
For those who know me, guess who? ~

For those who don't. It's lovely to meet you all.

I hope you enjoy this story. For the moment I've just decided to write this for just the reason that I'm on a school trip in America and my bus has no Wi-Fi. Also, lots of flights (I have like 23 hours of flights tomorrow DX). So, I thought why not write fanfiction to pass the time. I apologise if like some other stories this one isn't updated often or placed on a VERY long hiatus.

Anyway. I hope you guys and gals enjoy this fic.



Fourteen-year-old Naruto Uzumaki stared up at the large guild hall. Home to his hero and all-time favourite Mage of all time; Ezra Scarlet. Walking up to the doors which were about 7-8 times taller than him made him feel extremely nervous. Shaking his head and slapping both of his whispered cheeks he pushed one of the large doors open. Slipping inside the guild hall he saw it was fairly quiet. A couple people sitting around and amicably talking.

Looking around, the young teen walked up to the bar where he saw a purple haired girl cleaning a beer mug while humming a slight tune to herself.

"Hey Miss! Where's the Guild Master?" He asked while peering over the guild bar on his tip toes, silently grumbling about his height.

"Oh! Hello! I'm not quite sure where Macao-San is. I'm Kinana though" She smiled and stuck her hand out.

"I'm Naruto Uzumaki! But who's Macao? I thought the Guild Master was Makarov?" Naruto asked while shaking her hand.

"Makarov is our Master. He's just on a trip with most of our Guild right now so I'm the Pseudo-Master of Fairy Tail while he's gone. The names Macao Cobalt, by the way" A somewhat elderly voice said from behind Naruto.

Turning around the teen saw a man with a purple beard and slicked back purple hair.

"Him and some Guild Members are gone? Did Ezra Scarlet go with him?" He asked Macao.

"Yes, she did. Were you hoping to get an autograph or something, kid?" He asked while tilting his head to the side.

"That would be awesome! But I'm actually here because I want to join Fairy Tail, Dattebayo!" He said proudly, his expression quickly morphing into horror as he realised his verbal-tick slipped into his sentence.

The two adults seemed to realise he hadn't meant to say that last part and started laughing, making him turn red in embarrassment.

"So, you want to join Fairy Tail?" Macao asked after calming down "what magic do you use, kid?" He asked curiously.

"Requip! Erza inspired me to be a Mage. Though….my Requip style isn't as good as hers" He said, starting out confident and ending up meek.

"How so?" Kinana asked curiously.

"I can only Requip weapons or miscellaneous items. So, I can't boost attributes or anything like that…" He admitted shamefully.

"Hey! That's still a pretty good magic!" Kinana said, in a rush to try and cheer the boy up.

"She's not wrong you know. Now. I have a question for you kid. Where does true strength come from?" Macao asked seriously.

Naruto was silent for a moment, a memory running through his mind.

"Where does your strength come from?" An effeminate boy asked him while they sat in a field of flowers.

"I dunno. My muscles and magic, I guess" Naruto responded.

"That's certainly a good answer" the effeminate boy laughed "Would you like to know where I believe true strength comes from?"

Naruto tilted his head in confusion but nodded.

"I believe true strength comes from protecting something precious to you" He said, his brown eyes staring directly into Naruto's.

Blue eyes widened as the true meaning of those words impacted Naruto with surprising force. Something about those words, resonating with him on a deep level.

The fourteen-year-old teen took a deep breath.

"I believe. That true strength comes from protecting something truly precious to you" Naruto answered seriously.

Kinana and Macao both looked at the teen in surprise. Though a few moments later, Macao couldn't keep the megawatt grin off his face.

"Welcome to Fairy Tail, kid! Where would you like your mark? And in what colour?"

"Wait! I'm in? Just like that?" Naruto asked suspiciously.

"Yep!" Kinana said with a pop in the 'p'

"Yes! Hahaha! This is the best day of my life, Dattebayo!" Naruto said excitedly while hopping around.

The two adults couldn't help but laugh and smile at his enthusiasm.

"Yes. Yes. Now where would you like your mark?" Macao asked, getting Naruto to stop jumping around and scratch the back of his head sheepishly.

"Sorry. Hmmmm on my right forearm, and in red" Naruto said while holding his right arm out.

The entire time that Kinana was pressing the stamp down on his arm he couldn't stop smiling like a lunatic. When she finally pulled up and he saw the mark he couldn't help but cheer once again.

"Neh, neh! So, when does the rest of Fairy Tail get back?" He asked Kinana while sitting at the bar.

"Well. You actually only missed them by about 2-3 hours" She admitted sheepishly "so it'll be another few days before they get back"

Naruto's head met the bar with a resounding thud. Scaring Kinana greatly.

"I just had to be lazy this morning and not get out of my sleeping bag" He grumbled, getting a laugh from Macao as he walked up to grab a beer.

"Yeah. Life can be a bitch like that" he commented whimsically.

