Truth or Exodus by Castlefan6
Authors Note: Thisis my AU version of events as the show picks up with Episode 4-01. Dr. MB has already been sent packing just days before, Rick picks up on Kate's lie, she remembers, and he calls her on it. Some Angst, some canon but mostly AU. Dedicated to one of my followers Cece AKA Dreamwriter08. I hope I deliver what you hoped for, cover the period of time that is treated as a 3 months later in the script. This topic has been covered extensively, but I hope to put a spin on it.
I don't own Castle, I use the characters for amusement purposes only
Chapter 1
Previously (Courtesy of Dust Jackets. Com)
Snipers? At a funeral?
We think the people that sent those guys after Montgomery targeted Beckett.
I tried to get to her. I tried –
He can't finish before he's being pushed back into the wall by JOSH.
What the hell do you think you're doing?
This is your fault!
CASTLE isn't quick to respond, but he wants to. He's held back by RYAN and ALEXIS.
You did this! This is your fault!
New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
"Rick, are you OK," asks Esposito? "I mean I'll be happy to lock his ass up if you want to press charges."
"No, that's OK Espo, he's just protecting his girlfriend" Rick says sadly
"Not anymore" Lanie lets out, then "Opps you didn't hear that from me"
"Wait what do you mean not anymore Lanie, and tell me the truth,"
"I mean Kate kicked his ass to the curb a week before Montgomery was shot, she didn't want anyone to know, especially you Castle."
"Why, why not me Lanie, I'm her partner, hell I thought I was her friend." Rick runs his hand through his hair.
"Because she didn't want to come between you and Gina, that's why, honestly you two need to get your act together."
"Lanie, there is nothing, was nothing, and never will be anything between Gina and I again, she may be a terrible wife but she is a great friend and came up with the charade that we were going to the Hamptons together to make Kate jealous.
Gina has a fiancé two streets away, which is why she is still in the Hamptons, with HIM. I never figured Kate would latch on to Dr. Wonderboy who is out saving the planet half the time, while I was gone. I waited for a text, a call, anything, and now I know why none ever came, she moved on. Guess the joke was on me."
"Honestly, Rick? Swear on your next Royalty Check that's the truth?"
"Yes Lanie, Call Gina yourself if you want to check out the story."
"I swear, you two act like grade school kids sometimes, when we get my girl better, we are going to have a talk the three of us, you hear me writer boy?"
The mood suddenly shifts in the waiting room as Rick quietly rises, walks slowly over to Lanie's chair and very calm but in a voice, no one has ever heard him use before,
"No Lanie WE are not talking to you about a God Damn thing, you aren't in the WE, but I guarantee you that Kate and I will be having a discussion, between Rick and Kate.
If you ever call me writer boy again, I swear Lanie, I know people as you know I do, and you will not like what will be in store for you, you'll wish your body was being buried by then, do you hear me Cadaver Girl?"
A hush fell over the entire waiting room as Lanie suddenly looked like anything BUT a confident ME, sticking her nose where it didn't belong. Rick is glaring at her, and she knows he is expecting an answer, but it takes her a minute to regain her voice after swallowing hard a few times.
"I hear you Rick, I was only trying to help you and my girl out", she pleads
"Bull Shit, you have a habit of sticking your nose where it doesn't belong, especially with Kate's love life, and I am not sure if she and I would be closer or further apart without your meddling, but that stops and stops now! Understand?
I know everyone in the cemetery heard me declare my love for Kate, I just hope she heard it and I get a chance to repeat it in a better environment. If ANYONE has a problem with me loving Kate, bring it on now. You say you are our friends, well right now, she needs us all, and none of this petty bullshit that just got started, no more!"
Jim Beckett steps up and says, "Rick, you're right, I think half of New York heard you tell Katie you love her, and that's good, because regardless of what you think right now Son, she loves you too.
She's a runner, and you can't let her do that, you have to coral her into facing the fact that her life is more than the justice of my wife's murder, if anyone can do it Rick, it's you."
