Disclaimer: I do not own Gilmore Girls.

A/N: I made the huntzbergers in this story nice and supportive of Logan and Rory's relationship. im not a fan of how they are portrayed in other stories especially Shira. I made the gilmore's out to be the bad guys in the beginning of the story and I might change it I might not. if you don't like it don't read it.

Summary: Rory finds out that she is pregnant after her split with Logan. She calls up Shira knowing she can't go to her mom and grandmother. Freaking out and in need of support she is great full for the family she once thought hated her. will things work out between Logan and Rory? Will Lorelai and Rory ever fix their relationship? How did Rory come to take the last name Hayden over Gilmore?

I looked at the test in my hand and couldn't believe what I was seeing. Two pink lines. I was 22 newly graduated with no job and my boyfriend- I'm sorry ex-boyfriend- walked away two days ago after issuing me an ultimatum. How was I supposed to handle this myself and still be a writer? First thing I needed to do was make a doctor's appointment.

"Thank you for calling Hartford medical, how can I help you?"

"Yes I need to make an appointment to see a doctor I think I may be pregnant."

"Okay I have an opening today at 4 pm with Dr. Parker. Your name please?"

"Lorelai Leigh Gilmore Hayden."

"Thank you. We will see you at 4."

I couldn't believe what was going on. I knew I had to tell someone but whom…Mom was out of the question because as soon as I mention Logan's name she was going to flip out. Grandma would start planning a wedding, and I wasn't sure Honor would really talk to me. Calling Shira was not the best idea considering her thoughts of me and Logan, but with my options so numbered, I summoned up all my courage and dialed the dreaded phone number.

"Huntzburger residence."

"May I speak to Shira, please; it's Rory Hayden?"

"Hold, please."

It felt like hours before Shira picked up the phone.

"Rory, how can I help you?"

"Shira, I know I'm not your favorite person and I know you don't think I'm good enough for your son, but I had no-one else to turn to."

"Darling, what's going on?"

"I just found out I'm pregnant and don't know what to do. Mom is going to flip, grandma is going to freak out…I didn't know who else to call."

"Okay, the first thing you need to do is to calm down. Now, do you have an appointment with a doctor?"

"Yes. I have an appointment with Dr. Parker in Hartford at 4 pm."

"Oh, she is lovely! She was Honor's OBGYN as well. I will meet you at her office and we can talk then. After that, you will come back to the house with me and we will figure this out as a family."

"Okay. It will take me at least a half hour to get there, so I'm leaving now."

We said our goodbyes and hung up the phone. I gathered my phone, keys, and bag as I made my way out the door before my mom got home from the inn. Throughout the drive, all I could think about was Logan and what could have been our future now that I'm having his child. Most of all, I thought about the reaction his family would have and how they were going to handle everything. Shira seemed pretty honest on the phone.

I started crying, knowing that my one mother wasn't going to be happy about the situation I was in because it didn't fall in line with her plan for my future. I couldn't become an international correspondent if I had a child and frankly that was not something I wanted to do.

As I pulled into the parking lot of Hartford Medical, I found Shira waiting for me by the front door. As soon as I made my way to her and she saw me crying, she pulled me into her arms and just held me.

When I had calmed enough she brought me inside and I checked in. The nurse behind the desk told me to fill out the required form and that someone would be with me shortly. As I came upon the section for the father's information I handed the clipboard off to Shira and she filled in all the information pertaining to Logan.

"Now, Rory, why couldn't you talk to your mother about this? From what I understand, Lorelai is an understanding person."

"Normally, yes, but when it comes to Logan, she tenses up and there is no talking to her. She acts like she supports me, but in reality I know that she is ecstatic that I said no to him. When she can't see that my heart is breaking because the truth is your son is the best thing that ever happened to me. I let my mom influence my decision I lost him. Now, I'm pregnant and I have no idea what I'm going to do or how I'm going to tell Logan or my mother. She doesn't even know that I have an interview in California on Friday." Tears renewed and poured down my face as Shira pulled me into a hug.

