The Countess's POV

I leave the filthy peasant chained up and make my way to my quarters. Once inside my quarters I go to the night table to light a candle.
"My Countess." A sensual voice whispers from the darkness of my bed. I sigh and turn around. It's Jack Hyde.
"What do you want Jack" I ask dismissively. Jack traces his index finger along my silk sheets and smiles seductively. I want to roll my eyes.
"Well- I just thought.." But I put a hand up to silence him mid sentence.
"Enough. I'm not in the mood. Shouldn't you be guarding the prisoner?" I say gruffly. Jack glares at me.
"The prisoner is fine where she is. You promised me Elena. Now come here and give me my prize." I clench my fists tightly, feeling my nails dig into my palms surely drawing blood. Jack Hyde was nothing more than a lovesick puppy here to do my bidding.
"I said I'm not in the mood Jack, now leave." I say sternly. Jack jumps up and grabs me roughly by the shoulders.
"I have been loyal to you for so long Elena. You promised me if I did what you asked we would be together. You manipulated me, didn't you?"
I shake his hands off my shoulders and scoff.
"Don't be silly my love. Our time will come. I'm just not in the mood right now. I have alot on my mind. Don't fret, once this is all over it will be you and I on the throne." I pat Jack's shoulder reassuringly and bite my lip.
Over my dead body you fool. Your head will be on a pike the minute the crown is placed on my head.
Jack seems to accept this and gives me a quick kiss on the cheek before storming out of my quarters. I rub his kiss off my cheek and sigh loudly. Walking over to my nighttable I undo my dress and take my hair out of the bun. I stare at myself blankly in the mirror. My face has aged so much. My once beautiful angelic face was pale in comparison to it's former glory. I sit back in my chair and close my eyes thinking about times past.
King Carrick, may I introduce rhe Countess Elena Lincoln. The King sits up anxiously in his chair as I make my way through the great hall in my elegant dress. I smile knowing all eyes are on me.
"Absolutely beautiful!"
"An angel for sure."
Several people whisper as I make my way to the King. I bow gracefully and my eyes meet the handsome King's.
"Your Majesty" I say sweetly and I watch the King eyeing me intently.
"Welcome to Castle Grey Countess." He says rather hoarsley and it makes me blush. With one last knowing look at the King I turn and join the other's in the Great Hall for the dance.
Coming back to the present for a moment I start to brush my hair down my back but I don't let go of my day dream. I go back to shortly after the ball when the King cornered me out on the balcony.
I gaze out at the land from the Castles balcony envisioning what it would be like to one day rule all of this when I hear a voice in my ear close to my neck.
"Hello my Countess." The King's breath against my neck sends a tingle up my thighs.
"My King." I say seductively still gazing out at the lands. Suddenly the King dips his hand under my dress feeling his way up.
"You are a majestic creature, aren't you?"
Before I can continue my dream there is a knock at my door.
"What is it now Jack?" I snap. Jack steps in with a confused look on his face.
"Prince Grey is here to see you."