Sadly none of J.K. Rowling 's amazing world actually belongs to me

Table of Contents:

Chapter 1: The Sorting of Neville Longbottom

Chapter 2: The Sorting of Hermione Granger

Chapter 3: The Sorting of Sirius Black

Chapter 4: The Sorting of Regulus Black

Chapter 5: The Sorting of Colin Creevey

Chapter 6: The Sorting of Lily Evans

Chapter 7: The Sorting of Severus Snape

Chapter 8: The Sorting of Pavarti Patil

Chapter 9: The Sorting of Ginny Weasley

Chapter 10: The Sorting of Remus Lupin

Chapter 11: The Sorting of Teddy Lupin

Chapter 12: The Sorting of Fred? George Weasley

Chapter 13: The Sorting of George? Fred Weasley

Chapter 14: The Sorting of Peter Pettigrew

Chapter 15: The Sorting of Albus Severus Potter

Chapter 16: The Sorting of Rubeus Hagrid

The Sorting of Neville Longbottom

"Ahh...yes...I know exactly where to put you."

"Yeah I know, just put me in Hufflepuff and get it over with."

"No, I meant Gryffindor. You are more Gryffindor than anyone I've seen in a long time."

"It's not nice to tease me...please just get this over with."

"You're Gryffindor!"

"I said STOP IT!"

"There's that Gryffindor spirit!"

"I hate you."

"Why are you so adamant not to be put in Gryffindor?"

"Just put me in Hufflepuff...please."

"You know I can read your thoughts, avoiding the questions is really stupid."

"Fine. My parents went to Gryffindor."

"Another excellent reason to put you there."

"GAHHH! That's not what I meant!"

"You refuse to tell me why you don't belong in Gryffindor. So I will put you there unless you prove otherwise."

"I don't want to fail them."

"You will make them proud."

"I have barely enough magic to get in here."

"First: that's not true, you only lack confidence..."

"Yes! See you admit I don't belong in Gryffindor! Bravery and confidence go hand in hand!"



"As I was do have enough magic, and the amount of magic you possess has nothing to do with the house you get sorted into. As proof I have recently just sorted one of the stupidest humans in existence into Slytherin."


"Yes. Please tell me I have finally talked some sense into you."

"Everyone thinks I belong in Hufflepuff."

"Then you will have to prove them wrong."

"I'll never be as brave as my parents."

"Neville, what do I have to say to prove to you that you are braver than both of them combined."


"Will you let me sort you into Gryffindor now? We've been at this for over ten minutes."



A/N: Ok so I'm not really sure what inspired me to write this, but there you have it. Seeing as how this was kinda spure of the moment I most likely will go back and edit this at a later time. Meanwhile, let me know what you think. This is based of the fact that Neville was a hatstall in cannon. I think I will continue adding to this story but update will most likely be sporadic (pretty much whenever I get inspiration). Please tell me if you have any suggestions for who I should sort next!

Thanks for reading