0713MM: Hey guys! I welcome you to Chapter 22 of my VRAINS fic! I do not own VRAINS, nor its characters. I just own my OC Glacies-Uisce Zaizen/Ice Queen and half OC, Juliette Kogami. Chapter start!

Chapter 22

"Now Playmaker, end this!"

"Yeah!" Playmaker replied. "Battle! Firewall Dragon, direct attack! Tempest Attack!" The cybernetic armored dragon glowed red as it unleashed a beam of cyberse energy at Bohman; thus causing an explosion on Bohman's side of the field as he went flying backwards and landing on his back. (Bohman's LP: 1000 - 2500 = 0.)

"It's over." Playmaker remarked.

"Good." Revolver grinned. "Time to kill him."

"Wait!" Ai called out to Revolver. "I don't think doing that is a good idea!"

"Oh don't worry Dark Ignis." Revolver retorted as he continued towards the unconscious Bohman. "I plan to kill you after I kill Bohman."

"Oh no you don't!" Suddenly, a cage formed around Bohman.

"What's this?" Playmaker wondered aloud.

"Whatever it is, it won't stop me from killing Bohman." Revolver spoke.

"You're not killing Bohman!" A screen appeared before them that showed a light blue and green-haired woman. Playmaker and Ai gaped while Revolver growled. "I cannot afford to lose the Ignis again!"

"Queen…!" Revolver spoke softly, yet angrily as well. "What is the meaning of this?"

"After I logged out of Mirror Link VRAINS, it took me awhile to hack it." Queen explained. "But it seems I've hacked it just time to take Bohman."

"No!" Revolver gnashed his teeth as the cage that held Bohman vanished. The 3 of them went silent for several seconds before Revolver turned to face Playmaker. "In that case, I'll just defeat you and eliminate the Dark Ignis!"

"I think not." Juliette retorted as she stepped in between them.

"Mrs. Kogami." Playmaker spoke.

"Mother, what are you doing?" Revolver snapped. "Get out of my way!"

"No." Juliette spoke firmly. "In case you've forgotten Ryoken, it was you who suggested you and Playmaker team up against Lightning. Besides, what would killing Ai do for you? Satisfy yourself? Satisfy your Father's wants? Must I defeat you again to make you see this? Baira, Faust, and Genome realize that Lightning was the true enemy this entire time. They have no interest in fighting the other Ignis now."

"Humph. Then they're fools." Revolver retorted.

"No, I'm afraid it is you who is the fool." Juliette told him. "Ryoken, I love you as your Mother, but please, for the love of Ra open your damn eyes! Killing the Ignis will not solve anything! It won't get rid of the pain those 6 children felt! Satisfying what your Father wants isn't your path in life! Forge your own path for once!"

"Oi oi! She's scary." Ai muttered.

"Be quiet." Playmaker told Ai.

"Say whatever you want, but it won't change my mind." Revolver remarked nonchalantly. Juliette sighed and put her right hand to her forehead.

"Ugh. You're as stubborn as your Father." Juliette sighed. "But since I'm back, you'll be living with me for now on. Until you get an actual job and save up enough money to move out."

"Why can't I just live with Faust, Baira and Genome?" Revolver frowned. "I see nothing wrong with that."

"Well I do." Juliette told him firmly. "Not to talk badly about them, but have they actually taught you in life skills? Life skills that are essential for your everyday life?" At that, Revolver mentally cursed. Juliette then crossed her arms. "I'll take your silence as a no. So as I said, you'll be living with me."

"You do know that the Knights of Hanoi are wanted people, right?" Playmaker chimed in. "Keeping your son under your custody would make you their accomplice."

"I know." Juliette told Playmaker. "But it's a risk worth taking."

"Oh! Where the others?" Ai asked. Just as he asked that question, another screen appeared before them. It was Ghost Girl and Akira Zaizen.

"Soulburner, Ice Queen and Blood Shepherd all logged out after returning due to Bohman's defeat." Ghost Girl explained.

"You 3 should do the same." Akira spoke up.

"Thank you Akira." Juliette told him. "We'll be logging out now."

