Marinette had her wrists cuffed to a pole hanging from the ceiling in a large tiled shower, Adrien held her hips behind her as he pounded into her core while he held her head to one side as he suckled her neck, he gasped in her ear while he rubbed her belly pulling her onto him, she felt like her cervix would give out any moment and she was right Adrien groaned loudly as he began to pound her deeply in her womb before he emptied his essence directly into her body, Marinette felt her womb blowing up as he continued to fill her, she whined and jerked her arms in her restraints as her belly began to blow up like a balloon.

Then he reached around to pinch her clit harshly before he sank his vampire fangs in her neck making her orgasm attack her as he began to drain her blood her strength depleting making her orgasm run through her like electricity and much more powerful.

Adrien groaned as he ate her telling her that he loved her flavor loving the way her body sucked him dry and he sucked her.

Marinette jumped awake as her alarm was going off, she reached over and turned off her alarm, her college dorm bed felt hard compared to the soft beds at Adrien's house, she sat up letting the bed covers slip from her naked body, pajamas had become uncomfortable since the 2 weeks of nudity, it had been 3 weeks since she had been dropped off and every night she had been having deep sexual dreams, her body on constant fire and whenever she would try to use her fingers she would immediately feel cold and the need to put her hands up.

She had needed to get off ever since she was brought home, her body had felt like it didn't belong to her anymore and she couldn't bring herself off at all because she wasn't in control.

She rubbed her face and looked over at the shopping bag that Nathalie had brought a week ago, they needed an answer and Marinette was too afraid of the answer, she still had a year of college before she finished her already 5 years into her degree, she doesn't need a child to hold her back for her final year.

She sat there and brought her knees to her chest and squeezed herself together before she stood up grabbing the bag and heading towards the bathroom, it was still early enough that no one would be around so she walked out of her room making sure to grab her key before she leaves, it has become a norm that other people walk around naked even boys will do it and some will even be in the showers.

Before her exhibitionism adventure, it always made her shy and blush, but now she has decided to expand her adventure and she shuttered a breath as she opened her door letting the cold hallway air caress her naked body, she walked down the hallway dorm keys in one hand and the bag in the other, a few people were in the hall and they turned to look as she passed men giving her a look of surprise but with a smile.

Marinette didn't feel excited by their looks, she felt excited by the thought of them looking but not touching because her body belonged to only one person.

She went into the bathroom and got settled before pulling out the test, she sighed as she released herself catching what she can on the test, she then proceeded to take a shower keeping the test protected and at a good distance from the water. and any possibility of contamination.

After she cleaned herself up and ringed her hair good letting it fall like surfer waves she stealthily hid the test in the bag and slowly walked back to her room, however, this time more people had been brought in and the hallway was practically brimming with people who all stopped and stared at the wet raven-haired beauty walking from the bathroom to her dorm, and thankfully it won't be held against her for any reason.

Marinette set the test on a table trying to open it to see it but thought she should get ready first, she put on a new red dress that she made, it was a simple black silk strappy dress with bright red lace sewn on top it has quarter sleeves and flowy skirt that brushed the tops of her knees, she had made this dress a week ago and once again it also felt tight around her waist.

She didn't need to read the test, she already knows, a woman would always know when she is pregnant, but Mr. Agreste needed confirmation. She matched the dress with black heeled boots, black blazer, a ladybug brooch, curly hair, and professional makeup.

She had a plan, but she would need help she finished her look with simple gold jewelry to match the brooch, then grabbing her purse pulling out the test taking a quick look actually confirming before packing it and zipping up her purse, she grabbed her keys and walked out of her dorm, there were still people in the hall and all looked as she exited.

She flipped her hair as she exited the dorm building before walking towards the bus stop, it would take a while to get there.

Marinette stood in front of the tall iron gates, she held her purse in her hands in front of her before she pressed the doorbell and the camera came out.

"Yes?" She heard the feminine professional voice say easily recognizing it as the woman Nathalie.

"Hello, Nathalie," Marinette said gently.

The camera returned into the wall as the gates opened, making Marinette walk in.

She stood int he foyer squeezing the handle of her purse before a voice made her look up.

"Hello again Marinette," Gabriel said coming out to stand at the top of the stairs.

"Hello, Sir. Thank you for seeing me." She said up at him.

"You're not here to see Adrien?" He said curiously.

"No sir, I am here to see you. I believe there are things we need to talk about." She said gently.

"Then come into my office." He said leading her towards it.

He pointed towards the guest chair as he went behind the desk.

"What can I help you with?" He said turning on his computer.

Marinette didn't say anything she just pulled out the test she put in a clear bag to protect from contamination and set it on the desk, he looked down at it without touching it seeing the answer.

"You're going to be a Grandfather." She said seriously.

"I see that." He said resting his mouth behind his intertwined fingers.

"I know your idea is for me to continue with school and make it public that Adrien and I are together but If I may I have another idea, one that will benefit both of us in the long run." She said crossing her legs.

"You have my attention," Gabriel said leaning back in his chair before calling motioning to Nathalie to take notes.

Adrien held his hands in his jeans, he was back to wearing regular clothes, his Father had made him move back into the Manor to protect him from the public, he had to return to the model persona.

