Hey everyone! Your boy is back with a new story fresh outta the oven! This one is called "The Other Girl". I'm a hardcore IzuOcha shipper and I wanted to make fanfic based on it really bad sooo, HERE'S MY FIRST ATTEMPT. Please feel free to let me know what you think of the story. It only helps me to get better. I'll try to post new chapters whenever I can. Anyway, I hope you enjoy :D

Disclaimer: I do not own My Hero Academia. It belongs to Kohei Horikoshi.

Chapter 1

"Is it...because you like him?"

Those words played in a never-ending loop inside Ochaco Uraraka's mind. It was around 2 a.m. and Uraraka sat just outside of the dorm building for her and the rest of her classmates. She really should've been sleeping right now, but she just...couldn't. She had other things going on in her mind.

"You've got a crush on someone, right?"

Himiko Toga. That terrible person. A villian. How could someone possibly receive enjoyment and satisfaction from hurting people? It just didn't make any sense to her. But, Uraraka had to question herself. Was Toga even wrong about what she said?

"Recently, my heart's been all stirred up about something."

"It's love!"

Even Mina, one of her best friends at U.A., had added to her current dilemma. Was she right? Was she wrong? It was too much pressure. Sure, she admired him...a lot. But that doesn't mean that she has feelings for him...right?

Fluorescent lighting beamed down from the street lamps, illuminating the surrounding area. Uraraka let out a quiet sigh with her knees held to her chest. She looked up at the starry night sky as thoughts swarmed her head. All of those thoughts involving a certain green-haired, freckled-faced, hero fanboy named Izuku Midoriya, or as Uraraka liked to call him, Deku.

He was so many things to her. Strong, smart, courageous, kind, determined...cute. Wait...CUTE?! Uraraka held her reddened cheeks in her hands as she thought of the last word that she used to describe him. Deku was often considered by the other girls as "plain-looking", but he also had a certain charm to him that made him easy to look at.

But more importantly, it was very obvious to her that he would make an amazing hero one day. His quick thinking along with his incredible strength and speed made him a force to reckoned with. He works hard and stays true to his goals, no matter what he has to do to get there.

He never hesitates to jump into action whenever there's someone in need, not even thinking about the consequences to himself. Uraraka thought about how Deku saved her from that giant robot at the entrance exam. She thought that she was done for when her leg was stuck under the rubble. But, a flash of green zoomed past her at the corner of her eye. His jump and the dent he made from punching the robot was one of the most incredible things she'd ever seen. She softly smiled from the memory while she stared at the stars. He was...amazing.

"Uraraka?" A voice spoke out from behind her. She nearly jumped out of her skin and a small shriek escaped her mouth. She quickly turned around to see who was paying her a visit this late at night. Her chocolate-brown eyes met with the bright, green eyes of Izuku Midoriya. A light blush appeared on her cheeks. He looked concerned because of his unexpected appearance that seemed to startle her.

"S-sorry! I didn't mean to scare you." Midoriya said with an apologetic look on his face. His hands waved around in front of him. He was wearing what he usually wore for bed, a t-shirt and some basketball shorts. He also wore his trademark red sneakers. Uraraka lightly chuckled at his antics. He really did act like a big nerd sometimes.

"It's fine. Just wasn't expecting you is all. What are you doing up this late?" Uraraka asked with light blush still dusting her cheeks. Midoriya gave her a confused look that turned into a smirk.

"I could ask you that." Midoriya said with a slight chuckle in his voice, as he went to go sit down next to Uraraka. Uraraka mentally punched herself for asking that question. She was out here before he was.

"I..couldn't sleep. I had a lot of things on my mind. So, I figured that I would come sit out here." Uraraka said as she shifted her feet in nervousness. She couldn't tell Deku that she was thinking about him. She secretly hoped that he wouldn't ask.

"Yeah..me too. Recently, I've been thinking a lot about all of the important people in my life who encourage me and make me a better person. Who encourages you Uraraka?" Midoriya said, striking up a conversation. Uraraka smiled because she didn't even have to think about it. She already knew her answer.

"My parents. They're the whole reason for why I want to become a good hero. Not once have they told me that I couldn't do something. They've supported me my entire life. But, we've never been the wealthiest family. They've worked so hard and I want to repay them by working hard as a hero and getting plenty of money. Then, they'll be able to take it easy. That's all I want. They deserve it." Uraraka explained with a determined expression. She really did want this for her parents. She felt like it was her duty. As a hero, and a daughter. Midoriya smiled throughout her little speech.

'And you encourage me too…' Uraraka thought to herself with reddened cheeks. She wanted to tell him but was WAY too nervous to do so. She shook the thought from her head.

"What about you Deku? Who encourages you?" Uraraka asked with her usual bubbly attitude. Midoriya looked up at the night sky with a small smile, as he as well already knew the answer to that question.

