I return with the DLC! I'm still working through Snatcher's Death Wish and my gosh, does he want me dead. But I will still aim to pull through! For now though, the Arctic Cruise was fun and the seals are adorable~! With a story finally in mind, I shall share it. Hope it turns out well.




Hat Kid sighed, laying back on her bed and staring up at the blue canopy over it. She felt bored and a little frustrated about today.

It's been a week since she decided to stay on Earth...or at least in her ship, neighboring it. She practically got a new family in the process as well, which is amazing. But the problem was that everyone she knew was busy.

Cookie needed to prepare a banquet for a sort of party the Mafia are throwing. Mafia Boss was gonna be there as well. Mu was, of course, planning to crash it and cause some mischief. She's working on being a better person, but that doesn't mean she's going to let the Mafia do whatever they want. They did take her home and family away, after all.

DJ Grooves and the Conductor are back in movie production. Conductor's train is also finally close to being fully repaired. Of course, Conductor wouldn't want to miss that.

Snatcher wasn't even in the mood to be disturbed. On normal occasions, he's sitting in his tree, reading his book. But today, he was out setting new traps and checking on the Subconites. Of course if Hat Kid got in the way, she'd never hear the end of it.

Finally, there was not much left to do in Alpine Skyline. The goats and nomads are nice, but all they do is mostly meditate and watch the scenery. Hat Kid is not someone that would sit for a really long time, just staring off into space.

She let out another sigh and rolled out of bed. She walked down the hallway through the automated doors into the main hub. Her Rumbi jumped up and down, happy to see their master up and about.

Hat Kid smiled a little and patted her Rumbi. She then sat down on a pillow in front of the TV and said to herself, "Eh. Wonder if there's anything good on." Maybe a new episode of Gabe the Dog will be on. If not, there's probably a game she could try to beat again.

As she flipped the channels, she spotted a sort of large cruise ship on one channel. She stopped and flipped it back to that channel. What is this ship that is bigger than her own?

A male announcer stated, "Feeling the summer heat? Need an escape? Why not book yourself a voyage on the Arctic Cruise?" The camera panned around the gigantic ship, showing its glimmering lights and grand exterior.

A cruise? She's never been on one before. It looked so cool and grand! She wondered why she never spotted it during her previous journey.

The male announcer continued, "Our expert staff will see to your every need." The TV then showed little baby-like white seals pushing a few luggage carts and wearing a sort of bellboy outfit. There were a couple in the kitchen wearing chef hats as well. They looked super cute!

"And our veteran captain will be at the helm, keeping you safe and sound at sea." The camera then showed an elder looking walrus. He had a bushy mustache, bushier than any Mafioso Hat Kid has ever seen, and he wore a sort of captain suit. He looked tired and oddly had only one tusk. Was he smoking too? Hat Kid hummed in thought, smile disappearing.

"With our state-of-the-art facilities, you're sure to have a wonderful time." Hat Kid's awe returned when the camera showed the different features. A large laundry room, a grand dining hall with chandeliers and fancy tables, a casino, a daycare center, and the best of all, a pool with floaties and a water slide!

"All aboard the Arctic Cruise. Call in and book today!" It then showed a sort of phone number on the bottom of the screen and Hat Kid eagerly dashed to her phone in the Machine Room, keeping the number in mind. No way is she passing up this opportunity. Hopefully it won't be too expensive.

Reaching the Machine Room, she dialed the number and she heard a sort of...child-like voice on the other end. "Thank woo for calling the Awctic Cwuise wine. How can I hewp woo?" Nonetheless, they sounded adorable. Hat Kid kept her composure and gave them a proper answer.

"Hello, I'd like to book for the cruise. When's the next departure?"

"That would be tomowwow mowning, miss!"

"Then I'd like that, please."

She can't wait to tell the others about this. Maybe they can come too.

Hat Kid shut her small suitcase and headed to the hatch. She had to make sure she was up bright and early for this trip. Luckily she didn't need to pack much. Just a couple extra regular outfits and her necessities. She also kept a Time Piece on hand so she could be able to get back to her ship once the cruise was over.

"Bye Rumbi! Watch the ship for me!" She dashed over to the hatch, opened it, and jumped right out. Based on what she could remember for its location, it should be right off the coast of a small island up north.