The crowd remains silent for the better part of another hour till Espo volunteers to go get sandwiches and coffee for everyone along with Lanie, a way to sooth her and make sure she sticks to the plan.
"Which coffee shop you going to Espo?"
"The one right around the corner on Lexington"
"Just tell Leo to add the bill to my tab, get everyone what they want, "as he heads up to the roof for some air and time to reflect what the hell is going on. This wasn't supposed to happen, Roy sacrificed himself, damn it there was a deal to protect her."
New York Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center
525 East 68th Street
New York, NY 10065
6 ½ hours Later
Rick is about to approach the desk when a man in his 50's wearing surgical scrubs appeared and called, "Family of Kate Beckett?"
Jim rose, and as Rick began to sink back into, he turned and called, "Rick, get up here, if there is one person she is going to want to see, it's you."
Dr. Kovaks is a friendly man, who explained is simple detail the trauma Kate had suffered, and the life sustaining techniques that were used to save her. Rick held up well, till the words, "We lost her twice on the table, but were able to get her back" were uttered, and his tears fell like rain.
Lanie was the first to wrap him in her arms, trying to console him and finally with the help of Alexis got him to at least sit with his feet propped up. The doctor said it could be anywhere between 2 to 4 hours longer before Kate could see immediate family, and Jim made sure Rick was listed as family.
It had now been over 8 hours since the shooting, and Javi and Kevin decided to head to the precinct to see what CSU and Kowalski's team were able to gather from the crime scene. Rick asked Kevin, to please check on Evelyn Montgomery as well, since the poor lady had witnessed not only her husband's burial, but the cold-blooded shooting of a young lady Roy had come to love as one of his own.
Jim and Rick were allowed 5 minutes each with Kate around midnight, then told to go home and get some rest, Kate was restless and they had to add more sedatives to her IV, so she would be out at least 6–8 hours.
Rick insisted Jim go, since he knew as a Dad there was no way he would leave his little girl alone in a hospital for any reason. Jim reluctantly agreed but said he would be back before 6:30 to give Rick a break.
At 1:00 AM two uniforms Rick recognized from the 12th set up guard outside Kate's room, and only the cops that were vetted by Rick, Espo and Kevin were allowed to come to her floor. Extra protection had also been provided Evelyn Montgomery, who elected to visit relatives at an undisclosed location, know only to the FBI since they were charged with her protection.
Promptly at 6:15 AM Rick spotted Jim, looking every one of his 59 years of age, shuffle down the hall. As he took in the added safety, a look of concern came over his face,
"Kevin and Espo arranged this as precautionary, not taking any chances" Rick explained.
"I see, and what about your home Rick, if you even remember what it looks like."
"It'll be fine, I made some calls, I know a guy and it's taken care of, and I'm fine."
"Well these old eyes tell me a different story Rick, she is still in a deep sleep, the doctors say it could be over 4 more hours, and rest is the most important thing she needs.
Why don't you at least head home for a quick shower and change, it will make you feel better, it did me."
Rick looks at the clock, and it's been quite a while since he's gone this long without showering, and he notices the glint of red under his finger nails, blood, Kate's blood. He has to get that off.
"I think I'll take you up on that Jim, PLEASE call me with any change, and I'll be right back."
"Son, all we can do is wait, pray if you are so mind to, and then wait some more, I'll see you when you get back. All we are doing now is waiting."
A/N This story is in request from Cece AKA Dreamwriter08, and I hope I do it justice. I never liked the lie, and also how convenient it was to flash across the screen 3 months later, LAME writing, there was so much material there. There have been a ton of Fics written that follow canon, this WILL NOT be one of them, we will use parts of the story, but there is some serious matters occurring between our couple, more than a 3 min segment on a swing, or forcing one of the leads to be portrayed as a liar for 9 months. I hope I portray the characters in a more real life like scenarios and keep you interested.
Also, I have been requested to add Love's Journey 4 as my next work after this one, if you agree or disagree, let me know what you would like to see. Thanks to each of you who invest your time in the work I do, it is truly gratifying, and more humbling than you know. All the best, Tim