I don't own Harry Potter or am J.

~ Ministry of Magic - Trial Room ~

" The ones for the full Pardon of Rodolphus Lestrange, raise your wand."
The whole light faction, 8 of the grey faction and one Person of the dark faction raised their wands.
" The ones against the Pardon, do the same now."
No wand was raised. Everybody starred at Harry Potter.
The Minister cleared his throat.
" With this Trial and the Power I got as Minister of Magic I declare Rodolphus Lestrange hereby innocent."

" Onto the next one, Rabastan Lestrange is trialed for the following Crimes: Murder, Slaughter, Use of Dark Curses, Use of all three unforgivables. "
A small secretary walked around and gave the evidence to every member of the wizengamot.
" You have as long as you need to look trough the evidence again but consider that exactly the same documents were in your owl delivery 2 Weeks ago. After you refreshed your memory ,please say 'AY' for confirmation."
Some of the members looked trough the evidence a little longer, but nearly three thirds shouted 'ay' already. After five minutes everybody was finished.

The Minister Shaklebolt stood " Does anyone want to ask for a Pardon of Rabastan Lestrange, fully declaring him innocent and his actions."
As before at Rodolphus Trial Lord Potter-Black stood.
" I would like to pardon him fully, with all my titles."

" The ones for the full Pardon of Rabastan Lestrange, raise your wand."
The whole wizengamot except 2 of the grey faction raised their wands.
The minister didn't even ask if anyone was against the pardon. Everybody in the room was fully aware who let this miracle pardon of two inner circle Deatheaters happen.

The Minister cleared his throat.
" With this Trial and the Power I got as Minister of Magic I declare Rabastan Lestrange hereby innocent." The Minister smiled at the wizengamot. " Lord Potter-Black has volunteered to help Misters Lestrange back into society. Anyone in this trial willing to take in the Misters Lestrange?"
Lord Lestrange stood " I would be willing."
Harry Potter got a dark look into his eyes. " I ask for a Lordship vote for this matter."
Harry knew that he could easily get him to do his will through the marriage contract but then some of the other Lords will notice what kind of bargaining ship they could get to care for the Lestrange brothers. They will notice that it's not only for some torture sessions at his manor.

The Minister asked " Who is for Lord Potter-Black, say 'AY'"
More than half of the Wizengamot said "AY"
" Who is for Lord Lestrange, say 'NAY'"
Total silence was the answer.
" I hereby declare the Lord Potter-Black as the Caretaker of Misters Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange.
We are now going to declare the verdict before the Trialed. "

Two Holes in the ground, one meter long and wide, opened and out came chairs with the Lestrange on it.

" Mr Rodolphus Lestrange, you are hereby declared innocent for all the charges that were raised against you.
Under the Power of the Wizengamot and myself as the Minister of Magic you are a free wizard. You are given into the care of Lord Hadrian Potter-Black to reinstate you into society."

Rodolphus and Rabastan Lestrange sat there with open mouths.

" Mr Rabastan Lestrange, you are hereby declared innocent for all the charges that were raised against you.
Under the Power of the Wizengamot and myself as the Minister of Magic you are a free wizard. You are given into the care of Lord Hadrian Potter-Black to reinstate you into society."

The Minister cleared his throat " with this I finish this trial." The Minister sat down. The two Lestranges vanished down into the ground again.

The Wizengamot Members started talking. Sure that they earned a favour from the Savior of the Wizengamot in their help to get his Revenge.
Meanwhile Lord Harry Potter-Black was walking across the room to Lord Lestrange.
As he stood before him, he smiled. " Lord Lestrange, you are a really sly fox. I would have never guessed that you are trying to take what I paid for. Please don't try something similar again. Some people would surely miss you if you were gone."
Hadrian walked away before Lord Lestrange could say something.
The Lords nearby that heard what Hadrian said were already distancing themselves from the Lord Lestrange. You shouldn't make the savior of the Wizarding World to your enemy even I you just did something in his favour.

~ Ministry of Magic - under the Trial Room ~

Ron was still watching these two.
The younger Brother, Rabastan Lestrange, was smiling and silently laughing, if he was free of the shackles surely he would have jumped up and down because of the excitement.
The older Brother, Rodolphus Lestrange, seemed to think about something and he got angrier by the minute. He looked at Ron and fletched his teeth. He rattled with the shackles.

