Mending Hearts

She had sworn to never set foot in Chicago again.

There were just too many memories, too much pain. The beauty of the city was more of a reminder of what could have been.

But as she sat on a small bar stool at the airport, her mind instantly drifting to the familiarity of Molly's she just couldn't shake off this feeling of nostalgia.

"Something on your mind?" The man behind the bar who was cleaning a glass asked. Sarah sighed.

"A lot of things, but none I want to bore you with." She told him and the older man smiled.

"Trust me lady, you're not the first person to say that to me. I work in an airport's bar. I've seen it all. Sometimes it feels like I might have earned myself a psychology degree or something."

Sarah chuckled to herself. "See? That's better." The man continued as Sarah took a sip of her drink and focused back on the paper she had to hand in as soon as she landed back in Texas.

"What can I get you buddy?" Burke, the bartender said to someone who Sarah had not seen, her fingers were tapping on the tablet she was holding.

"A beer." The hairs on Sarah's neck stood as she heard his voice. She'd recognize it anywhere.

"Reese?" He spotted her before she did.

"Dr. Rhodes." She turned on her stool. Connor gave her a small smile.

"What are the chances huh?", he grabbed his beer and slid onto the seat next to Sarah as if they were old friends. "Haven't seen you in, well a while. You are at Baylor, right?" Sarah nodded. "Yeah, Dr. Charles mentioned it. How's that going?"

Reese shrugged. "It's like trying to ride your bike again after awhile, but I don't have as many distractions as I used to have at Med, so it's good."

"Ah." Connor mused. "I know what you mean." He looked away from her and took another sip of his drink. "That's one of the main reasons I left Chicago the first time around, this place. It's just too much for me sometimes."

Sarah could relate. She knew her father was locked up somewhere in the city. Her friends, if she could call them that, were here too. Ethan and Will checked on her from time to time and Dr. Charles tried to, even though after a while he had stopped on her insistence because she had asked him for time.

She hoped there would be a time when she'd be able to face her former mentor, but for now, there was too much water under the bridge. She was happy in Texas, it was a nice change, she certainly didn't miss the cold or the wind or the baggage.

"Hey Sarah?" Dr. Rhodes spoke slowly. "I'm really sorry about everything that happened with your Dad."

Reese blinked. When she had left, everyone had already known the truth about Robert and they would look at her like, well she hadn't even had time to register just how many glances or pity stares she could gather because she had left on her first day back.

"Thank you." She said with a small smile.

Connor kept looking at her and she felt like blushing. "God, if I had known..."

"He was your patient Dr. Rhodes, no one really knew what my father was capable of at first. Not even I was able to see it and I'm meant to be making a living out of reading people."

"Still. I never knew just how much had happened between you two and Dr. Charles and I feel like I should have done something when my gut first told me something was up.

"What do you mean?" She inquired.

"I saw the two of you...uh, the night of the transplant. I heard the way he spoke to you..."Sarah's heart skipped a beat much to her surprise. "And I did nothing. I should have asked you or talked to you about it."

"Why?" She said in a small voice. "You were treating my father. You were doing your job."

"Still. I should have reached out to you in some way." Connor huffed. "I'm kind of an expert on crappy fathers anyway." Sarah remembered Cornelius Rhodes and he seemed like your typical narcissistic businessman and crappy parent. Forever disapproving of his child's decisions. Sarah could hardly believe a man like that could have raised someone like Connor Rhodes.

"And as it turns out, I'm more like my father than I thought."

"I find that hard to believe." Sarah raised an eyebrow at him. "You are a good man Dr. Rhodes, you go above and beyond for those you care about and for your patients. I don't for one second believe you be anything like your father."

"That's called blind fate Reese." He said bitterly. "But thanks."

"No, it's a fact, I've seen you." She said bluntly. Neither of them had realised their hands were almost too close together but Sarah pulled hers away when she noticed. "You are the kind of doctor I aspire to be someday, don't forget I was there, what you did for Robin. I thought that was admirable."

Connor laughed bitterly. "Yeah, that's one way to put it, but as she said, the only thing I wanted was to fix her, fix whatever was wrong with her because apparently that's what I do. I try to fix everyone's else's lives but my own."

