Law x Nami (The never Ending True Love)~

The waves were crashing, roaring, smashing against the Thousand Sunny. The ship rocked uncontrollably, the 4 Devil Fruit Eaters forced to stay inside, watching Sanji prepare their meals. It was raining hard, like there was no tomorrow, Thunder clapped in the Sky, the clouds darker than Normal. Plasma Lightning suddenly clashing in the Blackened Sky. The blue head Cyborg who wore a floral shirt, of course with his bikini bottoms, steered the Ship towards a North Western Direction

"AOW! Nami what's the name of the Island that we're heading too? I hope it's SSSUUUPER!" Franky shouted in a deep accent, his own excitement showing.

The orange haired curvalicious navigator who wore a black crop top, along with blue capris that hugged her waist and legs, her long hair in a ponytail, she had on a pair of golden ringed earrings that had diamonds embedded in them. Spoke with a huge grin "We are heading to a Dream Island, the log pose is Wobbling like crazy! Our Captain will be ecstatic, he wont believe it!" She was excited herself, her tone laced in honor, thinking her only Straw Hat sexy Captain will be happy about.

The navigator rushed into the kitchen, eyeing her beloved Captain who was down in the dumps, she blushed at the sight. Her heart fluttered, noticing how cute he looked and acted "Luufffyyyy~~ we are going to an Island. It's one that you mayyy likee~ I know you'll be happy about it~!" she had enchanting smile, her voice sounding adorable.

Luffy perked up, with a ear to ear smile "Really?! Where are we going Nami?! Is it a cool Island?" Luffy questioning in a excited tone, the air reeked with adventure.

The navigator watched Luffy get up on his feet. Rushing as he walked, only to take a look beside her "The Island is called Dream Land, we will land in 3 Days sadly. We can stop at a Nearby Island and Stock up on what we need, before we get there. How does that sound Captain~?" The Straw Hat Captain looked at her, frowning a little bit.

Walking back to the chair he had sat on, earning a sigh from Nami, she was building the courage too tell him her feelings there. Luffy whined "Aww I guess.. There Isn't much that we can do so sure! But first, SANJII! MESHI! MESHI!" Sanji looked back at him in anger.

"Luffy shut up, I'm cooking already! Its almost done, but here's a snack to keep you from eating the food raw." the cook threw him 3 Apples, and a Banana.

The archaeologist dressed in a purple crop top, its straps wrapping around her neck, and a light brownish beige type colored skirt tied on her waist, revealing her thigh and legs, who is sitting across from the Skeletal male said "Nami-san is the storm calming down anytime soon? I want to go too the Library. I need to look up at something, and read a few more books…" she had a graceful tone.

"Not Anytime soon, but I can give you my Raincoat Robin!" Nami spoke with confidence, hoping It'll cover her. She walks over too Robin's side, taking her raincoat off, and wraps it around Robin. As soon as Robin had it, she walked out of the Kitchen.

"Naaamii~ I want the rain to stop~, I'm sick of being in here alreaddyyy~." Luffy had such a bored tone, Nami frowned at the male. Feeling sorry for him, knowing she's unable too do anything.

Sanji had finished making the octopus meals. Having the dishes laid out on the table, the Captain dug in. He was saving his in the Oven so Luffy wouldn't eat it. He decided to take Robin's food to her in a Bento Box, not wanting the food too get cold. Nami thought about if she should tell Luffy right away about her feelings, hoping he would reciprocate hers back, then there was a violent shake on the Sunny, Sanji ran inside "Luffy! You wont believe what's going on, but there's at least 4 fleets with 3 Vice Admirals we're surrounded!" Sanji said in panic. Relaying the message to the Captain, running back out to finish his opponent without wasting time.

Luffy almost choked "EEEHHH!? Really this gots to be fun!" he had a smirk on his face, Nami felt so unsettled watching a eager Luffy burst out the Kitchen.

Not liking the change of things, something very bad was going too happen. Wishing she knew what made the navy surround them, it was as if they ran into a trap. She ran out the kitchen to see Zoro and Sanji battling a tough battle with the Vice Admirals and Marines. The Vice Admirals looked about Garp's level, they were not be taken lightly, Franky was getting the Coop De Burst ready. Having the Reindeer go and pack the Cola chamber.

