Author's Note: Hello and welcome to my new fan fiction! This is the story of the Hero of Time told through Link's perspective. It starts right after Link defeats Ganon in Ocarina of Time. I tried to stay as canon as possible, so that means it does include actual cut scenes from the games (which I do not claim to own), but I had a lot of fun taking on the story through Link's perspective and building a full narrative out of what already exists in Ocarina of Time, Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess.

I've written a more beautiful story than I thought I ever could and I'm very excited to share all of it with you. As always, any feedback is welcome.

The story, of course, carries more emotional weight if the events and characters of the three games are familiar to you, but I'd like to think that the story functions out of context as well.

As far as logistics go, it reads as if Link is telling his story and the italics are Link's thoughts in the moment of the actual scene.

Chapters 1-5 cover post-Ocarina of Time.

I'll let you read now.

'Have I really done it?'

'Defeated Ganon?'

'Saved Hyrule?'

'Saved her?'

I soon found myself transported out of the flash of white into a vacant realm, but for the calm blue skies and white clouds that surrounded us.


Yes, us.

She was right in front of me. Her royal garb and her graceful stature did not deny that she was the Princess of Hyrule, yet my mind couldn't help but stray in its' thoughts.

'She is also a girl. Golden blonde hair, fair skin, blushed cheeks, her left arm now clutching her right elbow, her deep blue eyes now locked into mine, her lips soft…'

'Stop. Don't think that.'

"Thank you, Link…Thanks to you, Ganondorf has been sealed inside the Evil Realm. Thus, peace will once again reign in this world…for a time."

She turned her head to her left shoulder, closed her eyes, and placed her hand on her heart.


"All the tragedy that has befallen Hyrule was my doing…I was so young…I could not comprehend the consequences of trying to control the Sacred Realm. I dragged you into it too."

'No you didn't, Zelda'

"Now it is time for me to make up for my mistakes."

'Well, say something, don't just stand here, staring…'

"You must lay the Master Sword to rest and close the Door of Time…However, by doing this, the road between times will be closed…"


Zelda looked back up at me and extended her hand.

"Link, give the Ocarina to me…As a Sage, I can return you to your original time with it."

I looked down at the blue instrument that I held.

'No, I don't want to go back. She doesn't have to do this.'

I placed the ocarina in her palm while keeping my hand there.


Zelda's sad eyes watched as she gently put her right hand on top of mine.

'This is what I want'

"When peace returns to Hyrule…It will be time for us to say goodbye…"

'But…why? What if I don't want to say goodbye?'

Zelda let go of my hand and held the Ocarina close to her chest.

"Now, go home, Link. Regain your lost time!"

'Say something, anything, before it's too late.'

"Home…where you are supposed to be…the way you are supposed to be…"

'Zelda, I don't want this'

'Zelda, you don't have to do this'

'Zelda, you don't understand, you're all I need.'

'Zelda, What if I'm supposed to be with you?'

'Zelda, I can't lose you.'


My lips parted as I inhaled to speak, yet our blue eyes locked into each other once again, prompting me to close them and keep my silence.

'No, I'm being selfish. I have no right. I am the Hero of Time. I am selfless and brave and courageous and noble. The door of time needs to be closed. Hyrule deserves peace. It doesn't matter what I want. It never should.'

'But, is this really what she wants?'

Zelda kept her fixed gaze upon me, slowly putting the ocarina to her lips. Zelda closed her eyes as she began to play 'Zelda's Lullaby'.

Those simple tones used to give me comfort and solace, as they once reminded me of us. The wise princess and her courageous knight, a blooming friendship, a steady bond, unbroken by the dangerous trials of this world.

Yet, in that moment, the notes only carried an undeniable regret that this connection would soon be lost, soon be forgotten.

I watched her sad, blue eyes open as the magic of the ocarina lifted me up and out of the peaceful realm, away from her.

I was encapsulated by a beaming, turquoise light when I heard the words,

"Thank you…Link…Good-bye…"

What I wouldn't give now to go back and just say anything.