Ron hummed " You will need to wait, your handler will open it. He should be here soon. "

A few minutes later Hadrian walked in with Hermione in tow. Hadrian looked at the Brothers while Hermione walked to them and took a little blood from both of them.
Hadrian asked " Does it function as we thought?"
Ron made an approving sound.
Hermione tutted " Do talk in words dear"
" They drank the Potion and didn't talk, even after the trial. The first stage was successful. "

Hadrian smiled " That's good." He took out a small box.
Hermione gushed " Oh Harry, are you going to give them a ring?"
Ron and Hadrian exchanged looks.
Harry cleared his throat " Mione, you only exchange rings at the wedding of a wizarding pair. I wouldn't dare to spit on tradition."
Meanwhile Rodolphus got a dark look into his eyes as he understood what was happening. The brothers were going to be slaves.
Harry opened the Box and you could see two small earrings that were made of silver and a small diamond.
He walked to Rabastan first. " this earring binds you to me." Rabastan was smiling. Harry incanted a small shooting curse to make a hole in his Right Ear. Then he put one of the Earrings into the hole. All the while Rabastan was smiling.
" I didn't think it would be that easy."
Ron laughed. " Maybe he is a fan, Harry. "
Harry shot Ron a dark look. He walked over to the other brother.
He shot the same incantation at his ear and as soon as he tried to put the earring in Rodolphus tried to bite him. Harry put his hand on his forehead and pushed it against the headrest. He put the earring in with a small smile. "This earring binds you to me. Don't worry you are not going to wear it long. "
As soon as Harry let him go he tried to spit at him.
Hermione started walking out of the room. " I'm going to make a few tests now. We see each other at dinner. "

Ron waved goodbye at her. Harry was holding Rodolphus chin. " I'm going to marry you soon. I'm very happy about this union."

Rodolphus eyes widened. Rabastan was still smiling on his chair.
Harry leaned down and kissed Rodolphus. Harry leaned back with a smile on his bloody lips. " And I won't regret it one bit."
Ron groaned " get yourself a room Harry. I don't want to see any gay sex. "
Harry laughed " Sometimes it's fate that decides. Next time just close your eyes. "

Ron walked over to Rabastan "It should be enough time for this one. I'm going to open the chair binds now."

" Sure, sure, and give him the hat."
Meanwhile Harry put a Green Woolhat with a snake on Rodolphus head. He was opening one arm shackle and saying " If you throw the hat I'm going to punish you by walking naked around the home for one week. "
Rodolphus was standing up and throwing it in the air. Rabastan that just stood up too, was jumping around the room and patting himself on his head. You could see the joy in his eyes from being declared free. He walked over to Rodolphus and hugged him.
Harry smirked " Hold tight Rabastan, 'Home'"
And the brothers could only feel a pull at their navel and they where gone from the room and only Ron and Harry were left.

" You should have made the password for the Portkeys 'Prison'. That would be more true. "

" Shut up. Want to have lunch now? We could go to Batsy Donuts and bring some for Mione with us. I feel like celebrating."
Ron nodded " You always got the best ideas. Merlin I'm hungry."

~ Peverell Manor - Receiving Room ~

A small house-elf was standing in a big Room with one big door and a big fireplace. The house-elf was wearing a small pillowcase with the letters H.P.B. on it.

You could hear a loud popping sound and a crash. Rabastan and Rodolphus Lestrange arrived with the portkey. Rodolphus was already looking around to see if they could escape. Rabastan was still hugging Rodolphus as if his life depended on it.

" Rodi, I'm hurting. Hurt. Hurt. Hurt. Did Daddy do it?"

Rodolphus hugged his brother back. "I'm sorry Basti, it's not father. Just ... Let us stand up. It should be better afterwards. It seems we can finally talk again. Whatever the Bloodtraitor gave us must have stopped by now"

Rabastan and Rodolphus just then noticed an elf standing in the Room. Rabastan got a happy smile onto his face " Minnie? Smart Minnie come here and give me your pawn."
Rodolphus laughed. " Rabastan that's not Minnie. She couldn't be here, wherever we are."
But the small house-elf walked forward and gave her Master the hand like a dog. " me be Minnie, Master Potter-Black be making Minnie work here."

Rabastan patted Minnie's head.
" Good Minnie, you did good while we were gone."

Minnie started crying " You bees gone soo long Masters Lestrange and Lestrange. Bees not just small time. Master Lestrange be said that you bees gone small time."

Rodolphus grimaced. " don't play with the elf, Basti. Minnie take us to grandfather."

" Minnie not bees bringing to Master Lestrange, bees bringing to healer. Master Potter-Black bees saying to Minnie this not good Masters Lestrange be meet. " Minnie started crying. " Minnie be a bad dog. Punish the Minnie."