"Dr. Rhodes..."

"Connor. You can call me Connor, Sarah, I'm not your superior anymore." He bit the inside of his cheek in thought, hoping he hadn't said something wrong because Sarah remained quiet.

Connor, uh, Dr. Rhodes, had always been nice to her, kind too and had helped her when she had needed it but she had to put her foot down and not cross the line of prying into his personal life, but she did look at his ticket, next to the passport he had laid out beside it. "What's in Mexico?" She found herself asking trying to shift the conversation.

"A job offer." He replied. "An old friend of mine from college, wants me to come on board on a project."

"Oh." Sarah said. Connor smiled.

"I'm just checking it out, even if the pay isn't very good, it certainly beats me staying in Chicago." He said, leaning into the counter a bit more and taking another sip of his beer.

It had been six months since Sarah had set foot in the Windy City, but she did know he had had managed to get his hybrid OR. It had been all over the news.

"The OR wasn't what you expected?" Sarah inquired. "I thought it was genius." He sighed.

"So did I. "He admitted sadly. "But I couldn't stand being a bargaining chip between people." Sarah arched an eyebrow. "Let's just say Dr. Bekker seemed a better option to manage it than me. All that corporate life, it's what I wanted to get away from when I left. It's who people want to make me to be but not who I want to turn into. Does that make sense?"

"More than you know." Sarah said in almost a whisper as a voice came over the intercom and called for her flight.

"I've got it." He told her as she was about to lay down money on the counter. "It was nice to see you Reese. Are you coming back for Natalie and Will's wedding?"

Sarah blinked. Yes, Will had insisted she'd come. "I am." She responded grabbing her bag as Connor jumped off the stool and followed her along getting the other suitcase.

"I'll see you there then." He told her with a smile. "Have a safe flight Sarah."

"You too, uh. Connor." She paused before calling him Dr. Rhodes again. "Good luck in Mexico. I hope you find what you are looking for."

"Thanks." He said with a nod, handing her the handle for her carry on. "You too."

She gave him a brief smile and turned in the direction of her impending flight, not noticing that Connor had kept his eyes on her until she was gone.

For the second time around, Sarah found herself back in Chicago. June seemed like a good month for the wedding and she was glad Will and Natalie had finally made up their minds about a date. She knew those two loved each other, but with Will losing his Dad the previous year, it had been touch and go.

She made it to her hotel the night before the wedding, it was Friday and at the age of 28, Sarah figured she could go down to the bar and mingle, but it just wasn't like her to socialise with others like that. Instead, she settled with a rom com and room service and made a mental note of her schedule for the next day as she was meant to meet Natalie at the venue where they would get ready.

It was strange really, being alone in the city again. She knew she would have to keep coming because of her father's impending trial in which she played a vital key to locking him up for good, which was a little bit ironic really, and it seemed the universe had a wicked sense of humor when it came to Sarah Reese.

Nothing about her life had been normal, her father leaving and her mother drowning in work. Going to Med School and then dropping out of Pathology to be in Dr. Charles's rotation.

Dr. Charles.

He was going to be called in for the proceedings as well and she would have to see him at the wedding too.

She figured it was better just to get it over with and rip it off like a band aid.

Morning came, she got her clothes ready, had some coffee and got a Lyft over to where she was meant to go. She sat in the back of the car, following the driver's direction with her app and thought of how strange it would be to see her friends, her teachers, her mentor at a social event like this.

Without glass doors or work. Honestly, she had almost declined to come but Will had insisted and he'd always been there for her one way or another so she felt like she owed it to him to try and be a normal person for once.

Be happy for him and enjoy herself.

It took her about 40 minutes to get to the place. It was in the outside of the city.

She got out taking a deep breath as April Sexton spotted her first.

"Sarah! You made it." The young nurse said with a smile. "Come on. Nat's already inside."

April talked to her like they were old friends, and in a sense, they were.

Sort of.

Natalie had already done the wedding thing. Wore the white dress and stood before the priest, but it had meant so much to Will to do the whole thing.

