Holly felt her stomach lurch, in away reminiscent of a portkey. She grabbed her wand from the mantle, and disappeared.
In a glen in the forbidden forest, lay a girl. She wore sleep clothes, soft plaid shorts and a tank-top. The girl bolted up right, and clambered to her feet.
"What the hell! Thanatos!" The girl screeched at the sky. " NOT cool! I'm SO cutting your chocolate supply!" A gust of wind blew through the clearing, rustling leaves into a small tornado. When the wind died down, a man stood opposite the girl in the clearing. He was tall, and looked like he was pure marble.
"Now mistress, you know you never follow through with that threat." He chuckled, and held out a duffle bag. " You forgot this, my lady. You will need it, as this world is worst than the last. " The red headed girl huffed.
"Fine, but what is happening in this dimension? Pirates? Dark Lord? Pure blooded bigots running wild again? Please be bigots, they're so fun to tear down. " The man threw his head back and laughed.
"Worse, my lady. In this world, Riddle quasi-died, but none of the Potters did. Lily, James, Harry, and Holly. But Harry, your twin brother, was hailed as the boy who lived, while you were sent to the Dursley's as a squib. This," He twirled his hand. "is a dream. Your body is in your former cupboard. " She sneered.
"Very well. Did I bring my magic with me this time?" She hated not having her magic.
" Yes, my lady." They spoke for hours, before Thanatos cut her off "You must go, my lady. Now, awaken."
In a cupboard under the stairs, a little girl with blonde hair and watery blue eyes sat up, gasping for breath. Moments later,there was a rapping on the door.
"Holly, dear, get up! Breakfast needs to be ready in half an hour!"
"Yes, Aunt Petunia." She clambered out of the too-small space, attempting to adjust to her new body. Without a word. she began to cook. Half a package of bacon, six eggs, a dozen fresh muffins, coffee, tea, and juice. The same everything she'd been cooking for years. In waddled her Uncle Vernon, with a barked 'brush your hair!', began to eat. A moment later Dudley came in, sat down, and stuffed his face with worse manners than Weasley. Then, came a knock at the door.
"Girl, you get the door. Your Uncle needs to finish getting ready for work." "Yes Aunt Petunia." She hopped down, and jogged down the hall.Upon opening the door, she froze.
"Hello, child, may we come in?" The old goat spoke.
"Come on in, I suppose." Standing there, shocked,was her parents and Albus Dumbledore. None understood why the little girl was so obviously angry with them. They came for her, didn't they?
Holly seethed. How dare they show up here? After abandoning her?
"Aunt Petunia, we have...visitors, to see you. I'll be in my cupboard."She spoke the last bit looking her mother in the eyes, with a Malfoy-esque sneer on her face.
"No, Holly, stay. This concerns you. "
"Don't talk to her like that!" James snarled. Lady Potter grabbed for her daughter.
"Please don't touch me. I don't like you. Aunt Pet has told me about you. How you abandoned me." She threw her arms around her Aunt's legs, in a clear display of favoritism. It was true. Apparently, Petunia, in this world, adored Holly, but feared her husband's reactions. She often spoiled the girl when Vernon left.
"Dudders, go play in your room. The adults need to talk with Holly and I." Dudley frowned at the strange adults who scared his cousin, but obeyed.
"So, that's my nephew? Takes after his father." Petunia scowled.
"Actually, no. Mother and Father disowned you not long before they died. Found out about Holly, you see. As such, you have no right to be here. I ask that you leave." Lily reeled, as if struck.
"Pet,don't lie. Mum and Dad wouldn't!"
"I didn't think that you would ever abandon a child, and yet here we are. I know Holly is a witch, and I've been saving to send her to the right school and buy her supplies. We don't need you!" Petunia knelt, and pulled her niece close. "Holly, dear, grab an ice cream cone and head out to the garden. I need to talk to these...people alone." Holly frowned. She may not look it, but she had lived close to a dozen lives.
"Yes Aunt Pet. Can we go to the park later?" Holly knew that they could not. She knew that she would have to leave with the Potters. She hated it. Thanatos had blessed her with this lives memories, so that she could blend in. She loved her Aunt. Her kind, loving Aunt. Who snuck her clothes and food, who held her after her uncle used the belt, who was a mother when her mother was not there. Petunia wiped her tears, and gave her a watery smile.
"Of course dear. Now, off you pop!" Holly walked out to the garden, sat on the ground, and wandlessly cast a listening charm. The conversation was boring. Up until; Legilimens! rang through the connection. Holly wept. Her kind, sweet, doting Aunt would soon be the cruel woman from her first life. A few minutes later, Lady Potter called her in.
"Take the freak and go. She belongs with other freaks." Petunia's face held pure disdain. Dumbledore must have gone deep. Holly knew she had to play her part.