When a man walked onto the Sunny called Sky Marshall, who made a name for himself just by sending people off to different Islands with just 4 kicks. He was humoring Sanji, toying with him until he finally got serious. Kicking him with his Haki Clad leg mixing Moon Walk with it, sending the cook flying off the Ship, Luffy's face dropped into a serious look of rage.

He charged at the Vice Admiral, hitting his chest with a Haki claded arm "AAARRRHHHHH! You bastards! What the hell did you do with san-" Luffy was stopped by the Vice Admiral before he could finish his sentence, he was sent in the air with the same kicks that made Sanji disappear.

Nami's face twisted in horror, she couldn't move thinking what too do, Robin came out to see the ruckus. Only to see Sanji & Luffy missing "Nami! What's going on?!" she asked, fearing something is going bad was going too happen. Nami looked up at Robin, her face pale, the amber'd eyes widening and dropping color "L-Luffy and Sanji got sent in the air, I don't know where bu-" Nami felt dizzy, blackness covering her vision.

Zoro watched her get knocked out by the Vice Admiral, unable to stop him while he held off the Marines. Nami was dragged off by her hair, getting handcuffed by the Marines, rage and panic swelled within him there was nothing he could do, Nami was captured. Robin felt the same panic things were not so peachy.

Franky got the Coup De Burst set and charging up "1!,2!,3! ROBIN BROOK EVERYONE HANG ON! WE WILL FIGURE IT OUT! I'M SURE NAMI WILL FIND A WAY TO GET BACK WITH US! WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LOSE ANYMORE OF US!." He gave out the order, his own adrenaline hammered in his body.

Everybody was feeling anxious, and anxiety hoping he's right. Zoro felt so angry he couldn't do anything, feeling like he lost protecting his Nakama as they flew in the Sky. Chopper was crying along with Brook, they finally reached a Island hoping too find out a plan, or something to get them all reunited again.

It was Night Time, Nami woke up seeing the Guards trying too give her food, but she didn't want any. The one Cruel Guard shoved the plate into her face "EAT! You low-life bitch." he said in a nasty tone.

Making her more angry "NO! I don't want to eat your disgusting food. You worthless, disgusting Marine!" Nami sneered, thinking 'Why should I eat there food, they might want too poison me. I'm a pirate after all.' she felt a stinging pain on her head, yet again. Blackness again clouding her vision, she tried fighting the hit that's making her blackout. Unable too because they continued until she was Knocked out cold.

Night time ending, with the Morning Sun rising in the West shining in her cell, it was as brightly as ever making her skin shine. Feeling the cold cuffs, and cold cell floor, she woke up panic swelling inside her, seeing she's still in the same cell relief hitting her. The navigator had thought she'd be in impel down already. She looked around, noticing there's another person in there with her, another pirate knowing he probably got captured last night.

Since there was no one when she came in, he looked very familiar to her, then it clicked, his hair red. She knew all too well, seeing him in the News Papers 'Eustass Kid what the hell is he doing here, agh! another troublesome rescue' the thought came across her mind, Nami seen the Guards gone hoping they're not coming back, just yet. Getting her hair pin from the back of her hair, ready to unlock the nasty cold cuffs. Just when the boat shook violently, sending her flying back into the wall, hitting her head hard, she groaned in pain "Uggh my head!" the red head next too her woke up in a grumpy mood.

"Stupid punks! Waking me up in the early Morning so annoying!" Eustass Kid looked up beside him, hearing the rustling chains near him "Oh well look who finally woke up. Cat Burglar Nami so what brought you here?" he said in a huff.

Smirking like an idiot "Eeehh!? Your leaving already!" seeing her take off the cuffs. Forgetting why she was called 'Cat Burglar' he watched her closely.

Nami Ignored him, taking off her shackles, turning his way with a mischievous grin 'Hehehe I'm lucky, I'll buy time with him making a ruckus on the boat. Just to get a small boat and I'll leave.' she thought impatiently as she started too pick his cuffs and shackles, getting them off without a word to the male.

Kid got up thanking her, while he grabbed her throat "Are you planning on leaving me here! Huh?!" he said in a accusing tone, mixed with anger.