Sarah then thought that if she were ever to get married, she'd wanted it to be simple and not over the top.

"Sarah." Natalie met her with a wide smile as she hugged her. "How are you?"

"I feel like I should be asking you that." Sarah admitted.

"I'm good. A little nervous."

"That's understandable." Reese told her with a shy smile as someone else walked through the door of the huge room in the back of what looked to Sarah like a summer house of some sort.

"How are we doing?" Sarah turned around to meet Claire Rhodes who stood in all her managing glory. "We are right on schedule so don't you worry."

"Oh Claire. You remember Sarah Reese?"

Claire smiled. "Of course, Sarah, how are you?"

Reese smiled as Claire turned her attention back to the bride. "Right. I'm going to go check on the boys. Are you okay here? Sarah, why don't you go over there so Sebastian can help you once you've changed?"

"It's okay. He's great." April said grinning "Honestly it feels like being on a movie set or something. Come on, I'll show you."

About half an hour later, Sarah found herself following April, Monique and other girls down to a van which would be driving them to the church. That's where Sarah saw Maggie.

"Oh, look at you." She beamed at Natalie. "Halstead is so lucky."

"That's what I keep telling him." Nat laughed as she hugged her friend.

"Reese. I hope you are here to tell me you are moving back and didn't just come because of the good wine and dancing." Maggie piped up at Sarah who blushed. "How are you honey?"

"I'm good thank you Maggie." Sarah smiled.

Maybe it wasn't so bad to be here after all.

"Stop jittering man." Jay told his brother as he adjusted the tie he was wearing. One he'd bought himself for the occasion.

Will huffed. "I'm not…"

"Yeah, you are." His brother retorted. "You are getting married already."

"She could still bolt…"

"Why would she? You two are too much alike and yet so different, I'm sure you'll be bickering until you are both of old age." Jay said. "There, I'm done."

"Why don't you ask the expert?" Will said spotting Connor who had just come into the small back room.

"Ask me what?"

"He's freaking out." Jay piped up. "His tie is fine, right?"

"It is." Connor said.

"Right, big help Connor." Will said rolling his eyes. "No, sorry I'm just..."

"It would be weird if you weren't nervous." Connor commented. "Relax though."

"Really? Will remarked. "How many times have you gotten married?"

Ethan came in a moment later to let them know the girls had arrived. "Are we ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be."

The ceremony went smoothly. It had its aw moments like when Owen walked before his Mom to stand next to Will at the altar and Jay picked the little boy up so he could get a better look at Natalie as she came in.

Sarah was never big on weddings but she couldn't deny being happy for Will and Natalie. Those two had been through so much and come out triumphant in the end. Reese then spotted Connor in the crowd, standing beside Ms. Goodwin.

Dr. Bekker was nowhere in sight. She hadn't meant to stare but it wasn't like she could ignore the fact Connor looked dashing in a black suit and crisp white shirt and black tie. He'd trim the beard she'd seen him wear a few months back.

He gave her a slight nod when he'd noticed her looking over. Sarah had to look away though.

April shot her a glance as soon as she saw her but Sarah focused back on clapping and cheering for her friends as soon as the priest said Will could kiss Natalie.

"Ladies and gents." Jay Halstead called as the guests gathered around the enormous space at the reception. "For the very first time and after a long time coming…" He said with a smirk. "Will and Natalie!"

People cheered when Will leaned to kiss Natalie as she held onto Owen's hand.

"Reese. You made it." Will said as he came to meet her. She was sitting with Maggie and a couple of the other nurses."

"It was a beautiful ceremony." She commented with a smile. "Thank you for inviting me."

"Of course. You are family." He beamed as someone called over. "I'll see you?"

"Yeah, for sure." Sarah said. "Congratulations again."

"Thanks Sarah. Have a good time, yeah?"

And she tried to. She ate the delicious food and listened attentively to the people she was sitting with.

"So, I heard Ms. Goodwin tried to offer Dr. Rhodes his job back." Monique was saying.


"Yeah. She told him he owed her for getting him the Hybrid OR."

"Well, his father did pay for it."

"You don't know that."