"When you do, come to Zaizen's place." Ghost Girl added. "I've found something that might interest you."

"Alright Emma." Juliette told her. "I'll head over now." She then logged out. After she did, Playmaker and Revolver glanced at each other.

"Let's go." Playmaker told Revolver.

"Humph. Fine." Revolver relented as the 2 logged out.

In an unknown location within VRAINS, 3 shadowed figures observed the end result of Playmaker and Revolver vs Bohman. 2 of them were clearly male by the silhouette that was there body. As for the 3rd, the silhouette appeared to be that of a female.

"Well, that certainly was unexpected." One of the male Kings noted.

"Regardless of the result, SOL Technologies will be in turmoil." The female remarked. "Meaning it'll be even easier to get what we want." She paused, then added. "Though I'm surprised that Queen managed to hack Mirror Link VRAINS in order to retrieve Bohman."

"It ultimately doesn't matter." One of the male Kings retorted. "All that matters is your vision is realized."

"Indeed…." The female replied, a dark smile on her silhoutted lips.

"So you're telling me that Queen's psycho attitude was just a front?!" Ryoken roared at Emma and Akira, absolute rage covered his face.

"It's true." Juliette spoke up; thus everyone turned to face Juliette. "When I went into hiding 10 years ago, I used my hacking knowledge to hack the security cameras in SOL and Queen-Amanda Fujiki's, home. Whenever she was alone, she cried until she fell asleep." She paused, then added. "From that alone, Amanda deeply regrets shipping her son, Yusaku, off and into the project."

"Bullshit!" Ryoken snapped. "I say we storm SOL and have her arrested!"

"But if you do that, you'll be exposing yourself." Glacies sweatdropped.

"Glacies is right Ryoken." Akira frowned. "For now, we do nothing."

"Nothing?!" Ryoken hissed as he snatched the spare files from Akira's hands. "I'm heading home. Going to find out what Aso, Kyoko and Genome know." The door slammed behind him. The group went silent for several moments before Emma spoke up.

"Anyway." She began. "According to files Juliette and I managed to hack out SOL's Data Bank, the reason behind her even wanting to create the Ignis in the first place was to, well, create a Super Ignis."

"How original." Takeru scoffed as he walked into the room from the kitchen.

"Lightning was aiming for the same thing." Yusaku added with a frown.

"True." Akira admitted.

"Except Queen was aiming to create a Super Ignis that'd defend the entire network safe from hackers like the Knights of Hanoi or any terrorist groups." Emma finished for Akira.

"So that's why….." Aoi trailed off.

"Yeah." Akira spoke softly.

Within SOL's personal, Bohman opened his eyes.

Where am I? He thought.

"Ah good, you're awake." Bohman turned his head to see Queen standing in front of the capsule he was encased in.

"Queen." Bohman remarked. "Aka, Amanda Fujiki." Queen-no, Amanda, flinched at Bohman's words, but nodded.

"Yes." Amanda replied. "That's me."

"Why did you save me back there?" Bohman inquired. "It doesn't seem like you at all."

"Because you have the other 4 Ignis inside of you." Amanda replied. "And I need them for my own Super Ignis project."

"Other 4?" Bohman repeated. "I have 5 Ignis."

"No, you do not. You have 4." Amanda corrected him. "The Earth Ignis you have is nothing but a small fraction of the actual Earth Ignis. I have the Earth Ignis inside of my personal data bank."

"Oh. So that's why something felt off." Bohman muttered.

"Correct." Amanda confirmed. "Now, time to extract the other 4 Ignis from you."

"Why?" Bohman inquired as Amanda prepared her tools. She stopped and glanced back at Bohman.

"So I can complete my Super Ignis." Amanda told him.

"Hoh?" Bohman wondered aloud as Amanda got her extraction tool into place on Bohman's left shoulder.

"This won't hurt. I think." Amanda told him. Bohman watched her intently as she did her work. Suddenly, she gasped and stepped back. Memories of the Wind Ignis and Light Ignis flowing into her head.


"How odd. Where are the others?" Windy wondered as he entered the empty conference-like room.

"Ah, so you arrived." Windy looked up to see the Light Ignis, Lightning floating down to him.