"First is my mom. She's my #1 fan. She supported me when no one else would. Sometimes, I feel kinda bad cause I left her to live by herself and I keep making her worry about me. But I want to keep working harder to make her proud. After all, she cares so much about me." Midoriya explained with a soft smile.

"Congratulations! I'm so proud you got into U.A.!" Inko said as she held the costume that she made for Izuku.

"And I promise, I'll support with everything I've got from now on!"

Midoriya thought back to that moment. He really did love his mom. She's done so much for him. Uraraka smiled sweetly at what the green-haired boy said.

'His mom seems like such a nice person. I hope that I get to meet her one day.' Uraraka thought to herself.

"Next there's All Might. Not only is he my all-time favorite hero, he's my idol. He pushes me to become the best hero that I can possibly be. I want to be just like him and save people with a smile on my face. I'm...really grateful for him." Midoriya continued to explain.

"Young man...you too can become a hero." All Might said with the sun going down on the horizon behind him.

Those words were the ones that Midoriya had been wanting to hear his whole life...and it came from the person that he admired the most in this world. He remembered how it left him crying on the ground that day. The day that changed his life.

"Yeah, it's pretty obvious that you've taken quite a liking to him." Uraraka said between giggles. She was referring to his dorm room which was filled from top to bottom with All Might figures, posters, knick-knacks, and everything in between. Midoriya went red with embarrassment as he chuckled nervously.

"And then, there's everyone in our class. They all have such amazing quirks and they have so much skill and potential. I know that they'll all make great heroes someday. Their determination to reach their goals is so motivating and we all encourage each other to keep going and feel better about ourselves. Especially you Uraraka." Midoriya continued to explain. Uraraka was caught off guard from his compliment and her cheeks flushed red.

"W-wait. You're saying that I encouraged you?" Uraraka asked quietly as she tried to hide her blushing cheeks. Midoriya's smile grew bigger as he looked at her.

"Definitely! I used to hate the nickname 'Deku' before I met you. Now I can't see myself not being 'Deku'. Your smile and positive attitude makes me and lots of other people feel better. You support others no matter what and it's clear to see that you care a lot about everyone." Midoriya started to say with a big smile. Uraraka looked wide-eyed at Midoriya, completely shocked from the things that he was saying about her.

"You're so intelligent and determined. When I watched your match against Kacchan back at the Sports Festival, I was amazed. You came up with a smart strategy all by yourself. You took so many hits but didn't back down. Even though you lost, you told me…"

"I'll be watching. Good luck out there!"

"You encouraged me to give it my all in my next match. You made me want to fight harder. Uraraka, you're amazing!" Midoriya finished saying, his smile never leaving his face. Uraraka didn't know what to say. She was just told from the person that she admired...that he actually admired her too. Her red on her cheeks darkened and tears slowly started to fall from her eyes.

"U-uraraka, you're crying! Uh...d-did I say something w-wrong?!" Midoriya stuttered out with concern in his voice. Uraraka giggled softly as she wiped the tears from her face. She looked up at Midoriya with a sweet smile that made his cheeks flush and his heart melt.

"No. It's just...so nice to hear that you think so highly of me." Uraraka said quietly. Midoriya slowly smiled again and placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Well, I...really do." Midoriya told her, also in a quiet voice. They sat like this in silence for a moment while Uraraka wiped away the rest of her tears. Then, an idea popped into Midoriya's head.

"Hey, how about we go back inside? I could make us some hot chocolate that my mom used to make me all the time." Midoriya offered to her. She nodded with a small smile and they both stood up to walk back inside.

Midoriya went inside the kitchen to gather the ingredients for the hot chocolate. Uraraka sat on a stool and leaned on a counter that looked into the kitchen.

"So, what's so special about this hot chocolate that you're making?" Uraraka asked Midoriya as he had already gotten to work.

"Sorry, can't tell you that. It's a Midoriya family secret." Midoriya told her with a slight chuckle in his voice. Uraraka pouted from his response but she didn't push him any further.

They continued to talk about random things, like what happened in class that day, how the improvements of their quirks have been doing, and more. Then, the hot chocolate was ready to be served. Midoriya grabbed two mugs from the cabinet. One had the colors, blue, red, white, and yellow on it, strongly resembling All Might's golden age costume. The other was pink with white stars all over it. Midoriya added marshmallows into the two mugs and the hot chocolate was ready to be drunk.

Midoriya and Uraraka took a sip at the same time. Uraraka's eyes lit up as the hot chocolate entered her mouth. It had a flavor that she had never tasted in any hot chocolate before.

"Deku, this is delicious! You have to tell me the recipe!" Uraraka exclaimed as she gulped some more of it down. Midoriya simply smiled because he was used to the hot chocolate, but it never got old.

"Sorry Uraraka. I told you, it's a family secret." Midoriya said with an apologetic smile. Uraraka pouted again and looked at Midoriya with her big, beautiful brown eyes.

"Pleeeaase…" Uraraka asked him with her bottom lip slightly poked out. Midoriya's cheeks went red as he looked. All he could think was that...she was adorable. He just couldn't say no to her sometimes. Midoriya sighed as he admitted defeat.