"Oh please. That man has been trying to buy Dr. Rhodes forever. People like him just don't take no for an answer." Lucy replied.

Sarah had tried not to listen in when the topic turned to them gossiping about Dr. Rhodes, uh, Connor. "You think Dr. Bekker will leave?"

"She will if Rhodes comes back. I mean talk about awkward."

"Well, it wasn't like they were really together in the first place. Although if I had a man like Connor Rhodes, I'd never let him go."

"Yeah but I mean, like they are not together anymore and still having to be partners in running the OR. Which technically belongs to Dr. Rhodes."

"That's all gossip. That his father was one of the heaviest investors."

"Rumors or not he has to have something to do with it or Rhodes wouldn't have left."

Sarah sighed. Well, at least they weren't talking about her and her serial killer father.

She turned around on her seat as everyone was finishing with their food and Will and Natalie took center stage on the dance floor.

They looked so in love. Sarah hoped to have that someday although with her track record, she doubted it. She laughed when Owen came over to them and insisted it was his turn to dance with Dr. Manning. Or was it Halstead now? That would be confusing. Will smiled and picked the little boy up so they could all dance together and then left Owen in his mother's arms as he danced with Natalie's Mom.

Sarah noticed then that Connor was making his way over to her table. All the women around her went into deadpanned mode when he arrived. "Ladies…" He turned his attention to Sarah of all people. "You dance Reese?"

Sarah could have laughed at Doris's shocked face it she wasn't quite surprised herself.

"Ah, I'm not really good." She admitted.

"No worries. I am. I can lead." He beamed at her, his hand still out for her to take.

She took it. For the first time, she came in contact with his hand and it made her heart skip a beat. He led her to the center of the dance floor where people were gathering around, meeting Maggie's eyes as she went.

"Don't look so scared Sarah. It's just a dance." He told her, low enough only for her to hear.

"I… I am not..." She babbled but Connor only laughed and pulled her close. Sarah felt the impending need to lean her head in against him.

"Something on your mind Reese?" He asked suddenly making her look up and into those blue eyes.

"I heard Ms. Goodwin offered you your job back. Does that mean Mexico is a no go?" She dared asking.

"Ah, news travel fast at Med. I forgot." Connor mused. "Haven't decided yet. Mexico is a good outlet though."

"It is if you are trying to run away." Sarah said and she felt Connor's gaze on her. "Sorry. I didn't mean…."

"No. You are right, that's what I'm doing." He admitted. "And how about you Sarah?"

"What about me?"

"Have you talked to Dr. Charles?"

Sarah turned her face away from him as they continued to move slowly. "No. Today is about Will and Natalie. Whatever issues I may have can wait…"

"You really believe that?" Connor inquired as the song began to slow down.

"Oh Sarah." A voice said behind them. Noah Sexton stood there with his face a little surprised when he realised who Reese was dancing with. "Sorry… I was wondering if maybe you wanted to dance?"

Sarah glanced at Connor and then at Noah. "Sure." She pulled away from Connor as he let out a sigh. "Thanks for the dance."

"Anytime." Connor almost whispered, unsure if she had heard him.

She didn't see him much after that.

"Thanks again for offering this place up Connor." Natalie said to him as Connor sat at the open bar island and she slid beside him.

"No problem." He smiled at her. "I haven't told you how beautiful you look by the way."

"Thank you." She said sweetly. "So, are the rumors true? About you coming back to Med?"

Connor sighed. "You sound like Reese."

Natalie raised an eyebrow at him but brushed it off. "Nothing's decided yet."

"Well, Will said he'll still owe you for the venue. I think he's going to be a little disappointed if we lose you to Mexico." Natalie said.

"Wouldn't be the first time." Connor mumbled into his drink. "And I told Will to consider it a wedding gift."

"Do you really believe he'll just leave it like that? You know him better than that Connor."

"Sadly, I do." Connor sighed "I'll work something out with my sister, don't worry."

"Thank you." Natalie smiled. "You and Claire. I don't know how she did it."

"It's kind of her thing. She lives for it. Don't worry about it." Connor said. "You should go. Uh, enjoy yourself." He added when Maggie and April called for her. "Congratulations again."

