A/N: Hi! These are just going to be a series of cute one-shots. Some might be mature themed, but all in all, it will be light and sweet. And I am planning to upload really short chapters, if I feel like it. I am planning to take this very sweet and easy, unlike what I did with Waker's Pearl, which was a serious journey whew. Not gonna start a new sasuhina story any soon. Just too much work with little to no positive feedback or encouragement at the end. It was frankly, very disheartening. So I decided to write whatever the heck I wanted-reviews or criticisms be damned.

So, no, I'm not receiving complaints or feedback about word length or quality or so-called historical accuracy (Naruto is a fictional universe after all, dammit). But yes, I may consider chapter requests.


A cold, chilly October evening, Hinata, Sasuke, and their baby were walking down the mall street. It was drizzling cold, and the rain couldn't make its mind between being snow flakes or water drops. With his baby wrapped securely to his chest, Sasuke held his wife's hand so she wouldn't slip on the icy ground, and she looked up to him with gratitude. She was making slow progress on her winter boots because the ground was just so slippery. Sasuke's glove-clad hand wrapped tightly around hers.

She was wearing a half pastel pink, half grey knitted scarf around her neck, and her cheeks were bright red due to the cold and excitement. They were going to have dinner at a local restaurant because Hinata didn't feel like cooking and was craving something greasy and steamy.

Sasuke glanced at his wife, and saw how she was excited, if not more excited, than their baby Fugaku, about dining out. Her eyes were sparkling as they reflected the street lights in the mall street.

He then looked forward and hid his blush underneath the Burgundy red muffler his wife knitted for him. He told himself if weather permitted, he should take her out more often.

Hinata and Sasuke really liked barbecue, especially Korean barbecue, but they opted for a restaurant that specialized in fresh pond fish soup with spicy, crispy Schezwan peppers. They were craving hot soup in this really cold, dreary weather.

When they stepped into the tiny cute wooden cabin with the board, "Haiqin's Place," a small bell chimed, informing the owners of their visit.

Haiqin's Place was a Schezwan specialized restaurant where the owner is Haiqin, who married a lady who came from that area. The hostess's family were the ones who cooked the delicious, spicy meals. The smell of cilantro and use of various oils took time for the Uchiha couple to get used to at first, but soon they couldn't get enough by the rich, flavorful oiliness of the cuisine.

Haiqin's mother-in-law was an elderly lady, short and stout in stature, with a kind smile and rosy cheeks. She would always set aside a tall, wooden chair specialized for babies for their two month old son Fugaku.

The hosts, especially the ladies, adored Fugaku and always wanted to hold him.

Fugaku didn't mind the attention, as he had a calm temperament just like his daddy, and he derived simple, small pleasures just by watching people.

Sasuke mused how Fugaku's age had the effect of making his staring hobby 'cute' instead of 'creepy.'

This time, the infant watched his mother curiously as she took a sip of the Haiqin's speciality, the Schezwan fresh pond fish soup with green onions and chilly red crispy peppers, and blew steam into her frozen hands, as she felt the spice warm up her entire body in a second.

Fugaku stared at his mother with wide eyes, as she clasped both hands to her mouth and blew steam, and her ears and the tip of her nose turned red. In Sasuke's eyes, he seemed to be wondering what his mother was doing.

Sasuke smirked, "You aren't even good at eating spicy stuff. Yet you love this place."

Hinata smiled guiltily, "But it's so good! It's like...electricity in your mouth!"

He smiled at her expression. Electricity in the mouth. Quite aptly put, he would say.

When the hostess offered a sweet jellied sticky rice dish for the baby, Fugaku looked very disappointed when his mother had to apologetically decline, because he was still too young.

His grey eyes fluttered to the hostess's retreating back and then to his mom who was eating the sticky rice dish for him, and his lips turned up in a pout, and he puffed out his cheeks.

Then he watched his father-who was elegantly picking up a piece of beef with long, wooden chopsticks and eating away in silence.

After their satisfying dinner, they started heading home, which was a good walking distance away.

The sky was darkening, and they were taking a stroll down the cobble stone path with an umbrella over their heads.

Her husband had Fugaku wrapped to his chest with a cozy wrap, and he was holding a big umbrella over his head and his baby's.

