A/N: So this is the last chapter. I know, it sucks. This is one of the first stories I wrote with my own characters, not as a FF. I'll tell you a secret, I did try and publish it but no one was interested. (If anyone knows anyone interested, let me know ;) ) So putting it on here, reading your wonderful reviews, had been so wonderful. I loved this story. I enjoyed writing about Reid and Cassidy (Edward and Bella's orginal names in Run). I enjoyed diving into this story again, one I loved so much before it got rejected. A lot.
I thought of this story one night when I stood outside getting the washing in, I stood at my white board and shouted 'the fucking time difference' and I'm so happy to share it with you.
Thank you!


Nine months later…

"Baby, are you ready?"
Bella turned to face Edward.
Man, he was so handsome.
In jeans and a t-shirt, he made her mouth water. She wondered if there would ever come a day when he wouldn't take her breath away. That she opened her eyes to see his face every morning and didn't thank her lucky stars.
She hoped not.
"I'm coming," she called out as she pulled on her jacket and rushed out to meet him in the front yard.
Yes, they had a yard now. Since spring had arrived, Bella had spent many hours in the garden. There had been a lot of Google searches, a lot of trips to the garden centre. And a lot of cursing. Thank God for Rosalie, who was more than happy to spend time on speakerphone and give her sister-in-law some much needed advice.
The house had changed too. Oh, they'd kept the furniture, and the pool table, but now there were touches of femininity. Pieces of art hung on the walls, a vase of fresh of flowers sat proudly in the window and a crammed bookcase, now stood next to Edward's impressive collection of DVD's.
Much to Edward's dismay, the kitten's had thrived and eventually gotten over their fear of him. They loved their daddy and enjoyed nothing more than curling up on his lap late at night. Oh, he would scowl and pretend he hated them, but she'd caught him stroking them when he thought she wasn't watching.
It hadn't always been smooth sailings. They had opposite taste in movies, music, furniture and politics. Both were stuck in their ways and neither liked to lose. It took a lot of shouting and a lot of compromise before harmony was finally restored in the small house.
Bella, despite Edward's protest's, started working at a bookstore in town and often came home with the merchandise. She loved her job, the new friend's she had made. She'd even started reading shape shifter romance novels again. She enjoyed reading passages to Edward and watch his growing horror, his indignance.
Edward was not a fan of romance novels that involved werewolves.
Edward would have to leave occasionally for a mission, or some meeting that required his presence. He was never gone for long, but she missed him like crazy until he returned. It was when he was away that she was most grateful for her new job, her new friends, and even her old ones. Tabitha and Rosalie would often visit for a girly weekend when Edward was away on 'business'. It was wonderful to see her old friend, to know that just because they no longer lived in the same town, it didn't mean their friendship was lost.
Of course, whenever Edward was away the security on the property clamped down. He was obsessed with keeping her safe, and though it often led to screaming fights, she understood. He wanted to keep her safe. He needed to keep her safe or he wouldn't be able to do his job.
In the grand scheme of things, a little extra security wasn't really a big deal.
His pack, to her surprise, welcomed her with open arms. They were overjoyed that their alpha had found his mate and would soon start a family.
She'd put a screeching halt to that idea. She wanted children one day, she did, but she was still young and she wanted some time alone with Edward first. Only then they would start a family of their own.
Speaking of families, she thought as she passed the cats that were once again sprawled across Edward's favourite chair. The week before Christmas, the couple had journeyed to Edward's hometown and he'd finally been reunited with his family.
There had been a lot tears, a good amount of resentment, but they were working on re-building their relationship. It would take time and patience, but both sides were willing to make the effort. They all wanted their family together again.
Emmett had been pissed, though. She'd promised to spend time with him and her brother could be needy at times. Sticking to his word, he called often, listened while she bitched about Edward and his bad taste in movies, and both made the effort to visit often.
All in all, life was pretty good. She had a job she enjoyed, friends new and old, and Edward finally had his family back.
And Bella finally felt like her old self again. She visited Salt Lake City with Edward. She hadn't been able to return to the restaurant, some memories were still too fresh, but she had introduced Edward to her friends and to Rebecca.
The elderly woman held her tight and wept. Bella hadn't been able to thank her, or her new husband, enough.
Without them Emmett wouldn't have gone to Edward. She wouldn't have made it out of those woods and she wouldn't have met the man she would fall in love with. She owed her everything.
Bella had even spent some quality time with Edward's wolf. It had taken a lot of courage, and a couple of hits of whisky, but she'd wanted to do it. She wanted them both to know that she loved him and accepted who he was. The whole of him. Not just his human half.
Edward reminded her she'd already seen him in his wolf form. The night they'd taken down Sam and Jacob, both men were still rotting in jail cells in Kansas. Bella rolled her eyes.
She was running high on adrenaline that night. Her attention was on Jacob. She needed to know that no matter what, she was completely comfortable with him in his other form.
So, in the privacy of their home, he turned wolf on her. He'd stood, looming over her with bright fed eyes and razor sharp fangs. And she was woman enough to admit there was a moment when she'd thought she hit the deck, but she didn't.