Natalie kissed his cheek and joined her friends back in the dance floor as Connor took another sip of his drink.

Sarah found herself searching for Connor in the crowd, she didn't know why but something told her their conversation wasn't over.

"Dr. Reese. Sarah." Daniel Charles stood beside her. "How have you been?"

"Really? Small talk?" Her temper began to flare up.

"I need to try something." Daniel said with a small smile.

"Why didn't you try harder?" Sarah said all of the sudden. "When I shot you down? Why didn't you say something else to try and get me to talk to you?"

Dr. Charles blinked. "I thought you didn't want me to. I was trying to give you some space Sarah."

"Right." She huffed. "Because that's what I needed."

"Seemed so."

"Well, maybe you were wrong." Sarah said. "Maybe I needed you to convince me not to leave Chicago and move across the country."

"Sarah…" Daniel tried to no avail to talk to her but she knew this wasn't the time or the place for her to make a scene or have an argument with the man.

Today was about Will and Natalie, not her issues.

"Everything okay?" A voice said beside Sarah.

Connor stood there glancing at the two of them.

"It's fine." She said, walking away. Connor then turned to Dr. Charles.

"How much of that did you hear?" Daniel asked, he wasn't going to pretend Connor had just arrived.

"Enough. You just need to give her a little time."

"How's 8 months?" Dr. Charles said bitterly. "I know I should have done something more for her but maybe I was too immersed in my own battle with Robert Haywood to even notice". Connor looked at him confused. "Never mind."

"Reese?" Sarah had been looking at her phone for the last 20 minutes, because she didn't want to leave too early and seem rude but she was avoiding Dr. Charles now, and in a way, Connor too. "You okay?" It was Will. He had already got rid of his suit jacket and seemed a little out of breath.

"Maybe I should be the one asking you that." Sarah said as Will took a seat beside her.

"Oh, I'm fine. Just taking a little break." He took a sip of the drink he was holding in his hand. "The question is. Are you?"

"Why wouldn't I be?"

"Because of Dr. Charles. I know you guys didn't end it on a good note when you left." Will said. "Maybe we shouldn't have invited him in the first place?"

"It's your day, you can invite whoever you want. Maybe I'm the one that shouldn't be here."

Will looked at her. "No, what? Reese, you'll always be family, to me and Natalie, we take care of each other remember?"

Sarah sighed, biting her lip. The last thing she wanted was to bring Will down on his wedding Day.

"I'm sorry Will, I didn't mean…"

"No, hey it's okay, but If there's one thing that I've learned this year is that, we can't leave things unsaid Sarah, I mean, everything that happened with your father was horrible but he's getting what he deserves. You and Dr. Charles, that's a whole different story and it's just going to take you two to figure that one out." He paused. "Just don't take too long."

He offered her a light smile and drank the rest of his water. "I should get back out there, you want to come?"

She looked over to the dance floor, Natalie was dancing with Connor while he held Owen on his shoulders.

Sarah bit her lip. "Come on Reese. For me?"

She nodded and took his hand. They met up with the others in the middle of the room. Sarah noticing how Connor made Owen smile as they danced.

"Hey, come here husband…" Natalie smiled as she took Will's hand. Connor then handed the little boy to Halstead and they danced together.

Sarah was left beside Connor once more. "Can I tempt you with a drink Reese?" He said smiling at her. Sarah's mind instantly drifting to that morning at the hospital when he'd bought her lunch. There was just something at about that smile.

She stepped away and he followed her close, the two of them sliding into a booth.


"For the record, I wasn't running away." Sarah said after a few moments, Connor glanced at her a little taken aback by her harsh tone. "I just, I needed some time."

He nodded. "I'm not accusing you of anything Sarah, all of us, we choose to handle situations in different ways." He hung his head in thought and Sarah laid out the choices in front of her.

Dr. Rhodes wasn't one to be alone, she was sure he had more than enough women swooning after him, in fact when she had left, he was in an on and off fling with Ava Bekker.

Doris had called it awkward, because perhaps they had broken up. She wondered why though? Had he willingly given the OR to Ava or was there more to it?

