She remembers the day he walked away as if it was yesterday. He came back from having disappeared for two weeks, with no explanation and no meaning. She remembers how worried she was. They had just gotten engaged and she was over the moon. Then he disappeared. When he came home he was not the Sam she knew. The one she knew was gentle, and happy. However, this Sam was forceful and angry. She could not figure out for the life of her what had made his sudden change in demeanor. What had happened in those two weeks?

When he came home he broke up with her. He said he was not good enough for her and they did not belong together. That he belonged with her cousin Emily. That they were soulmates. She never believed him. She still does not. As much as she hates how terrible the thought was, she wished Emily Young were not her cousin. That she was some random chick who stumbled into their lives and snatched her fiancé up. If only the gods had shown her some sympathy.

The day she phased, was like having Sam Uley break up with her all over again. All the thoughts of the day her heart broke and all the thoughts of Emily, coming from his mind, was too much for her. She needed a way out. She needed to get him out of her head. She found that outlet at throwing herself at the next available man. Whether it be some man at a bar in Port Angeles or the resident man whore Paul Lahote.

"Leah are you even listening?" the man himself asked, bringing her out of her thoughts.

They were sitting in his and Emily's living room, having a pack meeting. She was sitting on his favorite chair, the one she bought for his birthday several years ago, in a pair of skin tight yoga pants and a loose tank top, so loose that if she moved a certain way you could see her nipples. No bra, no panties. She had her legs pulled up and a light blanket wrapped around her, she did not need it for the warmth, but for the comfort it brought to her.

She looked him straight in the eyes as she replied. "The redheaded leach has been keeping out of dodge and a new leach has been snooping around the leach lovers' house. You're putting us on extra patrols around her house in case the leach comes back." She raised an eyebrow at him. "Are you done? I have places to be."

By places to be, she means men to fuck. Paul knew this too and could not help but chuckle.

"No, we're not done," Sam said, getting frustrated with her. He went on to give them their patrolling schedules for the next week and the dates and times for their training session with the Cullen's.

As soon as Sam said the meeting was over, she was out the door. There was a man in a silver Ford Mustang, parked at the end of the Uley's driveway waiting for her.

"Where to?" he asked her, looking at her with lust filled eyes.

"Anywhere we can be alone," she replied.

Putting the car in drive, the man took off down the road. Between shifting gears and shifting eyes, he placed his hand of her thigh.

He knew the routine. This man was one of her regulars, he lived in Forks and never asked any questions or wanted anything else from her but sex. They had an understanding.

The day wandered on and she ended up at the Marina where her father used to keep his boat before he passed away and she had used to help him take care of it. However, when he died, her mother sold the boat to help with the hospital fees.

She stood at the edge of the dock looking out over the water. There were fishing boats out in the distance. Around her were the boats of the other fisherman and sailors. Looking around she could not help but feel safe and secure here. This is where she spent most of her time with her father, where she spilled her guts to him, where he made her feel better.

On the water about 100 feet out, Harry and Leah would stop their boat. He would hear her cry about how much she missed Sam and how much it hurts that Emily was the one that took him away from her. In response, Harry would wrap her in his arms and sing her an old lullaby his mother used to sing to him in the times he needed it.

Today though, she sat there, looking out over the water, wondering when things were going to get better. Sure, she was not completely in control of the life the god's have handed to her, but she did not need to make her life any more miserable. She did not exactly know what to do with herself or how to make things better. She sure as hell was not going to go see a shrink.

As if her thoughts were not enough to make her want to cry, the sound of approaching feet and the smell of the one she longed for made her heart hurt even more.

"You've got to stop doing this to yourself," he told her as he wrapped her favorite blanket around her shoulders. He knew she did not need it, but he also knew how much it made her feel safe, and secure. "You've got to stop, before you end up killing yourself."

Leah wanted to shrug away from him, to put distance between the two of them, but she could not make herself do it. She just sat there, staring at the water, his arm wrapped loosely around her shoulder.

She wanted to snap at him, ask him why he cared, but he would just see through her façade. Instead she told him what she is been dying to tell him for months.

"No matter where I am or who I'm with... What day or time it is... in this lifetime or the next... it is always going to be you? You're the only one I think about," she softly started to cry. "I know I need to get over you, I can see how happy you are with Emily, but I just can't. I cannot help but feel like that should be me. I should be the one cooking for the pack, the one with the ring on my finger, the one with your love and affection."

She broke down crying and he pulled her to his chest. Nothing he could say would make her feel any better. He would not be helping her any by talking either. Holding her while she cried, even though he was the reason she cried, was enough to soothe a little part of her soul that would keep her going for just a little bit longer. They stayed like that until she cried herself to sleep.

Sam wrapped her in the blanket and pulled her into his arms. He carried her home. Sue was not shocked when he entered her house with her only daughter in his arms. This has been a recurring thing, the only thing that would keep this woman going.

As Sam placed her onto her bed, he placed a sheet lightly over her sleeping body. A tear escaped as he gently kissed her forehead, before whispering two words, "I'm sorry."

Wiping the tears away Sam exited the room. As he was about to exit the house Sue spoke softly, "See you next week."

Sam only nodded.