believe we're actually doing this."

John took a few suitcases from the pile, shaking his head. "Me either."

John took a seat next to Claire, placing his acoustic guitar under the seat in front of him. "Good morning, Sweets." He spoke around the bubble gum in his mouth, a new habit he'd picked up since he couldn't do drugs anymore.

She yawned, pushing her palm to his face. "How are you so perky this morning?"

He took his sunglasses off, rubbing the lenses off on his t-shirt. "Give me a break, I've never been outta Shermer." He held the shades to the light, trying to see if they were clean. "I'm excited."

Andy shook his head, laughing at the two behind him. "Are you really going to be like this all week?" He asked, turning in his seat.

John smirked, leaning toward the athlete. "If it makes you angry." That got the whole bus to laugh, twenty people all laughing so hard that John thought they would pass out.

Andy looked over at Amelia, making sure she was asleep before he spoke. "You're an asshole."

John shrugged, leaning back in his chair. "Just saying, you're sexy when you get angry." He ducked as a pencil came flying at his head. "Allison!"

She snickered, going back to her drawing with another pencil as the bus started to move.

Dominic shook his head, giving his cousin a punch on the arm. "You earned that one El Jefe." He let a sly grin slide onto his face. "Hitting on another girl's man."

John looked at him, holding his hand out. "Can you hear this?" He turned his hand palm up, showing the erect middle finger. "You want me to turn it up?"

"Boys." Clarissa warned, giving them a look that only a true mother could give. "Behave."