"Shhh. We will figure everything out. When we get back to the house we will sit down with Mitchum and call your mother. When that is figured out we will figure out the rest." I just nodded and tried to slow my breathing down.

We sat there for what felt like another hour before we were called back to the exam room. The nurse took my weight and blood pressure and asked me some basic questions before stating that the doctor would be in shortly.

As we waited, I thought about how the conversation with my mom would go. I knew she wouldn't be happy about the pregnancy or the fact that Logan was the father. I sighed and shook my head. I needed to focus on what was going on at the appointment and not worry about my mom.

There was a knock on the door and Dr. Parker walked in. "Hello Lorelai. So, it says here you believe you're pregnant."

"Please call me Rory, and yes, according to the two home tests I took that came back positive I believe I'm pregnant. I just wanted to be sure and get confirmation before telling anyone the news."

"That is understandable. So, what I'm going to do is send you for a urine test as well as a blood test and we will go from there. Since we aren't busy today, we should have the results right away." I just nodded and went along with that she told me to do.

After completing both tests, Shira and I walked out of Hartford Medical with doctor confirmation that I was indeed pregnant with Logan's baby. Sighing I turned to Shira. "Now what?"

"You can follow me to the house. Mitchum will be home and we can tell him the news before sitting down together and calling your mother." I just nodded and walked off to my car before following her to her home. It was already turning out to be a long day.

Arriving at the mansion, Shira led us into Mitchum's office where we both sat and explained what was going on. He turned to me with a worried expression.

"How are you handling things, Rory?"

"Okay, I guess. I'm worried about my mom's reaction because this didn't fall into her plan. She will freak out when I mention Logan's name like she always does and I haven't even told her about my job interview in California. I wanted to go there and find Logan to explain things to him and try to get what we had back."

"Okay, so first let's call your mom. Call from your phone and put it on speaker. We won't interfere unless we see you getting upset, at which point, I will deal with your mother." I took out my phone and called my mother. As it started ringing, I put it on speaker.

"Rory where are you? I thought we were meeting for dinner?"

"Mom I have some news and I don't know how you're going to take it. But I need you to let me get through what I have to say before you say anything."


"First things first, I'm pregnant. I've already been to the doctor and got confirmation. Secondly, Logan is the father and third, I have a job interview in California on Friday. I know you don't like Logan and you never did. You acted like you were upset when I came home crying after graduation because he gave me an ultimatum, but I knew you were happy that I turned down his proposal. You didn't seem to care that I was hurting and that I still am. You never liked Logan or what he stood for or the life he came from. You hate that I fit so well into the world you left behind. You hate that he replaced you as the most important person in my life and you can't stand the fact that I don't want to be your mini me anymore."

"How could you allow this to happen? You always told me you were safe and you know what Rory? You're right! I don't like Logan, or his family, or the life he came from. He represents everything I didn't want for you. You were supposed to go to Harvard, become an international correspondent, and then come home and settle down in Stars Hallow. You were never supposed to fit in with that world. Your grandparents are to blame and you know what? Everything from the moment you started at Chilton is their fault."

"MOM! Seriously, you're the one who went to them for the money. And you're the one who wanted me to go to Harvard and become an international correspondent. That was your dream for me! I just wanted to be a writer, find someone to spend my life with, and start a family. I never said I would settle down in Stars Hallow. That's what you wanted because you always have to control my life. Well, guess what mom? I'm not you! I will live my life how I want with who I want and if you can't accept that then don't talk to me. And another thing, you never take the blame for anything! You always find someone else to blame!"

"Rory you know what? I blame that family. They have done nothing but criticize you from day one and yet you stayed with their son. He is nothing but a Playboy Rory! You keep forgiving him every time he cheats on you. I raised you better than that. Now, you need to come home, get a nice quiet job here in Stars Hallow and I will help you raise the baby. He or she never has to know about Logan or his family."

"I'm afraid it's too late for that Lorelai. You see, when Rory made the appointment she called me for help. Now I don't know what your issue with my son is, but I will not stand for you criticizing your own daughter because she didn't live her life the way you wanted her to. Now I realize that Mitchum and I can't really say we haven't done the same thing to Logan but after hearing this conversation I can understand why your daughter came to me instead of you. Now here is what's going to happen. I am going to have people come over to your house, gather up all of her belongings, and have them bring her stuff here. Mitchum and I will help her anyway we can. We are going to get her to California for her interview and help her reconnect with Logan."