"Care to dance again Dr. Reese?" Connor suddenly spoke, pulling her out of her reeling mind.

Sarah bit her lip. "No, thanks, I'm good."

He nodded but didn't move. "I'll keep you company then."

"You don't have to." She put in rather quickly. "Really, just…"

Connor looked at her. "I want to." He replied much to her surprise. Sarah nodded her head but turned away and took a sip of her drink.

They sat there for a little while longer, just staring at people. "For what is worth Sarah, I really am sorry about what happened last year."

Sarah blinked. "You've said that already."

"Well, I mean it. I should have been a better teacher to you. A better friend."

Sarah didn't move. Since when were she and Connor Rhodes friends?

He walked her over to get a ride after the party, she hadn't dared to have more than a couple drinks since she didn't trust her actions if she mixed alcohol but she figured Connor was quite an expert on handling himself in these kinds of events because he didn't seem a bit tipsy and she'd noticed he had drank a little more than her.

"You really didn't have to walk me over." Sarah said taking a look at her phone.

"Hey, I might have been raised by Cornelius Rhodes, but my mother taught me manners." Sarah had to smile. She had never heard him mention his mother before. "You know? Drama aside. I had a really nice time." He added after a long silence had settled in between them.

"Even with me?"

"Of course. You don't give yourself enough credit Sarah."

She blushed. "Maybe I should start to work on that, huh?"

"You're way ahead. Just trust your gut." He smiled. "That usually works."

"Usually?" She piped up. "I've seen you Connor, it always seems to work out well for you."

"Not always." He huffed. "But most of the time."

"Am I missing something here?" She asked.

"That's a story for another day Reese." He replied as he got the door for her, Sarah had been so caught up in the conversation that she hadn't realised her ride had arrived.

"Be safe Sarah. I hope I see you around." He told her, closing the door. He held his hand up until she had disappeared from view.

Will came to stand beside him. Connor honestly thought he'd be pretty drunk by now, but he kept his ground, plus he realised he was holding a sleeping Owen in his arms.

"Was that Sarah?" Will asked, rocking Owen slowly as the boy laid his head against Will's shoulder.

"Yep." Connor said simply. "Did you know she's going to be coming back to Chicago soon?"

"Oh yeah, we all have to testify against Robert Haywood, including Sarah." Will said sombrely.

"Right." Connor sighed. He was meant to as well as his doctor. "Man, my Dad is a jerk but I can only imagine what she's going through."

Will gave him a small smile. "If I tell you something, do you promise not to punch me in the face?"

Connor smiled. "It's not like I could, you have your hands rather occupied." He gestured at Owen. "But shoot."

"You and Sarah, I always felt like you got each other, you know?" Will admitted.

"Why, because of crappy parents?"

"Well, not exactly. I mean, there was this dance between you guys early on. Much like me and Nat but, uh, she was married and..." Will rambled.

"And now you are the one married to her."

"Not my point but yeah, I feel like there could have been something there, with the two of you."

"Really?" Connor laughed. "Me and Reese?"

"Why not?" Will put in. "She'd be good for you."

"I'm not exactly good at relationships, in case you haven't noticed, my last two girlfriends moved away and Ava…"

"What about her?"

"Ah, nothing man, Why am I even telling you this, it's your wedding day, you should be happy."

"I am happy. but I'm worried about Reese and about you"


"Yeah, I mean I know our relationship hasn't always been the friendliest one, but…" Connor smiled.

"It's okay Will really."

"I'm still paying you back for the whole thing." Will retorted trying to switch of the conversation.

"Fine, do that. but, do me a favor? Write it off as a check. If I'm not going back to Mexico, at least I want to do something for them. God knows people there have helped me through some hard times."

"Right, wait does that mean you are staying in Chicago?" Connor only nodded, patting Will on the shoulder and walked away.

"Maybe I will." Connor called. "Congratulations again, Halstead, I'll see you around yeah?"

Will grinned as he walked back inside to wait for Natalie.

My Rheese heart was on a high when Sarah left so, I wrote this. What did you think. I own nothing.