I had this idea for a story. It's about a friend Adrien met on a modeling trip to Australia. She transfers to Paris and gets the peacock miraculous.And I know that technically the peacock miraculous is in Gabriel Agreste's house, but details.Now, without furthur ado. HERE IS THE STORY! Disclaimer: I don't own Miraculous Ladybug, just the oc and the plot.
The Prologue
The day had started out like any other for Adrien Agreste. There was the usual arguments with his dad and Plagg being Plagg. The only thing Adrien didn't know, is the surprise that a certain friend had in store for him.
When he arrived on the steps of the school he saw someone who he thought he wouldn't see for a long time. The girl's curly black hair was tied back in a pony tale and she was wearing the friendship bracelet that he had given her a long time ago.
Adrien stopped in his tracks staring in surprise at his aussie friend. He snapped out of it when he heard her squealing and shouting his name running towards him as fast as her legs could carry her.
"Adrien!" she yelled as plowed into him knocking him down.
"Karessa! W-what are you doing here?"
"My parents and I moved to Paris a week ago, the paper work for the transfer just got finished yesterday. I wanted to surprise you with my own beautiful face." she said smiling sassily and hugged him once more.
Adrien hugged back and helped her stand up. He smiled back at her and took her by the hand.
"Come on, you've got to meet my friends. Especially Marinette, she's great."
Karessa gladly walked behind Adrien until someone came up and started talking to him.
"Adrikins, who is this?" the blonde asked looking Karessa up and down with a look on her face that clearly said, 'I don't like you'.
"Oh, hi Chloe. This is my friend Karessa. The one I met when I went to Australia." he explained.
Karessa waved. "Hi Chloe. Adrien's told me alot about you."
"Really? Cause' he's never told me about you."
"Well, I mean, she never came up in conversation. You never asked if I'd met anyone intresting while I was gone so..."
Chloe rolled her eyes then turned to Karessa. "Just so you know, he is mine."
Karessa shook her head, "Adrien and I are just friends. Besides, I already have a boyfriend."
Adrien face-palmed, "The horse doesn't count Kessa."
"Shut up Addy. Don't talk about my furbaby that way."
Chloe lost interest in their banter and stalked off.
"Speaking of Oreo, did you find the barn I recommended?" Adrien asked as they continued walking to class.
Karessa smiled, "Yup! He loves it."
Adrien nodded. When they arrived at the classroom he introduced to her to Marinette, Alya, and Nino.
All three took an immediate liking to her and Alya and Marinette invited her to sit down next to them.
time skip
After school the five of them went on a "tour" of the city so Karessa could see the sights.
When Karessa got home she told her parents about all the fun she and her new friends had had that day.
"I hope it will always be like this. I love my new friends." Karessa happily exclaimed to her mom and dad.
"We're so happy that you finally made some friends outside of the barn." her mother said hugging her daughter.
Karessa's father smiled and joined the family hug. "I'm sure nothing will change other than us moving."
But, oh, how wrong they were.