What is your full name?
Sheila Darlene Schwartz/ Broflovski
Any nicknames?
S-Woww Tittybang (when I lived in New Jersey)
When is your birthday?
August 28nd
Your mother's name?
Your father's name?
Do you have any siblings?
Younger sister by a year- Janet
Two sons, Kyle and Ike
How tall are you?
5' 3"
Do you have any pets?
Not in this household
Who is your best friend?
Sharon Marsh
Do you have any allergies?
Where were you born and raised?
Newark New Jersey
What is your relationship status?
Happily married
What is your favorite color?
Navy blue
What is your favorite band or singer?
Elton John
What is your favorite animal?
I don't care much for animals. Perhaps fish, they don't require much looking after
What is your favorite restaurant?
Vivi's Café in Denver. Best place for a kosher meal
What is your favorite drink?
Iced green tea
What is your favorite cookie?
Oatmeal raisin
What is your favorite candy?
Not big on sweets.
What is your favorite chip?
Original Pringles
What is your favorite cereal?
Multi-grain Cherrios
What is your favorite snack?
Dried fruit, particularly mangos
What is your favorite dessert?
Blackberry cobbler
What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
What is your favorite salad?
Tomato, olives, feta, lettuce, arugula
What is your favorite book?
Little Women- Louisa May Alcott
What is your favorite movie?
Meet John Joe
What is your favorite TV show?
What is your favorite holiday?
Hanukah always provides with some great memories
What is your favorite day of the week and why?
Monday. Start of a new week which means the kids are in school for the next 5 days
This or That
Are you a side sleeper or back sleeper?
Back I believe
Money or love?
I have to go with love
Waffles, pancakes, or French Toast?
Coffee or tea?
Gummy bears or gummy worms?
I don't care for gummy candy
Creamy peanut butter or chunky?
Breakfast, lunch, dinner, or dessert?
Are you a morning or night person?
Pool, beach, lake, or waterpark:
Lake, I like the privacy of it
Bath or shower?
Chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
Bowling or mini-golf?
Bowling but goodness it's been a while
Do you prefer to be barefoot, wear socks, or wear shoes?
Wear shoes
If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be?
California, somewhere sunnier than Colorado
If you won a million dollars, what would you buy first?
A cabin by the lake, I know my family would like that
What was the last picture you took on your cell phone?
Ike on the swing at the park
What color is your toothbrush?
Pink and orange
What color are the socks you're currently wearing?
What was the first job that you had?
Cashier at Burger King
What was the last song you listened to?
At Last: Etta James
Do you have any piercings or tattoos?
Only my ears
Things you can't leave the house without?
Purse since it has everything I need inside
What are your turn-offs in a guy/gal?
Hard to say, I'm faithful to my husband so haven't thought about this in years
Do you sing randomly?
Not usually
What countries do want to visit?
Israel, Greece, Italy
What is the closest thing to your left hand?
Cell phone
Did you have braces as a child?
Do you have any bad habits?
I've been told I have a temper. That I cannot let little things go
Do you have any fears/phobias?
Leaving behind a world full of violence, hatred, vulgarity, and other such things for my children in the future
Do you like sports (watch or play)?:
I'm not a fan of them really. I only watch from the sidelines of my boys' games
Your ideal breakfast, lunch, and dinner:
Breakfast: pancakes with turkey bacon, lunch: sushi, dinner: lobster
How is your relationship with your parents?
It was good. Unfortunately they are both deceased now
What is your ideal job?
Maybe a lawyer like my husband, I like the idea of fighting an issue to help someone
Your worst subject in school?
What is something you like to do in your downtime?
Read, cook, watch TV
What did you last eat?
Egg salad
Is there anything you refuse to ever eat?
Cotton candy, it's pure sugar. Plus it has an odd texture
What is your least favorite house chore?
Dusting. It's so satisfying to wipe down really dusty surfaces in the house
What time do you usually go to bed?
What did you last dream about?
I don't remember my dreams too often
Describe your perfect pizza:
Chicken, olives, artichokes, red and green peppers, tomatoes
Name 3 things currently in your fridge/freezer:
Black olives, frozen pizza, orange juice
Do pineapples belong on pizza?
Last time you took a bubble bath?
Last week, I try to get one in every week
What is one thing you want to accomplish this year?
To listen more and not rile myself up over an issue immediately
Do you enjoy thunderstorms?
Not especially
What is a smell that you love?
Floral scents
What is the last vacation you went on?
A trip to Denver with Gerald months ago
Do you have any quotes that you really like?
Nothing that comes to mind
Do you sleep with your closet door open or closed? How about your bedroom door?
Both are closed, the room just looks neater that way
If you are having a hard time getting to sleep, what is something you do to help you fall asleep?
Turn on a fan, I like the white noise
When is the last time you cried?
Can't remember, maybe a few months ago
Have you gotten so drunk that you don't remember what happened the next day?
I don't think I ever let it get that far
What was your last injury and how did it happen?
I strained my shoulder trying out tennis weeks ago
If you could have one superhero ability, what would it be?
To read minds
What is the last movie you saw in the theater?
Little Women
Have you ever been hospitalized? If so, why?
Only after I had Kyle
Have you ever had any x-rays taken?
Just teeth
Do you believe that you have haters and that people talk about you behind your back?
I know there are some people that have a problem with me but I try not to let it get to me
How do you feel about your family?
I love them, exactly what I had imagined they would be
Do you smoke, drink or use any kind of drugs?
I like a glass of wine here and there
Do you hate anyone?
A particular person? No
Are you angry with anyone at the moment?
I am annoyed that Ike did not clean up his room like I asked him to
What does your ideal future look like?
My children are living successful and happy lives as will my husband and myself
Is there something else you should be doing right now?
Putting away laundry
List two random facts about yourself:
I'm not a big fan of chocolate, I love floral scents
Any last words?
I suppose that was entertaining enough
A/N: That was Sheila. Sorry it took so long to get out, sometimes it's tough to come up with answers to certain questions for certain characters. I already know the next character I'd like to do will be Clyde. Kind of surprise I hadn't yet! There is another update to The Lives and Lies of Feeling Creek so check that out. I am still writing even though there is a global crisis atm. I just don't have internet at home so updates to stories will take longer than usual unfortunately. hope everyone is staying safe. Wishing everyone the best.
Lots of love: Rose, April 16, 2020