This fits in between Chapters 28 and 29 of the main story, for those of you keeping up with the timeline (meaning it comes chronologically before the previous outake) but again, I don't really think you need to know any of that to enjoy this. Thanks to Weestarmeggie for dropping everything to look this over for me, especially when I just threw it at her out of the blue!

When their wedding festivities were finally at an end he apparated them home, where they'd both agreed they wanted to spend the night.

He grinned at her. "Well, now you're officially my wife and I'm allowed to defile you, what did you have in mind?"

She shot him the coyest grin she could muster. "I'm at your disposal," she cooed.

He jerked her into his arms. "You might regret saying that- hold on."

He apparated them again, this time to their bedroom, and then stepped back to admire her, circling her like the predator she knew he could be, but she could find nothing but pleasure in his gaze - he was regarding her like a present he'd eagerly been awaiting unwrapping.

"You looked absolutely beautiful today, but I can't wait to get this dress off of you. I want to be inside of you." He took her back into his arms then, after a heated kiss, turned her and began the painstaking process of unfastening the buttons that ran all the way down her back.

"There's a spell for that," she murmured, even as she leaned into his hands.

"I'd like to do it like this," he responded as he slowly disrobed her, leaving kisses along her spine as he went.

She was happy for his strong presence at her back, otherwise she would have feared falling, but she knew he would never let that happen. Finally, he pulled the gown from her shoulders, he helped her step out of it and led her to the bed in just her lingerie and heels.

He laid her out at the bottom of the mattress with her legs hanging off, and slowly kneeled at her feet keeping eye contact the whole time. He took one foot in his hands, carelessly pulled her shoe off, throwing it aside in the process and ran his thumb against the arch even as she tried to reach for him but he just pushed her back down. She huffed, then shook at the sensation of his fingertips against her foot. He smiled and began to peel the remainder of her clothes from her body, taking his time while she reveled in every brush of his skin against hers.

When he was done she tried to reach for him again. "Don't move," he ordered and shucked his own fine clothing- with a lot more haste that he'd done away with her's.

And then he was on her again, with one strong leg on the mattress between her legs he began to kiss her, all over her body- but he didn't move in any predictable pattern. He moved from her shoulder to her hipbone, her temple, her knees until she felt that she might go crazy not knowing where he would travel next, and yearning to feel the weight of his body on top of her.

"Please don't keep me waiting, my love," she finally murmured into his ear as he hovered over her. At first she thought that had persuaded him, but he wasn't actually done with his exquisite torture. He brought her hands up above her head and pinned them to the mattress and then rubbed his cock against her folds slowly. But he refused to enter her, no matter how much she squirmed and tried to position him correctly.

"Is this what you've been waiting for?" He teased.

"You said you wanted to be inside of me. It's been- it feels like hours and you're still not."

"Let me make that up to you then."

She actually breathed a sigh of relief at his words and he ducked his head to kiss her slowly and deeply as he positioned himself at her entrance, but even then he moved almost unbelievably slowly.

"I love this moment. This fucking perfect moment when we surrender to each other. I like to make it last as long as I can even as I'm just aching to pound into you."

She let out a shuddering breath. His words. His restraint. And then when he was finally seated within her he just held completely still.

"Draco," she whined, "what are you doing to me?"

He just kissed her and ran a hand down her side. And then he gently turned them over. He sat up until they were touching from hip to shoulder and joined at their centers.

She gasped. "So deep, oh my god, that's so good." She clawed at his shoulders and squirmed desperately.

But still, he wouldn't let her move like she wanted to. He held her hips firmly and began to rock them methodically. "Love, don't rush towards it, just be here with me," he entreated.

She forced herself to cease her frantic search for release and then, without conscious thought she began to match her breaths with his again, and then she could feel that their hearts began to beat in tandem. Their magic flared and she could feel how pleased he was with her.

"You are so perfect love," he growled as he gathered her hair in one hand, twisting it around so that it was up and off of her neck. And then she felt his wings encapsulate them. Brushing her back, stimulating her already heated and sensitive skin. It was nearly too much. She bit her lip and leaned into their embrace.

She quickly discovered that he was right, their sweat slicked bodies knew just what to do, as long as they didn't allow their brains to overrule them they would reach the place which the magic was trying to lead them.

It was almost frightening, how much she felt. The detail with which she could feel him moving inside of her, how much she gloried in it.

"Draco," she whimpered.

"It's okay," he stroked down the column of her spine, "I'm here with you, we were made for this."

She remained, nose to nose with him staring into those startling eyes which she'd grown to love. It felt like mere moments and hours at the same time; later she would learn that it was hours.

He began to nibble at her neck and she realized the end was close.

"Please," she begged, he'd not remarked her since their first night together and she hadn't realized how much she'd been craving it.

He didn't hesitate, didn't make her beg for it like he had the first time, his teeth sunk into her skin and she screamed and fell into a beautiful abyss.

When she awoke she was laying on top of him, he was still inside of her, and very much ready to go again.

"Hermione," he whispered ghosting his hands up and down the curve of her waist.

She shivered, though she was perfectly warm. "Don't you dare leave me," she rasped, and she absentmindedly wondered when she'd lost her voice.

"Never," he vowed as he carefully shifted their positions again until they were on their sides, facing each other with one of her legs tossed over his hip. He kissed her then- it was all tenderness- before he slowly began to move again.

"Oh, yes," she moaned.

"This is okay?"

"I know that you can feel that this is okay," she said arching against him- there was no way he wasn't aware of her bliss through their bond.

"I'd like to hear you say it."

"Oh sweetheart," she reached up and raked her fingers through his hair. "This is perfect."