As she got closer to the planet, she easily saw the ship off the side of the docks. Just looking at the exterior made her eyes sparkle with wonder. It was huge! Huge and fancy-looking. It had a sort of wave-design at the bottom deck and its name was S.S. Literally Can't Sink. Something about that name felt off for her, but she shrugged it off as she came in for a landing by opening her umbrella.

She landed on the green grass, closing her umbrella and picking up her suitcase. After telling her friends about it, she heard quite a few were coming! Of course, they all paid for their own tickets. They were expensive, even for Hat Kid.

First, she spotted an Express Owl. Guess that means the Conductor's crew was here. Maybe even the Conductor himself. She approached the owl and gave him a bright smile and wave.

"Oh, hey kid. Y'know, after traveling on the Conductor's train all the time, I'm looking forward to something a little more...reliable."

Hat Kid tilted her head but shrugged it off. "Hope you have fun."

"Thanks, kid. Oh, the Conductor is here too, in case you're looking for him."

"Thank you!" She looked around for him and spotted him not too far away. He grunted as he pushed a piece of luggage on top of a small pile. Something then began pulling at his leg. He looked down and said, "Not now, wee one. I gotta get these on a cart."

"Conductor!" Hat Kid smiled and waved as she ran over. He looked up and showed a similar toothy grin.

"Well, if it isn't the little lass. Glad ye could make it." Once Hat Kid got close, she looked down confused. There were little baby birds, peeping and waddling around. They were all wearing little outfits and they strangely looked like...the Conductor.

Hat Kid gasped as her eyes sparkled. "Conductor...are these your kids?"

Conductor looked to the side sheepishly as he picked up one of the little baby birds. "They're me grandchildren, actually. The missus is busy and she wanted me to take them along their first cruise."

"They're soooo cuuuuute!" She laid on her stomach and smiled brightly to one of the babies. They peeped, waddled up to her, and gently patted her face. Hat Kid giggled and held her pointer fingers up, allowing the baby bird to grasp them.

Conductor quietly smiled, seeing this cute interaction between Hat Kid and one of his grandkids. Then his smile vanished when he remembered something important he wanted to say to her, but never got the chance to.

"Oh and uh, lass?" Hat Kid looked up. She then stood up, gently freeing her fingers from the baby bird's grasp.

The Conductor looked to the side with a hint of guilt and said, "Sorry about the whole...knife incident."

"Knife incident?" She then blinked, remembering their battle at Dead Bird Studios. "Ohh...oh right." She frowned a little, lightly twiddling her fingers. She almost questioned why he was apologizing, but then she remembered that he didn't give a sincere apology about that. At least, not when he wasn't drunk.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I didn't say it sooner...but what's a wee argument between colleagues though, right lassie?" He tried to offer a small sheepish smile.

Hat Kid smiled a little. "Heh, I guess so. I'm just glad we were able to move past it."

Conductor's smile widened a bit more, relieved to feel like they can finally move on. He then looked down at the grandkid he was holding and said, "Anyway, I'd better go ask about the childcare on board. I love these little blighters but I cannae bring them to the bar with me, can I?"

Hat Kid nodded and mentally hoped that he won't overdrink like the last time she saw him at a bar. "I'll see you on board then." The two waved and Hat Kid continued exploring around, hoping to see more of her friends.

Over to the left, she then spotted a few Moon Penguins. She waved and went up to one of them. The Moon Penguin continued leaning against the palm tree, snapping its flipper. But he seemed happy to see Hat Kid as he showed a small genuine smile.

"Heya, kid. Glad to see you're coming along."

Hat Kid nodded, then looked around. She stopped smiling when she realized that DJ Grooves wasn't around. That's strange...if the Moon Penguins are here, shouldn't he be here too?

"Is DJ Grooves already on board?"

The Moon Penguin lightly flicked his fedora up and replied, "No. The boss did want to be here, but when he heard the Conductor is here, he decided to focus on his next movie instead."

Well, that's a bummer. And a bit surprising. Hat Kid figured that the Conductor would skip the cruise just to make his movies, especially if his rival was going to be on board. ...Maybe Hat Kid can talk to Grooves afterward.

"But he let you guys go?"

