Welcome all KdFd fans~! So here's an Ares KdFd for you guys!! Enjoy your stay, peeking into their lives~

Note: I wrote this before Orion...! It kind of a Soulmate!AU.

It Feels So Right! {Kidou x Fudou}

"Now, we have among us 'The Absolute Leader of the Pitch', none other than the former Raimon strategist, Kidou Yuuto", the news Reporter announced as Kidou smiled to the camera.

"So, Kidou-san, what are your thoughts on the upcoming Football Frontier?", the lady asked and turned the mic towards the goggled boy.

"I am looking forward to how Endou and the others have brought up their teams. I'll make sure not to lose to them", Kidou's smile took Fudou's breath away.

Smiling to himself, he keenly listened in to Kidou's voice, drowning in it. He, too, was waiting for the FF, just so he could play against him. He had been looking forward to that day for almost a year now.

The windchime jingled softly against the hot summer breeze. Fudou felt a pang in his heart akin to nostalgia. He turned off the TV as Kidou's interview ended.

This is not right.

His heart told him again as it had said the first time he saw Kidou.

His life had been fairly normal - school, study, soccer. There wasn't anything that sparked him up. Life dragged him through the years. Fudou Akio's life was as mundane as a 9 to 5 clerk job.

It changed one day in the most unexpected moment. While lazing around in his room, watching random TV shows, he decided to watch a soccer match. And that was the best decision of his mediocre life. It was both, the beginning and the end.

He saw how Kidou ran up the field, with his cape hovering and his goggles glinting, and shouted orders to the players of Teikoku. Confidence spilled from him and the cold dark smile on his face excited Fudou like never before. He knew what he wanted - being with him!

"We'll meet at the FF, Kidou-kun", Fudou told himself as he walked over to the window and closed it to the heat. His heart calmed down a bit, with a lingering ache that longed for Kidou.


Ever since Kidou walked in his life, each day turned better than yesterday, but that pain in his heart only magnified upon transferring to Teikoku.

It's not right. It's not what's supposed to happen.

It wasn't any premonition he felt, but rather something far beyond human comprehension. A divine feeling telling him he wasn't where he should be.

The regular practice ended with Fudou's mind being, constantly, driven over to Kidou. He couldn't help but think about him.

Will he be thinking of me too? Does this happen to him too? No! He doesn't even know me!

He sighed to himself, dejectedly. The voices around him blurred as his thoughts wandered elsewhere. He felt a million miles away from him, even though he was so within his reach. The gut feeling was becoming unbearable.

"FUDOU!!", he was jerked to his senses upon the sudden call.

"What is it?", he shot back in his usual self, gathering himself together.

"You weren't paying attention to practice at all", Kazemaru complained as he walked up to him.

"So what? We've lost anyway!", Fudou felt his temper going loose.

Kazemaru's eyes widened, "This isn't your usual self. I thought you enjoyed the match."

If we had won, I would have been able to meet Kidou. Now, this is ALL OVER! I hate to admit, I had forgotten about this during the match!!!

Fudou clicked his tongue amd sneered at him. The air around them felt heavier as the temperature heated up.

"WE LOST!!", Fudou screamed at him and threw his water bottle away, violently. Kazemaru was taken aback at the sudden outbreak. Fudou rained all of his anger, frustration and pain out on the poor pony-tailed boy.

"I am not supposed to be here. This isn't right.", his hoarse voice died down, " This... doesn't... feel... right. I am... should be... with... Ki - Kidou-kun", he fell to his knees, clutching his chest.

The team rushed in to help him up, only to be thrashed by him. He could feel tears form at the corners of his eyes and his throat felt so dry that he could choke at any moment. The worst of all was his intuition, as if someone was stabbing him, repeatedly.

Kazemaru had on his a look of half-confusion half-concern, but what could he do.


The cool wind picked up the coloured leaves falling off the trees, gently. It was a pleasant day with the love birds singing their secret little songs and couples strolling around the park, holding hands.

Fudou watched everything listlessly, leaning against a trees in his dark creamy hoodie and jeans.

"Why had Kazemaru called me here of all places? Not to mention, he is late himself!", Fudou took out his phone and busied himself. He couldn't bear to look around him.

While toiling casually in his mobile, something tucked on his shoulder and fell to his hand. It was a maple leaf, half-yellow half-red and half-green, all mixed up in a beautiful pattern.

He recalled his mother once telling him. Things are never the same once they pass through autumn.

Is something going to happen?

He wondered to himself, looking at the leaf in his hand, his features turning softer. He heard the sound of dried leaves crunching under one's boots. Thinking it was Kazemaru, he lifted his head up, only to get stunned .

Kidou stood at a distance in his pale-brown jacket and black pants, transfixed as though his legs were caught in a deadlock. His mouth was ajar with surprise as time stopped for them, just for a little while. The world around him dissolved and the voices blurred into silence, both sweet and awkward.

The long intuition Kidou had always felt, the constant hunch that things something was wrong, vanished suddenly. His heart stopped beating as he continued to stare in Fudou's eyes.

What is happening? I just came here because Kazemaru called me... Could it be?...Does this happen to him, too?...

The dried up maple leaf dropped from Fudou's hand, only to be picked up by the rushing wind. The leaf of Destiny landed in Kidou's hand as though uniting their hearts. Something clicked and they realised the inevitable.

They stood face-to-face, listening to the love birds singing their songs. Finally, they were able to understand it's meaning.

It feels so right!

I hope you liked it!! Tell me if you did, and if you didn't, then, do tell me how can I improve ~!!

Next up on the stock is Gouenji x Fubuki!!