"Where are Aqua, Flame, and Earth?" Windy demanded.

"Who knows." Lightning retorted. "Must be late to the meeting I called. Ah well. We can start without them." Both Ignis stood across from each other.

"What's this meeting about?" Windy asked.

"It's about our future with the humans." Lightning told Windy. "After Hanoi's attack on our World, we've had several discussions regarding what we should do. Should we give humans a chance? Or should we fight back? This meeting is to determine your vote on the matter."

"I've told you I'm still not sure." Windy admitted. "But if you want my definite answer, then it's this: No. I will not fight against the humans. Doing so would make us as bad as them. Now, if that is all you have to say, then I must be leaving." He was about to do so, but…

"...You dare disagree with me, Windy?" Lightning spoke dangerously low. Windy turned around to face Lightning and scowled.

"Of course I do!" Windy snapped. "Attacking back is logical, true. But it's as I said. If we strike back, then they'll see us how they want us to be viewed: Enemies to humanity! I don't want that! And either do Aqua and Flame! Earth is still undecided, but me, Flame and Aqua will convince him!"

"That's enough!" Lightning growled. "To me, you're nothing but trash!" He swipes his right arm from left to right; thus 5 virtual cards appeared in front of him. "Time to make you see things MY way!"

"If that's how you want to be, fine!" Windy shot back as he followed what Lightning did. "I'll blow you away!"


Despite Windy's best efforts, Lightning proved to be too strong for him and he was defeated. Afterwards, Lightning floated down to Windy, his arms crossed.

"How disappointing." Lightning remarked. "Oh well. Your dueling skills will be of use to me." A dark blue bubble encased the Wind Ignis, who began to pound on the bubble.

"You won't get away with this Lightning!" Windy vowed. "Flame, Aqua, and Earth will stop you!"

"I seriously doubt that." Lightning spoke as he began to turn Windy into data via the bubble encasing said Ignis. "You should have fled to your Origin instead of falling into my trap."

"NOOOOOOOOOO!" Windy screamed as the last of his data vanished.

Lightning then brought the encased data to his virtual lab and remade Windy. The Wind Ignis's eyes were no longer purple, but red. Windy released a dark laugh, while Lightning's yellow formed a dark smile.

Flashback end

"What the hell…?!" Amanda groaned, her light blue eyes wide.

"So you must have seen Windy's memories." Bohman remarked; thus snapping Amanda out of her thoughts.

"Yes I did." Amanda confirmed with a deep frown. "I was told by Lightning that I was the reason the Wind Ignis's Origin's parents died."

"That is partially true." Bohman spoke. "What actually happened was that you pulled the trigger on an event pre-setup by Lightning.

"So then…..I just did his dirty work….." Amanda spoke softly.

"It would appear that way." Bohman spoke. Amanda put her hands into her face; tears shimmering through her eyes. Bohman watched, unsure what to think of the sight before him.

She's done awful things, but even she has remorse. Bohman thought. I may be an AI created by Lightning, but I wanted to understand humans. Before Bohman could say anything, Amanda left her personal lab; leaving Bohman sitting in the capsule. He shrugged, then went into a hibernative state.

Amanda ran into her apartment and slammed the door behind her; her breathing was shallow and fast.

I must give myself the chance to apologize to all the kids that were a part of that project. Amanda thought as she prepared herself to go to sleep. Especially my son….. She soon thereafter went to her bed and began to sleep; thinking about the past as she slowly began to fall asleep.

In an unknown location, the 3 Kings watched Amanda via a hacked camera in her apartment.

"It's our perfect chance to strike at the company." One of the male Kings noted.

"Agreed." The other male King added. "With there CEO asleep, it'll be easy pickings at SOL's stocks."

"You 2 can handle that." The female King remarked. "I'll make sure SOL's CEO is out of commission….permanently…" She pressed a few buttons on a control panel on her wrist; thus she and Amanda were automatically logged into VRAINS.

Amanda blinked several times and opened her groggy eyes.

"Ugh…. Where am I?" She wondered.