"Actually! Where do I stay? I don't have a place here" Naruto said while raising his head up from the bar.

"Ah! The new member woes! Kinana, the basement has a bed doesn't it?" The Pseudo-Master of Fairy Tail asked.

"It does…. but it's really not comfortable" She replied nervously.

"That's fine! I'll only be here a few days! I'll do some missions and get a house for myself!" Naruto said confidently.

"Quite a lot of confidence you have there kid! How about you go and get to know everyone? Maybe one of them could even take you on a mission today" He suggested.

The teen smiled foxily and mock saluted before hopping off his stool and walking over to the nearest table with people at it.


Naruto was currently laughing while playing a card game with Romeo, Macao's son. So far with his ridiculous luck he was easily beating Romeo, but he did make sure to go easy on the kid. Though not too easy. As he was about to take his turn he felt someone tap his shoulder. Turning around he saw the green hair and smiling face of Bisca.

"Oh! Hey, B-Bisca right? Sorry. I'm bad with names" Naruto greeted with a sheepish grin.

"Well it is Bisca, so you don't have anything to worry about" She giggled "anyway. I heard you wanted to go on a mission? I wouldn't mind taking you on one" She offered.

"Sure! I'd love to come, Datte-" He said excitedly before cutting himself off and slamming his head onto the table.

"Uhhhh, Naruto?" Bisca asked in confusion.

"Goddamn, stupid verbal tic" He muttered before sliding out of his seat "Sorry Romeo, we'll have to continue later" The kid only laughed and waved back.

"So, what are we doing?" Naruto asked, walking up to the green haired gunslinger.

"A simple monster extermination. It's just a high C-rank mission" She said, showing him the poster.


Bisca and Naruto sat atop a tree branch while looking down at the nest of giant snakes.

"I hate snakes" Naruto growled while staring at all of them.

"You aren't the only one" Bisca said with a slight shiver "We're just lucky we aren't facing any Magic Serpents; those things are like agile tanks"

Naruto shivered heavily at the thought of Magic Serpents.

"Anyway, I'm a long-range fighter. So, you don't mind if I provide sniper support?" She asked her younger partner.

"That's fine. I'm more suited to close range anyway" He said in response.

With that said and done. Bisca grabbed her sniper off her back and began to set it up, checking that everything was clean and undamaged. Looking over she saw Naruto with a look of intense concentration as he slowly brought his hands apart, a katana forming between his palms. When he was finally done, three minutes later, he held a beautiful katana with a fairly plain handle and blade, if it weren't for the red edge of the blade. Looking over and seeing Bisca staring at him made him curl into himself slightly and blush.

"I'm sorry. I'm not the greatest at quickly using my magic." He admitted shyly.

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll get there. Especially if Erza teaches you. She already had her swaps down to thirty seconds at your age" She said, in an attempt to cheer him up by proving how capable Erza was with Requip.

Instead all she did was make Naruto flinch, being reminded of exactly how weak he was. Especially compared to his hero. His blonde hair shadowed his eyes as he stood up.

"I'm going in, now" He said in a monotonous voice while jumping off the branch and into the nest.

"Naruto?" Bisca asked in confusion and worry at his sudden change in demeanour.

Looking through her sniper scope, she got to see his opening attack. Landing on a snake's head and rolling down its body while cutting it with the katana. Each cut causing its body to burn and char from the red part of the now, glowing blade edge. By the time the teen had reached the ground, not only had the snake succumbed to its injuries but it had also alerted the other 15-20 or so snakes in the nest who all stared at Naruto hungrily.

The tense atmosphere was broken by a gunshot which hit a snake in the eye, the powerful round instantly liquefying its brain and killing it. With that, the rest of the snakes attacked the teen within their nest. Knowing that killing one now would be extra difficult he kept all his senses on high alert as he rolled out of the way of one while slicing its side.

Naruto then began to bounce between all the snakes as Bisca provided support/covering fire on the snakes. Eventually the multitude of injuries began to wear down some of the snakes enough that they could be killed. All in all, it took about 45 minutes to completely kill all of the snakes. Naruto covered in dirt and a few scratches and bruises, though his breathing was nearly perfectly even.

Climbing out of the nest, he was met with the concerned look of Bisca, who helped him up.

"Are you okay? You look hurt" She said while checking him over.

"I'm fine, just a few flesh wounds" He said, brushing off the injuries easily.

"Are you sure. Some of these bruises look nasty…" She said, looking at a particular one of his chests.

"Yeah. I'm fine. Aww man. Now I have to get new clothes" He complained at seeing the state his clothing was in. With a heavily damaged shirt and moderately damaged pants.

"I'm sure the pay for this mission will be enough that you can go clothes shopping" Bisca laughed.


Over the next few days found Naruto going on missions with multiple people. Also becoming friends with a few of them. Within the Guild he was always either talking to people or training out the back. Trying to make his Requip faster and stronger. Though right now he was standing in front of the mission board. Trying to find a mission that he could do solo. Wanting to finally do one without a teammate. As he was looking at them though. The massive doors behind him were blown open and a frightened man scrambled inside, catching everyone's attention.