Instead she looked beyond the fur and claws and everything she had once feared, and truly saw him. This was Edward. No matter what form he took, no matter which part of him was in control, this was the man she loved.
He was actually kind of adorable once she got over her terror. The wolf was sweet and loved it when she rubbed his belly.
She'd joked afterwards that she wouldn't mind it if he spent a lot more time in his animal form. He'd growled and tackled her to the floor before showing her the benefits of having him around when he was human.
She still had the occasional nightmare, despite her progress. She would find herself back in the cage, surrounded by snarling beasts and wake up in a cold sweat. It was those night's that she needed Edward the most. He was always there for her. He was always patient as he waited for her to relax in his arms.
She had the most incredible mate in the entire world, she thought as she stepped of the porch and into the sweet night air.
The moon was full in sky. Stars shined like diamonds. And there she stood, with her home at her back that was filled with happiness and love.
And three very spoiled cats.
And the man she loved, she thought with a smile as she watched Edward set everything up.
Tonight was special. Tonight they were holding a ceremony for the women who had suffered at the hands of Jacob Black and Sam Uley.
After nine months of Edward's people working tirelessly in those horrid woods in Virginia, every body found had been identified and their families notified. They had finally been able to say goodbye to their loved ones. To lay them to rest.
Of course, not all of their victims had been found. Not everyone had gotten closure and she worried about that. It had been Edward who reminded her that it would have to be enough, and he was right. She couldn't right all the wrongs they'd caused and in trying she would only lose sight of the good she'd done.
So while her heart broke for the women who would never return home, she would have to move on.
She wanted to move on.
When she'd gotten the idea for tonight, she had tracked Leah and Jenna down. She'd wanted to involve the only other survivors to share this night with her.
Unfortunately Leah, a sweet and caring woman, was heavily pregnant and unable to travel so far away. It turned out she married one of the boys in Jacob's old pack. She had gotten married and went on to have a full and happy life. She'd apologized profusely for not being able to make it, but had sent her love and her support and said she'd be there in spirit.
Jenna hung up on her. She didn't want anything to do with werewolves, or her. She wanted to forget and while Edward wanted to track her down and strangle her, Bella understood.
People healed in different ways. There was no right or wrong way. You did what you could to make it through the day, to get on with your life.
If Jenna wanted to forget any of them existed, then who were they to judge her?
"I think we're going to start a forest fire," he muttered as she joined him at the make shift table that was set up a safe distance from the house.
"I hadn't thought of that."
His smile was slow and sexy. "I was teasing. You ready for this?"
Standing side by side, they began to light the lanterns. There was a little under a hundred, and now that he'd brought it up, Bella began to fear they really would start a forest fire.
Each lantern had a woman's name written across it. It had pained her to write name after name, her only solace was they were no longer in pain, or afraid, and had finally gone home.
Together, they lit and released each lantern and watched in awe as they glowed in the night sky.
Finally, they arrived at the two that meant the most to her.
Jessica and Angela.
They tried to keep her safe, sane and hopeful. They loved her and she loved them.
Their bodies had been returned to their families a long time ago, but tonight she felt as if they were here. As if they were standing right beside her and urging her to release them, to let them join the others in the beautiful display amongst the stars.
She stood with a lantern in each hand and found it hard to let them go. It sounded silly, but there it was. She didn't want to let them go because it felt as if she were losing them all over again.
Edward's arms wrapped around her waist from behind, his chin rested on her shoulder as he whispered, "It's time."
"I know. I just miss them," she choked out as tears filled their eyes.
"I know you do, but it's over now, honey. You have to let them go. Besides, they deserve to be up there with the rest of their sisters."
"They do," she agreed. Releasing a slow breath, she let them slip from her fingers. "Be free," she whispered.
"It's a good thing," Edward said. "What you've done tonight. It's a good thing."
"I hope so," she replied softly. "It's my way of saying goodbye. I wanted to do something that takes your breath away and burns itself into your memory. I will never forget this sight, or this night, just like I'll never forget them."
"Neither will I," he vowed.
They watched as they rose up into the sky. As each and every one of them lit up the night and took back the beauty, the magic, of the full moon.
No longer would she fear this night. Instead she would look up at that bright orb in the sky and picture this.
It was beautiful and it was bittersweet. No cage could keep them. No monster could ever break them.
They were finally free.
And so was she, Bella thought with a smile as she continued to watch them float in the air. She was free and happy and in love. Despite what they did, they couldn't break her. She would live a long and happy life and nothing could take that away from her.
She wouldn't let it.
She had her future, her family, and most importantly, Edward.
He stormed into those woods to save her, and had been proud when she turned around and saved herself.
Bella leaned into his embrace and swore to love him until the day she died.
Her lover. Her protector. Her friend.
Her wolf.

The End

Hey, you, come here!
I have something else I've been working. Something I have tried to get published, but again those bastards just don't want me. And since it doesn't appear like I'll be reading 'we love this, let's publish!' anytime soon, why not?
So... let me know in the comments.
Do you want to read another story?