"Yeah. The tickets for this thing were pricey, but we helped ourselves to the old one-flipper discount, if you know what I mean." The Moon Penguin showed a small smirk.

Hat Kid at least had a small idea what he meant and she gave a small nod. "Alright. Well, then I'll see you guys on board!" She waved and headed to the entryway to the ship. As she was heading to the entrance, she stopped.

Standing at the entrance was the Walrus Captain himself. He looked as moody as he appeared on TV. He had two cigarettes in his mouth and wore his captain shirt and hat. Despite his appearance, Hat Kid knew that captains of any ship must be respected. They are the ones that help give you a safe trip, after all.

The captain quietly pulled out his walkie-talkie and pressed the button. It beeped and he asked in a gruff voice, "Are we ready to sail?"

On the other end, there was a loud crashing sound and a seal barking noise. He cringed by the noise and sighed, turning off the walkie-talkie and clipping it back on his captain's coat.

"Everyting okay, captwain?" The little seal next to him looked up to him, concerned.

"It's fine. Just continue greeting the guests." He pinched his nose with his flippers, seemingly in frustration or annoyance. He was not in the mood to deal with any problems.

Hat Kid approached the two with a small smile. The baby seal brightly smiled and said, "Hewwo, miss! Wewcome to the Awtic Cwuise! We howp you have a gweat twime!" Oh no, they're adorable. Hat Kid must resist hugging.

Nonetheless, she couldn't keep the bright smile off her face. "Thank you." She then looked up to the captain and saluted, showing a sign of respect. He looked down at her and raised an eyebrow.

"Uh...you look a little young to be sailing alone, pup."

"Oh, I'm not alone, sir. I have my friends coming too." Hat Kid gave him a reassuring smile, still saluting.

"Whatever. Just don't get in anyone's way. The 'crew' do enough of that already."

"Yes, sir!" With a little skip in her step, she headed forward. The captain watched her go. What an odd kid. Maybe she won't be too much trouble though.

As Hat Kid headed towards the bridge, she then spotted a new odd creature. He looked like a fish...but with legs and red bellboy service clothes. Not to mention his head looked like it was sideways, like if one held a fish upright.

Curious, Hat Kid approached the strange fish man. He smiled and spoke kinda like a surfer guy. "Hey there, dude! Dudette, I mean. I'm like, ready for a nice cruise, aren't you?"

She gave a small nod with a tiny smile. He seemed kinda cool. "Hopefully there's nothing fishy about this ship, y'know." Oh no, the fish puns are coming back to haunt her. ...Maybe she'll use them on Snatcher sometime. A tiny mischievous grin seemed to show briefly at the thought.

"I got ripped off on a dodgy vacation last year. It was like, not rad at all. Oh, and dudette. You want me to take your bag for ya?"

Hat Kid snapped out of her thoughts and showed a small considerate smile. "Oh, no thanks. It's not too much trouble."

"Alright then. Well, have fun lil dudette." She thanked him and headed forward. Just before she headed to the bridge though, she spotted the Mafia Boss. Now aside herself, she bought tickets for him as well. Maybe he'd hate her less if she offered him a nice vacation. A few Mafioso were going to come as well to help take care of him and relax too.

As she approached and greeted the Mafia Boss, he hopped up and down in irritation as he said, "Ah! First you have me killed, then you torment me by booking passage on the only cruise liner here with facilities for people in jars! Such a rude little child. Were I not in a pleasant holiday mood, (and still without a body), I would take my revenge right here and now!"

Hat Kid chuckled a little. Even when she signs him up for a vacation, he still tries to appear threatening. By the sound of it though, he could be mildly grateful that Hat Kid brought him along.

"I'll see you on board then." With a small wave, she decided to explore around and get a good look at the ship on the outside. She also got to see the name of the ship: S.S. Literally Can't Sink. ...Why did that seem foreboding?

Hat Kid shook off the thought and continued looking around. She then spotted a large crate with piles of purple leaves and vines scattered around it. Strange...what could be inside?

Hat Kid quietly approached and jolted a little when the crate cleared its throat. Then it shouted, "AHHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! FOOOOOooo–wait a minute." A glowing yellow eye inside was then peeking through one of the holes in the crate. Hat Kid knew that glow and that laugh. She smiled brightly and waved.

"Hi, Snatcher!"