"E-Everyone! T-Tenrou…. Tenroujima island has been destroyed!" He screamed. The entire Guild now giving him their undivided attention.

"What do you mean? What happened? Are the others okay?!" Macao asked while jogging over to the man.

"It-it was a Dragon! Scales black as night! It blew it up with one breath!" He yelled.

"What about the others?!" Macao yelled back.

"...they're dead" the man said sombrely.

The entire Guild was shocked into pure silence. Macao's grip on the man's shoulders loosened to almost nothing as those words repeated over and over inside his head.

"They're...they're dead?" He asked numbly.

"I'm...sorry" The man said before running out of the Guild Hall. The doors slowly sliding closed behind him.

Once he left, the Guild erupted into noise. Some crying, some yelling out denials, others screaming in rage and sadness. Naruto though was staring ahead numbly. The implications repeating through his head over and over. His hands began to tremble, and his eyes began to sting. Though he refused to cry, he refused to break his promise and cry.

Turning back to the board he grabbed the first flier he could find and walked over to the bar. Seeing Kinana on the ground sobbing made a spark of anger ignite in him. Grabbing the stamp and book he filled out his name and the mission himself before slamming the stamp down so hard that the bar cracked. Hearing the crack a few members looked over, one of which being Alzack, who was comforting Bisca.

"Naruto?" He asked cautiously.

As Naruto turned around, the sharpshooter saw the numb expression on his face. With eyes that were showing the signs of anger. Alzack was shocked into silence as Naruto walked past everyone and out of the Guild Hall. As much as he wanted to go after Naruto and make sure he was fine, he stayed with Bisca and continued to help comfort her. Taking a small solace in the fact that at least Naruto hadn't broken down on the spot like about a third of their Guild.


Naruto stepped out of the train. Now wearing steel toed boots, black pants and a red long-sleeved shirt. He had his backpack hanging off one shoulder with one hand holding onto the strap as he began to walk to the exit.

"Excuse me sir! You dropped this!" A feminine voice said from behind him.

Turning around the teen was met with a girl slightly younger than him who was holding his map. He gently grabbed it, seemingly not caring when she flinched at seeing his dead look.

"S-sir. Are you okay? Has something happened?" She asked in concern.

The teen, despite his sadness, felt a small, sad, smile tug at his lips.

"I'm from Fairy Tail" was his only answer, the girl instantly growing quiet and sombre.

Right as he was about to walk away he felt her arms wrap around him and her head press against his stomach.

"I'm sorry" Was all she said before letting go, sadly smiling and running back into the crowd.

Naruto was left stunned for a moment, taking a moment to stare into the crowd before shaking his head and continuing to walk.

"What a nice girl" he murmured to himself.


The Guild Hall of Fairy Tail was a very depressing environment at the moment, all of the members still trying to come to grips with the news they had learnt 33 hours ago. Even the slightest noise sounded like thunderclaps in the silence that they had all created.

So, it was no wonder that when the doors creaked open, it caught everyone's attention. What nobody was expecting however was a Naruto caked into dried blood and injuries. Though far less dead-inside then a mere day and a half ago. Walking through the Hall, he reached the bar and placed down a massive bag of jewels.

"B-Rank mission complete!" He proudly exclaimed. Catching anyone's attention who hadn't noticed him before.

"N-Naruto. Is this where you've been for the past day?" Kinana asked while staring at the reward.

"Yep. And you know what? After nearly being stabbed through four times and lying in a puddle of blood for two or so hours. I realised something." Macao raised an eyebrow from his table.

"As much as it hurts. As sad as I was. From everything I've heard, from the public and from you guys. The Tenrou team would hate for us to feel sad. So, I'm going to do everything in my power to keep you guys out of this depressing little slump you've been in, Dattebayo!" He exclaimed before immediately facepalming.

"You really think you can just get rid of all our sadness?" Nab asked incredulously.

Sliding his hand down his face, piercing blue eyes met with Nabs before looking around the Guild Hall. Jumping onto the bar, he addressed everyone.

"On my name and honour. I promise all of you. That I'm coming for all that sadness and anger inside you. And I'm not stopping until I take every last morsel!"



I hope you guys enjoyed! (You probably didn't, I wrote this on my phone and anything I write on something that isn't my laptop or PC usually ends up being shit)

I know that this has been an idea a few people have done. But I've never really seen one that is longer than like 9-10 chaps. I'm hoping to beat that record! (If any of you know of a story like this that's longer pls let me know)

Also, yes. I know it's a very short chap. But it's a prologue. Also, I couldn't think of enough stuff to place in without a significant time skip, which I didn't want to do.

So, I have a question for you guys!

Favourite Fairy Tail girl? And why?

With that said and done. I'll be going now.
