"Father was worried about you." Damian scowled down at Tim, from where he was perched atop Tim's leg, while Cass sat on his opposite shoulder and Dick held his other leg to the ground. They were helping him stretch the cramp out of his leg, though Damian was entirely too gleeful about 'helping' Tim stretch.

Tim grunted and tried to focus on what Damian had just said. His leg burned with pain.

"Bruce was worried? Huh-ow!"

"Tim, you really need to stretch more often," Dick lectured. "Your hip-flexors will shorten if you spend too much time sitting. And then it will take even longer to get back to your normal range of motion." He pushed at Tim's leg again in a way that made Tim wince. "You should take a break once in a while in between all that time in front of a computer."

"Feet over your head is not normal range of motion," Tim complained.

"For civilians maybe," Dick said and continued holding Tim's leg square to the ground while Damian tried to push Tim's toes towards his face.

"I told father not to worry about you Drake," Damian said as he continued the hellish stretching, "Obviously you can take care of yourself long enough for reinforcements to arrive."

Tim rolled his eyes. That was high praise coming from Demon Spawn though. Maybe he really had been worried.

Then Jason, who had so callously abandoned Tim to face Calendar Man on his own decided to waltz into the cave with bags of food. Heavenly smelling junk food from Bat Burger. Tim could almost forgive him on the spot. Almost.

"Guess what, TImberly," Jason asked around a mouthful of jokerized fries. "You're famous. Bat Burger already has a Red Robin coffee special named after you."

Tim sat us and tried to extricate his legs from Dick and Damian's stretching torture. "What, how could they?"

"Dunno. Got you one anyway," Jason said with a malicious grin as he handed Tim an extra-large coffee with an attached packet of Red Robin shaped dunking cookies.

Jason had also brought a Poison Ivy Plant Friendly meal for Damian, and Nightwings for Dick, who seemed to be about the only person in existence who would eat chicken wings with chocolate dipping sauce.

As it turned out, Vicki Vale had managed to get her hands on an absolutely amazing picture of Calendar Man holding Tim over the vat of coffee as he tried to twist out of the villain's grasp. The photo spawned countless memes on the internet, and Bat Burger featured it permanently by their coffee section.

Tim was mortified, but if it meant his brothers would buy him free coffee with cookies just to mess with him, it was definitely worth it. And besides, he wasn't as upset by the picture as Calendar Man had been. Though that probably had more to do with the caption reading "Coffee Man Dunks Red Robin." On a quiet night, they could almost hear his outraged screams from Arkham.

Damian seemed to calm down over the whole Ninja camp thing, it was probably like Dick had explained, he just wanted to feel needed. They didn't force Tim to participate while he recovered, and really, the whole thing morphed into Dick, Cass, and Damian training together, and trying to incorporate less lethal elements from League of Assassins training into their bat-training.

Tim had to admit, some parts of it looked pretty cool, especially the obstacle course cave of knives. It probably wouldn't be as much fun to actually go through it, but Tim was a sucker for learning difficult things that looked cool (otherwise he never would have started Robin training.)

Finally, he decided to be the mature adult, and approached Demon-Spawn about rejoining the training program.

"Ah Drake," Damian said with a sneer. "I see you've witnessed the superiority of my training program. Perhaps Father was not mistaken to talk so highly of your intelligence."

Tim fought the urge to roll his eyes. Then he paused for a moment, that sounded suspiciously like a compliment coming from Damian.

"Since you dropped out, you will have to start at a remedial level," Damian said with far too much glee. "It would be hazardous to your health to start as the same level as Grayson or Cassandra."

Tim rolled his eyes. Maybe one day they would get along.



Tim groaned as he carried the cinderblocks through the forest. Trust Dick to come up with a 'slightly fun' version of evil ninja training. It was like a demented scavenger hunt episode of Survivor, only he had to find thirty different items hidden in the forest, and attach them to the cinderblocks only using material that he found in the woods. And of course, because that wasn't hard enough, the others were lying in wait, to Ninja attack at any moment that he might let his guard down.

Tim paused when he saw a glint of metal from underneath a blackberry bush. He peered closer. It was a batarang, item number five on his list. He sighed and set the cinderblocks down with a clunk. Trust his evil siblings to come up with a slightly safer version of the knife cave. Tim pulled the vines aside, grimacing at how the thorns stuck to his clothes. He wriggled underneath, pushing the stems out of the way as he crawled - and flinched as some of the vines snapped back into place. And of course, because Tim had the absolute worst luck imaginable, Damian chose that moment to silently drop from a nearby tree.

"Really, Drake," Damian began while puffing up his chest. "You should have just cut down the bushes. I'm surprised you didn't realize there was such an easy solution."

"Yeah, I'm not in the mood to annoy Alfred," Tim replied, scooting forward to grab the batarang. He twisted around underneath the blackberry brambles, trying to find the best way out.

"Fine, I'll allow your reasoning this once." Damian drew his sword. "But don't think you won't get points deducted for failing to respond to your adversary in time!"

"Ugh," Tim said sprawling on the ground and dragging himself up. He reached for his belt, then remembered that at his current difficulty level, no outside weapons were allowed. None of his anyway. The Ninja-Bats could bring as many as they liked. He twisted out of the way as Damian charged. Fortunately, Tim's weapon of choice was a bo staff, and finding an acceptable substitute in the forest wasn't too challenging. He yanked a branch from the forest floor, scattering leaves and dirt as he parried Damian's strike. Damian looked incensed for a moment, then stumbled back, mouth wide open in shock.

"Ha, have I impressed you now?" Tim asked, raising his makeshift staff.

"Drake…your stick is covered in poison ivy."

Tim screamed and dropped the stick.


Tim spent the remainder of the week being very itchy, and being berated by Damian for his 'lack of knowledge of local flora', especially a plant that a local villainess was named after. But he was promoted to Ninja Camp Level 2 for his quick reflexes. And he really felt like he was making progress until Damian snidely informed him that Dick and Cass had already made it to Level 350.