Rabastan patted Minnie's head again. " Minnie good. "

Minnie started to walk " Masters Lestrange bees going to healer."

Rabastan followed Minnie. Rodolphus sighed and followed as well. They got from the receiving room into a corridor with a lot of portraits. The pictures were mostly smiling, but some were looking darkly at them.

As they followed the corridor they saw some distinctly dark family members of the Black and Peverell family. The last Head of the Black Familiy, Orion Black, was smiling down on them. Rodolphus walked over to him. "Lord Black, Iˋm delighted to see you here. We last saw each other as I married your niece Bellatrix."

The Portrait looked down on him. "You should be careful with your words, boy. You are afterall marrying the Lord of this Family. You should know better than to talk about your last relationship with somebody else." with these words he walked away where Rodolphus couldnˋt see im anymore.

Rodolphus just stood there. "Wait, what do you mean ˋMarry your Lordˋ? I donˋt understand, believe me." Lord Orion Black was long gone and Minnie the elf was waiting by a Door for him. Rabastan already gone inside.

"Master Lestrang bees not needs to know yet. Bees needs to wait for Master Potter-Black." You could hear Rabastans laughter from inside the Room. Rodolphus was already walking inside so he could see who was making his Brother laugh. It was Severus Snape, the Potion Master of his Lord. Rabastan shook his Head, just a Potion Master now. He knows his Master is not coming back again. Despite all his madness, he knew for a fact that his Master had ways to come back from the dead, but all his trinkets for immortality were gone now. Harry Potter destroyed with his band of people all of them. Rabastan fletched his teeth. " I'm going to kill him."

Severus Snape noticed him then and gav him a potion that was labeled 'Demesk'. "Drink this Rodolphus, it will heal the starving inside from the last few years. It doesn't have any bad side-effects so you should be able to do whatever you have planned afterwards." Severus grinned at him. " But I would think about it if I were you because he afterall saved both of you from the Dementor kiss and is making me heal both of you."

Rodolphus drank the Potion and wanted to puke from the taste. " You still didn't try to make it taste better, huh. You work at a school, you should make i taste it like chocolat." Severs glared at him."I hate the monsters, why would I make their life easier from them? Try to teach kids once." Severus laughed then. " I bet you will know soon enough how annoying children are. As nice as it was to talk to you both," here he smiled at Rabastan " I will need to go now. I believe the elf will take you to your room now."

Rabastan started sulking. "but Severus I wanted to play with you. Come on, Let's play." Severus smiled sadly at him. " I promise we will see each other again. I will need to come again anyway because of your healing process. I was just here to see if you had any injuries that would need my immediate attention." Rabastan was still sulking." You need to promise to come play. You Promise."

Severus laughed. " I promise. Good Night Rabastan." he nodded at Rodolphus " Rodolphus." he walked out of the room. Rabastan smiled " I'm gonna play, play and play until night. play, play and play until day." he sung while dancing around. " I'm gonna play, play and play until somebody dies." he started laughing.

Minnie walked into the room while Rabastan sung. " Masters Lestrange bees needs to go to room. Master Potter-Black bees come night back. Bees back for Dinner." Rodolphus followed her silently and Rabastan was still laughing. Rodolphus started smiling as well. It was long ago that Rabastan was this happy, so for the time being he would do what the elf told him. Afterall he would need think a little time about how they were going to escape from here. It didn't seem like he it was going to be easy and Rabastan thought that if he was going to be imprisoned by somebody, he was happy it was by the golden Boy Savior that couldn't even do the cruciatus curse for his life.

Rabastan and Rodolphus were walking into a big room. Inside was a kingsized bed two bedstands on each side of the bed, a small sitting area by the fireplace and two doors. Minnie was smiling at them. "Minnies bees gone now. Minnies bees called if Masters Lestrange bees needs anything." with that she popped out of the room. Rabastan was laying down on the bed and rolling around on it. Rodolphus was trying to open the door to the corridor again, but it was already locked. He walked to the one of the other doors in the room. One wwas a walk-in-closet with half the place filled with clothes that where obvoiusly not theirs and the other half filled with a few spare pieces of clothes that seem to be from their place at home. His grandfather seemed to have given them to Harry Potter. The last door led to a Bathroom with a bathtube big enough for five persons.

Rabastan was watching Rodolphus. "Come to be Basti, please." Rodolphus nodded and walked over and lay down as well. Soon they were sleeping soundly in the bed without a care in the world.