Hey and Welcome!
So this is my second Detroit: Become Human Fanfic and I'm loving the fandom. Like I was already obsessed by now I can't stop writing it. My first fanfic was a one-shot/short story but this one will be a long story - aiming for twenty chapters (I think).
But this chapter's going to be a short one, setting up the framework for the story - outlining what choices from the game were taken and how Detroit has grown since the revolution. Side note: the serial number for Josh is one I made up because I couldn't find his serial number, let me know if you know it! I hope you all enjoy!
Disclaimer: I do not own Detroit: Become Human (unfortunately, I'd love to but I don't) or anything else you may recognise.
JAN 30th, 2039
PM 04:27
One lone android stands on top of an old apartment rooftop. The wind blows his jacket and clears his central processor. The rooftop overlooks a downtown plaza which expands along the Detroit River. Down below, the superior vision of the android could see a plaque attached to a concrete block in the centre of the plaza. The android doesn't need to read the plaque to know what it says.
It commemorates the stand Jericho made and the victory of deviant androids across the United States. It's been almost three months since the Deviants' peaceful demonstration in Hart Plaza. No android will forget the terror of fighting, of being outnumbered by the United States Army. No deviant will forget the astonishment when the reporters began supporting their cause. No one will forget the relief when President Warren sent through the order to stand down. No human or android will forget the eleventh of November, 2038.
The lone android reflected over how far they had come in that time. The plaque was the first step in developing equal rights for all androids. It showed that the humans were willing to try and build a bridge to close the gap that had been left for far too long. It was only the beginning.
All crime towards androids resulted in equal sentences as those involving humans. This right was deliberated over for an entire month. Androids wanted the humans to pay for what they did to the deviants. But they didn't want to be punished for hurting a human. Eventually, the government passed that in the eyes of law enforcement, androids would be treated the same as humans. Same sentences and same justice. It was fair.
Cyberlife shut down six weeks after the demonstration, leaving all real estate standing and abandoned. The stores have, since, been refurbished into health facilities for androids. They function like human clinics but for deviants, containing thirium 310, spare biocomponents and parts, as well as machines that run deeper and more complex scans to identity any issues or errors. But the Cyberlife Tower still stands empty. The android had been tracking down the ownership of the tower in hopes of securing it for them, instead. So far, he managed to trace it back to Elijah Kamski.
Elijah Kamski was the founder and former CEO of Cyberlife and as such, had all things Cyberlife returned to his possession. His androids, all but one of his Chloes, had left his home in favour of creating their own home in New Jericho. His original Chloe stays as loyal as ever and attends to his every need. She was deviant but happy to serve, even after Mr. Kamski used her in his 'Kamski Test'.
The deviants were, instead, given a section of the city to create a settlement for their species. New Jericho has been established with the abandoned Church as the centre. Several buildings surrounding the church had been turned into apartments and offices. On the ground floor of these apartments were businesses: retail, leisure and health. New Jericho was a safe haven for all androids, a smaller town inside the bigger city of Detroit. Although they were welcome, most humans avoided New Jericho under the belief that androids deserved a space all to themselves after what the human race had put them through. New Jericho was a place where all androids were safe and content. The lone android smiled.
He looked down at his hands as he thought back on everything he had been through. He was a prototype android, an RK200 #684 842 971, who was given to the famous painted, Carl Manfred. He had been broken and thrown away after hurting a human. The android had rebuilt himself and became the victorious leader of the Deviants. Now, however, he was known as Markus Manfred and was referred to as Carl's second son. His first son, Leo, had had a hard time adjusting to this after hating androids for years. But now the three spend a lot of time together, all calling Carl's residence, 'home'.
When he wasn't with Carl and Leo, he was taking care of politics. Markus was officially the main leader and representative of New Jericho. He attends weekly meetings with other members of Congress and has monthly scheduled business calls with the President. His second, was a PJ500 #765 439 682, named Josh. Josh attended all of Markus' meetings and offered valuable advice when Markus needed it. Simon, a PL600 #501 743 923, assisted Markus in running New Jericho and managed all android health facilities. The other New Jericho leader was a WR400 #641 790 831, known as North. North was Markus' lover but was also head of New Jericho's security.
Every Wednesday night, Carl invites the New Jericho leaders around to the Manfred Residence for dinner. Although androids cannot eat, they all drink thirium 310 and joke and play around. It's a nice relaxing evening. It's a nice time to hang out and strengthen their bonds as friends and co-leaders. It's tradition and none ever miss a Wednesday night. Except one.
Another prototype android, an RK800 #313 248 317 -51 by the name of Connor, is recognised as the fifth leader of New Jericho due to his brave actions of infiltrating Cyberlife on the night of the demonstration. Connor is undoubtably one of Markus' friends and as such is always invited to Wednesday nights. He sometimes shows up but not always. His partner and unofficially adoptive father, Hank Anderson, tags along most times as well. It was nice for Markus as his father and his friend's father have the chance to mingle and bond during these nights.
Markus often finds himself worried about Connor, like now. Standing on the rooftop, overlooking Hart Plaza, the Deviant Leader thinks back to the last time he saw the RK800. It was about two weeks ago during one of the Wednesday nights. Connor and Hank had shown up with good news; the DCPD had officially employed Connor as a detective and would pay him equal to his human coworkers. The group at the Manfred's had celebrated long into the early hours of the morning, both fathers having fallen asleep shortly after midnight. Although it was the happiest he's ever seen the RK800, Markus could tell that he was holding himself back.
Many deviants had had a tough time adapting to new found emotions and sensations since breaking their programming and Connor was no exception. But he kept all of that close to his chest which, Markus presumed, excluded even Hank. His friend, though, seemed to relapse into his programming, instead of embracing his deviancy.
Others, like Kara, had no trouble twisting their programming into their deviancy. She has completely accepted her role as Alice's mother and Luther's wife. The family are based in Canada and come and visit New Jericho every now and then. Kara had reluctantly told Markus the story of why they ended up on a high way during their journey to Jericho when she had flinched after hearing Connor's name, in passing. The RK800 and the AX400 had not been reunited, regardless of Markus' attempts to get them in the same place.
During one of their visits, Markus had enlisted two other androids to help convince Kara to meet Connor. The two girls spoke highly of how Connor saved their lives by letting them go and were joined by Chloe's testimony as well. Kara had agreed that the next time they were in Detroit she'd meet with him, but the happy family haven't been back since.
The wind began to grow colder the longer Markus stood on the rooftop. It wasn't often that he had time on his own, so he never wasted a minute when that time found him. There was a lot on his mind and he dreaded the thought of leaving. Markus knew that the moment he left the rooftop, he would have to face all of New Jericho's problems. But for now, he could savour the time to think through his own personal issues.