When did Eugene originally fall for Rapunzel? Was it love at first sight, at first adorable giggle, at the moment his own name fell from her honest lips with the glow of the warm light from the campfire bathing her face? Or was it simply a compilation of events over the course of three magical days?

Eugene would be lying to himself if he didn't find Rapunzel stunning when she emerged from the shadows, timid yet completely sure and determined. He was tangled among the tendrils of her hair, but his initial panic and confusion dissipated when he locked his amber eyes with her vibrant green ones. Her pastel colored dress hung perfectly on her figure. And sure, Eugene (Flynn at that time) would admit his intentions were superficial, but even then, her quirkiness and outlandish methods of interrogation were definitely intriguing.

So when he was forced against his own will to take this bizarre teen to the kingdom to see an annual lantern demonstration, yes, he was annoyed, frustrated he couldn't get his profit sooner, but a little bit of him inside knew this may even be a little fun. Who exactly was this gorgeous, emotionally unpredictable wacko?