Sunny days. Epilogue
Few years latter…
- No! Don't put it here! How many times should I tell you that vases should must stand symmetrically? – The queen looked really unhappy.
Though Mal never raised her voice, everyone tried to follow her orders without question. That's because Her Majesty with only one glance could scare anyone. Maybe it happened because the queen during her marriage had once more to transform into a dragon… It doesn't matter. Anyway she didn't care much about it now.
Where is Ben? Did he forget that they wanted to go for a walk in the park near the castle. Beatrice needs to play outside.
- Mom, mom! I found a butterfly! It 's amazingly beautiful! – Cried out a small blonde girl. – Let's go look!
- Darling, let's wait for your father. – Smiled Mal.
- Mo-o-om! – Moaned she. – Dad's always late.
Realizing that her mother was not going to give up, Beatrice Veronica used her deadly weapon: a pleading smile. Mal, already tired of being in the Palace, was still trying to resist her daughter's charm.
- Who is always late? – Ben walked into the room. – So where is your butterfly?
- I already told you that I love when you call me Veronica. – Murmured the girl. – Okay. Let's go and find it again.
- Morning. – Smiled Ben and kissed Mal. – I missed you.
- Me too. – Queen hugged her husband. – But tell me honestly did you even sleep tonight? This documents are still bugging you?
- If you tell me to be honest… I didn't. – Smiled Ben.
- Are you insane? – Whispered Mal. – You need to go to bed right now.
- Honey, – the king hugged his wife, - you seem to forget that I'm not a child anymore. And also I promised that I will come today.
- But you're tired. – Murmured the queen.
- It don't really matter. My family is the most important thing in my life.
The girl looked at her husband at the same time condemning and infinite tenderness. Gently released from his embrace, Mel turned Ben toward the corridor leading to their room.
- Go to sleep, you sufferer. – The girl smiled.
Sunlight flooded the room recreating the same fairy-tale atmosphere that reigned here when Mal — then the daughter of the most dangerous villain on the Island — moved here with her friend. Then the future queen looked around and thought that everything here looks too… sweet? Yes, maybe. But now all her life looked like one of that fairy-tales with happy endings. No one can tell that girl is not satisfied with something: in her life there still were some crazy (which was making mostly with Ben), there appeared people who she adored and the things that she loved. But with it appeared also duties, and a sense of responsibility, and the spell book turned into a notebook... but it was even kind of funny.
Sometimes Mal thought that everything around her is just a dream and when she will open her eyes she will turn out back in her room under the ceiling: alone, forgotten by everyone and never knowing what does the word "love" means. What does this feeling means. And then there won't be her daughter, the husband who loved her, there will be no annoying journalists and no rules (she wonder when they had become an integral part of her life)…
Suddenly thoughts of Her Majesty was interrupted by the creaking of the front door and the cheers have settled in the empty (Evie's moved down to her husband soon after the news about the pregnancy of Mel) the girls ' room. There was something familiar about one of the people here. Let's see: blond hair, slightly arrogant eyes, but impeccable manners. I still can't remember. I needed to find some special detail... and then I noticed the familiar headphones slung over one shoulder.
— Are you Veronica's daughter? — Asked Mel. — The one who had problems with her parents because of her love for the guy from the Island.
— Yes, Your Majesty.
— Then you must know that my husband and I named our daughter after your mother?" The girl hesitated, then nodded. — I'm sorry your parents had to move. I hope she's in good health. When she left here, she was really bad.
— She's totally fine. — Quite sincerely smiled at the girl. — Thank you for your concern.
— Your Majesty, what are you doing here? — Inquired of the other girl, peering over the shoulder of a friend.
— Well, I lived in this room many, many years ago.
Looking at the enthusiastic faces of the young ladies, Mel smiled. Well, she's got a schedule for the day. It is a pity that such weather for nothing vanishes. But Bertha's life is going to have a lot of sunny days, isn't it?