He wore light blue jeans with the ends turn up into cuffs, white tennis shoes, a black T-shirt with a green paw print on it, a white button-down shirt hang over the T-shirt with only the bottom buttons done up letting the top left open to show the paw print, the sleeves of the white shirt rolled up to his elbows, his hair was gelled to style in a flippy comb-over, he was back to being plain Adrien.

He was walking through the house after his latest photo shoot when Nathalie was coming out of Gabriels office looking over a few papers when she saw him in the corner of her eye.

"Oh, Adrien, Your father would like to speak to you in his office," Nathalie said pulling the stack of papers behind her back and motioning towards the open door.

"Do you know what it is?" He asked looking at her before looking in and seeing a familiar raven-haired beauty sitting in front of his father's desk forgetting that he had just asked a question and almost running in the room.

"Marinette, your here?" He said happily making the girl turn and looking at him before standing and smiling slowly.

"Adrien, good to see you again." She said holding up her fist for a fist bump before he wrapped his arms around her pulling her into a comforting hug, immediately setting their bodies on fire.

"Ladybug." He said happily loving the feeling of her body close to his making both of them getting aroused.

Marinettes eyes grew wide in surprise before she closes them and smiled as she crooked her head into his neck loving the smell igniting her hormones.

"Save the affection for another time you two we have things to go over with Adrien," Gabriel said pulling out another contract as the 2 separated and sat down in front of the desk.

"What's going on?" Adrien asked curiously looking between them.

"Adrien?" Marinette said taking his hand to make him look at her while she turned towards him and smiled a loving and endearing smile before looking into his eyes with sincerity for a silent moment.

"I'm pregnant." She said still smiling at him when he stared at him with his mouth open and eyes wide as he processed it and staring at her.

"Give him a moment his Mother did the same thing," Gabriel said not looking at them and just looking at his computer, making Marinette look at Gabriel before looking back at Adrien with a flip of her hair.

"Now what?" Adrien said turning to look at his father with eyes like a deer in headlights, making Gabriel turn from his computer to lean back in his chair and look at them.

"My original plan was to publicize your relationship as dating but nothing more while Marinette continues her college education," Gabriel said looking between them.

"However I had another idea," Marinette said making Adrien look at her before she reached up to run her fingers through his hair making it fall into the position she knew as Cat Noir.

"Indeed, a very promising idea," Gabriel said putting his pointer fingers together and putting them against his mouth.

"Yes, I thought it would be a better idea that if we could publicize that Gabriel is letting his pregnant future-daughter-in-law move into his manor while she finished her fashion design degree as a paid intern at his company and learning right under his wing helping her prepare for an established life as a mother while she and his son prepare for their wedding before their child comes," Marinette says smiling as she finishes the straight down look of Cat Noir.

"And your ok with this Father?" Adrien said looking at his father.

"I am. The idea of her moving in here with me means you will stay here as well and the many photo shoots for your announcement, your engagement, your wedding, the birth of your child, it will be a great for the company especially when we have a new family portrait painted with all of us after the baby is born." Gabriel said happily as he takes the papers he had just printed handing them to Marinette and Adrien making them smile happily as they see the beautiful fashion designs for a loving family.

"Are you ok with this Adrien?" Gabriel asked taking the designs back after they finished looking at them.

"Yeah, I am very happy with this," Adrien said trying to hide his erection tent.

"Good," Gabriel said looking at his computer before he continued.

"Now get out of my office your hormones are stinking up the place and I can't stand the musky stale air I'm breathing in," Gabriel said nonchalantly while showing a little annoyance by pressing his handkerchief to his face to lightly cough.

Both Marinette and Adrien looked shocked and hesitated in getting up quickly and running out of the room.

Adrien pushed Marinette up against the tiled wall of his personal shower as the heated water was raining down on them, he pressed his mouth in hungry need against hers before he pushed her blazer from her body as he was grinding his body against hers, once her blazer was off of her body she ripped his white shirt popping his buttons.

He quickly yanked the dresses over her body while she pushed his shirt over his head, they tossed their clothes all over the shower until they were naked, Adrien used his belt to tie Marinettes wrists together before slipping his head in between her arms then hauling her up to easily slip himself home they gasped in each others faces as they were finally getting the release they both desired for each other the last 3 weeks.

Gabriel was working on the designs when a loud feminine shriek sounded throughout the house.

He sighed with an endearing smile before saying. "Kids."

Marinette was laying on Adrien's soft bed her naked body felt vulnerable in his domain while she was twirling her fingers in his blonde hair while just staring up at him, while Adrien was leaning on one of his arms laying off on top of her and smiling down at her while he rubbed his thumb gently over her face.

"Marry Me?" He said gently making Marinette smile and cuddle into his hand.

"Even though we don't know each other that well?" She said looking at him with glazed and satisfied eyes.

"I know enough for now. Our souls call to each other in a primal way, I get happy whenever I see you." he said laying right on her breast cuddling it like a pillow and pulling her in to cuddle her closer.

"Your gonna have my baby, you beautiful and even though it wasn't yours to start with all I can think of when I look at you is my loving little red bug." He said pressing a deep sucklign kiss to her nipple bringing it into his mouth making her moan.

"You're my Ladybug." He said releasing her nipple before giving it a loving lick.

"And your my Cat Noir." She said pulling his face up to her to kiss him deeply and lovingly.