When the wind started to howl, he tucked his son's round head underneath the wrap to protect his delicate face from the harsh, cold breeze.

His son's tiny, pouty lips pursed as he rubbed his plump cheek against his father's chest, absorbing the rhythmic, pounding warmth. His grey eyes started to flutter, open and closed, as he felt the effect of sleep catching up to him.

The young father was taking wide strides in his haste to get to their warm, comforting home, but then he stopped and stared into one of the store windows.

Hinata became curious of what could have caught his interest.

So she stopped and took a peek as well.

It was a toy shop, and one of the toys in the display was a light green colored stuffed T-rex dinosaur. She would have thought it was a lime colored lizard, if it wasn't for the curved hind legs and the triangular plates on its back. The dinosaur's black beady eyes seemed to be saying 'hi' to Sasuke and Hinata in an innocent, unassuming way. Hinata remembered how she used to feel as if her stuffed animals were the only ones to understand her, when she was little and painfully shy.

She glanced at Fugaku's father's face, and he seemed to be in deep thought. His sculpted lips were set in a line, as his obsidian colored eyes gazed at the little stuffed doll.

But as usual, he just closed his eyes and brushed off whatever was in his mind and continued walking as if nothing happened.

Hinata looked at the store window and considered walking in and take the reptilian friend home with her family, but to her dismay, the store was closed.

That night on their bed, she asked him about the stuffed toy that caught his attention. She just had to. She lied by his side. He was lying on the bed, his eyes closed, his long eyelashes casting a shadow underneath his eyelids.


He opened his eyes.

"You seemed fond of the stuffed dinosaur in the toy shop," she stated.

He didn't answer at first. Not even his characteristic "hnn." His dark eyes seemed to be in deep thought, as if he was gazing into a faraway distance, some past memory only he was privy to.

Then he said, "It looked like something my brother gave me." Hinata hushed her breath. And he refused to say more, and she didn't prompt or goad him.

Then she placed her head on his shoulder and cuddled to his chest.

Hinata looked up at his face that seemed unemotional, but years of marriage told her he was feeling sad. She tightened her arms around his bare chest, and he hummed and tugged her close to him as if she was a cuddly, stuffed doll.

She made a soft grunt when she felt his strong arm hold her even tighter, tilting her towards him, and he nuzzled his nose against the side of her neck.

Then he wrapped his arms around her and leaned on top of her and started unbuttoning the front of her cozy sleepwear. She looked up to his face that hardened in concentration as he started taking off her clothes, and she stroked his right cheek tenderly.

She could feel the sense of desperation in his loving hands that pawed at her body, and she felt saddened by how tortured he was. His movements, though still caring and warm, were somehow rougher and more desperate, as if his mind was being chased by some dark specter.

She heard the sound of 'click' as he unclasped her bra and his breath sucked in as he saw her round, globular, milky breasts. He cannot help but look as if he was being punched to his gut. It has been forever since he held her, since he didn't bed her till she fully recuperated from her pregnancy. He was very patient with her, even she had to admit.

Goosebumps rose on her arms as he sucked on her left nipple. And then he rose, glanced at her with a deep pinning stare, and turned his focus to the right nipple.

When she felt the growing pressure of his mouth on her nipple, she whined, "Sa-Sasuke, I..I might have to feed Fugaku soon-He might wa-wake up-"

The suction of his mouth was so much that her mind started to dizzy, "Fu-Fugaku needs his milk" she tried to reason with him.

He hoarsely whispered as he impatiently tugged down her baggy pants, revealing her undies, "Just a little bit..."

"Wa-wait-!" she cried as she felt him pull down her pants below her ankles, and his mouth continued to latch greedily on her right nipple, "ah-ah!"

She stretched out her neck and tried to bury her burning, blushing face onto the plush pillow.

"n-no-" She couldn't help but groan out the word that pricked on his ears, "meanie..."

He muffled her mouth with his hand and lowly uttered, "Be quiet."

As he muffled her cries with his hand, he took time admiring her décolletage area, her delicate collar bone and the way her reddened neck stretched so gracefully. Then he lowered himself and latched onto her erect nipple.

She screamed into the palm of his hand over her mouth and struggled, but he already held her shoulders down with his arms and her light lavender eyes started tearing up.

