Thank you Vongola10 and Derplord2.0 for reviewing. I know I haven't uploaded this (and many other fics of mine) in a VERY long time. I am still working on things but I have way too many WIPs and just not enough motivation/energy most days. I'll try to work on this one more over the weekend. (I'm going on a trip so I'll have a ton of time on the flight there and back to write.)

"We will now start the final exam," Iruka announced to his class. "When your name is called proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on the clone jutsu." Naruto put his hands to his face and looked distraught. He glanced at Kaminari, who as usual looked rather bored and uninterested, before looking forward with an audible gulp.

The first name was called and that student entered the testing room. The rest of the class began talking amongst themselves, moving from their seats to sit with their friends. Kaminari didn't move but felt Naruto turn to her.

"Hey," he started with a smile. Kaminari looked towards his desk, instead of him, to show she was listening. His smile faltered slightly but it came back full force a second later. "It's okay if you don't wanna talk again," he said. The smile remained on his face as he closed his eyes. Kaminari glanced around the room slightly before looking back at him.

"Good luck," she whispered. Naruto blushed slightly and grinned more.

"Hehe, yeah, you too."

After the exam Naruto sat outside on the tree swing while all the other kids, who had all passed the exam, were crowded around the entrance with their parents showing off their newly acquired headbands. Kaminari didn't have to bother pushing her way through the crowd as they moved out of the way when they saw her. She noticed Naruto on the swing and frowned slightly. Kaminari knew the clone jutsu was his worst and knew he wouldn't pass as soon as she was told they were to preform it. A part of her hoped he would be able to do it this time.

"There, do you see him?" a woman spoke to another.

"It's that boy. I hear he's the only one who failed," the second said.

"Hmph! Well it serves him right," the first said as Naruto put his goggles back on his head.

"Just imagine if he became a ninja. I mean he's the boy who-"

"Shhh! We're not allowed to talk abou-!" Kaminari cleared her throat; they turned around and both jumped with small 'eeps'. She stood there glaring up at them silently. The two gulped and quickly moved away from her. She watched them walk away for a moment before she looked back over at the swing. Kaminari frowned seeing Naruto wasn't there anymore. She shot another glare towards the women before walking away from the academy with a headband hanging by her side, in her fist.

The next day, while eating lunch in her kitchen, Kaminari stared at her newly acquired ninja headband that laid in front of her. They had a day off before orientation but were still allowed to wear their headbands before that if they wanted to. Everyone was supposed to get their picture taken for their official ninja IDs some time before orientation; Kaminari's appointment was later that afternoon.

Kaminari put away her dishes and turned back to look at the headband on the counter. She walked up to it and opened a drawer below it from which she pulled out another ninja headband that had black cloth instead of the blue that was on her Leaf headband.

The metal plate was slightly scratched up and had a small dent in it. The black cloth was torn in a few places and the ends looked as though they'd been singed. The symbol on the metal was one she learned in school but couldn't currently remember the village's name. She ran her finger over the symbol, tracing it, before looking at the Leaf headband.

Suddenly, someone knocked on the door pulling Kaminari from her thoughts with a jump. She quickly put the older headband back into the drawer before she opened the door. All she could do was blink at the blond who was leaning his head forward with a grin. He was making it blatantly obvious he wanted her to see the ninja headband he had on.

"Hey Kami-chan! Notice anything different about me?" He leaned closer making Kaminari wince as light reflected off the plate into her eyes. "Huh? Huh?"

"Nope," she deadpanned. His face fell but he soon realized she was messing with him when he noticed the small smirk on her face.

"Check it out!" He pointed to his forehead protector with a huge grin. "Iruka-Sensei passed me!" He opened his eyes, still grinning, and looked at her. His grin faded slightly. "Where's your headband?" he asked. Kaminari motioned back into her apartment. "Well, go get it!" Kaminari blinked and got the headband before walking back to the door. "Well? Put it on." She looked down at the headband with a slight frown; she hadn't decided on how she was going to wear it yet. She could wear it like Naruto had it, on her forehead like most ninja, as a headband in her hair, around her upper arm, around her neck or around her waist. She could put it anywhere as long as the Leaf Symbol was visible. Kaminari looked back up at Naruto and he blinked expectedly at her.