"No. I absolutely refuse to allow my daughter to have any contact with Logan. Rory, if you do this, you cannot come home. I don't want to hear about how he hurt you again and that you should have never gotten with him. This will be the last time we talk."

"Then, this is goodbye mom."

With that, I hung up the phone and immediately started crying. I couldn't believe that my mother would say something like that to me. I realized then that I still needed to call my dad.

"Christopher Hayden."


"Ror, what's wrong?"

"Okay, well, a few things for news. First is that I'm pregnant and Logan is the father. Secondly, I'm currently with the elder Huntzburgers and mom is pissed so she told me to never talk to her again…you're on speaker by the way. Third, I have a job interview in California on Friday and they are going to help me reconnect with Logan."

"Wow. When you say you have news, you really mean it. Okay, first, don't worry about your mother. She will come around and if she doesn't, then you always have me and Gigi and you know that. Secondly, Mitchum, Shira, thank you for helping my little girl when I couldn't be there. If I wasn't in Texas for a meeting, I would be on my way to her. Just so you know, when it comes to Logan, honey, you have nothing to worry about. That boy loves you and I know that."

"Thanks dad. I'll let you get back to your meeting now. I love you and I'll talk to you when you get home."

After talking to my dad I felt better and had stopped crying. Shira had her arms wrapped around me and Mitchum had covered my hand with his, showing that I had his support. Just as Mitchum went to speak his office phone rang.


"Hey dad. Is mom there with you? I just wanted to talk…"

"Logan! Yes your mom is here. Hold on son, we just got some news so we were just about to have a little celebration."

"Logan, darling, how are you? How's California?"

"It's okay. It's not the same without Ace but I'm managing. I sold the house I bought for us and the company is doing really well. Actually dad, that's why I called… one of the companies we were interested in expanding isn't doing too well on the newspaper front and we thought you might want to take a look at it and see if you could bring it back to what it was."

"Well son, if you send me the paper work, I'd definitely take a look at it."

As they continued to talk to Logan, all I could think about was how much I missed him and wanted him back.

"So, mom, dad, what's the news you were celebrating?"

"Well Logan, what if I told you I was recently in contact with Rory and she recently found out some news she wanted to share with you?"

"I'd ask when you were in contact and what she could possibly want to say to me after she turned down my proposal."

I looked at his parents and they nodded. I took a deep breath before speaking.


"Ace? What are you doing at my parents' house?"

"Logan, I found something out and I went to your mom for help…Logan, I'm pregnant."

"Is that why you said no?"

"No, Logan. I just found out today. I said no because I let my mom influence my decision when it came to you. She shouldn't have been a factor in my answer, but I let my fears of us turning out like my parents keep me from seeing what was right in front of my face. If I could turn back time and change my answer, I would."

"Well, what do we do now, Rory? You made it pretty clear that marrying me would close doors to you because of your last name. Besides, I'm in California now with a job I love."

"I'm not sure, Logan. Can we talk again in a few days and figure things out? Just the two of us?"

"Sure Ace, just let me know when."

I told him I would and we all said our goodbyes. I knew I should have told Logan about my mom but I thought I should have that conversation in person. As the three of us continued to talk about random topics, I began to get tired. I just felt drained and knew then and there that I would have no trouble sleeping through the night.

"Rory dear let me show you to your room and we can deal with the more serious topics tomorrow. I'll call a moving company to pick up your stuff from your moms house and I'll even call Finn, Colin, and Stephanie to pack everything up. Then we can all enjoy a nice lunch while we figure everything else out."

"I really appreciate everything you've done for me Shira, and I honestly don't know how to thank you."

"It's not a problem sweet girl. Now you get some rest and we will handle things in the morning." I hugged her and made my way into the bedroom which turned out to be Logan's. As I laid down to get a night's sleep I thought about how my life could change in a few days.