"You're in VRAINS." A female voice rang out as the silhoutted figure approached. Amanda's light blue eyes adjusted to white light surrounding them.

"An empty server by the looks of it." Amanda spoke.

"Correct." The silhoutted female confirmed. "This is a server personally made by me so that no one can interfere with our business." Amanda's eyes widened as the voice became more clearer.

"Y-You're….!" Amanda stammered.

"Yes, I am." The female silhouette confirmed. "And I can assure you that you'll wish you had handed SOL over to us when you had the chance. Oh well. Taking it from you is much more fun anyway."

"Tch…! As the CEO of SOL Technologies, I won't stand for hostile takeovers!" Amanda declared as she activated her duel disk.

"Hoh? So you want to duel me?" The silhoutted female inquired before chuckling. "So be it." She then activated her duel disk.


Amanda went first and Summoned powerful monster after the other, eventually stopping at Condemned Darklord, Morningstar, Darklord of the First Sin, and Darklord Satanael.

"I set 2 cards and end my turn." Amanda concluded as her LP rose to an ? amount. (Higher than 4000 for certain.) "Your turn."

"How fascinating." The female silhouette observed. "I see you changed Decks from that Chessboard Avatar Deck to a Darklord Deck." She shrugged. "Ultimately, I don't care what Deck you have, Amanda Fujiki-CEO of SOL Technologies. You're still nothing but an insect in my eyes. Draw!"

The silhouetted woman observed her hand and sighed.

"All too easy. I Summon Creation Legend Chastity to my field." The silhoutted female spoke. A divine-looking fairy appeared onto her field. Suddenly, all 3 of Amanda's monsters vanished.

"No!" Amanda grit her teeth. Suddenly, 3 more monsters appeared onto the silhoutted female's field. "She's not explaining what her cards are doing! Plus I can't look at them because there's no data on them!"

"A pitiful human such as you doesn't need to know such trivial matters." The silhoutted female told Amanda coldly. "You aren't even a challenge. Makes me wonder how Juliette Kogami lost to you." She shrugged. "Oh well. Your time has come."

All 4 monsters attacked Amanda directly; thus defeating her in an instant. The silhoutted female approached Amanda and lifted her up off the ground.

"Wh-What are you doing?!" Amanda demanded, fear in her eyes.

"Taking your code key card." The silhoutted female retorted. "I just need a second." She ripped the necklace that was around Amanda's neck and pocketed it. She then threw Amanda to the ground with such force that her right arm came off. Amanda howled in pain. "This may be the virtual world, but an injury like that will surely have your real world right arm dislocated at the least. Now I leave." And with that, she logged out. Amanda lifted her left hand up and pressed the log out button on her duel disk.

Several hours later….

"Still nothing." Akira frowned deeply as he pocketed his cell phone and observed the employees of SOL work. "This isn't like Mrs. Fujiki at all to not be at work." He paused, then pulled out his cell phone again and called a number he was surprised was still around. "Hello? Mrs. Kogami, yes, hi. I'm calling in regards to my boss." He listened to Juliette talk on the other end. His eyes soon widened in shock when he heard Juliette say that Amanda was in the hospital. "What?! I'm dropping everything and going over there!" He heard Juliette protests, but he didn't listen as he hung up and ran out of SOL and towards Den City's hospital.

I know Mrs. Fujiki was a bit crazy at times, but even someone like her doesn't deserve this! Despite what she has done in the past! Akira thought as he continued to run.

0713MM: And here it is! My start to my version of VRAINS's Season 3! Now I know Amanda Fujiki was a psycho about half the fic ago. But her being a stressful parent could be the reason she a bit psycho. After all, she shipped her own son off to the Hanoi Project. I also know that people may not be a fan of her regretting her actions. Regardless, her remorse will be explained more in the coming chapters. Now remember when I said that I'll be getting the 3 Kings involved unlike the anime did? Well if I haven't, I am now! The 3 Kings are (if it wasn't obvious right from the first chapter for my version of VRAINS's Season 3) that these 3 Kings will be the main antagonists. As for who the 3 Kings are in terms of character identity, like I said regarding Amana Fujiki's remorse, those will be revealed in the coming chapters.