"It's you? Again? Ugh, you show up in my forest, assault me, refuse to leave, and then turn up to ruin my vacation too? You really are just the worst, kiddo."

"Love you too, BFF." She said with a small smirk. She swore she saw his eye twitch.

"I'm NOT your friend."

All teasing aside, Hat Kid was curious as she asked, "So...if you're here for the cruise, why are you…?"

"Yes. I'm hiding in a crate. Tickets are expensive." Hat Kid would've figured that he would've gotten a lot of pons from the victims that he steals their souls from. If that's not the case, then he just earned a little more respect from Hat Kid.

She patted the crate and said, "Alright then. I'll hopefully see you on board then." She then headed to the bridge, suitcase still on hand. Snatcher grumbled a little but repositioned himself into a more comfortable position as he waited to be boarded.

Hat Kid headed up the inclined bridge and reached the Lido Deck. A seal was there to greet her to say, "Wewcome abwoard!" Hat Kid smiled, set down her suitcase and took a good look around. Banners hung above her, there were wooden reclining chairs to lay back on and get a tan, and there were tables to sit down at and enjoy drinks. One floor down for the Lido Deck, there was a crystal clear blue pool with a few baby seals swimming with floaties. More chairs were there as well as a floatie stand, a bar, and a water slide.

If Hat Kid wasn't excited before, she sure is now. She's only looking around on the Lido Deck and she can already tell there's so much she can do.

"Attention, this is your Captain speaking." Hat Kid looked up to one of the speakers on the deck. "Is this thing turned on? *Ahem* All passengers, please check in at the lobby desk. I'll be on board shortly."

Hat Kid nodded, picking her suitcase back up. She headed to the right side of the ship and through a door to the inside. She was now standing on the balcony of the Grand Lobby. 4 to 5 floors of many rooms for each passenger. In the middle of the lobby, there appears to be a sort of mermaid statue with a large waterfall flowing behind it and a garden surrounding it. Everything looked so fancy. It was almost like parts of it were painted in gold.

A baby seal standing on the balcony then warned Hat Kid, "Pwease watch youw step, miss! It's a big dwop past this railing." Hat Kid nodded and leaped off, umbrella ready. Soon as she got close to the bottom floor, she opened her umbrella and landed safely.

Following the signs to the reception desk, she headed down a couple floors alongside the deck and through a purple carpeted hallway. As she approached the reception desk doors, an announcement bell was heard.

"Attention, passengers. And…'crew'. The ship is now leaving. Please try not to fall off." Hat Kid wobbled as she felt the ship shake a little and sway. They really are setting off. Once she found her balance, she continued forward into the Main Lobby.

Walking up to the desk, she showed her ticket confirmation paper and the seal nodded. One of the other baby seals offered to take her luggage to her room and Hat Kid thanked them.

"Hewe is youw woom key, miss." The seal nudged a small key to Hat Kid with a room number tag attached. The room number was 205. Must mean she's on the second floor.

After thanking the receptionist, she headed to her room. After unlocking the door, she took a good look around her temporary room. It had blue carpeting, blue comfy bed sheets, a couple of red and white shelves with extra blankets and towels, and a balcony that faced the Grand Lobby. It also had a nice restroom with bubble patterned wallpaper and any small bathing necessities. Hat Kid would prefer to have a lot more pillows just like her room, but these accommodations will do nicely.

Her suitcase was delivered and set aside clumsily at the foot of the bed. Hat Kid hopped up and fell back onto the bed. With a content sigh, she looked up at the ceiling with a warm smile. After going on a long journey for weeks, she deserved a vacation like this. And with almost all her friends on board, she had a good feeling about this trip.

She can plan to take the time to explore the ship tomorrow. For now though, she headed to the Dining Hall to enjoy some well-cooked food and relaxed in her room. She did request more pillows and was provided with at least 3 more. That'll have to do for now. Once she set her hat on the nightstand, she snuggled into the blankets and surrounding pillows and fell into a peaceful sleep.

Later that night, shooting stars rained down from the sky. But a few of those made a sort of jingling noise and shined a little brighter than the other stars.

A couple even crashed on the ship. Hat Kid, half-asleep, faintly heard the jingling that rang throughout the ship.

"...Is...that the sound...of a Timepiece?"