She whined and tried moving her shoulders, but he held her down with his weight and continued sucking on her nipple.

Then he felt a trickle of warm, thick milk that sipped between the crack of his dry lips and into the tip of his tongue.

He groaned audibly, and tightened his long fingers' grasp over her round shoulders and unlatched his mouth from her reddened breasts with a pop.

He stared intently and closely over her reddish brown nubs, and the drops of white liquid oozing from the tip. Then he stuck out his long, thick tongue and lapped at the dripping milk like a panther.

Frankly, it didn't really taste like anything, but he loved the smell and the delectable warmth. Now he knew where the smell of milk that always hovered around Fugaku came from.

Hinata shivered and looked at him accusatorially, "Meanie..." Her eyes teared up as her entire body shivered in heat as he continued lapping on her breasts, "Bad man..."

Then she felt him stop his licking, and his strong hands grabbed and squeezed both of her breasts.

Her toes curled over the linen bed sheets, and he admired how her back arched upward as she mewled more name-calling-as obscene as Hinata's curses could be.

That was when he rose on his knees, grabbed both sides of her hips and pulled her towards him. She looked up to him in a daze, as she was helplessly dragged over to where he wanted her the most. He licked his lips as he saw the tears in her eyes that looked up to him pleadingly, how her dark blue hair spread all over the sheets like a halo. She looked like an angel.

Then he suddenly impaled her, and she almost screamed, and Sasuke blocked her cries with his hand as he pulled out momentarily before again thrusting into her at a heartbeat. As he felt her bite onto his palm, but not hard enough to break his skin, he started pumping his hips against her deliberately and roughly. At every push, she felt her chest rise in shock and tears trickled down her closed eyelids.

As he felt her tight vaginal muscles suck onto his cock greedily, he felt the overwhelming bliss take over him, in the color of white-light purple white like the color of her eyes. He snapped his hips against her, letting all the sadness and frustration of the remnants of his past out as well as his sexual frustrations that were pent up during and after the pregnancy. He heard her muffled groans when he plunged even deeper into her warm, welcoming depth between her thighs.

Then he let go of her lips and crouched over her body and wrapped his arms around her, and started thrusting into her more rapidly.

She felt him go inside her balls deep, and she buried her lips onto the crook of his shoulder in an attempt to silence herself.

When she noticed that his nuts were hairless and shaved, she almost came right then and there. The velvety softness of his pouches bumped onto her labia on and on, and his length kept filling her and withdrawing from her at a steady, teasing rate.

Then she heard his loud grunts near her ear, his grunts increasing in volume and repetition. She turned her rose petal-like lips to his ear, "Sa-Sasuke, please...the baby..."

She didn't want to wake up their baby who must be asleep like an angel in his room. She begged her husband, "Husband, please...the baby..."

He snarled, his eyes glowing in a maniacal excitement, "It's always about the baby, isn't it?"

Her eyes widened in confusion, "What do you mea-"

Before she could complete her question, she felt him slam down at her and fuck her faster and harder. He dug the balls of his feet on the mattress, ruining the sheets, as he applied weight on his knees, burying himself balls deep into her, "Fugaku-Fugaku-, it's always about Fugaku-"

Her mouth opened, and she panted as she writhed in excitement and dismay, and Sasuke looked down at her with triumph, a maniacal smile over his face as he towered over her and kept thrusting into her. Now it was all about him and her.

He laid his hands on her quivering inner thighs and gently pulled them wider as he went for a deeper plunge. She gasped and protested as she heard the smacking sounds of flesh against flesh.

He closed his eyes and gasped, feeling the incoming orgasm, but he quickly balanced himself on the other hand that pressed onto the mattress and thrusted into her at least several more times. As mentioned before, it was forever since he held his wife.

When he managed to open his eyes, he saw that his wife was close to passing out on the bed, her temples sweating, closed eyelids relaxing and squinting as he pulls out and thrusts, and her body becoming limp.

He was getting exhausted by the heat and ardor of their sex, so he could only imagine how much harder it must be for petite Hinata.

He pulled out, and Hinata flinched when she felt the slap of a white liquid against her inner thigh that her husband ejaculated. She felt the gooey foam dripping down the curve of her thigh and squeezed her legs together as she felt the electrifying surge of desire wane like tides of waves. She bit her bottom lip.

