Allura's body was slow to respond, the exhaustion of fighting so many druids leaving her limbs heavy. Once again she picked herself up off the floor and stood before the witch Haggar. The buzz of magic crackled in the air as the rival alchemists prepared another volley.
The Princess never had a chance to aim, the bolt of energy rushing her like a rogue wave. The first shot landed like a cannonball to her chest, flinging her into the air. She crashed back to the unforgiving metal floor of Haggar's ship with a loud thud. Pain prevented her from moving, much less protecting herself. The next hit would likely kill her.
As another round flashed towards her Allura flinched, squeezing her eyes shut as if the act might reverse her fortune.
First she heard a scream. Then there was a loud pop followed by an anguished cry. The second voice was all too familiar, and she prayed she wouldn't be greeted by a familiar face when she opened her eyes.
When she looked up she saw Keith hovering over her, sweat dripping from his hair onto her face. A fading light from behind him gave him the appearance of an ethereal being before disappearing entirely. Craning her neck to look around him she saw his blade faintly glowing as it clattered to the ground.
"Is she gone?"
He nodded, his breathing too labored to allow him to speak. Even though she'd instructed the team to stay out of her battle with Haggar, Keith had taken it upon himself to come assist. She wanted to be angry at him but her heart was overwhelmed. A powerful witch like Haggar could easily kill him after all yet he chose to be by his princess' side, even at the risk of his own life.
With what power she could muster Allura reached for his pale face. His countenance was fading, his body convulsing as he tried to prevent himself from placing the full weight of his body on her. Wrapping her free arm around him she gently moved him to lay beside her, sitting herself up enough to see his face.
"Thank you, you saved my life."
"I almost didn't," he responded, grimacing as he spoke. "I was almost too late."
Allura couldn't help but muster a smile at this. "You've always been right on time."
He responded by coughing up blood as alarms began to blare. Allura found her helmet and hailed Coran on the comms. His assessment was grim.
The warship was set for self-destruct.
Looking around frantically she spotted Keith's helmet and crawled across the floor to retrieve it. She realized that her right leg was dragging, likely broken. The fight had sapped her ability to heal quickly and left her desperate for a nearby escape route.
Quickly she slid herself back to an unconscious Keith, wrapping him in her arms as she pulled him into her chest. "Coran, on my signal fire just above our location!"
"But what if-"
"Just do it…. now!" she screamed, fear punctuating every word.
A blast punched a hole in the hull of the ship, the void of space sucking them out into its murky emptiness.
Their momentum sent the two paladins careening, the blasters of their suits too damaged to steady them. All too soon the Galra ship began to break apart, pieces of metal flying in all directions. There was no avoiding them and a large chunk crashed into them, knocking Keith out of her grasp. Allura clawed desperately at him, unable to reach his limp form.
Another large shard slammed into her helmet. As she lost consciousness she could see the man she loved drifting out of view.
"Come back to me," she cried as her vision went black.