"Who's a better fighter?"
There was a moment of stunned silence that meet Lance's question.
Keith and Acxa both looked at each other, confused.
"Why the question?" Keith asked, latching his attention back on to his right-hand man.
"'Cause I've never seen you two go all out against each other. Either Acxa's always trying to save you, or you're always trying to save her. It's confusing, man."
"I don't ALWAYS save him!" Acxa protested, glaring.
"Oh, right, you tried to kill him the first time we had a big ol' brawl together…but you guys, like, switched partners right away, and then you tried to kill me! Like, what the heck?!"
"Sorry-not-sorry." Acxa mumbled.
"Hey!" Lance pouted, sitting up from his up-side down position. "But, seriously, Acxa, Keith, fight it out."
"I…uh…forget my knives in my room, and I gotta…" Keith gestured, nervous.
"Yeah, not gonna do it for me. Keith, I KNOW YOU. You, like, have at least forty-two knives stitches into each outfit. Fight, here, now, or I'm…" Lance hesitated, thinking. "Remember that time when you began acting crazy and eight years old? I will shout that out over the intercom."
"Fine, fine." Keith crossed his arms, scowling. "We'll-augh!"
Acxa had pounced, grabbing his arm and holding it behind his back, cackling in victory.
He snapped his head back into her neck, causing her to Yelp in surprise.
"Ha!" Keith shouted, excited.
"Why, you-!"
Lance started a stop watch, frowning at the time.
It was at least ten hours before everything was over, and that was only because the other Paladins managed to pry them apart.
It was a hard struggle to drag them away.