Then she felt a light kiss on the side of her cheekbone. She opened her eyes and saw her husband's look of concern, "Are you okay?"

She was sure what she had on her face was a goofy smile, "Yes."

He kept staring into her light lavender eyes. She raised her eyebrows and looked back at him.

He then frowned, his dark brows snapped over his eyes. She looked at him surprised and then playfully frowned back.

He then asked her with all the world's seriousness, "Can I eat you out?"

"N-n-no!" Hinata blushed like her face was going to explode and shook her face frantically, "No more! Done! Ice! Ice!"

He seemed disappointed but he didn't press any further.

As he held her lean, soft, naked body closer to him and started fondling her with his calloused fingertips, he murmured what he used to always tell himself when he would be making love to his wife or see her nurse their baby on the rocking chair.

He didn't take his happiness with Hinata and the little ball of warmth slumbering in the nursery room for granted.


Hinata's eyes snapped open. Next, her ears heard what she didn't expect to hear from him at all.

He towered over her, his long arms caging her on the mattress. "I will do everything in my power to protect you. To protect this."

She felt her eyes getting moist and her chest pounding. He made a faint smile that she loved so much.

This little happiness that he finally secured. He will never let go of this.

She clawed at his back as if to bind herself closer to him, as a swipe of balm against a torn, wounded flesh. She loved him so much.

The next day, which was Saturday, Fugaku was lying on his baby mat, staring up onto the white ceiling. Hinata didn't have to go to school because it was the weekend. Sasuke was out for work. The baby was on the futon, wearing his cute, green dinosaur themed onesie that his mama made for him, a surprise gift for Sasuke. The onesie was T-Rex themed and dark green, and it had a hoodie.

Hinata loved how the light green lime color of the onesie reflected on Fugaku's clear grey eyes. The color made his eyes look an alluring color of emerald crystal quartz. Plus, her two and a half month old baby looked adorable as a fierce dinosaur. She was particularly proud of the little triangular shaped spikes on the hoodie and the spinal part of the outfit. Those small details indeed made her baby look like a frightening T-Rex. She chuckled to herself.

His head was covered with a fuzzy, dark tuft of hair. And he had a shiny button nose. He was neither too chunky nor too thin. Just the right size to feel the comforting warmth and tender softness of his limbs when she holds him. She always felt as if she could hold him forever.

His adorable chipmunk cheeks were moving as he suckled on his pacifier. She mischievously poked him on his cheek, but her son paid her no mind and kept trying to turn around and land on his belly.

Hinata put on a playful, mock-sad face, with an upside down frown on her lips. The way her son would ignore her when he is too busy focusing on something reminded her of Sasuke way too much.

But she could understand. Right now, her baby's biggest ambition was to roll. On his own. But no matter how hard he would try, he couldn't roll on his belly. The best he could do was to do a little side twist, his face turning red at the exertion. She could hear his tiny frustrated grunts.

Hinata's eyes widened. Being a baby must be hard. She poked on the side of his belly, but he kept ignoring her, going "urn! urgh! unn!" as he twisted his side, pushing his short leg against the invisible barrier that was keeping him down on his back.

After his multiple tries, Fugaku finally took his breath. He slumped back on his baby mat and sucked on his paci as he stared into the ceiling. His mother had put cute animal pictures and a photo of him with his parents on the ceiling. But he was still too young to properly see all the colors of the pictures.

But he would amuse himself by looking up at the ceiling as he sucked on his rubber paci. His tiny hands moving a little. Hinata marveled at how small his nails were.

"So cute," she cooed.

His mother was sitting on the floor, by the side of the futon. She was flipping a page or two from a book called, "Am I doing this right?: The Only Guide to Parenting you'll ever need."

She frowned at some parts of "do not this" or "do not do that," and put sticky notes over words of encouragement for new mothers like herself.

When she would get tired of reading the book, she would turn around and smile and play with Fugaku.

She would look at her baby boy and smile and rub his belly and give his belly a little kiss. Then, Fugaku would pump his little, pudgy legs and arms.

Maybe it was the sensation of moist, warm lips on his belly that made him feel tingly.