"Fine, I'll tell you. But you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone." Midoriya told her with a serious face. Uraraka's face lit up and she placed her right hand on her heart.

"I promise." Uraraka said. Midoriya made a small smile and leaned in closer to her.

"The secret ingredients are….peanut butter and pumpkin spice." Midoriya whispered to her. Uraraka made a 'hmm' sound as she took in this new information. She made a mental note to write that down later. She gulped down some more of the delicious hot chocolate and licked her lips.

'Wow. Deku's family is full of geniuses!' Uraraka thought to herself.

About 20 minutes went by as they continued to drink and talk about anything that came to their minds. Uraraka found herself very much enjoying spending time with Deku. It was rare that they got to hang out together by themselves. Then, a long yawn escaped Uraraka's mouth as she held her now empty mug in her hands.

"Tired, huh? We should probably call it a night anyway. I don't think Iida would approve of us staying up this late." Midoriya said with a hint of disappointment in his voice. Uraraka looked upset, but she knew that he was right.

"Yeah, you're right. Thanks again for the hot chocolate. Send my compliments to your mom for me." Uraraka said as she handed her empty mug to him and stood up to stretch. Midoriya put the two mugs in the sink and left the kitchen.

"Oh, it's no problem and I'll make sure to tell her." Midoriya said with a smile. They walked towards the elevator and went inside. They pressed their respectively floor numbers and the elevator started to go up. Since Midoriya's floor was closer, he got off before Uraraka.

"I'll see you later Uraraka. Good night." Midoriya said with a small wave as he exited the elevator. Uraraka made a slightly sad smile at him and waved back.

"Night Deku!" Uraraka said to him as the doors closed and the elevator continued to go up. When the elevator reached her floor, she walked out and into her dorm room. She jumped on her bed and just layed there for a few minutes. Her thoughts from earlier came back into her mind.

"Is it...because you like him?"

"You've got a crush on someone, right?"

"It's love!"

Uraraka pressed her face into her pillow to hide the major blush that she had. Who was she kidding? They were all right. There was no use in trying to deny it anymore. Ochaco Uraraka had a crush on Izuku Midoriya. Uraraka thought back to the words that she heard earlier that night.

"Uraraka, you're amazing!"

Uraraka let out a small sigh as a smile crept its way onto her face. Her blush darkened even more.

'No Deku. You're the one who's amazing.' Uraraka thought to herself. She got under her blanket and slowly fell asleep. All while thinking about her best friend and newly-admitted crush.

The next morning, Uraraka walked down the halls of U.A. on the way to her homeroom class. All morning, she had been thinking about the events that occured last night with her and Deku. Sure, she had finally admitted to her crush...but could she be able to act on it? Uraraka's train of thought was cut off as she arrived at the door of her homeroom. She opened the door to find everybody doing their own thing. Some were talking in small groups, while others were act their desks reading or writing. Their homeroom teacher, Mr. Aizawa, hadn't arrived yet. Her eyes scanned the room until she stopped on a head of green hair. Midoriya was sitting at his desk writing something in one of his 'Hero Analysis' notebooks. Midoriya looked up and towards the door where he met eyes with Uraraka. He smiled softly and slightly waved at her. Uraraka blushed a little, but she smiled and waved back.

Some of her other classmates said "Good Morning" to her as she made her way to her seat. She found herself occasionally taking quick glances at Midoriya, who was back to writing stuff down in his hero journal and quietly muttering to himself. She slightly giggled at his behavior. Suddenly, the door flew open. This time however, it wasn't a student. There stood Mr. Aizawa glaring at the students in his classroom. Everyone rushed to their seats and waited for any instruction. Aizawa let out a quiet sigh, then began to speak.

"Good morning. Before we begin class, there's something very important that has be shared with you all. Listen closely." Aizawa began to speak in a dull tone. The students noticed that Aizawa hadn't moved from the doorway since he arrived.

"We have a special guest today." Aizawa continued. He then walked away from the doorway and a girl followed behind him. They stood at the front of the class. She had long reddish-brown hair and big, intelligent eyes of a similar color. She looked around the same age as everyone else in the class. She was slightly taller than Mina was, but still shorter than Yaoyorozu. She was also wearing U.A.'s uniform. Everyone was surprised and curious about the girl.

"This is Sochi Hanagaita. She'll be in class with us for a few days to see how a hero school on this side of Japan operates." Aizawa finished explaining to his class.

"It's nice to meet all of you!" Sochi said to the class with a sweet smile. Everyone in the class was excited about the new girl and started to bombard her with questions. Sochi was caught off guard by the sudden attention and tried to get everyone to calm down.

One boy however was busy staring at her with a heavy blush on his freckled cheeks. His mouth was slightly open as he admired the girl that stood in front of his class.

'She's...beautiful.' Midoriya thought to himself as he continued to stare at her pretty face.