"N-No ah (gasp) please let me go! I was planning on taking you with me, If you even cared to ask in a kind way! I can't breathe let go!" panicking trying to get his hands off.

His thoughts worked 'I'll make her steal a boat, while I go start an uproar and get away. I'll dump her in the ocean before she decides too betray me.' He let her go, she gasped walking over to the Barred Door, as she started undoing the lock on the cell Door Kid was listening to the feet stomping on the floor above them.

She threw the Door open, hurrying to her Clima-tact and Kid's weapons. Throwing his weapons into his hands "Let's hurry before anything gets worse and out of hand!" Eustass got annoyed with the demand she gave him, snarling at the woman "Don't tell me what to do women, Tch. Troublesome bitch." Nami ignored the retort he made.

They went out to see that there was already trouble on the ship, the Marines fighting too capture a few pirates. She decided to hurry and find a boat, telling Kid she will take 5 Mins or less, to buy her enough time too find one. She went through all types of parts of the ship, only finding weapons in each room, they all reeked of Gunpowder. The navigator figured they should be out at the top on the side of the ship, already out the door, running too grab the boats that laid on the side.

Lowering a small boat on to the ocean, while in mid action Kid was shocked too see her already leaving. He hurried to her side "Bitch you were trying to leave me weren't you!? I'm going too throw you off as soon as I get a chance!" he said in anger, Nami glowered at him "Stop being stupid get on already! And stop calling me a bitch you bastard!" she mocked back in a angered tone. While Kid jumped on the boat, she continued too lower it by herself, but as fast as she could without dropping him in the ocean.

Nami shrieked noticing the snipers already on their side, shooting missing the boat. She got hit on her arm and leg, panic and anxiety swarmed in her, Eustass was flabbergasted as she jumped onto the boat, he thought she would have gotten grazed. However not all Marines were reckless with shooting, he got much more angrier not even expecting anything would happen to her.

Nami who was in searing pain grabbed his knife from his chest, already cutting the ropes "Hold on Kid trust me!" she assured him with a pained voice, he growled "Shut up! Hurry the hell up already, I can't keep holding them off! My power needs too be saved. I run on Stamina as well!" the words he spat out, was all to well surprising. She nodded quickly in understanding, groaning as the pain grew Nami felt his arm circle her waist. Repelling the bullets back towards the Marines that shot at the boat.

She got the boat set free, they plopped hard onto the ocean water, Nami used her Gust Sword to kick the boat into a further distance so they can get on course. Using it a second time too catch the wind pointing in the East West Direction "Your bleeding so much Nami you need medical help." he said in a scowl with bitterness in his voice, not liking the worry he felt.

"Since when did you start caring baaakaa~ I don't need your stupid sympa- agh" she winced in pain, she felt dizzy as she swayed side to side trying too catch her balance, Nami was a lot paler. The blood she was losing made the color drain from her body, Kid spotted a small box Logo saying (First Aid Kit), hurrying as he got some bandages out, he started wrapping her arm.

Eustass continued with pulling her capris off, ripping his shirt off tying it tightly above her thigh "Shut up don't say anything anymore, I'm just helping with your wounds only to stop the bleeding.." he said in a annoyed, worried tone "That will be 500 million berries for pulling my pants off." she had a cocky slight smile, her pained voice raspy.

Nami fell into a deep slumber, fearing she won't wake up.

Kid slapped her too stay awake "There is an Island near by Stay awake or wake up dammit!" he tried his best to stop her, but failed.

They were Drifting in the middle of no where... No such Island was close by.

Note: I Just Edited this Story, I hope I fixed some Gaps and parts of it. I am going too fix the other chapters as well. When I get the chance! try and read with patience follow or comment however you all like.

~Let me know on how I did, I had too start off on a different note i know i fucked up on the other one but this one will be different and sooo much detailed i'm going too try my hardest so please leave comments reviews be honest don't leave rude comments i hope some of you like it i'm going too work on the next chapter i'm going too continue as soon as possible when i finish a coupled chapters on a fanfic! This story will be slow and a very long one so yeah :) i don't really shipp much but luffy x nami but i'm making acceptions opening up seeing not much fanfics of the ships that are out their