She stared into her baby's clear eyes that gazed back at her. When he felt her touch on his belly, his tiny fingers automatically wrapped around her finger.

She could make out the trace of a tiny smile hiding behind his pacifier, by the way his grey eyes seemed to slightly crinkle.

The faint trace of the baby's smile was enough to melt her heart. The warmth of his tiny, stubby fingers that wrapped in a tight grip over her finger-they all melted her heart into mush and turned her into putty in his little, plump palms.

"I never knew such a little thing could steal my heart." She murmured to herself.

She chuckled and cooed to her baby, "I can't wait for you to call me 'mama.'" She looked down at him with sweet tenderness, "I love you, my sweet baby."

Then she made a mock serious face at her son, "Don't tell your papa what happens too often, okay, Fugaku?"

Her baby just moved his right arm and looked up at his mother innocently, almost as if he was asking her what did she mean.

"Your papa got really mad, and he-" She suddenly blushed a bright red. Last night, while Fugaku was wrapped in innocent, sweet slumber, she had to face her husband and his jealousy. He was so jealous of how affectionate she was to her baby and how Fugaku was her priority that he felt the need to remind her where their baby even came from.

At the memories of last night, Hinata buried her burning face into the crook of her arm, her long hair spilling across her shoulders. Fugaku turned his head to his mama and looked at her with innocent curiosity, his toes and tiny fingers curling as his arms and legs moved.

"I think you're too young to have a little sibling," she kissed his soft temple, and the baby winked at the sudden feel of her lips, "Don't you think so?"

She stroked his tummy up and down and whispered, "I love you, my sweet angel."

Then she heard the sound of the door opening.

At the sound of heavy footsteps, Hinata smiled brightly and held her baby in her arms and headed to the door. She held him, so he could face front, his short legs dangling in the air as he was wearing the green dinosaur costume. His feet was completely covered in the light green onesie.

Her husband was taking off his shoes and putting them aside in a neat row. Then he looked up and his eyes widened by a fraction as he saw his son.

When she saw the surprised look on his face, she laughed, "Look at his outfit! Isn't he adorable, Sasuke?"

Sasuke stared for a moment, and then he couldn't help but smile in defeat, "Cute."

In his hand was Mr. Dino with a red ribbon around his neck. Hinata covered her mouth and laughed when she saw the stuffed doll in her husband's hand. She was more than happy to see the cute stuffed reptilian friend to join their family. She was sure that he would have been an amusing sight—a cold, handsome man holding a bright light green cute dinosaur stuffed doll. But knowing his personality, he probably didn't care about the stares and knowing giggles from neighbors and strangers.

Fugaku was sucking on his fist, his pouty lips drooling all over his tiny fist, as he stared at his papa and the green dinosaur doll. He reached out his tiny hands toward the doll his father got for him, and his mother had to adjust his position from "sitting baby" to "superman baby" to control his little squirms. Hinata never saw so much light in Sasuke's eyes as he behold his son's adorable excitement over the (to the baby) life sized dinosaur.

That evening, instead of bothering his wife, Sasuke tucked his baby dinosaur to sleep with him on the bed. Not Mr. Dino, but the warmer Mr. Dino who drools, poops, and wraps fingers around his pinkie.

Hinata smiled, as she looked at her husband sleeping side to side with his baby dinosaur. He was a grown man with serious, cold features, with a green dinosaur curled in a fetal position next to his face. Somehow, Hinata could see the overlapping features between the two-the serious, set lips, the long dark lashes, the brows slightly narrowing time to time during their dreams. She could also imagine little Uchiha Sasuke, who might have been five or six, holding a green stuffed dinosaur in bed. But now there was the big Uchiha Sasuke, with his other baby dinosaur.

The night light lamp was rotating slowly, reflecting soft light on their peaceful faces. Mr. Dino was sitting next to the lamp on the cabinet.

She lifted the blanket cover and lied down next to them. She then placed a kiss on her sleeping baby's cheek. Her soft voice murmured like a warm breeze, "the tiny one who stole my heart."

Then she lifted herself slightly to place a kiss on her husband's forehead, "the tall one who stole my heart."

Then she lied down, enjoying the snuggles to the warm bodies, "I love you both..."

And like magic, they all smiled with their eyes closed.