"Aunt Pet? Why are you letting them take me? Aunt Pet? Aunt Petunia, please, don't make me go with them! Please!" James scooped up his ten year old daughter, and started for the door. She kicked and she screamed, begged and pleaded, but he walked straight to the door. " Aunt Pet, PLEASE!" A wave of magic rang out from her core, sending everyone stumbling. That undid the temporary block on her Aunt's memories, and she ran from the kitchen to take back her daughter in all but name.
"HOLLY!" With a pop, she was gone, never to return.
She had arrived at Potter Manor after a few moments of sickening twisting and compression. James dropped her roughly on the floor as he stumbled. Clearly he wasn't used to having a child on his shoulders mid-apparition. Holly whimpered, clutching her splinched left forearm arm. A large chunk of flesh was missing. Lily appeared moments later, before noticing her daughter was hurt.
"Oh, honey, this is why we don't squirm while apparating." She knelt, reaching for the little girl. Holly's hair flashed red in her anger, her eyes going from her favored blue to black.
"Don't touch me!" Lily gasped.
"Holly, you're a metamorphmagus! This is fantastic news! But really, let me fix your arm up. It has to hurt." A pulse of magic thwarted her attempt to pick Holly up.
"I can fix it mysef!" She sniffled, her tears still blocking her vision. She cupped a small hand over the gash, closed her eyes, and began to glow. After she removed her hand, the injury was gone. "Where are we? Why did you kidnap me? I told you, I didn't wanna come here!" She stood on shaky legs.
"We're at Potter Manor, called The Kiln. You are here because you are a Potter, and this is your home." The girl, whose hair was now blonde, sneered.
"No, it's not. My home is Number four, Privet Drive. The place you just stole me from!" She twisted on her heel, clearly trying to disapparate. She only stumbled.
"What did you do? Why can't I teleport home? WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME?" She screeched clearly panicking.
" Holly, dear, it's not called teleporting, it's apparition, and you are far too young to do it." Her hair flared red again at her father's condescending tone.
"DON'T ME WHAT I CAN DO! I CAN TOO!" Her anger was palpable.
" No, you cannot, now, come inside. Even if you could, the wards prevent anyone not keyed in from apparating in or out.
"No! I don't know you! I want Aunt Petunia! I want Dudley! I WANNA GO HOME! I WON'T GO WITH YOU, YOU CAN'T MAKE ME! YOU-" She panicked. Her body was still that of an eleven year old, and, deep down, so was her mind. A stunner slammed into her slight frame, knocking her out.
Holly awoke in a soft four-poster with Gryffindor red covers. She scrambled up, taking note that someone had changed her into similarly colored pyjamas. She rattled the doorknob. Locked. She checked the window. She must have been on at least the third floor. Then, the door creaked.
"Holly?" Lady Potter called. "Have you calmed down?"
"Are you taking me home?" Lily sighed.
"This is your home now, dear."
" Whatever. Did you need something?" She paused, shocked at how bitter the girl sounded.
"Er, yes. Dinners ready. Follow me." Holly slowly walked down the hall, categorizing what had happened to her in the last eight hours. It had become habit to sort through her memories before bed, to boost her occlumency. "Here we are, Holly" Lady Potter's voice broke her concentration. She slowly took a seat at the large cherrywood table, keeping her expression neutral. In walked her father, arguing with...Merlin, was that Sirius? Last time she'd seen him, he was a shade from the resurrection stone. He looked so... happy.
"James, she should have been living with me! She's my daughter too! And-" he cut himself off when he saw Holly, he crossed the room in a few strides, and scooped her into a hug.
"Holly! Pup, I've missed you! Merlin, are you okay? James mentioned you got splinched, does it hurt?" Holly squealed, hugging back.
"Papa Padfoot! I'm fine, I fixed my arm myself, and no, it doesn't hurt." Lily cleared her throat.
" Holly, how do you know Sirius?"
" I remember my time here, before you sent me away. " Her tone shiftdd from frigid to that of a normal child "Papa Padfoot, look at what I can do!" She shifted her hair to a lustrous black, and he eyes a shimmering grey. Her cheekbones became more prominent, and her nose more aristocratic.
"See! It's hard to hold for more than a few days,unless I'm used to the combination. It's really cool, huh?" Sirius beamed down at the girl who looked just like him.
"Wonderful, pup! Just wonderful!" He swung her around. "Now, what did you mean, you fixed it yourself? You don't even have a wand. Holly hummed, unsure how to demonstrate her ability. She swiped a knife from the table, and sliced open her arm. She placed a hand on it, and, like before, it glowed a luminescent gold. She showed Sirius her arm, right as rain.
"See? It's easy. I've practised lots. Every time Uncle Vernon got mad, I fixed everything. Sometimes it was hard, but I've never had to go to a doctor for it, so it's okay!" Internally, she cackled, as Sirius turned to her parents, scowl frozen in place.
"Care to explain, Lily?" The Lady Potter gulped."