I finally updated!!  I hope you like it!

Her Favorite Color- chapter 11

Finding Home

            I held the coffee tight within my cold hands.  Mia and Alyssa sat across from me, but at the moment we sat in silence.  Tai and I had returned to the bookstore about ten minutes before, and he was quickly bombarded with fans and reporters.  I watched him from afar as he signed autographs and politely took pictures with fans.  I wonder what Matt would think he if knew about Tai's newfound fame?

            I couldn't help but smile as teenage girls tried to control themselves around him.  I was practically in shock as one girl began to cry after getting her picture with him.  Tai always had a way with the ladies. 

            "So…how's it feel to be dating a famous author and a rock star?" asked Mia suddenly.

            "A rock star?  No… I've dated a rock star.  This…this is better then any song, or any book for that matter, could ever describe."


            After things settled down at the bookstore, Tai and his two band mates, Charlie and Jordan, joined us at our table.  It only took a few moments of awkward silence between us before Alyssa and Mia had grabbed one and separated from us to talk at separate tables.  I must say I was grateful for this alone time with Tai, especially since Mia and Charlie had been talking about the weird shoe sizes from around the world.  I'm happy, though, that she found somebody who could find this just as interesting and comical as she does.

            Tai and I talked about petty things, or sometimes nothing at all for a while.  It just felt so good to be close and together again that words were not necessary.  Then Tai asked me a question that I'm sure he had wanted to ask me since he found me in the park.

            "Do you think that they've missed me?"

            "I'm sure they have.  It's been quite a while since you left…but I've been gone for just as long.  I don't think that they've forgotten us.  Have you forgotten them?"

            "Never.  I think about them all everyday.  I hate myself for leaving… but I hate myself even more for not coming back."

            "Don't bet yourself up over it Tai.  I don't think they understood why you left as much as I did.  The only people who understand are Kari, Matt, and myself."


            "Yeah…I know it may be hard to believe, but Matt was the one who made me realize that I had loved you so much, and didn't even know it.  It was because of him that I've been looking for you all these years."

            "Wow…I would have never thought…"

Soon after we said our goodbyes to the others, after making sure that Charlie and Jordan could get my friends back to our flat, Tai and I left for his.


            "You have the most amazing place I've ever been in, Tai."

            "It's not that great…"

            "Are you kidding me?!  Although I don't quite understand…"

            Tai's flat was not what I had expected at all.  I imagined bare walls with a few picture frames, maybe.  I had imagined plain couches and boring everything else.  Not that I'm calling tai boring, but he was always out, be it playing soccer, working, or just escaping from his house in general.  He was never home much and I didn't think that he would need anything but a bed and refrigerator.  But what I found was completely the opposite.

            Paintings and photographs covered almost every inch of the walls.  The colors were so intense and beautiful that I felt like I was in a dream.  No inch of his flat was dull or void of any color, except for the unpainted canvases that laid in what I expected to be his "Creative Room". 

            "You did all of this yourself?"  I asked as I looked around the kitchen at the appliances.  Even they were brightly colored.  I especially liked the red toaster.

            "Do you play soccer at all anymore, or are you to bust being artsy?"

            "No, I still play soccer.  I play with a bunch of guys twice a week.  I could never give that up… Why, do you not like the new Tai?"

            I wrapped my arms around him and nestled my head in the nape of his neck.  "I love this Tai.  I would any kind of Tai.  Except the drug dealer one.  I think I'd have a problem with him."

            I laughed as Tai lifted me and spun me around his kitchen.  We began to slowly dance to the album that Tai and his band recorded.  I hardly paid any attention to the lyrics because I began to feel lightheaded dancing with him.  I breathed his sent and it drove me crazy.  I blushed suddenly as I felt a new feeling inside stir inside of me.  I wanted and needed Tai in a completely new way that I had never experienced.  I knew that I wouldn't be able to control the feeling anymore as I began to kiss and suck at his neck.  As he pulled me closer to his body a sigh escaped his lips and I knew he felt the same way.  Tai captured my lips in a passionate kiss and everything disappeared around me.  I was barley aware as Tai lifted me up and carried me into his bedroom, never ending the kiss.  The last thing I remembered before being consumed in fervent love was hearing a line from one of Tai's songs.

'I stared to ache when I started to think of you.  Wondering how long it would take before I step into something new…'

And even though I was miles away from Odabia that night, I finally felt home.


"Do you think they read my book, Sora?"

"I dunno…Kari did, Mimi maybe."

"Do you think Mimi cried when she did?"

"I dunno Tai…"

"You think Matt's listened to my CD?"


"Do you think he's jealous?"

"Maybe Tai…"

"You think-"

"We'll find all that out in about a millisecond, okay Tai?"

            We were standing out side Matt's apartment.  We were back in Japan.  All the digidestined where there for Kari's birthday.  She turns twenty today.  It's been six years since either of us had seen nay of them, and we were both really nervous.  Matt was the only one who we had contacted.  We wanted it to be a surprise.  I really hope that nobody has a heart attack and dies… I wonder if they'll even be that excited?  Okay, stop it Sora, you sound like Tai.  The door slowly creaked open to reveal Matt's face.

"Shit! It's so great to see you guys!"

            I was all shaky as I hugged Matt.  He had been such a great friend throughout this entire ordeal, and I was extremely happy to see him.  He placed  a hand on Tai's shoulder before pulling him into a hug as well. 

"We missed you so fucking much man, it sucked, you have no idea…"

"Yes I do.  It sucks a lot more to miss ten people then it does to miss one."  I couldn't help but smile as I watched them.  You knew that everything was perfect when those two were hugging and happy to see each other instead of trying to kill each other.  Tai and Matt shared a friendship that was not unlike the ones we share with our Digimon.  Uncertain and awkward at first, but eventually grew into one that was full of respect and trust.  I knew that Matt was only being himself when he told me to go after Tai.  He had done that from the friendship that he held for both of us.  I just love it when I see the crests come out in the virtues of my friends.

"Who's at the door Matt?"  This I recognized at Kari's voice.  I looked to Tai. The expression on his face was incredible.  Out of all the people he left behind, I knew he would be the happiest to see hi little sister again.

"Just some more friends I invited…"

Tai and I followed Matt into his living room to the others.  Seeing them again was like a breath of fresh air.

"Oh my fucking god…" Davis.  I wonder what he'll think of his mentor now.

The rest of the day past by much to quickly for Tai and I.  Half of the time I couldn't believe that we were actually home, it all just seemed like the hundreds of dreams I had about this before. 

After a while I found myself alone in the kitchen, just wanting to watch all of us together for the first time in six years.  It felt so good that I don't think I find it hard to explain even to this day.  In those six years I experienced everything and anything that I could have ever wished for.  I find it very hard to believe that I'm actually Sora Takenouchi, and not some random girl stuck in her body.  I saved the world numerous times, traveled the world in search of the love that I thought was only true in fairy tales and movies.  I found that love, came back home and stared a life with him.  I have friends that are unlike any others, ones that have always been there for me, even when I didn't think I needed it. 

It may rain in London everyday, but it never rains when you've got love, life, and friends.  Rainbows and sunbeams are the only things that will fall on you then.


~ I finished!!! (sorry for the really really long wait)  I'm so happy with this chapter, I really think its great.   But what I really wanna know is what you guys think.  Please review!! I hope you like this story!


            …for reading my story, I hope you liked it!  Much love to those who enjoyed this!!