"How should I wear it?" she asked.

"Well… you already have a headband, why not… around your neck?" he suggested with a shrug. She nodded and tied it around her neck, letting it hang some. Naruto looked at her, his eyes squinting slightly. "Hmm." He reached out and fixed her hair so her eye was visible, splitting her bangs so some was between her eyes. Kaminari looked at him with slightly wide eyes and blinked. "Much better." Kaminari reached up to pull her hair over her eye again but Naruto shook his head. "Nu-uh. You look better like this." Kaminari looked down to hide the tinge of pink that came to her cheeks. "Uh-! Not that you didn't look good before I just meant-"

"Thanks," she mumbled, looking up at him.

"No problem." He grinned. "Did you get your ID picture taken yet?" She shook her head. "I did but they want me to do it again," he grumbled with a pout. "I worked hard on mine." Kaminari tried not to smile as she could only imagine what his picture must have looked like for him to have to retake it. "Come on, I'll walk you to yours!" he exclaimed with a smile. Kaminari nodded and grabbed her keys before locking the door behind them.

"Here to redo your photo kid?" the photographer asked Naruto.

"No way!" he protested. "She's here to get hers taken," he explained as he pushed Kaminari forward. She blinked, looking like a deer in headlights as she let Naruto push her. The guy sighed and motioned for her to sit on the stool.

"Go sit," he instructed. Naruto stood next to the guy and grinned. Kaminari sat down and sat up straight.

"Come on, smile!" Naruto called to her. "Like this!" He used his fingers to make himself smile. Kaminari bit her tongue but in the end a small smirk slipped through and the camera flashed. "Alright, let's see, let's see!" The photographer looked annoyed and Kaminari walked over.

"You know the drill kid," the photographer said. Naruto sighed.

"But I don't wanna wait!" Naruto whined. Kaminari gently touched Naruto's arm. He looked at her, his eyebrows high in surprise. "Yeah?"

"We could always get ramen while we wait," she suggested, quietly.

"Great idea!" Naruto shouted. "Come on!"

After ramen, which Kaminari paid for – they both agreed to take turns paying if it was to become a regular thing they did together – the two went to see how the picture turned out. A lady held out the ID to Kaminari but Naruto grabbed it.

"Whoa! You look so cute!" Naruto exclaimed with a grin. He noticed the blush coming to Kaminari's face and blushed himself realizing he'd said that out loud and quite loud. Naruto laughed nervously. "Uh- why is your birthday blank?" he asked, desperate to change the subject as they started walking back to their apartments.

"Cause I don't know it," she answered with a shrug. Naruto blinked.

"Then how do you know how old you are?!" Naruto asked very loudly. Kaminari shrugged again.

"They guessed." She took the ID. "That's why it says 'approx' next to the year," she pointed out before looking at him.

"How am I gunna know when to celebrate your birthday?" Naruto asked with a pout. Kaminari blinked.

"You never did before. No one says you have to now."

"Of course I have to now!" Naruto shouted making her lean away slightly. "Friends celebrate each other's birthdays. Mine's October 10th by the way," he added with a grin and a thumb to his chest. He stopped walking when he noticed Kaminari was no longer beside him. He looked back to see her staring at him a few feet away. "What's wrong?"

"W-we're… friends?" she asked. Naruto blinked.

"Well, yeah," he said. "That's okay right?" he asked hesitantly. After a beat, she nodded and Naruto grinned. "Great!" he exclaimed. "I mean we've been desk buddies and neighbors for the past five years, right?" he added with a laugh.

"Yeah," she said as a small smile pulled at her lips.

The two walked back to their apartments. They stopped outside Kaminari's door.

"See you tomorrow!" Naruto called. He turned to go to his apartment but stopped and turned around as Kaminari was opening her door. "Hey… uh, tomorrow, do you wanna maybe walk there together?" he asked. Kaminari nodded with a faint smile. Naruto grinned. "Awesome," he said before they went into their apartments. Naruto jumped up with a fist. "Yes!" He heard a soft laugh and realized he'd said that a bit too loud. His whole face turned red.

Couldn't think of anything else to add to this chapter. Sorry for the super long wait.